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Čitanka sadrži par eseja autorki iz regije i sveta, kao i svedočenja o militarističkom nasilju i otporu direktnih učesnica/ka. Celokupni sadržaj bavi se pitanjima ženske politike mira i feminističko-antimilitarističkog otpora. Ova čitanka ima tri dela.
The aim of the book is to demonstrate two major points: 1) that the long-lasting fieldwork of Anglo-American style is by far not a sine qua non of contemporary anthropological research, and 2) to explain how anthropological analyses of non-ethnographised phenomena could improve understanding of the transformative processes through which American popular culture comes to be global. In the context of the ongoing debate over significance and specificity of anthropological methods after the radical impact of the digital revolution on science-specific information patterns, this book is dedicated to rehabilitation of the so-called "armchair anthropology". "Armchair anthropology", as a comparative analysis of human cultural production based on ethnographic data gathered by anyone, and then selected and bricolaged by an anthropologist trained in sophisticated semiological analyses, is fine and well. Delusional waste of time and squandering of human and institutional resources during the so-called "crisis of anthropolog", poorly focused on pseudo-methodological and theoretically frivolous debates on "postmodern ethnography" is over. It is the right moment for anthropology to engage in social analysis by doing what it is best at.
This is an ethnography-based study on social epidemiology of seks work. It concerns risk-generating factors for various blood-borne diseases and sexually transmitted infections. It features the world of female and travestite sex-works of Serbian capital city and its surrounding, mostly of those street-based, but some of them working in agency or as an escort also. The main topic of the study is to list, analyse and discuss factors and circumstances responsible for social epidemiological vulnerability of the members of this marginal population. The data is acquired by performing in-depth interviews mostly, but also by using survey on harm-reduction and prevention of HIV/AIDS, HCV and STI. Sex work has been discussed only as a referential frame for social epidemiological analysis, where general theoretical views on it have been featured, but in that matter, which had not obscure the primary goal of the research. The methodology of recruiting the informants and collecting the data has been presented, alongside with the basic ethnography of sex work in Belgrade, including life circumstances leading person to become the sex worker, initiation to sex work, way somebody’s professional routine is organised, and the (il)legal frame of it. Professional behaviour of sex workers, concerning various ways of endangering their health has been discussed, focused primary on the issues like having protected or unprotected sex with clients, partners, and pimps – motives for doing so and circumstances of such performances; economic hardship; substance abuse. Structural violence has been identified as a major force of determination concerning relations within the sex work milieu, where it is revealed that such violence has been multidirected, from- and to every principle category, engaged in sex work milieu this way or another: sex workers, their spouses, relatives or partners, clients, law enforce officers. It is concluded that sex working population could become epidemiological bridge to wider population eventually, but that harm reduction and prevention focused to the sex workers solely would prove to be futile unless it is realised that the legal status of their profession contributes much to their vulnerability, together with customers’ irresponsibility by insisting on risky practices when buying sex.
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The book analyzes interethnic relations between Romanians and Hungarians in the Szekel area form several perspectives. First of all, from a historical perspectives, to reveal the connection between the reps of the past and their consequences reactivated in the contemporary world. Second, form a confessional perspective, showing the religious substrates of dissatisfaction and the positions of the churches involved. Thirdly, from an educational perspective, showing the differences between the types of education practiced, the rumors, the tendentious comments and even the lies. Fourth, from a psycho-social perspective, highlighting stereotypes, obsessions, prejudices and fears of both ethnicities, evaluated on the basis of a meticulously elaborated psychological grid.
