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Result 32221-32240 of 32256
Summary of Educational Policy Schemes of Opposition Parties. 1. Immediate Actions.

Summary of Educational Policy Schemes of Opposition Parties. 1. Immediate Actions.

Az ellenzéki pártok oktatáspolitikai elképzeléseinek összefoglalója. 1. Azonnali intézkedések.

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: CKP;CKP Educational Policy;Educational Policy;Hungarian opposition parties;Immediate actions

On 11/12/2017 Civil Platform for Public Education (CKP) organized a consultation with the Hungarian opposition parties in order to define immediate actions necessary in public education. The issues of sustenance and autonomy of public education entities were also discussed (See as another entry in the database). The table attached summarizes the position of the opposition parties regarding the necessary immediate actions and the relation to CKP proposals.

Summary of Educational Policy Schemes of Opposition Parties. 2. Sustenance and Autonomy

Summary of Educational Policy Schemes of Opposition Parties. 2. Sustenance and Autonomy

Az ellenzéki pártok oktatáspolitikai elképzeléseinek összefoglalója. 2. Fenntartás és autonómia.

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: CKP;CKP Educational Policy;Educational Policy;Hungarian opposition parties;sustenance;autonomy

On 11/12/2017 Civil Platform for Public Education (CKP) organized a consultation with the Hungarian opposition parties in order to define immediate actions necessary in public education. The issues of sustenance and autonomy of public education entities were also discussed. The table attached summarizes the position of the opposition parties regarding the sustenance and autonomy of public education entities and their relation to CKP proposals. (For immediate actions see another entry in database).

The Free Democrats. Privatization, Compensation, Securities Management
0.00 €

The Free Democrats. Privatization, Compensation, Securities Management

A Szabad Demokraták. A Privatizációról, a Kárpótlásról, az Állampolgári vagyonjegyekről

Author(s): Károly Soós,Márton Tardos,Péter Tölgyessy / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: post-communist transformation in Hungary; privatization in Hungary; compensation of expropriation;

The Booklet published by the political party SZDSZ in 1991 comprises three speeches of SZDSZ-deputies in the Hungarian Parliament regarding the problems of compensation (of property that has been expropriated during Communism), of privatization (by giving security papers to the citizens)

The Media Archive of Private Films. The Collection and a Case Study
4.50 €

The Media Archive of Private Films. The Collection and a Case Study

Média Archivum privát filmek gyűjtési és esetfelvételi kalauza

Author(s): / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: private films; oral history; private photographs;

This is case study about the Archive of private films, photographs and of oral history as it had existed in Hungary and dissapeared during the process of colapse oft he communist system.

ON THE LIMIT OF BEING. Exhibition Opening
6.00 €

ON THE LIMIT OF BEING. Exhibition Opening

LÉTHATÁRON. Kiállítás megnyitójára

Author(s): Gyula Fekete / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: breadline; margin of subsistence; Budapest;

In October 1989 the Újpesti Családsegítő Lözpont (Újpest Family Support Center) organiszed an exhibition in Magyar Munkásmozgalmi Múzeum (the Hungarian Labour-Movement Museum). The exhibition was based on a research of the early 1980s – remained unpublished until 1989. The research made by Dr. Gyula Fekete was presented in this booklet on the occasion of the exhibition.




Author(s): / Language(s): Romanian,Hungarian / Publication Year: 0

Frigyes Karinthy , "I suspect my wife from a husband's diary”

Frigyes Karinthy , "I suspect my wife from a husband's diary”

Frigyes Karinthy, "Nem tudom, de nekem a feleségem gyanús. Egy férj naplójából”

Author(s): Frigyes Karinthy / Language(s): Romanian,Hungarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Frigyes Karinthy;

Frigyes Karinthy (June 24, 1887, Budapest - August 29, 1938, Siófok) was a Hungarian writer, playwright, poet, journalist and translator. Humorist, visionary philosopher and defender of Reason advocated by the Encyclopaedists, Frigyes Karinthy is also a great poet. He collaborated in the review Nyugat.

