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Result 255681-255700 of 319145
The Stein Family – From the Legend to Reality

The Stein Family – From the Legend to Reality

The Stein Family – From the Legend to Reality

Author(s): Murat Valiyev / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: genealogy; genealogical numbering system; Stein; Russia; Saint Petersburg; Derpt; Dubrovnik; Munich

The article is devoted to the family history of the Stein family. Unique genealogical information about seven generations of the family is given. According to the family legend, the Stein family moved to the Catholic Poland in the second half of the 16th century after the victory of the reformation movement in Germany. The representatives of the Stein family served to the Polish, Russian, and Austrian Crown. This paper traces the history of the Russian branch of the family, which includes officers and government officials, writers, and journalists. One of the main characters of the publication is the famous philologist and Slavist Sergey Vladimirovich Stein (1882–1955). For the first time, it was possible to precisely reconstruct the events of the last 15 years of S. V. Stein's life. The article is accompanied by a large number of illustrations, most of which are published for the first time.

Close Countries – Distant Countries. Polish-Swiss Freedom
Analogies in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Close Countries – Distant Countries. Polish-Swiss Freedom Analogies in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Close Countries – Distant Countries. Polish-Swiss Freedom Analogies in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Author(s): Piotr Bednarz / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: Switzerland; Polish-Swiss relations of the 19th and 20th centuries; historiography

The French Revolution became an inspiration for freedom movements not only in France itself, but also beyond its borders. The ideals expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen also animated revolutionary and national liberation movements in Switzerland and on Polish soil throughout the long 19th century. The historiography of both countries tends to attribute a special role to Switzerland for the Polish idea of independence, as a country that is a refuge of freedom. The Poles deprived of it were to benefit from the support of the Swiss in their efforts to regain independence. However, there is limited confirmation for this finding in historical facts. They prove that despite the common beginning of the liberal ideas of the 19th century, as the French Revolution can be considered, the social history of the Swiss and Poles ran along completely different paths. Different understandings of the idea of freedom and divergent methods of its realization with simultaneous mental differences between the two nations make it clear that this Alpine country could only to a limited extent fulfil the role of an asylum for Polish independence thought. Even after Poland regained statehood, the differences between the two nations did not disappear, which is illustrated by selected issues from the history of the 20th century. The narrative of Swiss-Polish relations adopted by Polish historiography requires a certain revision, taking into account the indicated differences in the understanding and realization of the idea of freedom, which both nations have demonstrated over both centuries.

Edward Zheligowski – Polish Exile in the Russian Civil Service (Based on the Materials of the Orenburg Region, 1853–1857)

Edward Zheligowski – Polish Exile in the Russian Civil Service (Based on the Materials of the Orenburg Region, 1853–1857)

Edward Zheligowski – Polish Exile in the Russian Civil Service (Based on the Materials of the Orenburg Region, 1853–1857)

Author(s): Sergey Lyubichankovskiy / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: Edward Zheligowski; exile; Orenburg region; Poles; an official on special assignments; acculturation

The article reconstructs the life of the Polish exile Edward Zheligowski in the Orenburg region in 1853–1857 on the basis of archival documents. It describes the circle of his patrons, contributing to the mitigation of his punishment. The author shows the mechanism of his appointment to a Russian state position while serving his exile.

Heads of the Siedlce School Directorate (1864–1912)

Heads of the Siedlce School Directorate (1864–1912)

Heads of the Siedlce School Directorate (1864–1912)

Author(s): Dariusz Szewczuk / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: Kingdom of Poland; Siedlce School Directorate; education administration; heads of school directorates; elementary education

The article presents and analyses the group of officials heading the Siedlce School Directorate in the years 1864–1912. They were responsible for supervising the functioning of education in the Siedlce Governorate. They also had the right to decide on employing teachers in elementary schools and controlled their teaching and educational work. In the political situation of the era, their tasks also focused on pursuing activities involved in Russification. The article attempts to answer the question as to what extent their professional background had an impact on how they accomplished these tasks. It also discusses where they came from, what social strata they were born in, and what education they received.

