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Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm. Yüce Rabbimize hamd ederek, sevgili Peygamberimizi, âl ü ashâbını salât ü selâmla anarak bu nezih, seviyeli, güzel toplantının ilk oturumunu başlatıyorum. Güzîde topluluğunuzu hürmetle selâmlıyorum.
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Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm. Yüce Rabbimize hamd ederek, sevgili Peygamberimizi, âl ü ashâbını salât ü selâmla anarak bu nezih, seviyeli, güzel toplantının ilk oturumunu başlatıyorum. Güzîde topluluğunuzu hürmetle selâmlıyorum.
Ebû Hanîfe gibi büyük bir ilim adamını yetiştirmiş olan Kûfe’yi yirmi dakikalık bir süre içinde ele alıp incelemek mümkün değildir. Dolayısıyla daha çok şehrin demografik yapısı, ekonomik durumu ve ilim-kültür hayatı üzerinde, bize ayrılan zamanın el verdiği ölçüde, duracağız. Kuşkusuz zikri geçen hususlar insanın yetişip şekillenmesinde önemli olan unsurlardır.
This research explores the integration of literature, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and positive psychology in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms within the Greek educational context. Employing a mixed-methods approach with 198 participants from Greek primary and high schools, the study reveals a 20% increase in student engagement and a 15% improvement in test scores compared to traditional methods. Despite potential biases, especially from teachers' involvement, findings indicate enhanced motivation, well-being, and learning outcomes among students. The cultural specificity of this context highlights the need for further exploration across diverse environments and educational levels to validate these approaches universally. This study underscores the potential of integrating literature, ICT, and positive psychology in EFL instruction, emphasizing the creation of dynamic, inclusive environments that prioritize holistic student development. These findings encourage educators to foster well-being-centred learning, with implications for a broader, culturally responsive educational landscape, adaptable to various global settings.
The purpose of the present approach is to highlight the priorities that professionals in the legal field are desirable to possess when carrying out their activities. Moral conscience, legal conscience, and compliance with moral norms are the priorities that a practitioner in the legal professions, especially in the judicial professions, must have. As fundamental values in their activity, ethics, morals, and legal awareness represent the advantage for professionals in the legal field. In this article, we will reveal the ways of reporting to the fundamental values of the ethics of the legal professions of those involved in legal and judicial activity.
During the communist regime between 1945-1989, the Romanian state, through various normative acts, took over private property goods to establish collective property. After the fall of the communist regime, a series of normative acts were adopted to return wrongfully taken property to the owners. This article aims to analyze, with reference to the normative acts adopted after 1989 and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, to what extent the Romanian State has succeeded in ensuring an efficient mechanism for the restitution of property confiscated or nationalized by the communist regime, implicitly respecting the right to private property.
The Weimar Republic, through its victories against the early insurrections aimed at taking down the imposed republican state, showed that the Republic was able to survive on its own. However, opposition to republicanism remained very much alive underground through certain radical political parties and paramilitary organizations. This paper will analyze both left and right-wing opposition to the Republic, which were both not strong enough to overthrow it, but did force its supporters into underground paramilitary organizations that contributed to the Nazi takeover. First, this paper will show how the Kapp Putsch was a manifestation of monarchist discontent against the fledgling republic. Second, it will elaborate on socialist opposition against the Weimar government, as seen through the Bavarian Soviet Republic. Third, it will explain the phenomenon of paramilitarism as an outgrowth of anti-republicanism and cyclical brutalization. Finally, it will explain how the Nazis’ Sturmabteilung (SA) utilized paramilitary members from both the left and right-wings to fill its ranks and overthrow the Weimar Republic.
Identity has always played an important role in how people have related to each other and how society has functioned. The identity crisis in today's society is profound and there is a need for solutions that reconcile justice with the memories of the past and help people to live in human communities with the ideals of harmony and the common good. Volf's theology of identity, based on the theology of Scripture, can be the answer to the crisis experienced by humanity. The way in which Scripture is revealed through Volf's theology leads to a re-examination of the foundations on which the inner structure of the human being is built. The theology of identity, complex and anchored in the text of Scripture, opens new horizons to profound biblical truths from a social perspective. For the definition of the theology of identity, central to Miroslav Volf's thinking, the truth of Scripture and its interpretation open up new horizons for understanding inter-human relations.
