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La Târgul de Carte „Gaudeamus” din acest an de la București, Republica Moldova a fost Invitat de Onoare. Despre evenimentele de la Târg cu participarea scriitorilor și editorilor basarabeni, dar și despre felul cum și-a onorat Republica Moldova (Ministerul Culturii de la Chișinău) această invitație, i-am rugat să ne vorbească, în cadrul unui Chestionar cu întrebări „personalizate”, pe câțiva fericiți participanți la această manifestare. Revista Contrafort nu a fost prezentă la Gaudeamus. Invitația din partea Ministerului Culturii (prin telefon, amabilă și încărcată de complimente și aprecieri…) a venit doar cu două zile înainte de deschiderea Târgului. E ușor de ghicit că am refuzat – politicos – să improvizăm o participare. Dincolo de faptul că împrejurări mai puțin favorabile ne-au împiedicat să ajungem la Gaudeamus pe cont propriu, am rămas totuși cu uimirea că Ministerul Culturii moldovean a avut, pentru prima dată în cei 18 ani de când există Contrafortul, ideea să ne contacteze, să ne propună să ne alăturăm unui „demers de reprezentare” ofi cial la București. Să însemne oare că, după 3 ani de la răsturnarea regimului Voronin, statul moldovean încearcă să colaboreze cu intelectualii independenți de la Chișinău?
If the EU is to inspire anything like patriotism, it must develop a sense of identity while respecting the cultures that comprise it, writes Ales Debeljak.
Bosnians need a long-term EU vision because they are long-sighted. Or does the country's constitutional debate suggest Bosnians are slowly finding the right lenses?
More than a year after wind and fire mauled the High Tatra mountains, the Slovak government has agreed to let nature regenerate the forests. Now environmentalists want an overhaul of the park’s administration to prevent future catastrophes.
Serbia’s most prominent tycoons are under investigation for fraud and tax evasion on a gigantic scale, but is the crackdown politically motivated?
Republika Srpska’s government loses its majority. But does that mean the opposition will step in?
Bosnia’s politicians miss another chance to agree on a revised constitution despite pressure from the United States and the EU.
The aim of this article is to analyze discrimination at the workplace in the EU. Data used in the analysis comes from the European Working Conditions Survey. Since we assume that discrimination is a latent and discrete phenomenon, in order to classify respondents the latent class analysis is employed. The analysis performed enables to define six distinct groups of employees according to the feeling of being discriminated at the workplace. The general findings are as follows: we recognize types of discriminatory practices that are present in the labour market, we show which discriminatory practices coexist there, we discover that some types of discriminatory practices in the presence of others become more important and some become less important.
Market microstructure is now one of the most active research areas in economics and finance. Many authors point to various frictions in the trading process. It has been reported in the literature that some empirical phenomena can be attributed to these frictions. The main goal of this paper is to present the empirical results of testing such phenomena as the “Fisher effect”, i.e. positive autocorrelation in market index returns and the intertemporal cross- correlations between pairs of securities’ returns on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. According to the author’s knowledge, the possible existence of such empirical phenomena in market indexes’ returns and securities’ returns has not yet been investigated on the WSE.
The traditional, Humboldtian type of the university faces serious criticism. The answer of the European Commission to weaknesses is the Modernization concept with a goal of transformation from Humboldtian towards Entrepreneurial University. Modernization concept is the policy promoting three main reforms. Curricular reform symbolized by the Bologna Process is accompanied by the governance reform and the funding reform designed to enable change from input-oriented towards output-oriented budgeting. The discussion of concept and some possible solutions in measurement of the efficiency and effectiveness in the education system is given. Special attention is concentrated on rate of return measurement in education, particularly in tertiary education.
Style Analysis allows to assess impact of factors representing investments in asset classes on funds’ rate of returns. When distribution of return rates is asymmetric, the application of classical Sharpe Style Analysis may lead to incorrect inference about model coefficients. Quantile Style Analysis investigates dependencies between fund returns and the risk factors for the quantile of the distribution. The paper’s aim is to investigate the impact of the investments in the stocks and bonds on the balanced mutual funds returns by Quantile Style Analysis and to assess the usefulness of the quantile approach to the style analysis of the funds. We compare both the style shares for different quantiles for given fund and the funds classifications according to the style shares obtained for quantile and classic approach.
One of the parts of the Polish external examination system in preliminary education is the Gymnasium Examination. It is the first examination taken by the students, having serious impact on their prospective educational path, and because of its importance, a comprehensive and extensive study of the examination results should be carried out, allowing for identification of the factors influencing students’ scores. This paper attempts to investigate the sources of variations in results of the Gymnasium Examination conducted in 2010 in Lower Silesia and Opole voivodships, in particular focusing on the extent to what the differences in students’ scores are associated with the location of the gymnasium, the sex of the student and the dyslexia diagnosis. The results could provide the basis for guidelines in creating equal opportunities policies in education.