În acest capitol este subliniată importanţa şi necesitatea iniţierii Repozitoriilor Instituţionale.
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În acest capitol este subliniată importanţa şi necesitatea iniţierii Repozitoriilor Instituţionale.
În capitolul II sunt abordate probleme ce ţin de opurtunităţile şi provocările timpurilor de azi, cu referire la portaluri ştiinţifice globale, reţele sociale, problema protecţiei datelor cu caracter personal.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the contribution of the digital collections to an improved image of the libraries and the impact they have on building the community whose members evaluate the quality of services provided. Examples of innovative digital library activities and services shown hereafter talk about changing mentality and increasing responsibility in institutions, which become more visible in the life of the community they serve. Innovation accomplished through integrative or collaborative solutions, aims at getting user target groups involved in library activities and direct participation and digitization help building communities for educational and research purposes.
Digital learning, although it primarily implies the use of information and communication technologies, primarily depends on the experience of reality in a virtual sociality. Therefore, the interaction of librarians, teachers and students in digital reality is as important today as in physical (reality), which makes the process of using, as well as creating and disseminating, information resources even more complex and demanding, but also challenging. Considering the potential of redesigning the role of (school) libraries, turning them into centers of information and media literacy would be a strategic backbone of innovation in modern digital learning destinations.
This chapter presents the results of researches conducted by the Institute for Social Science Research of the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo for advance of strategic development of media and information literacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a) Pilot research of teachers' self-assessment primary and secondary school librarians in Sarajevo Canton; b) Research of self-assessment of competencies of teachers and librarians in Bosnia and Herzegovina; c) Research of competencies of parents and children on the level of media and information literacy as well as advice for future research of competencies of children and youth on media and information literacy.
Traditional libraries changed into hybrid libraries, libra ries with important digital collections that fulfill the function of information and knowledge management institutions that carry out their activities in a new context dominated by technologies. Digital transformation is the only way that can ensure the university library's competitiveness and relevance.
Based on the materials of the period and available information from Prague libraries, the author of the article tries to capture the formation and development of Strossmayer’s South Slavic Library - the Czechoslovak-South Slavic League cultivated mutual Czechoslovak-Yugoslavian relationships in inter-war Czechoslovakia. The focus is on its functioning, goals, and generally on its development - which was not always ideal. It also maps its acquisitions, reading rooms and other activities, and tackles the limits and issues it was facing and which hindered its further development and full functionality. The author also outlines the story of the library before and after the WWII and also how - probably by accident - it served well its original goal: deepening the Czechoslovak-Yugoslavian or Czech-Bosnian relationships.
The author argues the need for effective management of training, increasing the skills of library staff. It is important to show flexibility, a differentiated attitude depending on the level of education of the new employees, the time of employment, their acceptance of lifelong learning.
The article presents an incursion into the stages of establishment and development of the Scientific Repository of the National Institute of Economic Research, which were determined by the principles of Open Access and Open Science. It also reveals the content and impact of open access publishing, both on increasing the visibility of authors and institutional scientific results.
In the article the most important advantages and opportunities of online exhibitions are reflected, their impact is identified in the process of capitalizing on the info-documentary resources of the USARB Scientific Library, the opinions of SL USARB users about the effectiveness of online exhibitions are presented.
Motivation represents one of the most important problems of employees in any organization, including libraries. This paper discusses the results of the survey, conducted in April 2022, regarding motivation of librarians, their views on motivation, the effect of motivation on achievements,the role of motivation, the level of satisfaction of USARB Scientific Library employees and the effort the university managements are making to motivate librarians.
The most representative moments from the life and work of the Romanian playwright and novelist Ion Luca Caragiale are reflected in the communication. Also, the most important works of the writer from the collection of the USARB Scientific Library are used.
