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Salient stakeholder involvement model using temporary and continuous financial approaches in globalization

Salient stakeholder involvement model using temporary and continuous financial approaches in globalization

Author(s): Siti Maryam / Language(s): English / Issue: 11-12/2022

Keywords: Batik Investors; Globalization; Salient Stakeholder; Financial Sustainability; Batik Fashion;

The current globalization in fashion trends that enter Indonesia threatens the sustainability of Batik products in Indonesia. Efforts to maintain the financial sustainability of batik so far involve the role of salient stakeholders. However, stakeholder involvement in preserving Surakarta batik has not been fully patterned. This research reviews stakeholders’ efforts to develop Batik in Surakarta and how stakeholders empower the community to develop and financially sustain batik. The research method used qualitative descriptive with phenomenological design. The informants are batik stakeholder in Surakarta which includes Kraton Kasunanan, Pura Mangkunegaran, Surakarta Tourism Office, SMA Batik Surakarta, dan Kampoeng Batik Laweyan Development Forum (FPKBL). Data was collected with in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis activities include data reduction, data display, and inference. The results showed that Batik investors involve salient stakeholders to maintain the Batik industry. Each stakeholder uses a varied approach to influence the community. The stakeholder approach in supporting the preservation of Surakarta batik is classified as a temporary and sustainable approach. This study shows that salient stakeholders have a significant role in maintaining and improving the sustainability of Batik Surakarta.


The effect of digital marketing and sales information systems on customer’s purchase intention for increasing the sales rate of digital shopping

The effect of digital marketing and sales information systems on customer’s purchase intention for increasing the sales rate of digital shopping

Author(s): Khaled M. Mohamed,Wong Wing-Keung,Pan Shin-Hung / Language(s): English / Issue: 11-12/2022

Keywords: Digital Market; Digital Shopping; Customer’s Purchase Intention; Information System; Sales Rate;

Today, with the development of technology, digital sales have become an important part of companies’ sales. In such an atmosphere, the development of marketing and sales information systems can help to improve marketing and sales in the field of digital markets. Paying attention to information system and combining it with marketing in the digital space can lead to an understanding of how information system and costumer behavior contributes to the purchase decision of a company’s customers. In this regard, the current research has been carried out with the aim of discovering the model of the effect of information system on the consumer’s purchase intention in the digital platform. In order to achieve the mentioned goal, firstly, based on the in-depth review of the subject literature, the conceptual model of the research has been developed. For the purchase intention, variables such as choosing a brand, intermediary or place of purchase, purchase amount, purchase time and payment method have been identified. Then, to measure the relationship between research variables, a research questionnaire was prepared and distributed among 250 customers who could be accessed. In this research, rank regression analysis method was used to analyze the data from the questionnaire. The results of this research show that information system and digital marketing directly affects the customer’s purchase intention, also it is effective on the sales rate of digital shopping.

Consentful Contention in Revolutionary Times: Debating Elite Corruption at Communist Party Congresses in Poland and East Germany

Consentful Contention in Revolutionary Times: Debating Elite Corruption at Communist Party Congresses in Poland and East Germany

Consentful Contention in Revolutionary Times: Debating Elite Corruption at Communist Party Congresses in Poland and East Germany

Author(s): Jakub Szumski / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Corruption; Poland; GDR; congress; communist party; PZPR; SED; contention; revolution;

Existing scholarship treats congresses of the ruling communist parties in the Eastern Bloc as staged performances intended to manufacture support and signal new policy trends. This article, using the examples of extraordinary party congresses held during revolutionary times in Poland (1981) and the German Democratic Republic (1989) offers another perspective. It looks at the events as spaces where rank-and-file delegates could contest particular decisions of their organization, while simultaneously straying away from more radical forms of dissent. This article follows and compares the actions of delegates in both countries by highlighting how they disrupted the agenda of the congresses over the question of elite corruption committed by former members of the party leadership and accountability for these wrongdoings. These episodes show that anti-corruption was a genuinely important moral preoccupation, as well as an argument for demanding change, and that, during the 1980s, ideas grounded in socialism still possessed major legitimacy.

