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Birgitta from Sweden and the Italian "Poet-Kings"

Svédországi szent Birgitta és az olasz „költőkirályok”

Author(s): Zoltán Rokay / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2012

Keywords: Avignon; Birgitta; Bocaccio; Kardinal; Dante; Papst; Petrarca; Privatoffenbarung; Schiwy.

In einigen katholischen Gemeinden scheint die Fröm¬migkeit der heiligen Birgitta wieder aktuell zu sein. Es ist immer vorteilhaft, die Heiligen auch in ihrem historischen Rahmen kennenzulernen. Diese Ar¬beit hat schon Günther Schiwy in seinem Werk: „Birgitta von Schweden”, 2007 (Beck, München) geleistet. Er vergleicht dabei das Frauenbild der Heiligen mit jenem ihrer Zeitgenossen: Dante, Petrarca und Bocaccio. Meiner Meinung nach besteht die geistige Nähe zu den „Dichterkönigen” eher in der Schilderung der kirchlichen Missstände, wobei sie seitens Birgitta eine Ermahnung aufgrund ihrer Privatoffenbarungen darstellt.


Konsumkultur und die Kirche

Plázakultúra és egyház. Az olcsó „sikerstratégiák” hiábavalóságáról

Author(s): Dávid Diósi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2012

Keywords: Einkaufszentrum; Konsumkultur; Kirche; Liturgie.

Die Einkaufszentren sind heutzutage zu Erlebnis¬zentren, zu Kathedralen des Konsums geworden. Es ist zweifellos eine Welt des subtilen Transzendenz-Surrogats. In diese verschönerte, geschminkte Welt darf nichts Störendes hineinkommen. Hier wird das in sich an¬scheinend stimmige, geschlossene Universum zelebriert. Oft gerät selbst die Kirche in die Versuchung, dass eine solche, schmeichelhafte Weltins¬zenierung auch für sie viel Erfolg verheißen kann. So versucht sie sich möglichst dadurch „menschennah“ zu präsentieren, dass sie einen freundlichen, nur harmlosen, kumpelhaften Gott verkündigt: einen Gott, dem alles gut und schön ist, einen Gott, der die Menschen so annimmt, wie sie sind. Keiner muss sich ändern, sondern im Leben alles genauso weiterlaufen lassen, wie bisher. Wenn einer sich überhaupt ändern soll, dann ist dies Gott. Dieses inzwischen weit verbreitete Verhaltensmuster der Kirche in der Seelsorge und Liturgie wird in der folgenden Studie näher analysiert und bloßgestellt.


Bischof Mihály Fogarasy und sein Werk „Über den Siebenbürger Bischof aus bürgerlicher Sicht“

Instrumentum egy vitához. Fogarasy Mihály könyve az erdélyi püspökök kormányszéki tanácsosságáról

Author(s): István Nemes / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2012

Keywords: Gubernium of Transylvania; bishop Miklós Kovács; bishop Mihály Fogarasy; 19th century.

The following paper deals with the book on the political status of Transylvanian bishops written by Mihály Fogarasy issued in 1837, the year of a great political debate on this topic in the Parliament of Grand Duchy of Transylvania. During the 18th century and the first half of 19th century, Transylvanian bishops held a very important position in the government of the country, which was a part of Habsburgic Empire at that time. They were a kind of vice prime ministers. But protestant orders considered their status as being illegal and discriminatory, since Transylvanian laws guaranteed equal religious and political liberty for all politically suitable agents, members of the four accepted denominations acknowledged in the country. Starting with year 1791 the position of catholic bishops was highly disputed in the Parliament of the province. Once with the apparition of early liberalism in Transylvania in the thirties of 19th century, the topic came in question again. The last important debate focused on the matter took place in 1837. Both counterparts were preparing themselves carefully for the battle. Mihály Fogarassy, a young and talented catholic priest of the time, later bishop of Transylvania, intended his book entitled On the Civil Status of the Bishop of Transylvania, to be an instrument and source for conservative politicians that decided to defend the post of bishop Miklós Kovács. The book summarizes the whole set of arguments for and objections against the bishop`s position, and so, gives a quite accurate picture over the essential issues emerged in the Parliament.


