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A green way to the novel (Miloš Urban: Hastrman, a vizek fejedelme)

Zöld út a regénynek (Miloš Urban: Hastrman, a vizek fejedelme)

Author(s): József Keserű / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 02/2004

Keywords: Miloš Urban; contemporary Czech novel; Hastrman; green politics

“According to Franz Kafka, a good book stings and gnaws and hits our head to wake us up. Miloš Urban’s Hastrman is exactly such a book.” The study takes a close look at the “green”- prompted novel of the Czech writer.


Language-criticism and the irony of history (Patrik Ouřednik: Europeana)

Nyelvkritika és a történelem iróniája (Patrik Ouřednik: Europeana)

Author(s): András Pályi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 02/2004

Keywords: Patrik Ouřednik; Europeana; contemporary Czech literature; essay

“His magic lies in not hiding himself in the text, or more precisely he hides in just as many forms as many truths he formulates.” The review is about the young Czech writer, Patrik Ouřednik’s novel published first in the Hungarian language.


What is a good museum catalogue like? (Várkonyi György: Modern Magyar Képtár I. 1890-1950; Sárkány József – Várkonyi György: Modern Magyar Képtár II.

Milyen a jó múzeumi katalógus?(Várkonyi György: Modern Magyar Képtár I. 1890-1950 Sárkány József és Várkonyi György: Modern Magyar Képtár II. 1955-200

Author(s): Gábor Ébli / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 02/2004

Keywords: hungarian museology; modern Hungarian art; Pécs Gallery; Várkonyi György; Sárkány József

“Modern Hungarian art is presented through a strong, high-standard filter.” The review analysing the catalogue of the Pécs Gallery, uses the methodological problems of museology as an important aspect.


What is the course? (Remembrance of careers. Conversations with literary scholars by Péter Szirák)

Mi a pálya? (Pályák emlékezete. Szirák Péter beszélgetései irodalomtudósokkal)

Author(s): Tamás Kisantal / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 02/2004

Keywords: contemporary Hungarian literary thinkers; Thomka Beáta; Dávidházi Péter; Szegedy-Maszák Mihály; Kulcsár Szabó Ernő

“Péter Szirák brings scholars close to us whose books were read by generations of students.” The collection of interviews reviewed lets a glimpse into the workshops of the most significant contemporary Hungarian literary thinkers.


The nation as a shadow (Jaroslav Durych: Wallenstein árnyai)

A nemzet mint árnyék (Jaroslav Durych: Wallenstein árnyai)

Author(s): László Márton / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 02/2004

Keywords: Jaroslav Durych; Wallenstein; czech novel; history

“From the Czech literature between the two World wars, beside the leftist-progressive Hašek’s Švejk can the rightist-conservative Durych’s Wallenstein say something universal on the power relations of the area?” The main question of the review is what conclusions the novel offers from the angle of the particular improvement of Hungarian literature.


Defiance to the practice (Literary canon and canonisation)

Ellenszegülés a gyakorlatnak (Irodalmi kánon és kanonizáció)

Author(s): Tibor Bárány / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 02/2004

Keywords: literary canon; Harold Bloom; Aleida and Jan Assmann; Hans Ultrich Gumbrecht

“There are few problems in literary scholarship that could not be reached in a very short way from the question of canons.” The review studies the reader concerning the problematic of literary canons and canonisation, the structure and the proportions of the book.


Baudolino, Holy Baudolino (Umberto Eco: Baudolino)

Baudolino, Szent Baudolino (Umberto Eco: Baudolino)

Author(s): János Kelemen / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 02/2004

Keywords: Umberto Eco; Baudolino; narrative form; epistemology

“Eco – as in his other novels – solves the task to reformulate problems of theoretical thinking, which he has also dealt with as a scholar, in a narrative form.” The review highlights the main philosophical and epistemological problems in the background of Eco’s novel.


Broukn csek (Keywords to Jáchym Topol’s prose)

Broukn csek (Kulcsszavak Jáchim Topol prózájához)

Author(s): Krisztián Benyovszky / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 02/2004

Keywords: Jáchym Topol; contemporary Czech literature; Czech novel

Jáchym Topol is one of the most significant writers of the young generation of contemporary Czech literature. The present study is a close analysis of two novels by the author published also in Hungarian.

Virtual identity (?) – New ways of self-definition and image-constructions

Virtual identity (?) – New ways of self-definition and image-constructions

Virtuális identitás (?) Az önmeghatározás és imázsépítés új lehetőségei

Author(s): Orsolya Gergely / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 01+02/2009

Keywords: virtual identity, self-definition, image-construction, virtual community, virtual self

This paper presents the first results of a research effectuated among a “virtual community”. The author formulate a current social questions: how does affect the identity and personal image-construction a completely new, previously unknown communication platform, namely the self-presentation on a popular social network site. Lunches the idea of a a new kind of identity, starts the thought of discovering the characteristics of the "virtual self". As a result, the study aims to analyze a social network site, based on the analyze on the profile pages of a representative group of the iWiW-users in a small town from Transylvania.. The analysis of the user’s profile pages will result the socio-demographic description of the iWiW-users from Miercurea Ciuc The author is assistant professor at the Sapientia – Hungarian University from Transylvania, Department of Social Science, e-mail address:

The local elite -  Previous consideration

The local elite - Previous consideration

A lokális elitek - Előreutaló megfontolások

Author(s): Imre Pászka / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 01+02/2009

Keywords: elite, capital, elite conversion, elite formation

The study summarize the results of a micro-area elite research (2002-2006, “Homokhat” 4 villages and Mórahalom town). The database is provided by narrative life-stories, which structural compilation potential is presented in an earlier theoretical and methodological monograph (Narratív történetformák…, 1. edition 2007, 2. edition 2009.). In the present study, therefore, is a partial summary of the attempt-application, which along the ridge of the classical elite-theories, but gearing the narrative aspects of interpretative contextualist view, tries to rethink the relationship between experience and theory. In the opinion of the author the types of the capital, the conversion of the elite, the elite formation, the selection, circulation concept-theory, the phenomena of projection which gained ground in the sociological theories of transition in the study of spatial structure of local society - but it seems neither at the macro level - do not have the significance attached to them. The author bring all these in correlation with the context of the market system imported after ‘89 and therefore not adapted, which influenced the saving of previous elite, with other words the changing of the configuration of “old-new” elite, the course of the formation of the elite. Imre Pászka dr. habil, Associate Professor, „Master Professor”, University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology.

Career-paths of Hungarian College Graduates in Transylvania

Career-paths of Hungarian College Graduates in Transylvania

Diplomás karrierpályák az erdélyi magyar fiatalok körében

Author(s): Emese Ruszuly,Zsombor Csata,Dénes Kiss,Zsuzsa Sólyom,Botond Dániel / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 01+02/2009

Keywords: career-path, college graduates

Based on a comparative research of three age cohorts, the study is dealing with the changing conditions of hiring and labor market success of Hungarian college graduates in Transylvania. It highlights the role of structural effects in the career potential of professionals with different social background, the differences between rural and urban career paths and finally, the changing career plans of the graduates for the future. The analysis is based on interviews and focus group discussions. The results show that the transformations which have taken place in the career habit of the graduates are socially differentiated; the graduate job market is highly segmented in a rural-urban context and, for the future, the willingness to migrate abroad is decreasing. Zsombor Csata şi Dénes Kiss teaching assistant at Babeş Bolyai University, Department of Sociology(,, Botond Dániel sociologist, master's student (, Emese Ruszuly sociologist, project manager at KleffmanGroup (, Zsuzsa Sólyom sociologist , economist, researcher at The Romanian Institute For Research On National Minorities (

Romania through the sacralisation. The analyze fo profane social functions of three Romanian church

Romania through the sacralisation. The analyze fo profane social functions of three Romanian church

Románia a szakralizáció útján. Három Romániai egyház profán társadalmi funkcióinak elemzése

Author(s): Dénes Kiss / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 01+02/2009

Keywords: sacralisation, profane social function, social role of churches

The article analyzes the social presence of churches in post-communist Romania. Its main question is how the social role of churches has been shaped in different spheres of the Romanian society. To answer this question, church-based organizations from one region in Transylvania are analyzed. The article proposes a theoretical model according to which the increasing social presence of churches is driven by two different strategies that these organizations employ. The first strategy can be called “the sacralization of public institutions”, and it has the goal of ensuring the presence of the church in public institutions. The second strategy can be labeled as “building own institutions”: churches become public actors using the elbowroom available in civil society. The essay comparatively presents these two strategies, and argues that both can operate against the functional differentiation of the Romanian society. Dénes Kiss, teaching assistant at Babeş Bolyai University, Department of Sociology (

Minority autonomy from outside and inside

Minority autonomy from outside and inside

Kisebbségi autonómia kivülről és belülről

Author(s): Valér Veres / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 01+02/2009

Keywords: minority, autonomy

Review of the book: Kisebbségi autonómia-törekvések Közép-Európában – a múltban és a jelenben - conference volume (eds. Kupa László)


All along Király street

A Király utcán végestelen-végig

Author(s): Mátyás Sárközi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2006

Keywords: sociography; Budapest in before WW II.

The author - reporter for the BBC for decades - recalls his memories on Király street, important commercial centre of Pest before the second war. He also collects literary data.


Brief essay on great love

Kis traktátus a nagy szerelemről

Author(s): László Tóth / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2006

Keywords: A short storey.


Aspects of the Catholic Eco-Theology

Néhány szempont a katolikus ökoteológia kérdéseihez

Author(s): Szabolcs Orbán / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2012

Keywords: Ecologia; ambiente; teologia morale; Chiesa cattolica; San Francesco; spiritualità francescana.

Il problema dell'ecologia diventa una questione che sempre di più, ed in una maniera sempre più profonda, tocca e coinvolge tutti i livelli della società odierna. Negli anni 60 alcuni studiosi hanno fatto l'affermazione, che i radici di questo problema sono collegati con “l'arroganza giudeo-cristiana” che ha avvelenato la mentalità umana e ha portato ai risultati che possiamo scoprire nelle tragedie del mondo di oggi. Nel nostro articolo mettiamo in evidenza i problemi di questa affermazione, e cerchiamo di presentare l'apporto della Chiesa cattolica alla ricerca degli radici di questa questione, e nello stesso momento di abbozzare una via di uscita da questa crisi. Una via che prima di tutto necessità una conversione ecologica, per il quale mostriamo un modello in San Francesco di Assisi e nella spiritualità francescana.

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