Migrations of senior citizens are an important aspect of the social and economic development of local communities. Especially in the era of ageing populations and increasing life span, they are a challenge for local governments. The social capital constituted by senior citizens is very valuable and should be supported and strengthened. In the places where the pensioners migrate to, new types of services offered specifically to the elderly may be developed. The main aim of the study was to identify the patterns of the migration of the old age pensioners in Poland with regard to the stage of life they are in. It has been assumed that there are certain differences in this respect between old age pensioners within different age ranges. It has been found that they issue from different health status of the senior citizens and the benefits the destination offers. The research findings allowed showing the real scale of the retirees migration at the municipal level, which is around 30,000 annually as to internal migration, and about 2 thousand (migration turnover) as to international migration. The migrations are dominated by females, who migrate about three times more often than males, whereas the main directions of the migrations are municipalities, and they are twice more numerous than to rural communities.Since the phenomenon is a multidimensional process, the paper looks at migration concepts with regard to spatial, motivational, cost and benefit approach, and discusses the dynamic model of the senior citizens migration consisting of three cycles: industrial, post-industrial and informational. In each of the cycles the factors that have influenced migration were indicated, as well as the directions in which migration occurred, and the benefits and costs borne by the migrating pensioners.What should be indicated among the migration factors in the industrial period, are health and familial and financial factors. They played a major role in making a decision about migration by the pensioner. The dominant destination was the city or town, because it is associated with easier life. Unfortunately, during the industrial period, the migrating pensioners lost more than they gained, in terms of housing, economic and social aspects. The most frequently, the migrants were elderly, poorly educated pensioners, who moved within short distances.In the post-industrial period, familial and financial factors were the dominant aspects, whereas health was ofthe secondary (far lesser) importance. The main destination of the migration was the city or town. The costs were outweighed by the benefits, and the most important of the latter were housing and social benefits. The most frequently migrating pensioners were younger, well-educated senior citizens, who moved within short distances.In the information period, health and environmental factors play the most important role among the migrationfactors, while the main directions are: to the city or town and abroad. The benefits (the most important of whichare housing and social benefits) outweigh the costs. The most frequently, the migrants are younger, very well-educated pensioners, who migrate at long distances. In the case of industrial society, pushing out forces play a pivotal role, whereas in the case of post-industrial and informational societies, the forces of attraction are crucial.The conducted survey of migration studies in chronological terms, subdivided into study periods, indicates that the monograph is innovative, and that there is no similar study of such a research scope in the literature on thesubject. The paper shows the regional background of the migration of old age pensioners in other countries. The migration of elderly people in the Mediterranean, North America and selected Asian countries was discussed in detail, therefore it was possible to determine prospects of the migration of old age pensioners in Poland. It has been found that there is a significant impact of tourism on the migration of senior citizens.In the monograph, on the basis of questionnaire surveys, the factors that influenced the pensioner’s decision about migration have been determined. The causes of migration have been further distinguished due to gender, education, age and family status.The main reasons for the migration of the old age pensioners comprise:• building or purchasing a house or a flat,• improving the standard and quality of life,• stopping work and going into retirement,• deterioration of health, the need for treatment and care,• desire to improve the climatic and environmental conditions,• accompanying the family when they move to a different place of living,• intention to reduce the living area and decrease relevant fees,• high tourist and social attractiveness of the destination,• need to take care of grandchildren,• loneliness and longing for the family.The phenomenon of the migration of Polish senior citizens was characterized in terms of their material situation, housing situation and family situation. The study comprises the description of the direction and volume of the migration of the old age pensioners. The scale of the phenomenon occurring between 1990 and 2013 was determined with regard to both national and international migration. The occurrence of migration cycles in five-year periods was shown and a summative analysis of the cycles was carried out. In three time periods (2000, 2006, 2013), a meticulous analysis was performed individually for gender, within five-year intervals, as to influx to and outflow from municipalities of up to 5, 10, 20, 20–100 thousand inhabitants and more than 100 and 200 thousand inhabitants. In the aforesaid time periods, the municipalities where the highest number of pensioners migrated into were indicated, both in absolute values and per 1000 inhabitants. A spatial distribution of the influx of the pensioners was presented. In addition, the influx of the retired people with regard to different age groups was presented cartographically: up to 70 years of age, 70–79, and 80 years of age and above.The volume of the migration influx of the retired people to municipalities in Poland was determined, and thus itproved to be systematically increasing from 1990 until 1998 when it reached the highest level (1025 pensioners). After 1998, it dropped to about 800 immigrants in 2001, and has remained at this level until today. The typology of the migration of the pensioners was developed in three aspects:• spatial classification of the migrants’ age (k-means clustering),• typology of the causes of the migration (cluster analysis method),• typology of the migration directions (character table method).Distinguished types have been presented graphically. On the basis of the proposals of actions of numerous local authorities, recommendations have been made for the other ones. They were presented in 10 groups concerning the following issues: social activity, volunteering, actions preventing loneliness, health promotion, the Silver Economy, transport and infrastructure, meals, housing, senior citizens-friendly places, information for senior citizens. The study of the senior citizens migration counters the myth persisting in Polish society that “you cannot shift an old tree without it dying” – the monograph unequivocally confirms that the migration of Polish pensioners amounts to several tens of thousands each year during the period considered. Such a scale of migration may indeed cause the emergence of retirement towns in the nearest future (so far, senior citizens settlements are growing up in our cities or towns).The migration of old age pensioners plays an important role in the social and economic development of cities and villages. It brings about transfer of income to these places, development of the infrastructure necessary for the retirees, and creation of new jobs associated with the assistance to the elderly people. On the other hand, it may become a burden on municipal social services because of an increasing demand for care services, and it also may reduce the investment of enterprises looking for new employees. Whether the migration of the retirees will facilitate the development or will become a hindrance to our cities and villages, will depend on social policy, especially in terms of developing the social potential of active, creative, experienced and professional senior citizens.