Anna Penkała-Jastrzębska: „To marry a foreigner …“. Migrations and the Marriage Policy of the Nobility of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Anna Penkała-Jastrzębska: „To marry a foreigner …“. Migrations and the Marriage Policy of the Nobility of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Anna Penkała-Jastrzębska: „To marry a foreigner …“. Migrations and the Marriage Policy of the Nobility of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Author(s): Urszula Zachara-Związek / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Marriage; migrations; marriage policy;

Review of: Anna Penkała-Jastrzębska: „To Marry a Foreigner…“. Migrations and the Marriage Policy of the Nobility of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. (Series of the Friedrich Christian Lesser Foundation, Bd. 43.) Friedrich-Christian-Lesser-Stiftung - Verlag Steffen Iffland. Mühlhausen/Thür. - Nordhausen/Thür. 2021. 504 S. ISBN 978-3-930558-39-1. (€ 25,-.)

Erfolgreiche Einwanderer. Künstlermigration im Ostseeraum in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. von Agnieszka Gąsior und Julia Trinkert

Erfolgreiche Einwanderer. Künstlermigration im Ostseeraum in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. von Agnieszka Gąsior und Julia Trinkert

Erfolgreiche Einwanderer. Künstlermigration im Ostseeraum in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. von Agnieszka Gąsior und Julia Trinkert

Author(s): Burkhard Kunkel / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: migrations; early modern period; Baltic Sea region;

Review of: Erfolgreiche Einwanderer. Künstlermigration im Ostseeraum in der Frühen Neuzeit. Hrsg. von Agnieszka Gąsior und Julia Trinkert (Studia Jagellonica Lipsiensia, Bd. 22.) Sandstein. Dresden 2022. 302 S. ISBN 978-3-95498-646-0. (€ 49,-.)

Die polnische Frage und der Wiener Kongress 1814-1815. Hrsg. von Bogusław Dybaś

Die polnische Frage und der Wiener Kongress 1814-1815. Hrsg. von Bogusław Dybaś

Die polnische Frage und der Wiener Kongress 1814-1815. Hrsg. von Bogusław Dybaś

Author(s): Oliver Zajac / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Congress of Vienna; Polish question; 1814; 1815;

Review of: Die polnische Frage und der Wiener Kongress 1814-1815. Hrsg. von Bogusław Dybaś (Internationale Geschichte / International History, Bd. 6.) Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Wien 2021. 226 S., Ill., Kt. ISBN 978-3-7001-8580-2. (€ 49,-.)

Transregional Connections in the History of East-Central Europe. Hrsg. von Katja Castryck-Naumann

Transregional Connections in the History of East-Central Europe. Hrsg. von Katja Castryck-Naumann

Transregional Connections in the History of East-Central Europe. Hrsg. von Katja Castryck-Naumann

Author(s): Marta Grzechnik / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Transregional Connections; history; East-Central Europe;

Review of: Transregional Connections in the History of East-Central Europe. Hrsg. von Katja Castryck-Naumann (Dialectics of the Global, Bd. 9.) De Gruyter Oldenbourg. Berlin 2021. VIII, 341 S., Ill. ISBN 978-3-11-068043-0. (€ 69,95.)

Decline of Modern and Hegel’s Interpretation of Ancient Scepticism

Decline of Modern and Hegel’s Interpretation of Ancient Scepticism

Decline of Modern and Hegel’s Interpretation of Ancient Scepticism

Author(s): Nevena Jevtić / Language(s): English / Issue: 37/2022

Keywords: Hegel; Ancient Scepticism; Modern Scepticism; "Phenomenology of Spirit"; Self-completing Scepticism;

For Hegel scepticism is one of the greatest forces in philosophical thought. He makes a sharp distinction between the scepticism of Ancient Greece, and the scepticism of modern thinkers from Descartes to (Hegel’s contemporary) Schulze. These two forms of scepticism appear to have a similar foundation, but according to Hegel, their nature is substantially different. Hegel will subsequently attempt to incorporate the fundamentals of ancient scepticism into the dialectics of consciousness, his primary subject in Phenomenology of Spirit, transforming its role in the process. Hegel reinterprets scepticism as a force of constant, self-affecting movement that is immanent to consciousness itself.




