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The present article takes a closer look at Henry James’ only Canadian essay “Quebec" as a way of “translating” the sameness and the difference of Canada for his American readers in 1871, just a few years after the emergence of the new nation in Canada. I turn my attention to him rather than to the other nineteen-century travel writers in America as he was one of the major forces behind the shaping of the art of travel writing into an aesthetic experience during that time. The present paper also argues that there is a persistent cultural critique that runs through both the early and the late travel writings of fames, which becomes obvious when a comparison is made between that early travel writing and his last masterpiece, The American Scene. This is further illuminated by a brief comparison to another book, Letters from America, written by Rupert Brooke, to which Henry fames wrote a Preface in 1913.
The paper argues that the exiles experience of two cultures is matched by the double voice of the young narrator telling of the immediate events and of the adult narrator’s efforts to explain them. The double voice is exemplified by the discussion of the young protagonists changes in language and visual perception and the re-interpretation of the lived experience in terms of contemporary psychoanalytical and structuralist theories. Attention is also paid to the significance of the two dominant metaphors of translation and triangulation for the foregrounding of doubleness in the reconstitution of the self in exile.
U ovom radu ću najprije u Uvodu navesti da je u novom vijeku došlo do uzajamne isključivosti između pobornika imanencije i pobornika transcendencije. Zatim ću u I. poglavlju pokazati da se ta uzajamna isključivost najjasnije očituje u novovjekovnoj filozofskoj kritici religije. U II. poglavlju ću hermeneutički izložiti izvrsnu knjigu svjetski priznatog kanadskog filozofa Charlesa Taylora Sekularno doba, u kojoj on pokazuje da je ta uzajamna isključivost očita i u suvremenim teorijama sekularizacije. U III. poglavlju ću sistematizirati, aktualizirati i proširiti Taylorove osnovne misli. Na koncu rada će slijediti Zaključna riječ.
This report examines the notions of „Mathematical Abilities” and „LogicalMathematical Intelligence” while trying to identify their common characteristics. The possibilities of identifying indications of Mathematical Abilities during the primary school years are being discussed in addition to the content of tests for such potential indications.
In Mathnawi by Galaluddin Rumi there are many different characters. Some of them are fictional, and some, on the other hand, real historical personages from different epochs of the history of humankind. Without any doubt, one of the important personages Rumi deals with in Mathnawiis Ali Ibn Ebi Talib. On the basis of the first two stories in Mathnawi that mention Ali Ibn Ebi Talib, this work points to some basic features of his character in Rumi’s fascinating gnostic epic. Based on the chapter about the Prophet’s will directed to Ali, as well as the chapter concerning the extraordinary incident during Ali’s fight with an enemy – polytheist, through original narrative move, skillful structuring of context of the situation and masterful usage of the stylistic figure of rhetorical twist, Rumi in a relatively short chapter of Mathnawi builds a projection of character of AliIbn Ebi Talib that completely fits the gnostic concept of the perfect man.
In the large context of the modern and postmodern religiosity, the Lutheran theologian Paul Tillich observed that, in the large context of being/becoming, people are transformed in objects, in medical, psychological and sociological meanings (Achimescu, 2013, 184), marking in his statement the huge process of alienation of the human being, characteristic for our contemporaneity. In fact, exposed to a multitude of vectors of influence and pressure, of multiple economic and cultural conditioning, the post-modern man is actually estranged from the self, from his profound vocation to dialogue and communion with the divinity, constitutive elements for the human being, by the face of God, which is, disregarding the ontological failure of the proto-parents, imprinted in the being of each individual.All this drama of the contemporary humanity takes place – no matter its concrete forms/ manifestation in time and space – between the earth-heaven, absolutized by the recent man (H-R. Patapievici) and considered an autonomous ontological unit, and the sky, from which the human being, called for deification, separates firstly as cult and liturgy and later intellectually; between the earth-heaven, which became the nucleus of a new geocentric Universe, and the sky, rather ignored when it is not the object of more or less occult or esoteric speculations, neo-gnosis or pseudo-metaphysics.
Our study starts from the thought-language-reference relationship and tries to explain the concept of significance. Significance is considered a central concept for communication and is accepted as a primitive relationship. After presenting Frege’s paradox of significance, the study presents the Bühler-Habermas model for communication. This model is considered to be a representative model in contemporary debates of the field.
Joanna Łapińska proposes an analysis of several affectionate relationships of contemporary cyborgs in the latest Anglo-Saxon science fiction films and television series. The contemporary cyborg in science fiction cinema is no longer just a hypermasculine “terminator”, a “robocop”, or a ruthless female killing machine like Eve VIII from Eve of Destruction. Cyborgisation is now a much more complex and ambiguous phenomenon and, with progress in biotechnology permeating many areas of life, it raises the question of distinguishing between a “natural human being” and an “artificial” one. Today’s cyborg has become more and more like a human being living in a postmodern or, soon to be, posthuman society. Mankind is now entering into realtionships that are difficult to define and to name with technology. These relatioships include love, intimate and erotic relations. Łapińska looks at the several love relationships of contemporary cyborgs from the science fiction films, Uncanny (2015) and Sight (2012) and the television series, Black Mirror (2011) and Westworld (2016). Her intention is meant to indicate possible ways of interpreting cyborg lovers on screen. In the analysis, she utilizes, therefore, cultural theories emphasizing the breakdown of classical, coherent, humanistic, phallogocentric subjectivity of humans and those attempting to replace this notion with “posthuman” subjectivity—which is inconsistent, dispersed, and relational. These are the most important theories that she recognizes. However, there are others that Łapińska recognizes; the pioneer concept of the cyborg by Donna Haraway, the concept of posthumanism by Rosi Braidotti, as well as select contemporary affection theories. Contemporary science fiction cinema participates in showcasing the departure from the paradigm of humanity as essentially defined by problematizing the issue of emotion/affection as not belonging exclusively to the humans, but possibly to the robot or the cyborg as well. The current envisionment of the cyborg, especially with its edgy and transgressive qualities, is the product of “nature-culture” dichotomy—man and machine living in symbiosis. This will not always be an easy shift in paradigms but it remains unavoidable and undeniable today.