Our Take: Railway to the Future
Although deeply flawed, Medvedev’s strategy for dragging Russia into the 21st century is not to be dismissed out of hand.
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Although deeply flawed, Medvedev’s strategy for dragging Russia into the 21st century is not to be dismissed out of hand.
Civil society needs to stand up to Bosnia’s new hate-speech demagogues.
In the second of a series of video reports, Georgians consider whether the country’s public broadcaster can be freed from political influence. A TOL/Liberali multimedia project.
When Athens’ financial mismanagement blew up, Sofia’s euro dreams receded into the distance.
The paper looks at the question of social inequality, with particular attention given to economic (income) inequality, i.e. the difference between individuals or populations in the distribution of their assets. In the first section the author presents various perspectives regarding economic inequality. Next, the following topics are covered: definitions of the phenomenon and its measurement, level and main characteristics of economic inequality in Poland, as well as international comparisons.