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Author(s): György Németh / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2014

Keywords: Plato; Xenophon; symposium; Athens; deipnon.

In Plato’s Symposium, Socrates and his friends convened to celebrate the young and handsome Agathon’s first victory at the dramatic contest of tragedies in 416 BC. The gathering was practically an after-party, since the actual festivity took place the previous day (thus the participants have hardly sobered down), but Socrates had not wanted to take part in it because of the crowd. Xenophon, another pupil of Socrates, commemorated a banquet organized in honour of Autolycus, who was victorious in pankration in the Athenian Panathenaic Games in 422 BC, which is consequently the date of the dialogue. We do learn from these dialogues what a symposion meant to elegant Athenians at the end of the 5th century BC, and what kinds of conversation and jokes poets and philosophers used to while away.

An Overview of Franchising in The Hospitality Industry of Turkey

An Overview of Franchising in The Hospitality Industry of Turkey

An Overview of Franchising in The Hospitality Industry of Turkey

Author(s): Orhan Yabanci,Ali Erbaşı / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2017

Keywords: Turkey; hospitality industry; hotel chains; franchise; franchising;

Tourism is regarded as one of the fastest growing industries of our time. International hotel chains seem to contribute this development to a great amount. These hotels invest in Turkey since 1950s. Recently, these investments seem to be made majorly as franchises. Today, franchising seems to be one of the major strategies to enter global markets. And the system is popular because of its organisational and financial advantages. Although Franchising is adopted and frequently used in tourism industry, there are not (if any) any studies investigating facts and figures of the subject. In this regard, herein it is aimed to overview the current state of franchising in the Turkish tourism industry. Therefore, international hotel chains operating through Franchising in the hospitality industry of Turkey are reviewed in this study. Findings of the study suggest that international hotel chains aiming to expand in the market of Turkey prefer franchising as the major growth strategy to any other.

On the question of “inherent” powers of the President of Ukraine

On the question of “inherent” powers of the President of Ukraine

On the question of “inherent” powers of the President of Ukraine

Author(s): Vitalii Chornenkyi / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: “inherent” powers; separation of powers; head of state; constitutional jurisprudence; Constitution

The purpose of the article is an attempt to research the origin and content of the doctrine of “inherent” powers of the head of state, as well as to clarify the expediency of its implementation in Ukrainian realities. The relevance of this research direction is due to the fact that during the years of Ukraine’s independence, most heads of the state tried to increase their powers not only by amending the Constitution, but also by applying the aforementioned doctrine in practice.Today, the Constitutional Court of Ukraine takes a restrained position on the issue of implementing “inherent” powers. Thus, the Court has repeatedly confirmed its legal position that the Fundamental Law does not grant the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the right to determine in its acts the powers of the parliament and the head of state beyond those established by constitutional norms. However, such legal positions did not receive universal support among scientists and have already become the subject of discussions.Although analyzing the Constitutional Court’s decisions passed in recent years leads to the conclusion that “inherent” powers have no place in constitutional jurisprudence, some decisions of the constitutional jurisdiction body in the past decades still leave room for the implementation of such powers. Thus, the analyzed decisions made it possible to reach the conclusion that the search for the “inherent” powers of the President should be carried out in areas included in the scope (responsibility) of the head of the Ukrainian state — namely, foreign policy activities, national security and defense. However, it should be noted that the further development of these ideas in practice is currently impossible without a review of the existing constitutional jurisprudence.Sharing the opinion on the need to establish “inherent” powers of the President, we consider it necessary to emphasize the necessity for their strict regulation and the presence of clear limits of their application. Such limits seem extremely important, since under other conditions there is a risk of the President getting the impression that arbitrary development of this doctrine is possible. Therefore, the establishment of “inherent” powers in the national doctrine for the head of state should be accompanied by effective constitutional control, and the purpose of such powers is to take effective and urgent measures necessary for the performance of basic duties. After all, in conditions when state institutions are weak, the risk of usurpation of power is no less a threat than the aggressive policy of Ukraine’s eastern neighbor. Under such conditions, flirting with the doctrine of “inherent” powers can easily turn from the saving straw of the nation into its enslaver.With that in mind, the article analyzes the viewpoints already available in the scientific doctrine regarding the limits of application of the doctrine of “inherent” powers and makes proposals for their further implementation and improvement, in particular through the activities of the body of constitutional justice.