Author(s): Not Specified Author / Language(s): English / Issue: 15/2022

Keywords: Aerial warfare; Estonian Air Forces; 1920s-1930s; aerial defence tactics; General Richard Tomberg; Colonel August Steinberg; organisation of air forces;

Deliberations regarding aviation as a novel military capability became increasingly topical in the first four decades of the 20th century. From the first flight in 1903 to World War II, the aviation industry went through a significant advancement; the greatest military minds of that period such as Douhet, Trenchard, Mitchell, Fuller, and Tukhachevsky opted to keep up. They envisioned ways for optimising the use of aerial power, starting with the idea that the air forces should support other services, up to relying on the air forces as a “silver bullet” for winning a war. These theoretical discussions as well as an imminent threat from the Soviet Union all had an impact on the development of Estonian military aviation. Air commanders Colonel August Steinberg and General Richard Tomberg were the most renowned military aviation thinkers who contributed into this development in practical terms and by participating in public debates. They were supported by other air force commanding officers whose work helped to shape Estonian military thought. Besides the aerial warfare specialists, Estonian higher military commanders also participated in discussions about a better usage of air power. The three main topics of interest of these discussions included understanding the opponent, the basis of winning strategies, and the principles of establishing air forces.

Accounting for the reproduction of forest resources of Ukraine during and after wartime

Accounting for the reproduction of forest resources of Ukraine during and after wartime

Accounting for the reproduction of forest resources of Ukraine during and after wartime

Author(s): Iryna Zamula,Olena Lahovska,Olena Shavurska,Мaryna Tanasiieva,Vitaliy Travin / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2022

Keywords: environmental economics; sustainable development; sustainable forestry; accounting development; forestry

Purpose. The purpose of the article is the formation of theoretical foundations for the development of accounting in forestry enterprises in response to the challenges of the concept of sustainable development, in terms of the development of accounting support for the reproduction of forest resources of Ukraine for the purpose of their preservation and restoration during and after the wartime. Results. The accounting system in the forest industry needs a conceptual review, as it does not reflect the real economic essence of operations that take place with forest resources. The inconsistency of the methodical provision of accounting for operations with forest resources to national and international accounting standards was revealed, as the existing method overestimates the liquidity of the company's assets. Accounting support for the reproduction of forest resources is proposed, which is based on the identification and grouping of costs for the reproduction of forest crops and contributes to the formation of complete and reliable information about the structure of the company’s assets and their liquidity. The proposals are aimed at increasing the efficiency of forest asset management based on accounting information at the stage of forest resource reproduction to accelerate their recovery during and after wartime. Scientific novelty. For the management of forest resources based on the principles of sustainable development, it is necessary to form a new procedure for displaying information on forest use operations in the reporting of forestry enterprises. It was established that the reporting of Ukrainian enterprises in the part of forest utilization operations does not reflect the specifics of the activities of forestry enterprises and does not allow to estimate the costs of conservation, reproduction and use of forest resources. Practical value. A procedure for disclosing information on forest use operations in reporting has been developed, which provides for the display of forest resources as part of long-term biological assets. And directions for expanding the indicators of the Notes to the annual financial statements and the information content of the Report on sustainable development in the part of forest use operations aimed at satisfying the informational interests of stakeholders of forestry enterprises are also proposed. Disclosure of information about the state and reproduction of forest resources will contribute to the reliable formation of indicators of the country’s national wealth and will allow to increase the level of investment attractiveness of domestic enterprises in the forest industry to maintain and restore their economic condition during and after wartime.

Methane gas hydrates of the Black Sea – environmental problem or energy source?

Methane gas hydrates of the Black Sea – environmental problem or energy source?

Methane gas hydrates of the Black Sea – environmental problem or energy source?

Author(s): Oleksandr Nalyvaiko,Pavlo Pysarenko,Yevhenii Nalyvaiko,Nikolay Tanchev / Language(s): English / Issue: 4/2022

Keywords: gas hydrate; metastable state; methane; kinetics and thermodynamics of processes; melting; heat exchange; thermal conductivity; phase equilibria; innovation.

Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to substantiate the technological solution of equilibrium conditions in the system “methane – water phase – hydrate – R-2M”; to reveal existing ecological problems of methane gas hydrate extraction from the Black Sea bottom; to determine whether gas hydrate deposits of Black Sea methane are an ecological problem or should be considered as an energy source, to explain the necessity of introduction of the effect of forced self-preservation of methane gas hydrates into development of gas hydrates from the sea bottom. Results. This article analyses current research on gas hydrates specifically in the Black Sea. It shows that the necessary conditions exist for the accumulation of gas hydrates in certain areas of the deep Black Sea (one of the most favourable regions among modern sea basins). This article discusses some ideas for the development of experimental studies of the metastable state of methane gas hydrates at negative temperatures: stability and mechanisms of decomposition. Despite the great variety of technological solutions and schemes of gas hydrates application proposed by the leading researchers in the world, they have been tested practically on a small number of laboratory and model installations, mainly for water desalination and concentration of water solutions, separation of two-component gas mixtures. In fact, there is no data to calculate the processes of formation and melting of ice-gas hydrate methane. The effect of self-preservation of methane gas hydrates deserves special attention. Scientific novelty. An attempt was made to substantiate the issue of whether gas hydrate deposits of methane in the Black Sea are an environmental problem or should they be considered as an additional source of energy and even as a “fuel of the future”. The authors for the first time introduced the concept of “forced preservation (activation) effect of methane gas hydrates”, which makes it possible to stabilize methane hydrate decomposition when the system is transferred from the area of hydrate stability to the area of thermodynamic parameters, thus significantly reducing the environmental problems of the Black Sea. Practical value. This article offers a technological solution for stabilization of equilibrium conditions by hydrophobic material “Ramsinks-2M” in the system “methane-water phase-hydrate-R-2M” to regulate the self-preservation effect of methane gas hydrates.

Strategic directions of balanced economic growth of entrepreneurial entities

Strategic directions of balanced economic growth of entrepreneurial entities

Strategic directions of balanced economic growth of entrepreneurial entities

Author(s): Gia Zoidze / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: sustainable development; sustainable economic growth of enterprises; innovative economy; competitive advantage; balanced economic growth

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to study and describe some characteristics of the balanced economic growth of entrepreneurial entities (small, medium and large enterprises), draw valid conclusions and reveal future perspectives, which will allow us to balance their sustainable dynamic development and be able to mobilize and effectively manage our own resources. Results. In both developed and developing countries, the role of small and medium enterprises is important. Small and medium-sized businesses are the main driving force in business development. In many countries of the world (including EU countries), small and medium entrepreneurship is considered as the main strategic direction of inclusive growth, employment, and economic development. The problem of economic growth of enterprises in the market economy is an urgent issue. Despite many innovative offers, the activities of the country’s enterprises, the growth of their scale requires more efforts. One of the main guidelines for ensuring the sustainable economic growth of enterprises is to ensure the economic efficiency of the leading sectors of the country’s economy, the enterprises included in them. In the conditions of modern globalization, as a result of the strengthening of competition, the issue of the development of the innovative economy came to the fore. The role of the leading directions of the country as a whole, as well as their individual enterprises, is essentially increasing. They determine the country’s specialization in the world economic system. Such enterprises determine the national competitive advantage. Scientific novelty. While working on the research issues of the paper, as a result of theoretical and empirical research, the following were improved and complexly investigated: modern approaches to the study of ensuring the balanced economy, components of the balanced indicator system, balanced economic growth models, as a result of which the modern features and challenges of the economic growth of Georgian enterprises were revealed. Besides, in this study, the theoretical foundations of the balanced economic growth research are analyzed; the peculiarities of the balanced growth of enterprises in the conditions of globalization are defined; the ways of balanced economic growth of enterprises, its financial and economic indicators, models and perspectives are determined; the mechanism of sustainable development of enterprises is identified; as a result of studying the functions of a small and medium-sized enterprise, its strengths and weaknesses have been identified; the factors hindering the development and internationalization of the country’s small and medium-sized enterprises have been identified; the main recommendations for the development and internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises of the country have been developed. Practical value. The conclusions and recommendations formed as a result of the conducted research can be used as a starting point for the balanced economic growth of the country’s business entities, small and medium enterprises.

