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Reviews: Hanifa Kapidzic-Osmanagic: A New Beckett ( Radomir Konstantinović: Beket prijatelj, Otkrovenje, Beograd 2000.) Dejan Djuricković: Marko’s Montenegrins (Marko Vešović: Moj svijete izgubljeni, Cetinje 2000.) Željko Ivanković: Fin de Siecle of Bosnia-Herzegovina (Željko Grahovac: Ponestaje prostora, Panorama najnovije bosanskohercegova~ke poezije, Delta, Bihać, 2000.) Marko Vešović: One Novel and Three Novels (Jasna Šamić, Soba sa pogledom na okean, Centar za kulturu i obrazovanje, Tešanj, 2001) Zeljko Ivanković: A Complete Lexicographical Incompetence (Mirko Marjanović: Leksikon hrvatskih književnika Bosne i Hercegovine od najstarijih vremena do danas; Matica hrvatska, Sarajevo, HKD Napredak, Sarajevo, 2001.) Nenad Radanović: War Stories of Dragoslav Janjić [Dragoslav Janjić: Trovanje šampanjcem, SPKD “Prosvjeta”, Sarajevo, 2000. godina)
"Work" as a central concept in social sciences was and it is used to define the "gender differences" in the society. Therefore it is necessary to understand the "alternative meanings" of work which were build as counterparts at the official and patriarchal signification of it. The different meaninngs of work are analysed with a direct reference to Romania, using two sets of sociological data: the quantitative ones and the qualitative approach to the social realities. The article presents the debate concerning the labour concept from a social perspective "sensitive to gender".
Observing thesimultaneous transformation into the family sphere and into the sphere of work, the article focuses on analysing the family - work report in the contemporary society, especially in canada and Romania (suggesting some comparison). Relations between demographic transformation which determine veritable family mutation in the past 30 years, economical transformation and market transformation at the same time are integrated into unitary analytical perspective using different sociological studies of the family.
Initially, the profession of a secretary was a masculine job, but the last decades womanised it and the term "secretary" is always feminine in Romanian. The evolution continues and modifies the secretary status: the change of mentality, new technologies and new work methids - the manager assistant has new abilities (organisation and communication). These impose new quality standards in the ways of training the secretary at the working place. New roles, diversity, future connected to the telework, founding of a secretary professional association whose purpose would be to establish the identitiy of this profession.
This article has focused on the practical implementation of the principle of equal opportunities into a Romanian institution, the Direction for Equal Opportunities from the Ministry of labor and Social Protection. The institution was established soon after the Women's World Conference form Beijing in October 1995. The history of this institution is short but tempestuous. The main direction fost which the institution is seen are: the context of the establishment, the objectives chosen, the changes of the institution place in the ministry structure, the team and activities. One of the most important issues revealed here is the change process. Caught into the process of Ministry of labor changes, the Direction for Equal Opportunities was lost in the struggle of power.
Case study of the specific situation of leisure in the case of a woman which has a lot of social statuses and fullfils a lot of social roles. From all these, the author finds that the most important are: the mother status and role, the wife status and role, and the status and role of the woman with academic carreer. The structure of her time, especially of her leisure time has greatly changed in the last three years, when she gave birth to a little son.
The article deals with the problems of suprasegmental phonetics of the Western (by the example of the Canin dialect) and the Eastern (by the example of the Yamal dialect) territorial varieties of the Tundra Nenets language. The basic prosodic features and acoustic characteristics of stress in underived disyllabic nouns in the Canin and Yamal dialects of Tundra Nenets are considered in the article.
The article considers two historically unrelated types of de-identifying (constituent) nominal negation in the Urum language. The first of the two grammatical constructions is based on the post-nominal marker dögül. The second negative construction is a combination of a negative verbal suffix and marked word order. The article also demonstrates the way the two negation types are functionally distributed through the language. Finally, it considers the common features of both grammatical constructions, and those features can be described as the core model of the Urum de-identifying nominal negation.
The article contains new etymological suggestions for several Balto-Finnic words that have no external parallels according to the most complete etymological dictionaries of the Balto-Finnic languages or, in the same sources, are considered as Germanic borrowings. In all cases under consideration, involving Balto-Finnic material in Uralic comparison turns out to be possible with taking into account some Ugric or Samoyedic data.
This article discusses the sacral meaning of numbers in the Bashkir language. The ethnocultural sense of numbers has been fixed in the people’s language, folklore, spiritual and material culture. The article offers a description of the sacral meaning of such numbers as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 40, 100 and 1,000, which shape the Bashkirs’ numerical notions in the frame of the linguistic worldview.
This article is a prolongation of a complex research of the peculiarities of the semantic derivation of nouns by the example of the Selkup language. The article deals with the questions of the semantic structure of some somatic terms in connection with typology of derivative meanings.
Among finno-ugrists there is a diffused opinion about the antiquity of coordinational compounding (formation of double, or pair words) in the Finno-Ugric languages. The usage of double words in ancient texts could be strong evidence for this. But Komi written texts appear only from the 14th century, the written Udmurt, Mari, Mordvinian, Khanty and Mansi (languages which are analyzed in this article) texts appear much later. The earliest fixations of two Komi double words are found in “The Church Rule written in 1608”. Indirect evidence for the antiquity of coordinational compounding is also investigated in this article, and especially etymologically double words Komi мывкыд and Udmurt мылкыд which in [Lytkin, Gulʹaev 1970] are brought to Permian *mu˙l-ku˙d.
Julija Koš, Alef Bet židovstva, Pogled u krug židovske povijesti, religije i običaja, Zagreb 1999, f.250. Lumnije Kadriu “Glokalizimi Perceptime Etnokulturore”, Instituti Albanologjik- Prishtinë. 2009 Ismail Muharremi, Shqiptarët e Medvegjës nëpër shekuj 1-2, Prishtinë, 2010, fq. 808. Leontina Gega-Musa, Refleksione Folkloristike, Instituti Albanologjik, Prishtinë 2011, f. 358. Arbnora Dushi “Folklori: përtej kufijve”, IAP, Prishtinë 2011, f. 373. Prof. dr. Drita Halimi-Statovci “NJË JETË NDËRMJET SHKENCËS DHE ATDHETARISË”, IAP, Prishtinë, 2011 - (vëllimi V i kompletit të Kadri Halimit) Dr. Bexhet Asani, Lirika popullore shqiptare në Maqedoni (studim monografik), Strugë, 2011, f. 267. Në gjurmë të Kanunit - kultura shqiptare në Kosovën multietnike, Poznanj, 2011, f. 210 Viktor Gashi - Thesare etnografike, shtypshkronja Dukagjini, Pejë, 2012, f. 203 Mitja Guštin, Na obroncima Rumije/ Në shpatijet e Rumisë/ On the slopes of the Rumija Mountain, Littera picta, Ljubljana 2012, f.106. Vaso S. Tole, “100 Këngë, himne dhe marshe patriotike shqiptare” QKMBM, Tiranë, 2012, f.233