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reviews of: ----------------------------- Klaus Herbers, Hans Henning Kortüm, Carlo Servatius (Hgg.): Ex ipsis rerum documentis. Beiträge zur Mediävistik. Festschrift für Harald Zimmermann zum 65. Geburtstag. Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke Verlag 1991, XVI + 664 S. Jakó Zsigmond: A Kolozsmonostori konvent jegyzökönyvei (1289-1556). (Die Protokollbücher des Konvents von Kolozsmonostor 1289-1556). Bd. 1-11. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadó 1990. 1077 + 1082 S. Jozsef Körmendi (Hg.): Annatea e regno Hungariae provenientes in Archivo Secreto Vaticano 1421-1536. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadó, Budapest 1990, 166 S. (Publicationes Archivi Nationalis Hungariae, Il. Fontes, Vol. 21). Gernot Nussbächer: Aus Urkunden und Chroniken. Beiträge zur siebenbürgischen Heimatkunde. Dritter Band. Bukarest: KriterionVerlag, 1990, 185 S. Helmut Jäger (Hg.): Stadtkernforschung (= Städteforschung. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für vergleichende Städtegeschichte in Münster, Reihe A: Darstellungen, Bd. 27). Köln Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1987, XXVI+ 392 S. Ulrich Hutter in Verbindung mit Hans-Günther Parplies (Hg.): Martin Luther und die Reformation in Ostdeutschland und Südosteuropa. Wirkungen und Wechselwirkungen. Sigmaringen: Jan Torbecke Verlag, 1991, 144 S., Julianna Puskas (Hg.): Overseas Migration from East-Central to Southeastern Europe 1880-1940. Budapest: Akademiai Kiadó 1990 (Studia Historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 191). Leinen, 246 S.
The article identifies how Slovakia was able to cope in the first five years of its membership in NATO with the challenges of actively participating in the political activities of the Alliance, the military operations of crisis management and the tasks it is currently fulfilling within a transforming NATO.
For Slovak foreign policy, the year 2008 was both a year of continuity in terms of fundamental priorities and goals and a year which marked the beginning of significant change within the external environment in which Slovak diplomacy operated. On the international scene, Slovakia backed solutions based on effective multilateralism and adherence to international law. Slovakia was able to fulfill its main foreign policy objectives and the external conduct of the country strengthened its international position.
The aim of this contribution is to offer different perspectives on Slovakia’s chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. This was the very first time that Slovakia had held the chairmanship of a regional international organization with such an exceptionally broad array of member countries.
The aim of this contribution is to offer an analytical perspective on the fulfillment of the main political, economic, and institutional priorities of the Slovak Republic, as a member state of the European Union, while simultaneously analyzing the conduct of Slovakia and the particular positions adopted by the country’s politicians on European integration. It offers a cross-section analysis of the core political priorities of Slovakia in the EU, while also evaluating the ability of the country to formulate and promote its objectives within the Union. In addition to focusing primarily on Slovakia’s performance within the EU in 2008, in the conclusion, the contribution also attempts to offer a broader assessment of the first five years of Slovakia’s membership in the European Union.
Text offers a perspective on Slovak activities in the Western Balkans in 2008 in three areas – economic diplomacy, development assistance, and the issue of Kosovo.
The paper presents a summary of two Visegrad presidencies – the Czech and the Polish, and also focuses on the more problematic areas of the agenda, which either remain unfulfilled for now, or where the Visegrad countries did not manage to achieve a consensus. There is a special section focusing on Slovakia’s merits during the two presidencies, while the conclusion presents a more general summary reflecting the development of Visegrad cooperation over the course of 2008.
Energy has recently become a key issue in European Union politics. This is one of the reasons why, in January 2007, the EU published a draft energy policy, in which it clearly defined the strategic goals of this policy for Europe so that sustainability, the security of energy supplies, and competitiveness are all interconnected and that their attainment is mutually contingent. The road map to achieving these goals is constituted by a complex of activities in multiple fields – from market liberalization through renewable energy sources and energy efficiency to nuclear energy and foreign energy policy. The energy policy of the Slovak Republic is also based on these pillars.
While 2007 was the year in which an in-depth process analysis was carried out with the aim of identifying and outlining the initial starting point, including pinpointing the most serious problems and opportunities for change, 2008 was the year in which the project itself was put into action. A whole range of individual projects were implemented in 2008 which substantially influenced the management system at the ministry.
The text focuses on the fulfillment of the re-established priority of Slovak foreign policy – the economic dimension of Slovak diplomacy – in the context of the global financial and economic crisis and the challenges stemming from it.