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This text explains and emphasize on the methods which the presidential-candidates in Bulgaria use to convince their audience in what they say in their speeches. In the following text it is shown which methods are effective and should be used while speaking in front of the audience and which methods are ineffective and better be avoided by the speakers. How these methods reflect the listeners, why it is important to use them when necessary and how to classify them by their importance for both speakers and audience is the main purpose of this paper.
In this chapter I will discuss the role that Mircea Eliade had, as an exponent of the generation, in the interwar Romanian culture in general and the humanist thinking in particular, under two challenges, the historical and the political. Between the two tendencies crystallized in the Romanian interwar period, philosophical universalism and autochthonism, Mircea Eliade intuits that, after the achievement of the national unity on December 1, 1918, the Romanian culture must assume a new direction. Between the first tendency, which understood that the specificity of modernity lies in the universality of truth beyond the national specificity, and the second interested in deciphering the "Romanian vein" in the cultural and philosophical capitalization of ethnicity, Eliade projects the destiny of national culture in the universal dimension, considering that Romania's destiny must be a cultural one, and our cultural modernity should by represented by the "universal man". Eliade's project, perhaps, was doomed to failure or had a partial and unfinished character, and modernity understood as cultural universalization was only the awareness of a trend that, under the "terror of history", did not materialize. But he became a personal project that Mircea Eliade assumed through the hermeneutics of the world's religions and the understanding of homo religiosus and "total man".
In an attempt to capture the beginnings of modernity in Mircea Florian's philosophy (and, implicitly, in Romanian philosophy in the twentieth century) we start from the philosophy of recessiveness developed by the Romanian thinker and discuss, for a start, the relationship between philosophy and nation, on the one hand , and the relationship between Romanian philosophy and universal philosophy, on the other hand. In both cases, the recessive ratio indicates a duality. Philosophy means infinity, generality, totality, and the nation expresses the essence, the real, the individual. The dominant term is philosophy, and the nation is recessive. Mircea Florian accentuated the state of Romanian philosophy through a series of rules of philosophical conduct, thus affirming its autonomy from other fields of spirit and recognizing its existence in a national context.
The connotations of the term individualism have been debated many time throughout history, giving it a wide range of meanings, more vague or more precise, depending on those who use it - historians, writers, anthropologists, philosophers of social sciences, politics or political theorists. Each gave it its own meaning and thus integrated it into their work. The promoters of individualism have as their ultimate goal the individual goals and desires, in other words, individualism is the opposite of holism, collectivism, totalitarianism, which support the community objectives of society. The last part of the twentieth century was the period when neoclassical market policies began to dominate the globe. This was due to two series of major events: the crisis of the welfare state and the fall of communism. The triumphalist spirit of this age, present in works such as Francis Fukuyama's "The End of History and the Last Man" was the New Spirit of the New Age. The term individualism was the one that best captured this spirit better than any other.
The concept of punishment represents one of the most difficult legal issues that are related to the concept of human freedom and responsibility. Since Antiquity, the brilliant minds of humanity contemplated about the sense of punishment and the function of this institution. Each epoch analyses this concept from different aspects and some of them are reflected in the actual legislation. The most important principles of contemporary criminal law were expounded by the Ancient, Modern and Contemporary philosophers. The field of research of this article is the philosophy of punishment of criminal law. In this study, we have applied the method of historical research of the proposed topic, which gives us the opportunity to analyze the development of criminal punishment and its goals from a historical perspective. In this paper, we aimed to determine the philosophical base of the legal punishment that legitimizes the application of sanctions to the person who committed the crime. We established the importance of the theories developed by brilliant thinkers for the contemporary concept of penal retribution and legal regulation of this institution. This theme generates several discussions that are formed in the process of comparison and debating of the ideas of influential philosophers regarding the purpose of criminal punishment. Therefore, we consider that the analysis of the theories of great thinkers gives us the possibility to understand the complexity of the phenomenon of criminal punishment, and leads to the more effective application of state constraint towards the offender.
Our main objective in the present paper is to analyse how time is understood and reflected in some theological and some literary examples, while connecting these perspectives with how science, on the other hand, understood and reflected this dimension of our universe, in different historical periods. We use in our analysis three scientific sources in which the transdisciplinary or the vulgarisation approaches prevail, from which we extract the physical explanations and models. Our starting point is that fiction and religion are often annexes to science in the paradigm of knowledge, as they ask questions and propose answers, in accordance with their own rules, distinct from the ones that science puts forward, but which wonderfully converge so often, that the mirroring is worth bringing to light. Our approach focuses on three main topics, i.e. the issue of the beginning/ending of the universe, the past-present relationship, and the existence of the ‘multiverse’ in relation to the existence of the multiple universes as treated by narratology.