4th Rifle Division in Kuban and Odessa as Part of Polish Army in France (1918–1919)

4th Rifle Division in Kuban and Odessa as Part of Polish Army in France (1918–1919)

4th Rifle Division in Kuban and Odessa as Part of Polish Army in France (1918–1919)

Author(s): Witold Jarno / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: 4th Rifle Division in Russia; General Lucjan Żeligowski; Polish Army in France; History of Odessa; Polish Army in South Russia

This paper outlines the history of the 4th Rifle Division led by General Lucjan Żeligowski, which was established in the autumn of 1918 in Kuban in southern Russia. It was initially under the command of the Russian Volunteer Army, but soon afterwards it became a part of the Polish Army in France. After the agreement between the French government and the Polish National Committee was concluded in September 1918, the 4th Rifle Division was subordinated to the command of the allied forces and in December it was transported to Odessa. During the talks with the French government, it was established that from January 1919 the French side would take over upkeep of the division. The division was then subordinated to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in the Balkans. From that point on, the division has officially become a part of the Polish Army in France. At the same time, however, General Lucjan Żeligowski established close contacts with the command of the Polish Army in Warsaw and de facto subordinated himself to the authority of Józef Piłsudski, as the Commander in Chief. The 4th Rifle Division eventually returned to Poland in June 1919, where it was transformed into the 10th Infantry Division. This concluded the history of the of the 4th Rifle Division, which was the only Polish tactical unit formed in Russia that managed to return to Poland.

Antiheroines of Early Modern Polish History in the Textbooks of the Second Polish Republic

Antiheroines of Early Modern Polish History in the Textbooks of the Second Polish Republic

Antiheroines of Early Modern Polish History in the Textbooks of the Second Polish Republic

Author(s): Mariola Hoszowska / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: history of women; history education; Second Polish Republic; Bona Sforza d’Aragona; Maria Ludwika Gonzaga; Maria Kazimiera d’Arquien

The author of the article presents changes that took place in the textbook depictions of women – counted among the antiheroines of Polish History – from 1918 to 1939. The starting point are 19th-century compilations, in which the authors’ attention was focused on prominent queens of the Early Modern era: Bona Sforza, Maria Ludwika Gonzaga, and Maria Kazimiera de La Grange d’Arquien. The attitudes of the authors of historical and educational compilations created after Poland regained its independence towards these women was the result of various factors, but also a proof of acceptance of women’s new roles in the newly united – among others, through historical education – society. This applied particularly to those women’s roles that evoked social resistance, as they were linked to involvement in politics, which was viewed as a space for men’s activity. The article emphasizes comparative concepts to clearly delineate differences between what was typical of educational framing pre- and post-1918. The author analyzed 30 history textbooks written in the first and second decade of Poland Reborn, addressed to children and youth in primary, gymnasium and secondary schools. The article serves as a search for the answers to the following questions: 1. In what way were ambitious women rulers perceived in different political conditions, i.e. in a situation of formal equality of the political rights of women and men? 2. How different were textbooks in the Piłsudski-reformed schools from those used earlier? 3. To what extent did the reorientation of the educational ideal of the 1930s influence the image of the politically involved Polish queens of the Early Modern era?

The Role of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Building the Prestige of the Reborn Second Republic of Poland

The Role of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Building the Prestige of the Reborn Second Republic of Poland

The Role of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Building the Prestige of the Reborn Second Republic of Poland

Author(s): Mateusz Hübner / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences; science; national culture; Second Republic of Poland; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; prestige

The article shows the importance of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU) in building the prestige of the Polish state, reborn in 1918. It investigates primarily the first years of independence in which the Academy undertook actions aimed at gaining Polish science an international reputation. The scope and nature of the PAU’s cooperation with the authorities of the Republic of Poland – in particular with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – was analyzed. The article is based on source materials – both archival and published – and literature on the subject. The information contained in the sources and published works has been critically evaluated, taking into account the specificity of the analyzed material. Based on the statutory objectives of the PAU, various forms of the Academy’s work were presented, which were related to building the importance of Polish science abroad. Reference was made to the involvement of the PAU in the work of international scientific organizations – the Conseil International de Recherches and the Union Académique Internationale de Recherches et de Publications. The influence of Polish national culture (supported and developed by the PAU) on the prestige of the Second Republic of Poland in the international arena indicated that the PAU’s actions were necessary in view of the desire to strengthen the position of the Republic of Poland in the circle of scholars from other countries – after years of Polish scientific and cultural achievements being underestimated, marginalized and attributed to others. The importance of support for PAU’s activities by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was established, as well as the beneficial effects but also the dangers related to the entry of politics into the field of science.

