Od surowych danych do wizualizacji. Baza danych do dziejów mieszkańców lubelskiego Podzamcza z lat 1633-1733
The goal of the paper is to show the potential existing in the information on the Jewish population inhabiting the Podzamcze district contained in Lublin’s town registers of 1633–1733. The article seeks to study the problem of presenting Big Data in an accessible form. By using a database management system, the author carries out a statistical analysis of the obtained data, draws conclusions, and outlines the directions of future research. He introduces the historical and economic background, discusses family relationships and changes in the dynamics of the neighborhood and 118 Piotr Zimny population migration, as well as telling the histories of several families and showing their genealogical trees. He presents selected professions and shows the numerical strength and activity of individual occupational groups, and represents selected research results in the form of infographics and illustrations. The author also provides an outline of the sociotopographic map of the Jewish Town complemented with the information contained in the old maps of Lublin. The paper is a synthesis of the hitherto collected information, and an attempt to look more broadly at the capabilities contained in this type of projects, in which data processing and analysis is difficult but at the same time valuable and leading to gaining new knowledge.