The implementation of online education has roughly the same beginnings as the Internet. Without being new, therefore, education in the online system - adopted selectively and optionally, depending on the needs and possibilities of different geographical areas of the world - has become, as a result of the medical context generated by COVID-19, part of the educational reality of any student and teaching staff respectively. An extreme situation that required the adaptation and instant reconfiguration of methods of knowledge transmission and evaluation within the institutionalized training process. Beyond the component of replacing the physical space of the class/course with a domestic environment, (a variable of great psychological impact on the subjects) there is the problem of adjustment, respectively reception and reproduction (through evaluation) of informational contents in an exclusively non-interactive manner proved to be the real challenge. One that everyone involved in the didactic process had to face, this time the "selective" and "optional" criteria becoming imperative. Even though before the start of the period in question, the e-learning system was an integral part of the educational process, it operated in a hybrid manner, with participants having the possibility of direct collaboration. The new reality, translated by cancelling these possibilities, brought with it profound transformations, especially at the cognitive, behavioural, and relational level. How the students understood to report this new reality from the perspective of ethical behaviour objectifies this article.
The models are systems that orient, give direction and convey values, so their choice is essential for the path they draw. Throughout the specifics of his profession, the knowledge transmission and the education offered by himself, the teacher is a model that children follow and he is responsible for. Education transmitted to children includes personal competences, authenticity and self-respect, attitude towards learning, educational partners and learning environment, but also motivation as a resource of psychic energy necessary for learning. The own value system is the benchmark to which the teacher relates and which can be inspired by life experiences, specific teaching methods, the Bible and the supreme model, Jesus. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the importance of having an authentic role model for children to follow. Qualitative research has shown that models can influence the life course.
While God is the creator and giver of life, man can become co-creator in having offspring by following His command to “increase and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen 1: 28). Man's synergy in the creation of life is expressed by the free will of the future parents and is reflected in the resemblance between the parents and the child, due to the laws of heredity. Parenthood is therefore not determined solely by God, but it is also shaped by man based on his personal desires and goals. At the same time the notion of man as a cocreator indicates that his reproductive freedom should be in accordance with divine providence and wisdom. Therefore, procreation should not only be understood as a personal right, but also as a significant responsibility, both towards God and the child who comes into existence. The theological understanding of man as co-creator allow us to come to some conclusions regarding the ethics of termination of the unborn human life through abortion, and the human desire to overcome the obstacle of infertility through the methods of assisted reproduction.
Modern medical science aims at the benefit of the patient which is achieved through the treatment of the patient. The physician must act in the best interest of the patient and consequently his health. In an ideal world every doctor besides treating a patient would also love him. In this text, there will be examined two fundamental ethical imperatives that can be applied in the doctor – patient relationship. On the one hand the position, do not do unto others as you would not like to do unto you, on the other hand the positive formulation of that sentence which is, do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. The first of those two positions can be found in the ancient oath of Hippocrates, whereas the second position is the basis of the Golden Rule of Christian ethics. These two ethical imperatives will be examined in the context of modern bioethics as well, since the benefit of the patient is the major concern of two of its basic principles, namely the principle of beneficence and that of non-maleficence. The oath of Hippocrates moves in the realm of the moral idea that you should not do to others what you do not want to be done to yourself. The above position is based on the affirmative propositions that are imprinted within the oath. On the other hand, the Golden Rule of Christian ethics consists of a positive exhortation, to do to the other what you would like to happen to you. Each Christian is called to love his fellowman as he loves himself, since the supreme good in Christian morality is the love of God and fellowman that fulfills the purpose of man’s existence, which is the communion with God. Both positions examined in the text have relevant content, aiming at the benefit of the patient, the patients good, either by a direct positive obligation, or by preventing the doctor from harming the patient.
The main thesis defended in the report is that modern social networks and virtual civil communities, among other things, can and should be analyzed as generators of fake news. The impact of fake news is not at all in the field of credibility. To reflect this fact, the term „post-truth“ emerged. In our opinion, in order to reveal the essence of fake news, it is necessary to use the concept of „illusion“, one of the main concepts in epistemology, but also in psychology, and in a certain sense also in sociology. In short, to understand why people believe fake news, one must analyze their need to live in an illusory world.
The report examines the possible security risks associated with ensuring the ethical behavior of artificial intelligence systems.
Mythology is the basic feature of every ethnicity.The Creation of the world is an important starting point and is differently represented by every nation. In addition, myths are spread into pieces. Here is a brief comparison of the Chinese, Greek, Japanese Egyptian, Indian and Hittite Anatolia mythology. Each of them has its unique features, but they also have some overlapping points. Generally speaking there are one and the same elements, people or things appearing in the myths mentioned above. For example we can find the conception of the Chaos not only within the Chinese myths but also in the Greek and Indian ones.