‘Warsaw period’ (1945–1950) in Celina Bobińska's
Organizational Activity for Historical Science

‘Warsaw period’ (1945–1950) in Celina Bobińska's Organizational Activity for Historical Science

‘Warsaw period’ (1945–1950) in Celina Bobińska's Organizational Activity for Historical Science

Author(s): Piotr Pasisz / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: Celina Bobińska; historians of communist party; Marxist historians; intellectual biographies of historians

The purpose of the article is to present the activity of the historian, Celina Bobińska, as regards the historical science, in the years 1945–1950. With the use of the biographical method and on the basis of the mainly textual sources of the Central Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw, the activity of Bobińska in the structures of the communist party with respect to the higher education and the policy of transformation of the historical science, and her participation in the 7th General Convention of Historians in Wrocław (1948) and in the Marxist Historians Union will be presented.

Reflections on Historiography and Theory of Revolution

Reflections on Historiography and Theory of Revolution

Reflections on Historiography and Theory of Revolution

Author(s): Karol Kasprowicz / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: revolution; social change; theory; history; the past

The major aim of this article is to analyse the concept of revolution and changes within the theory of revolution. Theorising about radical social changes raised questions which still have not been answered: how is revolution different from other social changes? Does it have the beginning and the end? Is it a result of chance or a necessity? Why does it take place at a particular time, in a given place? How does it evolve? These basic problems are still the subject of study today.

Searching for the Roots of Polish Visual History

Searching for the Roots of Polish Visual History

Searching for the Roots of Polish Visual History

Author(s): Dariusz Banek / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: visual history; history of historiography; beginnings of Polish visual history

Contemporary humanities, succumbing to fashions, sometimes forget about their past achievements. In Polish historiography, the author seeks reflection on visuality as a subject of research, as a form of presenting the past, as a means of documentation and, lastly, as an epistemological issue, bringing up the sensual nature of historical cognition in Lelewel. It is precisely in Lelewel’s works that he still finds references to earlier traditions. Following the works of Mieczysław Porębski, he describes numerous strands of Polish thought devoted to reflection on the significance of images for historiography, from visual arts to photography to film, tracking the manner of thinking about the past which we now call visual, in historians’ and sometimes artists’ writings.

‘Borderline on Fire’ – the Film Image of the Polish Inter-War Period as an Element of Public Discourse

‘Borderline on Fire’ – the Film Image of the Polish Inter-War Period as an Element of Public Discourse

‘Borderline on Fire’ – the Film Image of the Polish Inter-War Period as an Element of Public Discourse

Author(s): Marek Sioma / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: Andrzej Konic; Second Re;ublic of Poland; historical TV drama series; inter-war period; Polish-German relations; politics of history; discourse; Second Department of Polish General Staff; Abwehr

Focusing on a 24-episode TV drama series Borderline on Fire, the presented text offers an analysis of the long-lasting discussion of both the series and the Second Republic of Poland with which the series is bound up. The main goal I set myself in writing the article was to show the significance of the inter-war era – which is inseparably associated with the person of Józef Piłsudski and which has been the subject of much mythologization – in public discourse. The article supports the conclusion that the inter-war period still attracts much interest, especially among history-lovers, and that the series dealt with in it can be considered to be one of the factors to which the epoch owes this interest.

