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Ne-am hotărât să dedicăm un număr al revistei Vatra artei şi tehnicii traducerii. Intenţia noastră a fost, pe această cale, să-i ascultăm şi să aducem un omagiu celora care îşi trec cu modestie numele undeva pe pagina de gardă, cu litere destul de mici. S-au ocupat de arta şi metodologia traducerii, în texte mai mult sau mai puţin întinse: Goethe, Schopenhauer, Matew Arnold, Paul Valèry, Ezra Pound, I.A. Richards, Benedetto Croce, Walter Benjamin, Ortega y Gasset şi lista poate continua pânã în zilele noastre. Iar Cicero este primul care ne spune cã nu se traduce verbum pro verbo. Există şi o teorie a traducerii, lingviştii cei mai reputaţi s-au exprimat. Fenomenul globalizării a dus la creşterea interesului faţă de traductologie. Ce înseamnă a traduce? Primul răspuns consolator ar fi: a spune acelaşi lucru într-o altă limbă. Să folosim o definiţie dată de Umberto Eco: A traduce înseamnă a înţelege mecanismul interior al unei limbi şi structura unui anumit text din acea limbă, iar apoi a construi o copie a mecanismului textual care, dintr-o anumită perspectivă, să poată produce efecte asemănătoare asupra cititorului, atât în plan semantic şi sintactic, cât şi în cel stilistic, metric, fonosilabic, precum şi în efectele sentimentale spre care tindea textul-sursă. El mai spune că traducerea se află sub semnul negocierii... (pentru a se obţine ceva se renunţă la altceva). Cine cu cine negociază câtă vreme nu există consimţământul implicit al părţilor? Negociem cu autorul, cu cititorul, cu editorul chiar.
Religious conversion equally preoccupied theologians, sociologists, psychologists, and anthropologists, but conversion in the context on new religious phenomenon represented a controversial subject which concerned not only the scientists, but also the public who required an explanation for the relatively high number of youths who converted to controversial new religious movements. In this context Sociology tried to explain religious conversion as a process basically influenced by the social/group forces and individual expectances and searches, developing a theory of active and processual conversion. Sociologists as John Lofland, Rodney Stark, Arthur Greil, Max Heirich, David Balch, David Taylor, Roger Straus, Norman Skonovd, David Snow, Richard Machalek, Theodore Long, Jeffrey Hadden, Stephen Wilson, David Gartrell, and Zane Shanon, to mention only the ones who’s theories we analysed in this article, substantially contributed at developing a new paradigm of understanding religious conversion, useful for all the fields of religious research.
About Forms and Symbolic Configurations has been developed with initial and derivative assertions, having both informative and formative purposes. They propose, especially for the support of the apprenticeship stages, an overall and a detailed view, visually polarized between the macrocosmic and the microscopic, over some primary and derivative forms, organic and angular, natural and artistically created by the human being. Intending to make some inductions, which give the possibility for manifesting a creative continuum, for the emitter as well as for the receptors, I have thus conceived a wide corollary of some various visual ideas and expressions, for some symbolic configurations, which can be continued and developed on their specific coordinates, in a theoretical and applicative sense.
This study describes one of the key compositions of Gavriil Musicescu (1847-1903), namely the Cherubic Hymn in D major, op. 5, for mixed chorus, a song in the second part of the Divine Liturgy, called “the Liturgy of the Faithful”. This paper highlights the analytical music elements starting at scoring milestones in the life and works of music composer, teacher and conductor Gavriil Musicescu, and goes on to describe the main elements of musical language found in the music track announced. Cherubic Hymn in D major is designed based on the structure of a choral concert, consisting of three parts, but atypical tempos: first two parts with slow movements and fast-moving third part, in keeping with the message of the religious text. Gavriil Musicescu uses the classical style of harmonization: tonal-functional, fixed and mobile accurate nuances, thoroughly learned from the study of Russian religious choral music.
The present article attempts to identify, from the different interviews in newspapers and on television given by Master Grigore Popescu, the portrait of his personality. If we watch the work manner of Master Grigore Popescu, we can understand the importance given by the painter to the sacred act he is called to answer with artistic skill and with a special soul state. That which for some artists is only a means of earning a living, a routine work, for Master Popescu is the joy to paint, as for him each element of the church must be connected to another. It is ideal that, at the beginning of such a sacred act as is the foundation of a cult place, the priest, the architect, the painter and the sculptor make together a harmonious unitary plan, in all these sections, as a whole according to the Christological teachings. This paper refers also to Master Popescu’s gift as a colourist. During the course of his career, this extraordinary passionate church painter has made over 26 works in fresco and in secco and almost as many restoration works of the pictorial ensembles part of the Romanian national heritage.