Transylvanian Hungarians in the Political Space of Hungary and Romania
0.00 €

Transylvanian Hungarians in the Political Space of Hungary and Romania

Erdélyi magyarok a magyarországi és a romániai politikai térben

Author(s): Tamás Kiss,Gergő Barna / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: Transylvanian Hungarians; political behaviour; Ethnic parties; National minorities; Hungary and Romania; voting behaviour;

Between 18 May and 8 June, 2013 the authors have collected data from a representative sample of 1,232 Hungarians from Transylvania with the purpose to examine the political behaviour of the aforementioned community within the political spaces of both Hungary and Romania. While closely related to a research project (entitled 'Ethnic parties, voting behaviour') carried out within the Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, the present research has extended its focus to Transylvanian Hungarians' voting behaviour outside Romania. This change of perspective has been necessary because on 26 May 2010 the Hungarian Parliament adopted the amendment to the 1993 Law on Hungarian citizenship by introducing the simplified naturalization procedure, thus enabling Hungarians from the neighbouring countries of Hungary to obtain Hungarian citizenship without residency. Moreover, the new Hungarian election law adopted in November 2011 allows Hungarian citizens without residency in Hungary to vote in the Hungarian Parliamentary elections (on candidates from national party lists). As a consequence, the political, or voting behaviour of Hungarians from Transylvania needs to be analyzed by taking into account this perspective as well.

Do you think Romani (or) think in Hungarian? Analysis of Think Structures on the Basis of Publicity on the Szekler Flag Debate
0.00 €

Do you think Romani (or) think in Hungarian? Analysis of Think Structures on the Basis of Publicity on the Szekler Flag Debate

Románul (a)vagy magyarul gondolkodni? Gondolkodási struktúrák elemzése a székely zászló-vitáról közölt publicisztikák alapján

Author(s): Tamás Győri / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: Szekler flag; Hungarian Székely community of Romania; Minorities in Romania;

The present study summarizes the debate's history on Szekler flag in one year based on more important national and regional dealy newspapers/news sites. The first part of the text gives a summary of history on debate on grounds of news, the second part aims to explore the characteristics of structures of thinking through content analysis on publicism.

Content and Teaching of the Hungarian Language Subject in the Framework of Romanian education
0.00 €

Content and Teaching of the Hungarian Language Subject in the Framework of Romanian education

A magyar nyelv tantárgy tartalma és oktatása a romániai oktatásszabályozási keretben

Author(s): Edith Kádár / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: Hungarian Language subject in education; Romanian education; Carpathian Basin; School subject; Educational system;

As part of a joint research programme of the Termini Hungarian Language Research Network focussing on the teaching of the Hungarian language (and literature) as a school subject in the Carpathian Basin, this paper presents the Romanian case. It gives an overview of the contents, theoretical and methodological background, legal framework, actors and documents regulating the teaching of Hungarian as a school subject, in the context of the Romanian educational system.

Hungary Turns its Back on Europe 2.
0.00 €

Hungary Turns its Back on Europe 2.

Háttal Európának 2.

Author(s): Oktatói Hálózat / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: culture; education; science; media; Hungary; Orbán-regime; government; corruption

With this volume, we continue our "Hungary turns its back on Europe" report, which was finalised in autumn 2019 and published in January 2020, "prepared by independent Hungarian intellectuals who wish to inform the Hungarian and international public as well as European institutions about the severe harm that the Orbán regime governing Hungary since 2010 has caused in the fields of education, science, culture, and the media." The reason for carrying on with our work is that, in the meantime, the situation in Hungary has exacerbated: the authoritarian features of the Orbán regime have been further strengthened, dismantling of the rule of law has continued, and the government's "cultural warfare" has moved up a gear and is increasingly destructive in the domain of culture. It is our common experience that Hungary, using European Union funds, has built an openly anti‐European, 21st century autocracy, which has taken the state captive, dismantled the checks and balances essential to the rule of law, turned democratic institutions into an empty shell, invaded the media and made corruption systemic.