Cathedral Church of Holy Trinity in Mostar - history of its building and rebuilding

Cathedral Church of Holy Trinity in Mostar - history of its building and rebuilding

Cathedral Church of Holy Trinity in Mostar - history of its building and rebuilding

Author(s): Milijana Okilj,Miroslav Malinović / Language(s): English / Issue: 9/2023

Keywords: Mostar; Andreja Damjanov; the church; architecture; history;

This paper examines the historical and architectural aspects of the Cathedral Church in Mostar, constructed between 1863 and 1873. Notable figures involved in its construction were Spasoje Vulić and Andreja Damjanov, who was one of the prominent builders of that era. Additionally, Momir Korunović played a significant role in the church's development during the 1930s by overseeing the creation of the gate and the fence surrounding the churchyard. The research draws upon published works, historical sources, and particularly valuable field research conducted in 2005. This field research was instrumental in creating project documentation for the reconstruction of the church, which had been demolished in June 1992 during the preceding conflict. Furthermore, a comparative analysis between the Mostar Cathedral Church and other churches erected by Andreja Damjanov, such as the Cathedral Church in Sarajevo and the Church of the Assumption in Čajniče, is presented.

The effectiveness of EFL course materials developed on the grounds of critical language pedagogy and the pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning approach

The effectiveness of EFL course materials developed on the grounds of critical language pedagogy and the pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning approach

The effectiveness of EFL course materials developed on the grounds of critical language pedagogy and the pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning approach

Author(s): Barbara Muszyńska,Mª ELENA GÓMEZ-PARRA / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Critical Language Pedagogy; Pluriliteracies; Teaching for Deeper Learning; English language materials design; university students;

A review of literature that underpinned the theoretical framework for materials design presented in this study contributed to the development of English language course through the lens of Critical Language Pedagogy (CLP) and the Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning approach (PTDL). The purpose of the study was to gain initial knowledge on the effectiveness of such an approach for materials design, which could provide the basis for further questions related to the actualized learning potential of educational materials. With this purpose in mind, an interpretive content analysis of the Scenario-based Assessment for Learning Experiences questionnaires was conducted upon the course completion with university students from Spain and Poland. The obtained results suggest that educational materials prepared on the grounds of CLP and PTDL have the potential to support language learning in linguistically diverse educational contexts and can be characterized by their actualized learning potential. It is noteworthy that 30% of participants reported that the experience of working with the course led to personal growth and development. Nonetheless, as this research shows, such a process requires a change in the role of the teacher and a shift in the perception of learning goals in favor of the contextualization of learning materials, which is what future research should further examine.

In-servıce EFL teachers’ well-beıng durıng onlıne teacher professıonal development program ın Indonesıa: An ecologıcal perspectıve

In-servıce EFL teachers’ well-beıng durıng onlıne teacher professıonal development program ın Indonesıa: An ecologıcal perspectıve

In-servıce EFL teachers’ well-beıng durıng onlıne teacher professıonal development program ın Indonesıa: An ecologıcal perspectıve

Author(s): Priyatno Ardi,Rina Sari,Luki Emiliya Hidayat,Oktavia Tri Sanggala Dewi,Bambang Yudi Cahyono / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Ecological perspectives; EFL teachers’ well-being; in-service EFL teachers; online teacher professional education; teacher professional development;

This paper intends to scrutinize the personal and systemic factors affecting the well-being of in-service EFL teachers participating in a three-month online teacher professional education (OTPE) program in Indonesia. Moreover, it seeks to explore the resources that the teachers draw on to maintain their well-being. Six EFL teachers attending the OTPE program participated in this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six focal participants. The data were qualitatively analyzed to find the emerging themes. The findings revealed that personal and systemic factors influenced the participants' well-being in the OTPE program. The personal factors included motivation, marital status, and spirituality, while the systemic factors encompassed the national policy on EFL teacher certification, teacher education institution, home school, and family. Moreover, the participants drew on personal resources, i.e., motivation and spirituality, and social resources, i.e., family members, colleagues, students, instructors, and fellow participants, to maintain their well-being during the OTPE program. Hence, the interplay between personal and systemic factors was quintessential to the EFL teachers' well-being in the program.