Information society in our days displays digital transformation from both individual and organizational perspectives which explores the challenge of creation and the need for transversal competencies to fit into changing world and state policies within strategic intelligence decisions in upcoming years. The aim of the paper is related to strategic objectives emerging within public discourse in the case of the National Library of Lithuania determining the relation of public communication to strategic guidelines emerging during the process of such communication and collaboration and other important key transversal competencies. Information society in our days displays digital transformation from both individual and organizational perspectives which explores the challenge of creation and the need for transversal competencies to fit into changing world and state policies within strategic intelligence decisions in upcoming years. The aim of the paper is related to strategic objectives emerging within public discourse in the case of the National Library of Lithuania determining the relation of public communication to strategic guidelines emerging during the process of such communication and collaboration and other important key transversal competencies
Přemýšlení o webové knize je -možná překvapivě - starší, než web (myšleno World Wide Web) sám. Prototypy, které se snaží doručit čtenáři texty v nejrůznějších interaktivnějších podobách, a artefakty, které propojují různé dokumenty v síti vztahů, vznikaly jako myšlenkové experimenty i fyzické koncepty už v 19. století. Abychom pomohli čtenářům a čtenářkám zasadit si aktuální projekty webových knih do těchto historických kontextů, začínáme naši knihu kapitolou, která mapuje historii interaktivních a webových knih za posledních více než sto let.
V této kapitole se zamýšlíme nad knihou a její transformací do elektronické podoby. Zkoumáme nejrůznější aspekty dematerializace knihy jako objektu, obsahu, ideje i interface, popisujeme související aspekty knižního designu spojeného s digitální transformací a představujeme vlastní návrhový model digitální knihy. Kapitola je zkráceným a upraveným výňatkem z rozpracovaného disertačního výzkumu, který probíhá v rámci doktorského studia v Ateliéru grafického designu na Fakultě multimediálních komunikací Univerzity Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně.
V následující kapitole představujeme metodiku pro konkrétní aplikaci webových knih v Městské knihovně v Praze. Představujeme designový přístup jako vhodné východisko pro návrh služeb postavených na vybrané technologii a zároveň zaměřených na vybrané uživatele knihovny. Volbu metodologie zasazujeme do kontextu designového obratu v informačních vědách a knihovnictví. Kapitolou chceme zejména ilustrovat, jak může v praxi vypadat designový proces v knihovně a jak může přispět ke změnám celkové organizace aktivit při poskytování služeb.
V poslední kapitole se díváme na budoucnost webových knih a digitálního čtení perspektivou designové spekulace. Prostřednictvím identifikace trendů se snažíme formulovat možné budoucnosti a přemýšlet o (ne)materialitě knihy či čtení v post-antropické budoucnosti. Kapitola je zkráceným a upraveným výňatkem z rozpracovaného disertačního výzkumu, který probíhá v rámci doktorského studia v Ateliéru grafického designu na Fakultě multimediálních komunikací Univerzity Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně.
The submitted contribution focuses on two approaches towards the evaluation of local public services in the Czech Republic, using municipal libraries as an example. The aim of the paper is to assess selected services provided by municipal libraries in Opava and Krnov according to standard of library services and according to the satisfaction rate of users of 15+ years of age. A descriptively analytical approach is applied in the evaluation of the indicators of library-service standards and a method of direct asking for the purposes of assessing users’ satisfaction with the service of the libraries. According to the selected indicators of library and information service standards, the municipal library in Opava reached better results in years 2016-2020, compared to the library in Krnov. Partial results of satisfaction with services of the evaluated municipal libraries slightly differ among the users aged 15+. The results of total satisfaction rate confirmed higher satisfaction with the municipal library in Opava in comparison to the municipal library in Krnov. The findings present valuable information, in particular for directors of the evaluated local libraries, but they can also provide inspiration for creators of local public policies in culture and education.
The article reports on the influence of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 in infodocumentary institutions at the global level, the impact of the pandemic on the activity of libraries in the Republic of Moldova. The problem of library management during the pandemic in the USARB Scientific Library is examined, the new online services and products created for users during this time are reviewed.
The article is focused on the provisions of the new strategic and regulatory documents regarding the activity of libraries, highlighting the perspective aspects related to the development of the professional and deontological skills of library staff. The provisions of the new national document “Regulation on methodological activity within the National Library System” (approved by order no. 132 of July 14, 2022 of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova), as well as the “IFLA Report on library trends 2021” guide the augmentation of the educational function of the library as a provider of educational programs.