Features and prospects of the development of social sphere of the village under conditions of decentralization: regional aspects

Features and prospects of the development of social sphere of the village under conditions of decentralization: regional aspects

Features and prospects of the development of social sphere of the village under conditions of decentralization: regional aspects

Author(s): Alla Sokolova,Tatiana Ratoshniuk,Myhaylo Martynyuk,Viktor Ratoshniuk / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: social sphere; rural areas, decentralization; rural development; social infrastructure

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities and substantiate the prospects for the development of the social sphere of the rural areas of the Western Polissia of Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization of management. Results. The peculiarities of the development of the social sphere of the rural areas of the studied region in the conditions of the decentralization reform in the country with the aim of forming effective local self-government and territorial organization of power in order to create and maintain a full-fledged living environment for villagers and provide high-quality and accessible public services are revealed. It was established that the priority tasks of social policy in the countryside in the conditions of decentralization should be: ensuring the solution of the basic problems of reproduction of people’s life activities (food, housing, health); infrastructure development (roads, transport, communications, public services); creation of conditions for development (education, science, culture, sports). Scientific novelty. It has been proven that in the conditions of decentralization transformations, in order to ensure the development of the social sphere, it is important to achieve balanced inter-budgetary relations, to combine the allocation of financial resources from the state budget and funds from local budgets, which will provide all the needs for the development of social infrastructure in the village. This will create ample opportunities to meet people’s needs in modern education, medicine, social, communal, administrative and other services. Practical value. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the fact that the conclusions and well-founded proposals will ensure the development of such a level of social infrastructure in the village, which would ensure the satisfaction of the needs of local residents in basic household needs, administrative services and become a motivational incentive for the economically active population to live in rural areas.

Normative monetary evaluation of agricultural projects towards sustainable land and soil management

Normative monetary evaluation of agricultural projects towards sustainable land and soil management

Normative monetary evaluation of agricultural projects towards sustainable land and soil management

Author(s): Yevhenii Ulko / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: agricultural project; effect; greening of production; innovation; market turnover of lands; normative monetary evaluation; project management; rent; sustainable land and soil management

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to describe and reveal the issue of the efficiency of agricultural projects regarding the sustainable management of land (soil) resources based on improvement of project management with the necessary elements of normative monetary evaluation (NME). Results. The paper deals with agricultural projects and the mechanism for the formation of economic evaluation. The problem of sustainable land and soil management (SL&SM) is quite acute in the world, but it is decisive for Ukraine. In the conditions of low interest of agrarian business in issues of sustainable reproduction of land potential and greening of production, the need for accuracy of evaluations when creating projects is becoming increasingly important. Since July 2021, the market for agricultural land has been opened in the country, which only increases the need to use effective tools that take into account the consequences of changes in the capitalization of land (soil) resources as a reason for creating projects. The need to take into account in land use not only economic results, but also ecological, technological and other types of effects is revealed. A lot of scientific and practical papers are presented taking into account these types of effects in the direction of reproduction of soil fertility and their protection. These research and developments cover the issues of agricultural reclamation of solonetzic soils (salinity), processing of poultry manure into high-quality composts with ameliorative action, contamination of the earth (soil) with heavy metals, optimal choice of agricultural technologies and machine-tractor units, etc. In general, the success of agrarian business is closely related to activity in the project development and innovation. Innovativeness and accuracy in the calculation of effects are fundamental to sustainable land and soil management (SL&SM). For this aim, the pivotal scheme of the flow process for ensuring sustainable land and soil management (SL&SM) has been developed, where the influence of agricultural projects on them is linked using numerical approaches. At the same time, in order to develop an agricultural project with high implementation efficiency, an addition to the previous scheme was proposed, which combines a comprehensive assessment (CA) with the adjustment of sustainable development goals, namely setting the aim and goals (SAGs). Due to formalization of the decision-making algorithm for project management, a block (element) of economic assessment of object changes (EAOC) related to land (soil) was determined based on the method of normative monetary evaluation (NME). Some of the methods for calculating the NME have shown which them have advantages and are more accurate. Scientific novelty. For the first time, this study presents and discusses a pivotal scheme for ensuring sustainable land and soil management that highlights the impact of agricultural projects and the importance of monetary evaluation for their effectiveness. The relationship between the comprehensive assessment (CA) of agricultural projects and the formation of sustainable land and soil management (SL&SM) is clearly shown. It is compiled according to the rules of the algorithm and indicates the sequence of actions to develop a managerial decision on the problem. Practical value. It has been determined that the basis of changes in the economic assessment of lands and soils can be their normative monetary evaluation (NME). Therefore, agricultural projects with the usual approach to the economic assessment of the effects must also take into account the indirect action on the object of influence – land (soil). The offered scheme for evaluating agricultural projects makes it possible to make timely adjustments to the goals (SAGs) set and to fully implement them in the direction of sustainable land and soil management (SL&SM).