The message of the Book of Revelation addressed to the persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire retains its contemporary significance for those who believe that God’s justice, intertwined with His love, will triumph. The text of Revelation is not read in the divine worship, although it has been interpreted from a historical perspective as a message of warning and hope. The faithful confession, the suffering for faith and justice, the hope for a better world have been landmarks extracted from the Book of Revelation, which has stimulated the human society on its path to eternity. The moral ideal together with the liturgical dimension, which was re-signified in an original manner, were part of the concerns of the martyrs persecuted by the communist regime. From the “belly of the beast”, i.e. the prison of unifying consciousnesses, the elite, dismissed as rebellious, turned the inhuman conditions of detention in stands of free spirit. The shabby clothing became enlightened covering; the Christian message became free of denominational interpretations and justice changed from retributive demand into forgiving statement. “How long, Lord” remains the question that will be answered by the divine Judge through other people, through the creation rebelling against the evil.
Religion is an integral and defining part of the European culture. This is why in most of the European countries, religion is taught in the public education system, with a recognised and appreciated role in society, with profound implications in the social-cultural development. Education means to grow from a physical, mental, moral-religious, social point of view – and who can guide children better on this path besides the men of the Church and school? The contests for different disciplines and the school olympiads can offer to the pupils the possibility to spend their time in a useful manner, to establish friendships with other colleagues, but also to develop relationships of competition which determine them to use their qualities and to aim to be part of the best.
In the article the author describes the situation of specialized translators in Russia and analyzes Russian prescriptive document called Recommendations for translators, clients and editors of written translation, taking into consideration up-to-date translation theory and referring to Polish documents establishing norms of specialized translation.
The article constitutes an attempt at constructing a model of a legal text translation on the basis of a general scheme of linguistic communication. It takes into account the normative aspect of a legal text, as a result of which the message is received on the descriptive level, i.e. the level of language and legal regulations, as well as on the directive level, which is semantically much deeper and requires applying specific statutory interpretation rules and even validation rules in order to describe legal norms. The presented communication schemes illustrate problems which result from superseding the recipient of a normative message with a replacement recipient, i.e. a translator, who is limited – or not – by their own legal intuition, i.e. the images they have in their mind. The schemes also refer to communication limitations which arise due to the linguistic channel, i.e. the written medium, which comes as a result of the matter that undergoes translation. The schematic approach to the model allows the author to analyze the problems of untranslatability of a legal text.
The article analyses translator’s problems and the role of different paratexts (such as footnotes, comments, forewords, afterwords and text on the cover of books) in the translation of specialized texts (scientific ones in particular). In this type of texts, the information is imperative to the reader, so every intervention of a translator makes the sense more clear in the translated work.
Przekład specjalistyczny – temat przewodni tomu, który oddajemy w Państwa ręce – to zagadnienie niezwykle szerokie i bogate; jest wszechobecny w naszym życiu i stanowi trzon praktyki translatorskiej, nie sposób się więc dziwić, że różne jego aspekty przyciągają także uwagę teoretyków oraz nauczycieli przekładu. Wprawdzie wielu badaczy neguje zasadność wyodrębniania przekładu literackiego i nieliterackiego, skupiając się na istocie samego procesu bądź proponując ujęcie holistyczne, w którym granice podziałów są płynne, jednakże niezależnie od ujęć teoretycznych – w aspekcie aplikatywnym – można wskazać szczególne właściwości tej subdziedziny tłumaczenia, którą określa się mianem „przekładu tekstów informacyjnych, specjalistycznych, fachowych, użytkowych, pragmatycznych” [Kozłowska, 2007: 50].
This article, on the bases of some new founded, systematically ordered and studied authentic sources and documents discloses the towns in South Dobroudza as centers of commercial life during the first and second decades of the 20th century. Also the exact situation of some of the central squares, streets and market places, where this trade life has happened are precisely defined. At that places people from South Dobroudzha not only supplied themselves with different type of provisions but also got acquainted with the achievements of the West Europe and its specific material culture. Those were also the spaces where naturally the great part of the mutual multicultural contacts happened.
The study of the collective historical memory is a pivotal great instrument for the very understanding of the present. The memory - or the oblivion - of specific places, events, protagonists of history (called realms or topoi of history) indicates definitely the social tendencies - both as sources of its self-confidence and as deficiency of this self-confidence. The “choice of its own history” (heroic or traumatic) could reveal not only underlying social attitudes but also could demonstrate the mechanisms of the modernization process.