Pastoration in Prison. Report and Perspectives

A börtönpasztoráció tanulságai és távlatai

Author(s): László Koncsag / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2012

Keywords: prison; pastoral care in prisons.

Prisons are a special area of pastoral life. Pastoral care in prisons is special by the nature of the institution itself. The limitations of personal freedom reduces the possibility of movement, and the rigid routine of prison life keeps the prisoners in constant tension. This is further compounded by the reduced decision-making facilities and a lack of responsibility and challenges. The prison chaplain has to be the witness of God's free mercy, forgiving love, of goodness and tenderness in an environment where there is hardly any forgiveness. The importance of a prison chaplain consists in continually strengthen the faith and the hope of the closed ones.


Die „Unbequemen” der zukünftigen Kirche

A jövő egyházának „kényelmetlen” atyánkfiai

Author(s): Dávid Diósi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2012

Keywords: Zukunft der Kirche; Glaube; Gläubige.

Laut „Spiegel online“ zeigen die Ergebnisse einer neu¬en Studie des Forschungsteams der Berliner Humboldt-Universtät, der Universität von British Columbia in Vancouver sowie der Partnerver¬mittlung eDarling, dass heutzutage diejenige Menschen, die Wert auf Unab¬hängigkeit und Eigensinn legen, sich immer mehr von ihrer Kultur unter¬scheiden wollen. Sie vertreten Ansichten, die nicht der gängigen Norm der Gesellschaft entsprechen. Wer sich heute von der Masse unterscheiden will, kann möglicherweise das Christentum entdecken. Es wäre aber falsch zu glauben, dass in der Kirche alles so bleibt, wie es ist. Denn gerade diese Menschen, die für sich die Kirche neu entdecken, werden kritische Fragen an die Kirche haben. Sie werden „unbequem“ sein: durch ihre Fragen und Erwartungen. Doch gerade diese „Unbequemen“ werden die Kirche verändern und mit neuer schöpferischen Kraft erfüllen. Durch ihr Fargen und ihre Lebensweise werden sich die Horizonte der zukünftigen Kirche weiten und eröffnen. Ihr Fragen bereitet die Zukunft der Kirche.


Crisis as a Chance for Deepening Faith

A lélek töredelme. Hogyan mélyül el a hit útján a krízisben lévő ember?

Author(s): László Czikó / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 1/2012

Keywords: la crisi; la perdita; conversione (metanoia); la decisione; fede.

Oggi giorno parliamo molto sulle crisi e dobbiamo costatare che quasi sempre questo concetto viene usato in un modo negativo, ma tuttavia dobbiamo sottolineare che la crisi non è soltanto un pericolo, una negatività, ma è anche un chance.(opportunità) (su questo parla anche il filosofo contemporaneo Gianni Vattimo, quando presenta il mondo postmoderno come il mondo del chaos, come un mondo della crisi, ma secondo Vattimo questo crisi diventa la nostra chance. naturalmente non parla sul piano spirituale come TU) In questa breve opera (scritto) vorrei presentare e sottolineare questa chance, cioè che le crisi che accadono nelle nostre anime, portano con loro la possibilità di una profonda metanoia (conversione). La nostra anima deve distruggersi, o deve essere distrutta per poter sbocciare in una radicale conversione che prende l’aria di Dio e rivestirsi delle figura di Dio. Così escono fuori energie senza le quali diventa impensabile una fede profonda. Usare la crisi è il nostro compito cristiano per ritrovare noi stessi, per essere capaci di avvicinarsi a Dio, per essere capaci di dionizzarsi (diventare Dio).