Islamic exchange-traded funds as a modern mechanism to revitalize the financial markets: case study of the Saudi financial market

Islamic exchange-traded funds as a modern mechanism to revitalize the financial markets: case study of the Saudi financial market

Islamic exchange-traded funds as a modern mechanism to revitalize the financial markets: case study of the Saudi financial market

Author(s): Chafia Kettaf,Djaouida Belaa / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Islamic exchange-traded funds; Islamic Investment Funds; Islamic finance; financial markets; Saudi financial market

Purpose. The present paper aims to clarify the importance of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) as one of the creative Islamic financial products that have attracted the attention of investors in recent years. Results. This research concluded that: (i) Islamic ETFs are a useful and convenient option for Sharia-compliant investors who prefer this type of Sharia-compliant investment, whether they are beginners or want to diversify their stock investments without the hassle of research, analysis, and selecting the right companies. The fund itself consists of several stocks selected based on the nature of the indicator that the box simulates. (ii) Islamic ETFs are distinguished by their transparency as they are affiliated with a specific market index and their investments match the components of this index, such as if the fund is linked and affected by the movement of the general index of the market or a sector index, and the fund manager may set an index for his fund in coordination with a specialized body in this field. For example, he places an index of legitimate shares, it makes it simpler for the fund's unit owners to understand how well the fund is performing by comparing it to the performance of the indicators they monitor or model. (iii) From the same perspective, the method of creating an Islamic ETF is not different from its traditional counterpart, and the main difference between them lies in the benchmark index that Islamic ETFs track. (iv) Islamic ETFs invest only in companies that comply with Sharia regulations, and in the event that any stock in the index portfolio is not compatible, it is disposed of even if the expectations of its returns are high, and thus the investment opportunities for the Islamic ETF are in a narrow space compared to the investment opportunities available for traditional ETFs, which may reduce the opportunities for the fund's investment and affect the potential return of the fund. (v) The Islamic ETF industry is weak compared to its traditional counterpart, it has been witnessing a remarkable and important growth in the recent period, especially in the Gulf region, specifically Saudi Arabia, which is one of the regions most qualified to achieve significant growth rates in the Islamic ETF sector. (vi) In general, exchange-traded funds have an important place in the financial markets, especially the Saudi stock market, as investing in these funds would expand the base of the financial markets and give investors greater flexibility in choosing how to allocate their investments across market channels and sectors. Scientific novelty. This study focuses on the general framework of ETFs, which aims to focus on Islamic ETFs by providing advantages and its most important dealers in addition to the mechanism of how Islamic ETFs work. Finally, the importance of Islamic ETFs in the financial markets was considered, specifically through a study of the case of the Saudi financial market, from which the study concluded that it is necessary to pay more attention to this important investment tool, although the industry of Islamic ETFs is weak compared to its counterpart; but, it has recently witnessed a remarkable and important growth, and it plays a major role in stimulating trading in the financial markets. Practical value. The results of this study can be used in several financial markets, taking into account everything related to compliance with Islamic law.

Global financial ecosystem and processes of unshadowing of business activities: the role of the FATF

Global financial ecosystem and processes of unshadowing of business activities: the role of the FATF

Global financial ecosystem and processes of unshadowing of business activities: the role of the FATF

Author(s): Yaroslava Stoliarchuk,Denys Ilnytskyy,Nadiria Ilnytska / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: shadow economy; unshadowing; institutionalism; international public law; greening; financial institutions; banking; money laundering; global ecosystem; sustainable development