Knowledge in the mystical tradition of Islam progresses from the exoteric to the esoteric. We are referring to a progress that transforms the reality of the sensible world into a way to get access to the secrets that only the devoted sâliq – wayfarer – is able to discover. On the other hand, the way and the thresholds along the way to the esoteric require perseverance, patience and bravery from the Soufi. The reason is the fact that the progress towards the esoteric knowledge is consubstantial with the progress towards the knowledge of God, the knowledge of the Truth. This knowledge is not available to everyone, but it divulges itself in the heart of the wayfarer as being God’s secret word. Le langage des oiseaux by Faridud- Din ‘Attâr, the text we deal with in the present paper, comes in the wake of the Soufi masters’ Thresholds leading to the esoteric knowledge, in many respects. Indeed, the birds crossing the seven valleys (thresholds, stations) in order to find the Simurgh (God) end up discovering themselves as being God. The illumination, God’s light, reigns then and the esoteric knowledge takes shape and makes sense, resulting in the access to the Numinous. Our paper questions the Thresholds of this mystical progress towards the ultimate experience of the Xvarnah, God’s light and glory.
The claim of morality in the existence of individuals and groups is a natural constant of all times. The materialization of moral conduct requires both subjective instances established at the level of each individual (such as moral conscience) and external benchmarks. The present study finds out the diversity and complementarity of external sources for optimizing the regulation of moral agents’ actions: regulatory documents (such as codes of ethics/ deontology/ codes of conduct or behaviour), individuals or groups of individuals responsible for supervising/ supporting the moral and ethical quality of professional activities (such as ethics counselors or ethics committees), institutions and their actions. In addition, the study points out the characteristics of some sources of optimization, respectively, of the ethics counselor, integrity advisor, the ombudsman, according to the provisions of the Romanian legislation. The components shown are also relevant to the sphere of educational action.
I am a sportsperson, she thought, trying to express her very thoughts on a platform she had never hoped to appear on; I fight to be better, for myself, for my team, for my country, which I have represented in dozens of international tournaments. We work with team spirit, friendships, and perseverance. This is what I was trained for, day and night, strict as military drills… although I stand for peace and understanding. I want to show what we, the women, neither repressed nor privileged, can achieve when we set our minds and hearts! I wish to inspire youth to be steadfast and independent! Otherwise, what’s the point of this much sweat… and blood… and tears? It means so much that we cannot lose them! I’ll no longer pretend to simulate this passion for machines!
The article represents a theoretical and practical study that highlights the role and necessity of promoting beauty and aesthetic values in the initial training of architecture and design students within both formal and non-formal contexts. It also presents fundamental concepts and some researchers' views on beauty and aesthetic values. The impact and importance of cultivating beauty and aesthetic values in the education of architecture and design students, which can be integrated into various disciplines and curricular content, are also emphasized. Additionally, concrete educational actions are described, engaging students and pupils in the research, perception, appreciation, and creation of beauty and aesthetic values as reflected in museum practices through collaboration and exchange of experiences, which have led to the achievement of the pre-established objectives. In conclusion, education in higher education institutions must focus on promoting beauty and aesthetic values in the context of the initial training of architecture and design students, involving them in the creation of artistic works and architecture and design projects centered on the creation of beauty.
The social, cultural and historical context in which we live significantly influences our behavior and the decisions we make. In this paper, we aim to provide an analysis of the philosophy of inclusion - of recognizing the other, which advocates for a society in which people, regardless of abilities, ethnic origin, religion, or any other personal characteristic, have the right to a dignified life. This involves creating equal conditions for all, eliminating barriers and promoting diversity as a value. On the other hand, cancel culture has emerged, a notion present in recent discourse, to represent a framework in which people with opinions and behaviors that do not fit into the group ideology can be widely ostracized. Such a perspective implies an approach to identity that presupposes the existence of a form of history negotiated by groups, transmitted through institutions so that the targeted individuals recognize themselves in it.
The present study analyzes the answers provided by 146 undergraduate (67.1%) and master's (32.9%) students in the field of educational sciences in Romania, to the question "Is there a connection between the researcher's moral values and compliance with the norms of ethics in research?". The study was based on a questionnaire applied through the Google Forms application. The data were analyzed by statistical methods, using SPSS. In addition to the basic statistical indicators (frequency, average, median, mode), we also used the results of non-parametric tests: Jonckheere-Terpstra (J-T), Kruskal Wallis (χ2), Mann-Whitney (U). The results show that the respondents who do not position themselves in relation to the question in the item (23.3%) have the following profile: 44.11% are aged between 20-30 years, 88.23% studied at a high school with another profile than the pedagogical one, 47% work in education, 88.23% have minimum work experience in education, 76.70% do not have teaching career degrees and the same percent are at the bachelor's level. The analysis according to the age, the level of studies and the place of work of the respondents shows that there are no statistically significant differences between the two groups of respondents. These research variables do not statistically significantly influence the relationship between the appropriation of moral values and the observance of research ethics. The research can be extended on a larger sample and on different countries, with diverse cultural backgrounds, to identify the possibilities for improving the university curriculum.