Suggestıng an onlıne practıcum model on an exploratıon of the learnıng gaıns ın an EFL remote teachıng practıce course: Onlıne, practıcum, model ETCETera.

Suggestıng an onlıne practıcum model on an exploratıon of the learnıng gaıns ın an EFL remote teachıng practıce course: Onlıne, practıcum, model ETCETera.

Suggestıng an onlıne practıcum model on an exploratıon of the learnıng gaıns ın an EFL remote teachıng practıce course: Onlıne, practıcum, model ETCETera.

Author(s): Ali İlya,Ayşegül Daloğlu / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Online practicum; online language teacher education; practicum model;

Despite the growing popularity of online teaching especially following the COVID-19, the research addressing online language teacher education (OLTE) is still scarce. As another contribution to the narrow OLTE literature, the current study explores a semester-long online practicum experience with a particular focus on the learning gains student teachers (STs) made. Adopting a qualitative orientation, we collected data from 14 STs and 4 school-based mentor teachers (SMTs). In addition, the field observation notes of the university-based teacher educator (UTE), who is also the first author, enriched the data sources. Based on all the participants’ assessment and reflections, the learning gains were delineated. The results demonstrated that the procedures implemented in the course produced striking improvements in STs’ online language teaching skills, thus they were formed into a model titled ‘Online, Practicum, Model ETCEtera’ to design an online practicum course in pre-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher education programs. The model requires a close coordination between faculties of education and practice schools. It involves a repeated cycle of ETCE, i.e., exploration, teaching, collaboration, and evaluation. Throughout the whole process, the STs are involved in constant observation and reflection, which altogether lead to favourable learning outcomes.

“Thoughts, that breathe, and words, that burn,” or the growth of a writer’s mind: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s diary

“Thoughts, that breathe, and words, that burn,” or the growth of a writer’s mind: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s diary

“Thoughts, that breathe, and words, that burn,” or the growth of a writer’s mind: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s diary

Author(s): Yana Rowland / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Elizabeth Barrett Browning; diary; aesthetic experience; memory; Self; time; responsibility;

Published first in 1969, Diary by E. B. B. (1831–1832) has been an intersection of scholarly debates on nineteenth-century English literature, femininity, diurnal narrative, and aesthetic experience. A confessional document of the last two years of Elizabeth’s life at the family estate of Hope End, the diary throws her unique self-creationist and self-revisionary impulses into relief. It is an outstanding prose-fiction piece of evidence of her overall penchant for self-acclaim by way of self-denial. This paper aims at tracing the development of the woman writer in view of the immediacy and ontological priority of an implied Other found at the core of self-writing, as Elizabeth’s diary signals. A modicum of contextual references to some of E. B. Browning’s poetical works brings out her self-reflexive leanings. Finally, it could be argued that self-questioning distinguishes Elizabeth Barrett Browning as a polemicist whose private diary identifies the concept of time as the kernel of her perception of identity as responsibility.

The Autofictional Ailing Self: Depression in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar and Cella Serghi’s The Spider’s Web – A Comparison

The Autofictional Ailing Self: Depression in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar and Cella Serghi’s The Spider’s Web – A Comparison

The Autofictional Ailing Self: Depression in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar and Cella Serghi’s The Spider’s Web – A Comparison

Author(s): Hristo Boev / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: autofiction; World Literature; phenomenology; depression; lived experience;

During the COVID-19 pandemic and emerging from it many people went through depressive states, sometimes with a lethal outcome. Depression, however, can be caused by numerous factors not expressly necessitating a global cataclysm, invariably remaining a particular personal response to a perceived strong sensation of discomfort and loss of meaning in one’s life. This paper will examine the major novels by two writers – the American Sylvia Plath and the Romanian Cella Serghi with the purpose of comparing the autofictional representations of depression in both, paying attention to its causes, courses, and outcomes. The comparative analysis will also establish the power of autofiction as a phenomenon and its capacity of producing texts with interdisciplinary dimensions containing a universal appeal. By examining two autofictional responses to an identical issue – the modern disease occasioned by similar causes, the paper aims to provide potential solutions that might have worked to a healing effect in the other text with the potential to transcend the texts in question and be applied to real-life situations since the described incidents have already happened not once and not only as part of the lived experience of the two writers. Last but not least, by effectuating the comparison the article seeks to help promote an author from a smaller national literature to the realms of World Literature.


