Architektoniczność jako paradygmat sztuki Aleksandra Rodczenki.
There are at least a few reasons to consider deeply the art of Aleksandr Rodchenko. Undoubtedlya pretext is an exposition that had taken place in National Museum in Cracovduring the Month of Photography between May and August 2012: „Aleksandr Rodchenko.Revolution in Photography”. Nevertheless, apart from photographic creation of Rodchenkoit is worth to put an interest on his painting from one side and on the other onmanifests of constructivism and texts on art, photography, society and on his perceptionof future. Then appears an image of the whole Rodchenko’s artistic figure. In this figureseems to dominate an architectural form of seeing and of constructing of space in its‘visual, social, political, ideological and philosophical aspects.Rodchenko was looking on the world, the reality surrounding him through prism ofarchitecture, plan, construction. This architectural form of seeing, explicit in Rodchenko’sart, is present on many levels and has deeper meaning referring itself to „the constructionof the new world“ and has theoretical reasons on social, political, artistical andesthetical basis.