Publikacja dotyczy aktywacji negatywnych stylów poznawczych w różnych fazach cyklu miesiączkowego. Zawiera prezentację badań własnych autora, przeprowadzonych na grupie 295 kobiet, z uwzględnieniem rozbudowanej procedury. Celem opracowania jest sprawdzenie, czy w ostatniej fazie cyklu menstruacyjnego zwiększa się natężenie negatywnych stylów poznawczych, które stanowią jedną z przyczyn epizodów depresyjnych oraz czy kobiety charakteryzujące się tymi stylami są bardziej podatne na zespół napięcia przedmiesiączkowego.
This is one of the first books on inclusive education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. The book, as the title itself suggests, deals with a specific aspect of inclusive education. This is a consideration of the theoretical foundation of inclusive education. The authors have tried to prove that inclusive education is not just a humanistic-utopian idea of a short term, but it is possible to find some scientific and theoretical starting points for it, which ultimately opens the possibility of constituting the theory of inclusive education within the general science of education. Thus, this study represents an attempt to contribute to the scientific-theoretical validation of the idea of inclusive education, taking as its starting point some elements, primarily socio-cultural theories of L.S.Vigotsky, as well as some ethical reflections.
The book presents the influence of cultural factors on people’s attitudes towards their own health and appearance. lnnovative concept of hierarchical organization of gender and culturally detined age and their influence on each other applied in the study allowed for application of a new sociological category, i.e. gendered age. Such an approach gave an opportunity to conduct an in-depth analysis of beliefs, opinions and behaviours of men and women of different ages regarding their own appearance and health. The empirical part of the book presents definitions of femininity and masculinity used by people in different age groups young, middle-aged and elderly. There was also characterized the level of respondents’ awareness of the influence of gender, age and gendered age on their appearance and health. Moreover, the nowadays of growing importance concept of human capital was used, in which health and appearance are defined as its resources. The book enhances general knowledge about the gender determinants of social phenomena and falls into such fields as gender studies, gender sociology, sociology of the body and health. lt is addressed not only to scientists - sociologists, anthropologists, cultural scientists, psychologists or physicians, but also to people interested in the issues discussed.
The book presents a unique and interesting reasearch project around the creative transgression. It explores a subject being of great importance for one's development and supporting them in educational processes.
Procesy zachodzące podczas przechowywania żywności określają czas, w którym towar może znajdować się w obrocie handlowym. W książce zweryfikowano znaczenie pojęcia „trwałość żywności” w świetle przyjętych definicji i obowiązujących regulacji prawnych z uwzględnieniem współczesnego podejścia, stawiającego w centrum stosunek konsumenta do zmieniającej się wraz z upływem czasu jakości produktu. Poruszono także metodologiczne aspekty badań nad trwałością żywności, poświęcając szczególną uwagę kwestii wyboru kryteriów trwałości oraz roli i specyfice sensorycznych badań konsumenckich. Kwestie te zostały rozwinięte w dalszej części pracy, mającej charakter empiryczny. Celem badań było opracowanie modelu integrującego obiektywne kryteria zmian jakości żywności zachodzących podczas przechowywania z subiektywnym kryterium akceptacji konsumenckiej. Autorka zaprezentowała metodologiczne podstawy opracowania modeli szacowania trwałości żywności w oparciu o kryterium akceptacji konsumenckiej na przykładzie prażynek ziemniaczanych. W książce poruszono także aspekty dotyczące znakowania środków spożywczych informacją na temat trwałości. Umożliwia ono przekazywanie informacji na poszczególnych etapach łańcucha logistycznego, przez co odgrywa istotną rolę w obrocie towarowym. Przyjęta strategia ustalenia deklarowanej trwałości pociąga za sobą określone konsekwencje oraz wiąże się z odpowiedzialnością za rzetelność przekazanych informacji, dlatego konieczne jest wsparcie metodologiczne sektora produkcji żywności ze strony nauki. Autorka książki wykazała, że świadomość konsumencka w zakresie znajomości oraz interpretowania informacji dotyczących trwałości żywności jest niezadowalająca. Sformułowane w książce wnioski mogą okazać się użyteczne dla przedsiębiorstw przemysłu spożywczego, organizacji i ruchów konsumenckich oraz podczas prowadzenia prac legislacyjnych dotyczących znakowania żywności.
Scientific Biographies: Between the ‘Professional’ and ‘Non-Professional’ Dimensions of Humanistic Experiences is the first book in the series ‘BiographicalPerspectives’ developed for the English-language release. We wish this series to be treated as a global forum for the exchange of ideas meant for researchers who are willing to assign themselves to the auto/biographical thought collective in its various forms. ‘Biographical Perspectives’ is not only a publishing venture in the strict sense, but also and perhaps abov eall, a socio-scientific initiative aimed at promoting the widely understood concept of science ‘humanization’ with the intention of creating an autoformative and dialogical space.