Deep Music Pedagogy and Four-Ways-of-Being

Dubinska muzička pedagogija i četiri načina bivstvovanja

Author(s): Nada O'Brien / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: music; self; education; pedagogy; development

The core dynamics of human development are mirrored in the relationship between verbaland non-verbal experience and communication. This topic is a focus of research not only indevelopmental psychology, analytical psychology and psychoanalysis, but also in pedagogy and musiceducation. Deep music pedagogy, introduced in this paper, provides a theoretical framework for theexploration of the music nature of the self in educational contexts. The concept of the self is based on thedevelopment of four senses of the self, with emphasis on non-verbal and verbal dynamics and the psychoanalytic perspective of the music nature of the self. These essential dynamics are studied in this articleas four ways of (music) being and articulated as four educational standards for music education. Deepmusic pedagogy lays the foundation for music education employing the full developmental and educational potential of the music nature of the self.


Values of Pre-Service Music Teachers in Turkey

Vrednosti budućih nastavnika muzičke kulture u Turskoj

Author(s): Sibel Çelik / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Human values; pre-service music teachers; higher education; teacher education

The aim of this study is to investigate the representation of values among pre-service music teachers. The study group consisted of 278 pre-service music teachers studying at state universities indifferent regions of Turkey. The study was conducted using an instrument for measuring teachers’ values whichhad already been applied in other research. Generally speaking, the most important values for pre-servicemusic teachers are social values, freedom, career, intellectual and honor of humanity, while the least importantvalues are spiritual and romantic. It might be concluded that there is a significant difference in the sub-dimensions honor of humanity, and career values and spirituality in favor of girls and in favor of those aged 27 andover. Significant differences were found in the sub-dimensions of materialistic values in favor of participantswhose parents have a higher income, and romantic values in favor of participants with parents with a mediumand low- income level. As regards materialistic values, a sub-dimension of the values scale, it was observed thatstudents with illiterate fathers and students with undergraduate fathers differed significantly. The relationshipsbetween the sub-dimensions of the value scale are statistically significant and positive (p<0.01). Only the relationship between the romantic values and futuwwat/munificence & courage sub-dimensions decreased at the(p<0.05) level. In accordance with these findings the paper offers recommendations for improving preserviceteacher education so that teachers can critically asses and reconsider their own values, but also tend to developvalues that are in accordance with contemporary educational standpoints.

Од методот на физички дејства на Станиславски до епскиот театар на Брехт

Од методот на физички дејства на Станиславски до епскиот театар на Брехт


Author(s): Elmaze Nura / Language(s): English / Issue: 27/2023

Keywords: Stanislavski; Brecht; Тhe Method of physical actions; Epic theatre

Овој истражувачки труд ги анализира сличностите и разликите меѓу специфичната техника на Станиславски „метод на физички дејствија“ и Брехтовиот „епски театар“ во однос на креативниот процес на актерот и влијанието што треба да го има театарот врз културата и општеството.Специфичната техника на Станиславски се заснова на идејата дека емоциите можат да се стимулираат преку едноставни физички дејства. Тој верува дека внатрешниот и физичкиот апарат на актерот мора да се тренираат истовремено и дека работата на актерот започнува кога неговото „магично ако“ ќе се појави во имагинацијата или душата на актерот. Од друга страна, Брехт веруваше дека публиката треба да остане објективна и неемотивна за време на неговите претстави за да одговори интелектуално на она што го гледа. Методот на Брехт за оддалечување на публиката преку употреба на V-ефектот, им овозможи на актерите да коментираат за ликот што се прикажува и да ја откријат врската меѓу мотивите и акциите на воздржаност. И покрај нивните разлики, и Станиславски и Брехт се обидуваа да го обликуваат театарот во алатка која може да се користи за создавање нова реалност и претпоставка за промена.

