Author(s): Kęstutis Peleckis,Valentina Peleckienė,Kęstutis Jr. Peleckis / Language(s):
Issue: 1/2015
In business communication, business negotiations, business meetings, as well as in human communication in general, is important not only transferred information by the content of the words, but also how those words were said, what nuances of voice were used. In addition, no less are important the body signals, which negotiators in negotiations consciously or unconsciously send each other. Monitoring the negotiator’s physical changes of the body, gestures, can be produced more or less realistic impression on his being, mood, feelings, thoughts, expectations, intentions, and their changes. This can be useful for choice of the impact measures on other side of the negotiation and its implementation. Body language signals in business communication, business negotiations, business talks are important in several respects:
- they show the interviewer’s, the opponent's physical and emotional state as well as its development,
- they complement, reinforce or weaken the oral language,
- enables those who can read nonverbal communication signs more or less accurately to determine whether there is a truth said in oral language.
A good negotiator must consciously manage his non-verbal language in order to understand what he shows to his opponent, to know and understand the opponent's body language, to note when the verbal and body language conflicts with each other, when - are the same. It is very important impulses that can drastically change the course of the negotiations and the final outcome of the negotiations. The ability to understand the other person’s, opponent's body language – to imagine what he is thinking, what does he feel, how responsive he is, what does he promises to do - in business communication, business negotiations and business talks are very important. To develop this ability is needed to put a lot of effort: to absorb the theoretical framework and to apply them into practice. Body language is very informative and sends for the interviewer, opponent many signals, but clearly it is difficult to interpret, and sometimes it is not possible or desirable. The accuracy and the quality of the interpretation depend on the knowledge and interpretive practice. Body language or nonverbal communication involves a lot of human body signs. In nonverbal body language there are very much important things: human posture, dress, accessories, gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, smile, voice intonation, laughter, eye contact, eye signs, the distance between communicators, touch, clap, dance, and physiological responses - sweating palms, forehead, paleness, resulting in acute facial, flushing, etc. The part of nonverbal communication signs is being sent consciously (natural or play signs, signals), and the other part of the body signals is emitted into the environment unconsciously when reaction to the information received is immediate, instinctive and without thinking.