We need a change in education, elaboration on the 9 points
0.00 €

We need a change in education, elaboration on the 9 points

Változást az oktatásban, magyarázat a 9 ponthoz

Author(s): Not Specified Author / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: Hungary; educations;9 points;

On 23 October 2022, NGOs and advocacy groups for educators, parents and students fighting for changes in education published a 9-point list of their mutual demands, summarizing recent demands concerning tne necessary changes in educations.

Selection the Civil Public Education Platform from his professional materials
0.00 €

Selection the Civil Public Education Platform from his professional materials

Válogatás a Civil Közoktatási Platform szakmai anyagaiból

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): Hungarian

Keywords: Hungary;education;professional material

The Ministry of the Interior has invited school principals and teachers from some schools to "consult" on December 16, 2022, along aspects that have not yet been clarified. At the event, the speakers were able to share their thoughts and then listen to presentations by the education managers. From the presentation of Sándor Pintér, the minister responsible for education, it became clear that he has little information about the area and does not understand the data he presented. Moreover, he objected that the teachers only criticize, but have no suggestions. The CKP has been preparing such proposals since 2016 - several of its member organizations have been making such proposals for much longer. We always sent these proposals to the decision-makers and made them public. You can easily find out about them on our website. We drew the minister's attention to some of our professional materials in our letter before the above-mentioned meeting. Moreover, we also made proposals in specific, urgent matters. It seems that these have not reached him until now, so now we have collected the most important ones in a package for the Minister. The package will be delivered to you on December 21, 2022 at 3 p.m., accompanied by the letter below.

Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2023).
0.00 €

Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2023).

Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“ (София, 2023 година)

Author(s): Petya Barkalova,Krasilina Koleva-Kostova,Hristo Manev,Krasimira Aleksova,Ruska Stancheva,Verka Sasheva,Gergana Padareva-Ilieva,Teodora Krasteva,Elka Mircheva,Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova,Pirnika Penkova-Lyager,Tatyana Ilieva,Nadka Nikolova,Vanya Micheva,Georgi Mitrinov,Kalina Micheva-Peycheva,Magdalena Abadzhieva,Luchia Antonova-Vasileva,Manuela Nevaci,Irina Floarea,Iliyana Garavalova,Svitlana Georgieva,Kiril Kirilov,Krasimira Koleva,Hristina Deykova,Mariyana Parzulova,Simeon Stefanov,Nadezhda Dancheva,Tatyana Braga,Velislava Stoykova,Peter Žeňuch,Yoanna Kirilova,Svetlana Šašerina,Alexander Letuchiy,Ekaterina Tarpomanova,Ivan Derzhanski,Olena Siruk,Georgi Georgiev,Olena Voytseva,Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski,Julia Mazurkiewicz-Sułkowska,Vladislav Marinov,Reni Manova,Viara Maldžieva,Miyryam Salim / Language(s): Turkish,Slovak,English,Bulgarian,Romanian,Croatian,Russian,Polish,Ukrainian,Old Slavonic,Hungarian,Old Bulgarian

Keywords: Bulgarian Language; linguistics; lexicology; lexicography; terminology; terminography; historical lingusitics; history of Bulgarian language; dialectology; etymology; onomastics; ethnolinguistics; comparative linguistics; computational linguistics

This volume contains the papers presented at 2023 edition of the Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences .The Conference is a prestigious forum for sharing the latest achievements and trends in all areas of the study of the Bulgarian language in Bulgaria and around the world, as well as the advances of the ten departments of the Institute, including research carried out under national and international projects and in cooperation with scholarly centers in Bulgaria and abroad.

Result 32221-32240 of 32256
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