Не одам никаде на Бужаровска: Идеализација на западниот свет и разочарување при географско раселување

Не одам никаде на Бужаровска: Идеализација на западниот свет и разочарување при географско раселување


Author(s): Ivana Trajanoska / Language(s): English / Issue: 27/2023

Keywords: Rumena Buzarovska; I’m Not Going Anywhere; geographical displacement; Cavafy; intercultural communication studies

Во својата последна збирка раскази Не одам никаде, Румена Бужаровска ја истражува темата на географското раселување и неговите различни аспекти, како што се претставувањето и разбирањето на западниот свет наспроти македонската култура. Во овој труд расказите се анализирани преку песната „Градот“ од Константин Кавафи, која се заснова на идејата за неможност да се избега од културата на потекло и да се најде среќата на друго место, како и преку неколку концепти од научната дисциплина која се занимава со интеркултурната комуникација опфаќајќи ги: концептот на странец, интеркултурната комуникациска компетенција, стереотипите и предрасудите. Сликите што ги конструирале протагонистите во расказите за својата култура на потекло, за странците во нивната родна земја и за западните култури каде што тие би сакале или во кои емигрирале, се стереотипни и базирани на предрасуди, а следствено на тоа, и лесно кршливи. Поради нивниот недостаток на компетенции за интеркултурна комуникација, тие се целосно изгубени.

Comparative analyses of the educational methods in the leading business development masters programmes in Hungary

Comparative analyses of the educational methods in the leading business development masters programmes in Hungary

Comparative analyses of the educational methods in the leading business development masters programmes in Hungary

Author(s): Erika Jáki,Márta Aranyossy,Peter Halmosi,Patrícia Becsky-Nagy / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: economic education; business development; Master programmes; higher education

Entrepreneurship education is a rapidly growing research field, emphasizing the role of education institutions in developing entrepreneurial skills and attitudes. We examined the leading Hungarian business development programmes to explore the prominent educational and technological trends of the programmes from four perspectives: (1) usage of practice-oriented and experimental teaching methods, (2) how the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digitalization of education, (3) preparation of future entrepreneurs for the digital economy and (4) fostering entrepreneurship through extracurricular offers. We carried out 36 questionnaire-based interviews with professors of the investigated universities, comparing the results to a student survey covering more than 60% of active business development students in master programmes. The results suggest that the investigated programmes are practice-oriented, using practical examples. During COVID-19, different online platforms have been introduced at all three universities, widely used and adopted by both teachers and students and positive changes have been incorporated in teaching after the return to face-to-face. New digital trends and skills are already present in the curriculum, but students are less aware of them, so further development is needed in this area. Also, developments in terms of providing infrastructural, networking and financing-related services would be highly valued by students with entrepreneurial intent.

The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions and competencies of students in Moldova

The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions and competencies of students in Moldova

The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions and competencies of students in Moldova

Author(s): Natalia Vinogradova,Alexandra Novac,Erika Jáki,Márta Aranyossy / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurial competencies; entrepreneurial intention; Republic of Moldova

This paper focuses on questions of entrepreneurial education's (1) perceived usefulness, (2) effect on developing entrepreneurial competence and (3) potential to increase entrepreneurial intention. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of entrepreneurship education on the development of students' entrepreneurial competences and career plans in the Republic of Moldova. In order to explore this subject, a survey was conducted among young citizens, mainly university students and students of vocational secondary schools, who have studied entrepreneurship-related subjects. The questionnaires were completed by 289 students from 20 educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova. The statistical analysis of their answers allowed conclusions to be drawn about the positive relationship between entrepreneurship education, the development of entrepreneurial competences and the students' entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurial studies are perceived to be useful by students not only in the context of starting a new business, but also for a career as an employee, and even in various social and political situations. Some gender-specific differences were also revealed concerning perceptions of competence development and their usefulness which can be important inputs for further development of entrepreneurship education.

