Honnan jönnek a baszk nacionalisták? L’Histoire 2003. március
Book review: Honnan jönnek a baszk nacionalisták? L’Histoire 2003. március
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Book review: Honnan jönnek a baszk nacionalisták? L’Histoire 2003. március
Book review: Lucián Boia: Istorie şi mit în conştiinţa românescă
Shaqir Vukaj: "Rusia dhe Kosova (shënime të një diplomati)", Shtëpia botuese "Enriko Kuço", Tiranë 2007,671 faqe (Shaqir Vukaj: "Russia and Kosova (notes of a Diplomat)" Published by "Enriko Kuço", Tirana 2007, 671 pages)
The nature and indicators of financial stability of the state are presented. An issue of innovative development of the state is considered, its main difficulties and contradictions are defined. Trends and economic conditions for financial stability of the state in supporting innovation are substantiated. Special attention was paid to the factors to accelerate economic dynamics based on innovative mechanism, with appropriate set of direct financial, fiscal, legal, infrastructural, economic and political measures. It is proved that all the above measures are effective in their balanced unity under conditions of government providing with single framework for further innovative development.
The paper shows a number of important e-banking innovations that take place on Polish market. It also presents digital channels trends in e-banking and mobile banking with projections for next five years. All innovations being developed are more and more considered by the banks as an element of their strategy, in order to offer enhanced customer experience and better ménage relations with their customers. A visible trend is integration of digital channels with physical ones. Banks tend to invest more in innovations in order to gain competitive advantage.
The paper generally describes the segment of public debt management or especially the structure of public debt. It focuses on different kinds of risks which present potential danger for the public debt explosion. It intends to explain the government goal for borrowing money at lowest rate and sustain the fiscal stability. Also, it explains some practical issues regarding this topic for Republic of Macedonia for the period from 2009-2011. In the process of research were implemented several qualitative methods.
This article presents the estimates of effective tax rates on investment at corporate level in Republic of Macedonia in the period from 2006 to 2012. In addition to accomplishing this research, 3 basic and most commonly applied indicators of the corporate income tax (CIT) burden will be used. They are the cost of capital, the effective marginal tax rate (EMTR) and the effective average tax rate (EATR), according to the Devereux-Griffith methodology. The results of the analysis will clearly show that the implemented domestic tax policy reform have transformed this country into one of the most, if not the most tax favorable country for investment in Europe.
This paper provides a descriptive analysis of the innovation and business strategies of Canadian textile firms. The results show that the textile industry is in a state of decline due mainly to competitive pressures resulting from economic and regulatory changes. The results also show that while the industry recognizes the need for innovation, the current strategies and practices do not seem to be aligned to their strategic goals of fostering innovation.
Quality of work life (QWL) is important for job performance, job satisfaction, labour turnover, labour management relation and such other factors which play important part in determining the overall well-being of any industrial organization. Quality of work life is concerned about the impact of work on people as well as on organization effectiveness. An attempt has been made in this article to analyze the relationship between job satisfaction and quality of work life in service sector.