Communication is the exchange of messages between the recipient and the recipient of messages. It is successful if the interlocutors understood the message equally. The word of communication literally means to do something general or common. Communication is the basis for communication. It becomes the cause and consequence of all interactions among people and thus forms the basis of human survival. If communication is not clear enough or the information is vague and the views of individuals are different, conflict can occur. Conflicts are an indispensable part of human functioning, and successful management becomes more and more important to them. Conflict management is a process and activity aimed at preventing the dysfunctional and destructive consequences of conflicts and directing the energy of conflict situations in order to understand the real problems that confront us and to identify the rational solutions for their overcoming, and this is only possible through communication. In this book, we have investigated the relevant bibliographic sources dealing with various aspects of communication. In terms of the conceptual definition of communication, we have identified the genesis of its development through the time and importance of communication in contemporary civilization. As the conflict and its resolution are the focus of this work, we paid particular attention to the etiology and the process of conflict management. We have surfaced and presented some of the successful conflict resolution models. This book can help researchers dealing with specific phenomena of communication processes, as they have shown the relevant theoretical settings of the art of communication.
Protagoras is one of the most intriguing figures in the history of human thought. Complex fate of ancient literature meant that we only know bits and pieces of his writings, mostly in the form of the famous adages and incipits. However, even these fragments, but most of all the passages that Plato and Aristotle devote to Protagoras, call into existence an image of thinker who played a prominent role in the history of areas such as philosophy (ontology and epistemology), pedagogy (theory of virtue and theory of education), linguistics, mathematics, and philosophy of the state and law
Zerwanej genealogii Magdalena Grabowska proponuje nowe spojrzenie na polskie komunistyczne organizacje kobiece. W tej odważnej, a zarazem dogłębnej analizie Autorka sytuuje ich (zupełnie niedocenione) dokonania w historii feminizmu, będące efektem działań podejmowanych nie tylko w skali krajowej, lecz także międzynarodowej. Szuka również przyczyn marginalizacji organizacji kobiecych z czasów PRL-u we współczesnym polskim feministycznym archiwum oraz spuścizny komunizmu i socjalizmu w światowym ruchu na rzecz równych praw. W pracy wykorzystuje najnowszą literaturę przedmiotu z zakresu gender studies, historii kobiet i historii feminizmu, źródła prasowe oraz wyniki imponujących badań własnych, na które złożyły się zarówno wywiady pogłębione z byłymi działaczkami, jak również archiwalne zapisy posiedzeń organizacji kobiecych i dokumenty ONZ.z recenzji dr hab. Agnieszki KościańskiejDr Magdalena Grabowska - socjolożka, absolwentka wydziału Women’s & Gender Studies na Rutgers University, adiunkt w Instytucie Filozofii i Socjologii PAN. W latach 2010-2014 stypendystka European Commission, Marie Curie International Reintegration Fellow na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Współzałożycielka Fundacji na rzecz Równości i Emancypacji STER. Bada głównie historię ruchów kobiecych i emancypacyjnych w Europie Wschodniej z perspektywy postkolonialnych i transnarodowych ruchów feministycznych. Zajmuje się również prowadzeniem studiów zaangażowanych, w tym poświęconych przemocy wobec kobiet, prawom reprodukcyjnym oraz równości kobiet w polityce. Autorka wielu publikacji naukowych zamieszczanych w różnych czasopismach i pracach zbiorowych.
The collective monograph is devoted to the actual issues of economics energy efficiency in Ukraine and EU.The goal of the monograph is the analysis of the National and European experience in energy conservation sphere; research of energy conservation conditions and energy efficiency in different branches of Ukrainian economy; observation of strategy direction to increase energy efficiency and realize energy conservation opportunities.To achieve the aim and tasks the following research methods used in the monograph: system approach, historical approach as for historical aspects of energy conservation and energy efficiency in Ukrainian economy and in EU economy; analysis and synthesis method to summarize worlds scientific methods of economic efficiency; statistical method and modelling method to develop schemes, diagrams and additions; generalization method to develop basics and to observe the main directions in the research; scientific abstraction method of the economic-mathematical modeling and econometric analysis to define the main factors effecting Ukraine and EU energy conservation.The authors of the monograph formed recommendations for Ukrainian energy conservation increase. Offered strategies can be used by local and regional public authorities while elaborating of territory development programs. Besides, the monograph materials can be used by teachers of higher educational establishments to prepare for lectures, special study courses and manuals in the sphere of energy conservation.Some abstract theories, methodological approaches, recommended practices and implications can be used in enterprises, organizations etc.