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to reveal the specifics of the activities of global financial institutions as legal entities under international public law, important components of the global financial architecture and agents of unshadowing of the world economy using the sample of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). The postulate of the work defines the leading importance of the institutional mechanism of unshadowing of the global economy for the development and implementation by countries of the unshadowing toolkit in a combination of economic and legal components as a factor of sustainable development. Results. It was found that the continued expansion of the shadow segment of the global economy actualizes the expediency of researching patterns and features of the processes that cause and accompany it. The global financial architecture is undergoing transformations adapting to the challenges of the shadowing of the world economy, including 1) the implementation of shadow economic transactions by business entities, 2) the deformation of the competitive environment and capitalist market institutions, 3) the distortion of business activity models, 4) the degradation of people's economic behaviour, as consumers and employees, and 5) aggravation of the global environmental problem. The classification of subjects of the unshadowing of the world financial sphere, which play a key role in its architecture, including their division by types 1) international universal organizations, 2) international financial organizations and 3) international specialized institutions, has been carried out. The structure-forming role of normative documents, which determine both the goal-setting and general quantitative characteristics of the environment of financial institutions, as well as the peculiarities of the development and implementation of activities for the unshadowing of economic relations and systems, has been revealed. All countries are only on the way towards effective economic models and sound global financial ecosystem. Scientific novelty. A new model of the institutional matrix of the global financial ecosystem is proposed, including the green economy and sustainable development components. The peculiarities of FATF in the global financial architecture and processes of unshadowing of business activities are revealed. Practical value. The obtained results can be used in the improvement of the national policy of countering the shadowing of business activities, reducing the environmental problem, as well as increasing the effectiveness of international economic relations in this area.

Sustainable circular agriculture: book review

Sustainable circular agriculture: book review

Sustainable circular agriculture: book review

Author(s): Lesia Kucher / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: sustainability; circular agriculture; agricultural enterprises; business models.

This work presents a review of the actual monograph “Sustainable development of agricultural enterprises on the basis of circular economy” prepared by Associate Professor, PhD in economy Svitlana Strapchuk. It reveals the key provisions of the monograph and its contribution to the development of the modern system of scientific knowledge regarding the theory, methodology and practice of sustainable development of agricultural enterprises based on the circular economy.

The use of Open Educational Resources in Ukraine: unleashing the potential for knowledge democratization and lifelong learning

The use of Open Educational Resources in Ukraine: unleashing the potential for knowledge democratization and lifelong learning

The use of Open Educational Resources in Ukraine: unleashing the potential for knowledge democratization and lifelong learning

Author(s): Svitlana Nykyporets,Iryna Stepanova,Nataliia Hadaichuk / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Open Educational Resources (OER); educational landscape; knowledge democratization; lifelong learning; institutional involvement; educators’ perspectives; students’ experiences

Purpose. The purpose of this article is to investigate the current state of Open Educational Resources (OER) adoption in Ukraine, identifying the challenges, opportunities, and its potential impact on the nation’s educational landscape. Furthermore, the study aims to contribute to the broader understanding of OER implementation in transitioning countries and underscore the role of OER in promoting knowledge democratization, fostering innovation, and enhancing critical thinking and digital literacy skills among learners. Results. The investigation revealed that Ukraine has made significant strides in adopting OER, primarily driven by government initiatives, international partnerships, and growing awareness among educators and institutions. However, the implementation of OER is still uneven, with marked disparities in access and usage between urban and rural areas, as well as among various educational levels and disciplines. One notable finding is the positive impact of OER on students’ learning experiences, with improved engagement, critical thinking, and digital literacy skills reported across diverse settings. Additionally, the investigation highlighted the importance of ongoing professional development for educators to effectively integrate OER into their teaching practices and curricula. Despite these advancements, challenges persist, such as a lack of quality control mechanisms, limited digital infrastructure, and language barriers, which hinder the broader adoption of OER in Ukraine. The study concludes by emphasizing the need for continued investment in digital infrastructure, capacity building, and policy support to harness the full potential of OER in democratizing knowledge and fostering lifelong learning in the country. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this investigation lies in its comprehensive analysis of OER adoption within the unique context of Ukraine, a transitioning country grappling with various political, social, and economic challenges. By examining the interplay of governmental policies, institutional involvement, educators’ perspectives, and students’ experiences, this study offers a holistic understanding of the OER ecosystem in the country. Additionally, the research contributes to the broader discourse on OER implementation in transitioning countries, highlighting the transformative potential of OER in democratizing knowledge and fostering skill development in such contexts. Practical value. The practical value of this investigation stems from its potential to inform policymakers, educators, and institutions in Ukraine about the current state of OER adoption and the existing challenges, enabling them to make informed decisions and develop targeted strategies for effective OER integration. By identifying opportunities and best practices, this study can serve as a roadmap for expanding access to quality education and bridging the gap between urban and rural learners. Furthermore, the insights gained from this research can be applied to other transitioning countries, encouraging the adoption of OER to enhance educational systems and promote lifelong learning on a global scale.