Image of Upper Social Classes in the Polish Feature Film in 1947–1989

Image of Upper Social Classes in the Polish Feature Film in 1947–1989

Image of Upper Social Classes in the Polish Feature Film in 1947–1989

Author(s): Dorota Skotarczak / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: Polish People Republic; film; upper class; propaganda

The article presents the Image of Upper Social Classes in the Polish Feature Film in the years 1947– 1989. It analyzes several dozen films as a kind of historical sources and allows to show the influence of politics on mass culture. Upper social classes of the old Poland were sentenced to destruction in the Polish People's Republic. In the period of socialist realism they were presented as the main enemy of the people, a symbol of reaction and the source of evil. But since the mid-fifties they were looked at with a kind of sentiment, although emphasizing the fact that they belonged to a closed chapter of history. The approach to these privileged classes, and what follows, their image in art, including film, was changing together with the political changes in Poland. It can be clearly seen in the films produced before 1989. The way of presenting nobles or bourgeoisie coincided with the dynamics of transformations in Poland of that times.

Narratives of Cruel: Cristian Mungiu’s Cinematic Work and the Political Imaginary of East-Central Europe

Narratives of Cruel: Cristian Mungiu’s Cinematic Work and the Political Imaginary of East-Central Europe

Narratives of Cruel: Cristian Mungiu’s Cinematic Work and the Political Imaginary of East-Central Europe

Author(s): Constantin Parvulescu / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: East-Central European political imaginary; cinema of Cristian Mungiu; cruel optimism; 1989

This article employs Lauren Berlant’s concepts of cruel optimism and impasse to explain the way the cinematic work of Cristian Mungiu comments on the condition of small East- -Central European cultures. The article analyzes 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (2007), Beyond the Hills (2012) and Graduation (2016), and draws evidence from the narrative structure of these films, gender and social and economic condition of their characters, as well as the audiovisual poetics of their endings. The main point of the article is that Mungiu’s films criticize a mental mapping East-Central Europe with origins in the Cold War that imagines it as a region of small nations in a permanent state of danger and in need of urgent protection. Mungiu’s films show that this mapping exposes these cultures to inescapable cycles of political abuse. The slow and contemplative endings of Mungiu’s films also propose a solution. They gesture toward the development of a condition of political hovering that, as interruption, may enable East-Central European political imaginaries to envision more creative solutions to escape cycles of abuse. This interruption is linked to the memory of 1989 and to the historical openness 1989 created. As a political approach for East-Central European cultures, interruption is a strategy of letting one’s political imaginary be inspired to the opening of 1989.

The Framework of Reception: Public Responses to Historical Fiction Films

The Framework of Reception: Public Responses to Historical Fiction Films

The Framework of Reception: Public Responses to Historical Fiction Films

Author(s): Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: historical films; reception studies; discourse analysis

This article focuses on the methodology of studying the reception of historical fiction films by means of press coverage. Although a common practice, it is usually taken for granted without additional methodological reflection. Using the example of three films and their reviews in the Polish press, the article highlights the need to specify the reception’s discursive frameworks on a case-by-case-basis. The political, geographic, or time-related contexts of the historical fiction films significantly modify their modes of interpretation.

Strategies of Historicization of the Presented Cinematic World and Film Narrative in Historical Cinema. An Analysis of the Phenomenon on Selected Examples

Strategies of Historicization of the Presented Cinematic World and Film Narrative in Historical Cinema. An Analysis of the Phenomenon on Selected Examples

Strategies of Historicization of the Presented Cinematic World and Film Narrative in Historical Cinema. An Analysis of the Phenomenon on Selected Examples

Author(s): Piotr Witek / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: visual history; historical film; film narrative; depicted world; staging; historicizing; set design; costumes; language; music; events; characters; makeup; mise-enscène