The right of the adopted person to know his/her biological identity and to have access to all information concerning the adoption is enshrined in the revised European Convention, on the adoption of children and the Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption. Therefore, from the perspective of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as the consistent case law of the ECHR, “the right to know one’s origins or the right to know one's biological identity has its basis in the broad interpretation of the concept of privacy.” In Romania, the right of adoptees to know their origins is enshrined in the Constitution and is regulated both in the Civil Code, adopted in 2011, and in special laws, which establish that adopted persons have the right to know their origins and their own past and, in this regard, are supported in their efforts to contact their natural parents or biological relatives. At the same time, these legal acts also regulate the way in which the adoptee is informed about the adoption and his/her family of origin, as well as the general legal regime of information on adoption.
The special procedure of the appeal concerning the duration of the criminal trial does not concern the resolution of a criminal case, it does not offer absolution on matters of fact or law that anticipate the way of solving the criminal trial, it does not dispose on the guilt of the defendant or on the punishment imposed on him. Instead, its primary focus is on addressing the excessive or unreasonable character of the duration of the criminal trial in a procedure characterized by contradictory and orality. In this context, the defendant, the injured persons, the civil parties, the parties with civil liability or the prosecutor, in the exercise of their rights, may use this special procedure necessary to respect the right to a fair trial.
A contract can be concluded by accepting, without reservation, a certain offer to contract or it can be preceded by negotiations. Within these negotiations, the parties can conclude certain agreements known as preliminary contracts. Among these, we will approach the pact of option, which represents a legal figure new to the Romanian judicial system, but not considered an innovation as it is of Italian inspiration. The regulation of this institution is deficient in the Romanian system of law, generating extensive discussions in doctrine pertaining to its legal nature. Because it influences the legal enforcement means of this institution, this paper presents a study of the evolution and legal nature of the pact of option from a historical and comparative perspective, considering the law, jurisprudence and the Romanian, Italian and French doctrine.
In the intricate dance between internal control and audit success, this study unveils a harmonious relationship through a comprehensive case study at Alpha. The empirical findings resonate with theoretical constructs, spotlighting deficiencies in customer receivables and asset procurement. This is not just a diagnosis; it is a revelation of opportunities for immediate correction and a blueprint for ongoing operational excellence. The practical assessment serves as a poignant exemplar, showcasing how a nuanced understanding and implementation of internal controls not only safeguard financial integrity but also elevates audit missions to comprehensive and insightful evaluations. The study underscores the critical role of auditors in fortifying internal controls, ensuring a meticulous examination of Alpha's financial landscape. As we revisit the central question of the study—how internal control contributes to the success of accounting and financial audits—the case study unequivocally asserts that internal control is more than a formality. It emerges as a fundamental element ensuring the reliability of financial information, fostering transparency, adherence to standards, and guaranteeing the triumph of audit missions. The substantial deficiencies unearthed in customer receivables management and asset acquisition processes at Alpha underscore the urgent need for enhancements in internal control. Recommendations stemming from these observations offer concrete paths to strengthen financial operations, providing practical perspectives to enhance the quality of audit missions in a complex financial environment. While acknowledging study limitations tied to its specificity, the insights gleaned provide a valuable contribution to understanding the practical importance of internal control. This study paves the way for future research in this indispensable domain of corporate finance, emphasizing the significance of financial resonance for sustained audit triumphs at Alpha and beyond.
Healing space is a complex concept that has become a targeted problem in the healthcare system and overall therapy all over the world in the last two decades. From ancient times, healing spaces were an active preoccupation of people. The fire dances and storytelling were therapeutic. Greeks constructed a healing city in Epidaurus, and sacred spaces were found all over the world. In modern times, there has been a growing interest in the last two decades in enhancing the healing process using environmental design elements, cultural elements and spiritual dimension. Nature and physical activities like tending horses or gardening, architectural elements, sunlight, air, integration of technology and healthy relationships like nurse-patient, therapist-patient or family relationships are key ingredients to cultivate rapid health recovery. A patient-centered holistic healing perspective is considered in the healthcare system and therapy. This study analyzes the various aspects of healing space, emphasizing its relevance in the context of social reforms in healthcare and therapy.
This article aims to discuss certain aspects of the relationship between science, truth, and beliefs, focusing primarily on the scientific activity of the biological and medical sciences and their connection to the notions of truth and belief. The relationship with religions will not be addressed. Science uses specific methods to acquire knowledge, and philosophers have analyzed how this scientific knowledge was acquired, trying to specify the approaches and establish some general rules. Some radical theorists have challenged the value of the scientific method, despite the undeniable success of science. Although it is rational, science is not free from belief, which can have a positive or negative impact on the acquisition of scientific knowledge and on the idea of human nature.