Assessing the impact of competencies management on organizational learning: a case of the University of Djelfa, Algeria

Assessing the impact of competencies management on organizational learning: a case of the University of Djelfa, Algeria

Assessing the impact of competencies management on organizational learning: a case of the University of Djelfa, Algeria

Author(s): Djalab Zohra,Kasmi Karima,Siddig Balal Ibrahim,Said Ali Naas,Saba Noori Al-hamdany / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: competency management; organizational learning; University of Djelfa

Purpose. This study investigated the effect of competency management (CM) on organizational learning (OL) for faculty members in two colleges in University of Djelfa-Algeria during the period 2021–2022. In particular, the effect of recruitment of competencies on the organizational learning, development of competencies, compensation of competencies, assessing of competencies was studied. Results. The findings of this study provide interesting data about the universities, we found a positive relationship between competencies management and organizational learning, and the study showed that all of the practices of competencies management (recruitment of competencies, development of competencies, compensation of competencies, assessing of competencies) had a direct positive effect on organizational learning for faculty members in two colleges in University of Djelfa-Algeria. Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the clarification of promising directions for the development of the practices of competencies management (recruitment of competencies, development of competencies, compensation of competencies, assessing of competencies) and their effect on organizational learning of faculty members. Practical value. This study will be of great importance to the faculty members of the two colleges in University of Djelfa-Algeria in terms of providing valuable information on the issues and possible factors that can influence organizational learning. This study suggests that in the context of development programs of raising the qualifications of teachers, there is a need for more support for professors (for example, salaries, grants), better working conditions in line with global standards in universities, and the competency assessment must be thorough as part of competency management processes.

Designing of the quest-tour itinerary «Early 19th century. German cultural heritage in Kharkiv»

Designing of the quest-tour itinerary «Early 19th century. German cultural heritage in Kharkiv»

Designing of the quest-tour itinerary «Early 19th century. German cultural heritage in Kharkiv»

Author(s): Tatiana Chaika / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: German cultural heritage; German minority in Kharkiv; heritage tourism; creative tourism; special interest tourism; quest-tour; tour itinerary; innovations in tourism

Purpose. The continuous evolutionary change in consumer preferences encourages the travel business to continuously look for innovative forms and techniques to meet consumer demand. There is a growing demand in the travel, tourism and hospitality sector for unique, personalized and sustainable travel. In this regard, the search for creative solutions to create highly competitive travel and sightseeing products that take into account current trends in consumer preferences is relevant. One possible avenue in this context is the creation of cultural heritage tourism products. The purpose of this study is to improve approaches to the design of cultural heritage quest-tour itineraries and to test the recommendations developed. Results. Creative tourism plays an important role in developing and maintaining interest in cultural heritage. The creation of travel and sightseeing products based on a combination of the concepts of heritage tourism and creative tourism allows meeting the consumer demand for uniqueness, authenticity, personalization, creative involvement and self-development. It is this combination of modern, innovative types of travel and sightseeing that we consider most promising in terms of providing highly competitive, unique products. Quest-tour is a type of travel and sightseeing service, which can be successfully used in the creation of heritage tourism products in the context of modern trends of changing consumer preferences. Itinerary design techniques for heritage quest-tour should take into account the significance of the excursion sites in terms of presenting the atmosphere of the era in question; the degree of preservation of authentic excursion sites; and the amount of available factual material. In this study, we tested the technique of designing the quest-tour itinerary on the example of our developed quest-tour «Early 19th century. German cultural heritage in Kharkiv». According to the storyline, the quest-tour is about almost the earliest documented period of ethnic German life in Kharkiv. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the improvement of the designing technique for quest-tours of cultural heritage on the basis of overlapping the concepts of heritage tourism and creative tourism. Practical value. The value of the study lies in the practical validation of the improved technique of designing heritage quest-tours, as well as the possibility of using the results in the practical activities of travel firms in the design of excursion products.

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