Женско двугласно пеене от село Варвара (Съвременни процеси в традиционната практика)
The article is the result of a field study in 2020 in the village of Varvara, Septemvri municipality, on the current state of women’s folk two-part singing. The ethnomusicological interpretation is made on the basis of a comparative analysis between theoretical studies on performance practices, an audio archive of the women’s vocal group at the National Culture Center “Peasant Awakening – 1927”, made in the early 1990s, and the most modern field materials from 2020. Passing through certain periods, the musical model becomes a village cultural value bequeathed from the past, which is preserved and safeguarded through certain forms of stage activity. Today, it is part of the intangible cultural heritage and ‘lives’ mainly through the community center and the practice of a certain generation.