Social enterprise development in a disadvantaged community

Social enterprise development in a disadvantaged community

Social enterprise development in a disadvantaged community

Author(s): Márton Gosztonyi / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: social enterprise development; empowerment; participatory development

This paper presents a nearly ten-year-long process of covering the history of social enterprise development in a small village in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, Hungary. The paper covers the hermeneutical interpretation of the process, the role and relationship between the community and the social enterprise developer, the process of development work, and how university education complements this process. The case study provides insights into the theory of community planning, the methodology of social-enterprise development and the issue of empowerment.

What managers can learn from knowledge intensive technology startups? • Exploring the skillset for developing adaptive organizational learning capabilities of a successful start-up enterprise in management education

What managers can learn from knowledge intensive technology startups? • Exploring the skillset for developing adaptive organizational learning capabilities of a successful start-up enterprise in management education

What managers can learn from knowledge intensive technology startups? • Exploring the skillset for developing adaptive organizational learning capabilities of a successful start-up enterprise in management education

Author(s): Diána Dóra Beke,Andrea Sólyom,Andrea Juhászné Klér / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: startup; entrepreneurial skills; entrepreneurship education; management education; organizational learning; higher education

The study shows what management students could learn from technology startups from an organizational learning (learning organization) perspective; and whether or on what level this entrepreneurial mindset is built into management education. First, the organizational learning patterns and adaptive entrepreneurial skillset of startups are identified, based on a review of the recent literature focusing on knowledge-intensive technology startups' organizational learning patterns. Then, qualitative interviews and document analysis are applied to find out whether or on what level the improvement of these skills for developing an adaptive and successful startup are present as ‘learning organizations’ are integrated in top Central-European higher management education curricula. Based on the literature review, the theoretical framework is introduced, consisting of five pillars of ‘start-up learning’: ambidextrous entrepreneurial learning, business model development, failure and experiential learning, benchmarking and learning from others, and agile product development. The empirical research looks for these pillars in management MSc programs of a top Central-European business school. The most important findings reveal that the analyzed management education programs strongly prepare students with benchmarking skills. However, the study also showed that the culture and experience of failure and the capability of learning from failure are missing from these education programs.

Institutions and integration (im)maturity: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Institutions and integration (im)maturity: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Institutions and integration (im)maturity: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Author(s): Dženita Šiljak,Kristian L. Nielsen / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Bosnia and Herzegovina; integration maturity; institutions; transition; EU

In this paper, we analyze the integration maturity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on its path towards EU membership and the role of institutions in the process. Integration maturity focuses on five main parameters for readiness to make integration successful: macroeconomic stability, functioning market economy, competitiveness, access to foreign finance and convergence. We combine a discussion of BiH's readiness on these parameters with insights from institutional economics, and show how inefficient institutions are major obstacles to BiH achieving sustained economic growth and attaining the necessary integration maturity. The main reasons for the institutional deficiencies relate to BiH being an ethnically divided country, but just as much it reflects corruption and elite capture of institutions. Only by thoroughly rethinking and reforming its institutional framework will Bosnia and Herzegovina be able to move forward.

Job retention opportunities in a pandemic crisis based on the example of three countries in the Asia-Pacific region

Job retention opportunities in a pandemic crisis based on the example of three countries in the Asia-Pacific region

Job retention opportunities in a pandemic crisis based on the example of three countries in the Asia-Pacific region

Author(s): Arnold Tóth,Botond Géza Kálmán,Allen D. Engle,József Poór / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: Asia–Pacific region; unemployment; COVID-19; ARIMA; integration

Our study examines the development of unemployment data from three strong Asian economies, China, Korea, and Japan. The focus is on the impact of the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, as well as an overview of the possible solutions to combat the impact of similar future crises on the labour market, in the hope of mitigating future economic dislocations. Following an overview of the region's economy and the pandemic, we use stochastic modelling of unemployment data of ten years prior to the pandemic, to estimate counterfactual future data without the pandemic. We then compare this estimate with real data during the pandemic. We did this in order to explore ideas and new solutions that could possibly be applied in Hungary, which is presently burdened by a very significant labour shortage.

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