The article deals with the issue of strategy of historicizing film narrative and the worldpresented on a screen in historical cinema. It shows with what elements the film narrative and the world presented on a screen are historicized. In the introduction of the article, themost important analytical categories such as historical film and strategies of historicizingfilm narrative and the world presented on a screen are conceptualized. Historical film is defined as an operational category requiring conceptualization relativized to a cultural context of its use. A historical film is described as a screening work covering various genological structures, the subject of which relates to the past. The strategies of historicizing the film narrative and the film world presented on a screen are understood as numerous ways. This article focuses on the methodology of studying the reception of historical fiction films by means of press coverage. Although a common practice, it is usually taken for granted without additional methodological reflection. Using the example of three films and their reviews in the Polish press, the article highlights the need to specify the reception’s discursive frameworks on a case-by-case-basis. The political, geographic, or time-related contexts of the historical fiction films significantly modify their modes of interpretation. of equipping the film with various signs of historicity that allow the viewer/researcher to get an impression of the screen effect of a time shift towards the past. In the following parts of the article, the signs of historicity that have the function of historicizing the film narrative and the world presented on a screen are analyzed on the examples of various films covering a wide spectrum of history from ancient times to the present day. The Signs of historicity include the following elements: (1) scenery, stage design, costumes; (2) language; (3) music; (4) characterization; (5) events and characters. Strategies of historicizing the world presented on a screen and film narrative, which have been analyzed in the article, play a particularly important role in the so-called classic films made in the aesthetics of zero style cinema.

Lublin Sejmik Instruction for the Warsaw Sejm Delegates in 1570

Lublin Sejmik Instruction for the Warsaw Sejm Delegates in 1570

Lublin Sejmik Instruction for the Warsaw Sejm Delegates in 1570

Author(s): Rafał Jaworski / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: parliamentarism; Lublin sejmik; instructions; 16th century

A critical edition of the oldest Lublin sejmik instruction for the Warszawa Sejm delegates in 1570. The edition is based on a copy of a 16th-century manuscript made in 1943 by Stanisław Bodniak. It was stored in the Krasiński Library at that time and destroyed during World War II. The catalogue of matters mentioned in the instruction by the regional council of Lublin is wide: issues of border disputes with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, financial problems (taxes, coin and treasury reform), systemic problems (organisation of the state during the interregnum, the issue of securing the property of the royal offspring) and foreign policy. Much space has been devoted in the instruction to the legal situation of the supporters of the Reformation. The nobility of Lublin was clearly in favour of depriving Church courts of jurisdiction over laity. The instruction of the regional council of Lublin is an important source of information about the moods and opinions of the nobility in the early 1570s.

Around the Late Medieval Clergy of the Wieluń Region. Notes and Additions on the Margins of Tadeusz Nowak’s Book, Duchowieństwo ziemi wieluńskiej w drugiej połowie XV i początku XVI wieku. Studium prozopograficzne, Wieluń 2017, pp. 177

Around the Late Medieval Clergy of the Wieluń Region. Notes and Additions on the Margins of Tadeusz Nowak’s Book, Duchowieństwo ziemi wieluńskiej w drugiej połowie XV i początku XVI wieku. Studium prozopograficzne, Wieluń 2017, pp. 177

Around the Late Medieval Clergy of the Wieluń Region. Notes and Additions on the Margins of Tadeusz Nowak’s Book, Duchowieństwo ziemi wieluńskiej w drugiej połowie XV i początku XVI wieku. Studium prozopograficzne, Wieluń 2017, pp. 177

Author(s): Radosław Krajniak / Language(s): English / Issue: 50/2020

Keywords: clergy,;Wieluń region; Middle Ages; prosopography

The aim of this paper is to critically assess Tadeusz Nowak’s book entitled Duchowieństwo ziemi wieluńskiej w drugiej połowie XV i początku XVI wieku. In addition to discussing the content of the monograph, the key part of the paper is devoted to supplementing the reviewed text. The Author brought into particular focus the subject literature, which was not used in the process of writing the work, as well as sources which have been omitted or taken into account only partially, which allow the readers to learn more about the careers of the medieval clergy of Wieluń region.




Author(s): Lucreţia Mariana Constantinescu,Manea Oana Alexandra / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2023

Keywords: cybersecurity; data breaches; digitalization; digital risks; organizational risks; risk management; digital adoption; digital business;