Satie the inventor

Erik Satie, a feltaláló

Author(s): Bálint Veres / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2010

The paper examines Satie's oeuvre in a double perspective. In the first place, the essay interprets his work as a series of independent musical (or sonic) inventions that follow the spirit of the great 19th century technical innovators (like Marey, Muybridge, Edison and the Lumičres) and get out from the ideas of aesthetical autonomy. Secondly, the paper tries to disclose the reason why Satie recommenced his art almost then times in his lifetime.


The Turn of the Screw (Tarkovsky's Stalker Under the Water)

Csavar (Tarkovszkij Sztalkere a víz alatt)

Author(s): Ákos Czigány / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2010

Departing from the symbolic significance of the extraordinary circumstances in which Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky's chef-d'oeuvre Stalker (1979) was produced, destroyed and re-shot, the essay attempts to interpret the film based on the primary importance the element of water has in both the film itself and in the director's theoretical views on image-time. Exploring a possiblme way film, photography and orhodox iconography are linked by the hermeneutics of testimony, the essay goes on to close reading of the visual unity and of some crucial parts of Stalker.


There Is a Time for Cha(lle)nges (Paradigm Shifts in the Old Testament)

Ideje van a vált(oz)ásnak (Paradigmaváltások az Ószövetségben)

Author(s): György Kocsi / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2010

Based on Thomas S Kuhn's ''The Structure of Scientific Revolutions'' (1962) the essay analyses the paradigms and their shifts in the Old Testament. The first of these paradigms is that the world was created by the one God only, meaning that polytheism is abolished. Epitomized by the figure of Abraham and his quest for the fulfilment of God's promise, the second paradigm offers a new approach: every religion originates from Abraham, thus, Judaism, Christianity and Islam have the same desire for universality. The main figure of the third paradigm is Moses, who unifies the sons of the wandering patriarchs into God's people. The fourth paradigm deals with the establishment of the kingdom as the beginning of statehood. Then, the fifth paradigm is about the Babylonian captivity, the place of prolific literary production. Each paradigm has its symbolic place: paradise, the oak of Mamre, the tent, the temple and the synagogue. Interestingls, the latter two live together in harmony.


Images on Families (The Films of the Rumanian New Wave)

Családrajz (A román új hullám filmjeirõl)

Author(s): Anikó Gorácz / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 4/2010

While the Revolution of the 1989 brought about a great change in the political life of Romania, it took more than a decade for this change to reach the cinema. The genuine and straightforward style of the yound talents who appeared around 2000 restored a kind of realism that was strictly robidden in the previous political era. The creators of the Romanian New Wave, like Cristi Puiu, Cristian Mungiu, Corneliu Porumboisu, Radu Jude use this realism to tell us about the past and present of Romania. They explain the corruption of society through the weakening bonds in the family; hence most of their films focus on the relationship between parent and child.

Credentialing: It May Not be the Cat's Meow
4.50 €

Credentialing: It May Not be the Cat's Meow

A macskajáték véget ért

Author(s): Steve K. Dubrow-Eichel / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2003

Keywords: degrees; scientific societies

An essay on the easy way to become member of scientific societies and to obtain degrees in the USA.

Rational Genocide in Hungary
4.50 €

Rational Genocide in Hungary

Racionális népírtás Magyarországon

Author(s): Zoltán Vági,Gábor Kádár / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2003

Keywords: genocide; Jews; extermination of Hungarian Jews; holocaust; Götz Aly; Christian Gerlach

A critical review on Chrisitan Gerlach's and Götz Aly's "Das letzte Kapitel: Der Mord an den ungarischen Juden".

Gender Embodied
4.50 €

Gender Embodied

Szexpolitikai testtörténet

Author(s): Márta Csabai / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2003

Keywords: sex; politics; gender; Feminism; Greeks; Freud; Foucault

A critical review on Thoma Laqueur's "A testet öltött nem [Making Sex]".

