Kompetencje konsumentów w świetle badań ilościowych
Marketing research allows exploring knowledge on contemporary consumers. Particularly the simultaneous use of quantitative and qualitative research provides an opportunity to obtain a fuller picture of consumers, their behaviour, attitudes, to fuller assess the level of their knowledge, also in the context of sustainable consumption. In the article, there are presented some findings of the quantitative research carried out in the period from June to August 2013 which allowed creating a profile of the competent consumer. The omnibus survey was carried out on the nation-wide representative sample of 1000 adult Poles (aged 15-74) by the face-to-face method and the PAPI (Paper and Pencil Interview) technique. The main research was carried out on the national sample of 1000 adult Poles (aged 18-74) who have at least the minimal consumer competences (determined by the team implementing the research project), with the use of questionnaire-based survey by the CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview) technique.