This research paper aims to address the significance of risk management and cybersecurity while exploring the interconnections between the adoption of digitalization and risk management. Additionally, the study seeks to highlight the accelerated pace of digitalization within organizations over the past three years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to an increased number of organizational risks and cyberattacks. From a theoretical standpoint, this paper demonstrates the close relationship between risk management and digitalization, as the latter introduces both new risks and opportunities that necessitate effective risk management strategies. The transformative impact of digitalization on business operations, communication, and information exchange is evident, as it enables easier access and sharing of data on a global scale. However, this increased connectivity also amplifies the risk of cybersecurity threats, data breaches, and other digital risks. These risks can have profound implications for organizations, including financial repercussions, damage to brand reputation, and loss of customer trust. To explore the concepts of risk management and digitalization, this research utilizes bibliometric techniques to analyze existing literature. Structured reviews and content analysis are then employed to identify the connections between these two concepts. Furthermore, the relationship between risk management and digitalization is visualized using VOS Viewer software, a commonly used tool in academia for conducting network analysis of concepts. This paper also provides statistical data related to the analyzed concepts, offering valuable insights to researchers, scholars, managers, and entrepreneurs regarding the current digital risk management model and its potential impact. The findings of this study contribute to bridging the existing gap in the literature and provide a foundation for further exploration of the dynamic interplay between risk management, digitalization, and cybersecurity.


Behavioral inhibition, behavioral activation, and impulsivity in the Dark Triad

Bihejvioralna inhibicija, bihejvioralna aktivacija i impulsivnost u Mračnoj trijadi

Author(s): Boban Nedeljković,Lana Tucaković / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: BIS/BAS; Functional impulsivity; Dysfunctional impulsivity; Dark Triad;

Gray’s Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory postulates that the behavioral inhibition system (BIS) is responsible for regulating anxiety and fear in response to external stimuli, while the behavioral activation system (BAS) is responsible for processing positive cues such as rewards. Dickman’s model distinguishes dysfunctional impulsivity (DI), characterized by non-reflective decision-making, from functional impulsivity (FI), which reflects the propensity of making quick decisions when advantageous. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of the BIS/BAS and DI/FI to explain the variance in the Dark Triad traits. The sample included 318 convenient-recruited participants (Mage = 28.67, SDage = 8.95; 75.2% females) who completed the BIS/BAS scales (BIS, BAS Fun Seeking, BAS Reward Responsiveness, and BAS Drive), Dickman’s Impulsivity Inventory and Short Dark Triad (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy). BAS Reward Responsiveness and BAS Drive were significant predictors of Machiavellianism, which indicated that individuals high on this trait could be sensitive to positive reinforcement. BIS, BAS Fun Seeking, and DI were significant predictors of psychopathy, while BIS, all BAS scales, and FI were significant predictors of narcissism. These results suggest that poor inhibition, low impulse control, and a strong tendency to approach pleasure-oriented activities are the factors that significantly contribute to explaining the surface of psychopathy, and they could be seen as particularly important for maladaptive behavior. On the other hand, individuals with high narcissism may be sensitive to positive reinforcement, goal-oriented, and exhibit functional impulsivity, which allows them to capitalize on opportunities.


The Relationship Between Dishonest Academic Behaviour And Students’ Attitudes Towards School Offences

Povezanost Nepoštenog Akademskog Ponašanja I Stavova Učenika Prema Školskim Prestupima

Author(s): Jelena Tovarović,Nikola Stevanović / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: attitudes; behaviour; school offences; dishonesty;

The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between academic dishonesty and students’ attitudes towards school offences. The research included 347 respondents from primary (the seventh and eighth grades) and secondary (the second and third grades) schools in the Republic of Serbia. The Measurement of Dishonest Behaviour (MDB) was used to assess several types of dishonest behaviour, while the School Offences Scale (SOS) was used to evaluate the attitudes towards school offences. According to the findings, there is a significant positive relationship between dishonest behaviour and students’ attitudes towards school offences. The total score of students’ attitudes has the highest relationship with the subscale of dishonest behaviour connected to Deception, while the total score of dishonest behaviour has the highest correlation with the subscale Playing Truant. Additionally, there are significant differences regarding cheating in schools between the younger and older students; it was observed that the older students had higher scores on both scales. The findings of canonical correlation analysis, which focused on the relationship between the sets of behavioural scales and attitudinal scales, are also discussed. Additionally, the relationships between the attitudes towards school offence and dishonest behaviour are explained through the Theory of Planned Behaviour, while possible instructions for predicting dishonest behaviours, reducing absenteeism from classes, and other methods of reducing cheating, are outlined in the conclusion.

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