4.90 €



Author(s): Ágnes Erdélyi,Éva Kocziszky,Eszter Somorjai,Csaba Dupcsik,Melinda Kovai,Ágnes Huszár,G. Péter Tóth,Éva Simon,Bernadette Somody / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2003

Keywords: socio-linguistics; language; theatre; sociology; cultural anthropology; e-privacy; communication rights; freedom of thought; witchcraft

Éva Kocziszky on Max Picard's "A csend birodalma [The World of Silence]", Melinda Kovai on Miklós Kontra's (ed.) "Nyelv és társadalom a rendszerváltáskori Magyarországon [Language and Society in Hungary in the Period of Transition]", Ágnes Erdélyi on Ádám Nádasdy's "Ízlések és szabályok [Tastes and Rules]", Eszter Somorjai on Árpád Kékes Kun's "Thália árnyék(á)ban [Under Thalia's Shadow or Thalia in the Shadow]", Csaba Dupcsik on Pál Léderer's "A szociológus, a módszerei meg a szövege [The Sociologists, Their Methods and Their Discourse]", Ágnes Huszár on Margaret Mead's "Férfi és nő [Male and Female]", Bernadette Somody on Dr. Zolátn Galántai's "E-privacy olvasókönyv [E-Privacy Reader]" and Máté Dániel Szabó's (ed.) "Védett adataink [Our Protected Data]", Éva Simon on Gábor Halmai's "Kommunikációs jogok [Communication Rights]" and Péter Molnár's "Gondolatbátorság [Courage of Thought]", and G. Péter Tóth on Paul Boyer's, Stephen Nissenbaum's "Boszorkányok Salemben [Salem Possessed]".

Human Rights
4.50 €

Human Rights

Egyes emberi jogok...

Author(s): Gábor Sulyok / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2003

Keywords: human rights theory; law

A critical review on Gábor Halmai's and Attila Gábor Tóth's (eds.) "Emberi jogok [Human Rights]".

4.50 €



Author(s): Tibor Schwendtner,Erzsébet Szalai,István Schütz,Csaba Olay / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 03/2003

Keywords: correspondence; István Schütz; Zsolt Simon; Erzsébet Szalai; Tibor Schwendtner

Letter by István Schütz, response by Zsolt Simon; letter by Erzsébet Szalai; letter by Tibor Schwendtner, reponse by Csaba Olay.


Issues of European Integration for the Western Balkans

A Nyugat-Balkán európai integrációjának kérdései

Author(s): Péter Balázs / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 04/2007

The accession of Romania and Bulgaria on 1 January 2007 had relatively little impact on the structure of the European Union: the number of its member states increased by all of 8% and its total population by some 6%, while its combined economic output grew by scarcely 1%. The change was thus far less significant than a mere three years earlier, on 1 May 2004, when the then 15-member European Union expanded to 25 members, thereby seeing its total population increase by 18% and its combined economic performance by some 5%. Prior to the “big” enlargement of 2004, the developed countries of the European Union primarily feared the harmful effects of price and wage differences between the old and new member states. They believed that a huge migration of labour from the cheaper eastern reaches of the expanding zone of integration would be triggered in a westerly direction, while productive capital might be relocated within the union from the older member states to the new investment markets, lured by their comparatively low wages and other costs. These expectations turned out to be unfounded, however, partly because the EU-15 countries were able to employ temporary restrictions to arrest or prevent undesirable market developments.1 In addition, a seismic change was also avoided because the movement of both capital and labour is determined by a set of conditions that takes many factors into account. […]


Slovenia’s First Year in the EMU

Szlovénia: az euró első éve

Author(s): Bostjan Vasle,Marijana Bednas / Language(s): Hungarian / Issue: 04/2007

The well-coordinated economic policies that Slovenia has applied since joining the EU and the ERM II exchange rate mechanism have paved the way for the country to fulfil the conditions for timely adoption of the euro, which has also been the main short-term objective of macroeconomic policies. As explained below, such an approach has enabled a smooth changeover and preserved the main macroeconomic balances of the Slovenian economy in the first year of EMU membership.[...]

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