During the conquest of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Roman armies, many Jews lost their lives, while others were caught up in the war. The city of Jerusalem was destroyed, and the temple, a masterpiece of art, was looted and burned. The Romans seized holy objects, including the seven-armed chandelier of solid gold, the golden table on which the 12 loaves of bread were placed, the embroidered curtain, the golden vessels and a Torah scroll later donated by the emperors Vespasian and Titus to the temple of the goddess of peace. The triumphal arch erected in the Forum in honor of Titus was decorated with relief reproductions of these trophies and depictions of scenes from the war in which the Jews had been so cruelly defeated. As testimony to this tragic event, there are also medals on which a woman's hands were tied and on which the inscriptions can be read: Iudeaea devicta, i.e., Judaea defeated, and Iudeea capta, i.e. Judaea captive. This article aims to provide an overview of the historical significance and impact of the Roman conquest of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
The theology of the Holy Apostolic Fathers regarding the person and role of the Virgin Mary was simple, direct, concise, based “on the confession of several truths: the Savior Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Virgin is truly the mother of Christ, she is Prepurified, being chosen and protected by the power of God”. The mystery of the incarnation of God the Word is a convergence and connection (syndrome kai synapheia) between God and the whole creation, which is the ultimate good and the final cause of what is, the role of the Virgin being that of Mediator, bringing the truth about human nature.
This study focuses on the essential features of the offense outlined in the Romanian Criminal Code of 2009, which came into force in 2014. The 2009 legislator preserved the tradition of the Criminal Code of 1968, maintaining the marginal name of “Essential features of the offense,” although these features are sufficient to substantiate a formal definition of the offense. The norm that defines the offense is a true rule of law, not a norm with the character of a simple definition. Consequently, it must be realized in all aspects it provides. The existence of the offense requires the fulfillment of all its essential features, and the lack of any of these features leads to the non-existence of the offense, resulting in the removal of the criminal nature of the act.
Her şeyden önce belirtmek gerekir ki, bildiri başlığının akla getirmesi muhtemel konular arasında olan mezhep kavramı, mezhebi oluşturan unsurlar, mezhebe intisabın anlamı ve mahiyeti gibi her biri müstakil çalışmalara ve büyük ihtimalle bu sempozyumda muhtelif bildirilere konu olacak çok önemli mevzular, bu bildirinin inceleme alanının dışında kalacaktır. Buna bağlı olarak, tarihî gelişim süreci içinde Hanefî mezhebinin oluşumunda aktif rolü olan müntesip fakîhlerin, mezhebin mevcut birikimini niteleme ve bunlardan yeni bilgiler üretmede kullandıkları içtihat, tahriç, tercih, tashih gibi mezhep içi istidlâl metotlarının nasıl işletildiği de bu bildirinin doğrudan ele alacağı konular arasında yer almayacaktır.
Sayın Başkan, Değerli konuklar! Tebliğimizde, fıkhî görüş ve yorumlarıyla kitleleri etkileyen ve bu etkileri her zaman güncelliğini koruyan iki âlim ve öğrencilerinin, bazı hadis çeşitleri hakkındaki görüşlerini karşılaştırmalı olarak arz etmeye çalışacağız. Hanefî ve Ca’ferî adındaki iki fıkhî/amelî mezhebe isimleri verilen bu âlimlerimiz İmâm-ı A’zam Ebû Hanîfe (80-150) ve Ca’fer-i Sâdık’tır (80-148). Her iki âlimimizin de, aynı yılda doğdukları için muasır olmaları, yaşadıkları dönemin Hadis ilminin henüz teşekkül etmeye başladığı kitabet ve tedvîn dönemine rastlaması, ayrıca hadis rivayetinin yoğun ve muğlak olduğu bir dönemde yaşamış olmaları, bizi böyle bir karşılaştırma yapmaya sevk eden başlıca âmiller olmuştur.
Sevgili misafirler, 2. günün 3. oturumuna hoş geldiniz. İzninizle ben siyaset ve kültür geleneğinde Ebû Hanîfe başlıklı oturumun konuşmacılarını ve Müzakerecilerini davet etmek istiyorum.
Saygıdeğer misafirlerimiz, mazeretimi arz edeyim; hadis öğretim üyemiz Akif Köten hocamızın kardeşi vefat etmiştir, onun cenaze merasimine katılmamız gerekiyor. Onun için sayın başkan ve katılımcılara teşekkür ederek sözlerime başlamak istiyorum.