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Estimation of ecological factors of sustainable rural development: regional features

Estimation of ecological factors of sustainable rural development: regional features

Estimation of ecological factors of sustainable rural development: regional features

Author(s): Alla Sokolova,Tatiana Ratoshniuk,Myhaylo Martynyuk / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: rural development; sustainable development; assessment; level of development

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to reveal the scientific and methodological foundations for assessing the environmental component of sustainable development of rural areas.Results. On the example of the Volyn region of Ukraine the system analysis of ecological situation is accomplished in a region, taking into account the level of material well-being and efficiency of the use of natural (land) resources. The level of anthropogenic and technogenic load in rural areas, as well as the state of intensification of environmental protection activities, was determined. The necessity of developing a system of measures for the formation and provision of environmental conditions for the sustainable development of rural areas is proved.Scientific novelty. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that the main disadvantages of the modern agricultural landscapes of Volyn are: intensive use of degraded, unproductive and radioactively contaminated lands; irrational use of especially valuable productive lands; violation of optimal crop rotations and their saturation with erosion-hazardous crops; inconsistency of land use with their agro-ecological characteristics; violation of the optimal ratio in agrolandscapes of various types of land (natural, semi-natural and anthropogenic); spread and deepening of degradation processes; unsatisfactory state of forest reclamation of agrolandscapes and insignificant development of lands for nature protection purposes. To correct these shortcomings, a new, scientifically based approach to agricultural production using modern innovative technologies is needed.Practical value. Prospects for the development of agricultural production in the Volyn region require environmental orientation and the development of fundamentally new approaches to the organization and management of quality of the environment in agricultural production. It is necessary to provide scientific, methodological, informational and consulting assistance to the population on farming and land use. The Volyn Polissya zone has a favorable geographical position, favorable natural and climatic conditions, a great historical and cultural heritage, natural recreational and medical resources, the rational and careful use of which will ensure the sustainable development of rural areas.

Addressing the effects of COVID-19 on agriculture and food security situation in Africa

Addressing the effects of COVID-19 on agriculture and food security situation in Africa

Addressing the effects of COVID-19 on agriculture and food security situation in Africa

Author(s): Jeremiah M. Rogito,Norah Rogito / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: impact; food security; agriculture; COVID-19; sustainable development; Africa.

Purpose. The COVID-19 pandemic has had many adverse impacts socially, economically and physically on various sectors across the world. Agriculture is the backbone for many economies in Africa. Additionally, it contributes significantly to the gross domestic product and employment of many African citizens. In Africa, COVID-19 had an impact on agriculture and food security. This paper through a theoretical review of various articles and books, sought to highlight the positive and negative effects of COVID-19 on the food security situation in Africa. The key objective of the paper was to highlight the link between the global pandemic, agriculture and food systems in Africa and provide solutions towards addressing the effects of the pandemic.Results. The paper highlights the positive and negative effects of the pandemic in Africa. Through a theoritical review of journals reviews some pandemics including during biblical and recent times, their impacts on agriculture and how they were addressed. It presents solutions towards addressing the food security situation affected by COVID-19 in Africa. This paper highlights the role of various stakeholders in addressing the effects of COVID-19.Scientific novelty. The paper highlights the role of leaders, farmers and consumers in addressing the effects of COVID-19 in Africa. It provides innovative and sustainable ways of addressing the effects of COVID-19 in Africa.Practical value. This paper entails ideas that governments, farmers, development organizations and stakeholders in Africa agriculture will find useful in designing interventions that will address the effects of COVID-19 leading to a food secure and thriving Africa. A food secure Africa will boost employment in the agricultural sector and the sustainable development of other economic sectors and a thriving continent.

The importance of nanotechnology for the development of the Algerian economy: a SWOT analysis

The importance of nanotechnology for the development of the Algerian economy: a SWOT analysis

The importance of nanotechnology for the development of the Algerian economy: a SWOT analysis

Author(s): Nebia Mostefai,Azzeddine Nezai,Noureddine Abdellah / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: nanotechnology; strategic vigilance; economic intelligence; SWOT analysis; Algeria.

Purpose. The purpose of this study is to analyzing the environment of nanotechnology, and it uses in the Algerian economy, and determining strategies for developing nanotechnology in Algeria as a strategic option for economic diversification based on the results of this analysis.Results. The study showed that there is an overall growth in the market share of nanotechnology, while in Algeria there is dynamism in this industry, but it is slow. The results of the study analyzing the environment for the application of nanotechnology in the Algerian economy have proven that there are strengths specific to the economy of this country in terms of the existence of energy, agricultural, water and human resources. These strengths were accompanied by opportunities linked to the large size of the Algerian market, and to the strategic geographical location of Algeria with the availability of major infrastructures. On the other hand, the application environment of this technology has weaknesses, most of which are related to organizational and management problems and technological backwardness. Four strategies have been proposed for the successful application of nanotechnology in order to develop the Algerian economy on the medium and long horizon.Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is the treatment and the study of the possibilities of development of the Algerian economy by approaching the theme of nanotechnology as a source of economic diversification in Algeria. A strategic diagnosis of the environment for the application of this technology in the development of the Algerian economy, giving strategic solutions based on the results of this diagnosis.Practical value. The SWOT analysis approach has become a modern strategic analysis approach to diagnosing the environment of any important subject. In our study, the SWOT approach allowed building a clear conception of the application environment of nanotechnology as a source of economic diversification. The proposed SWOT matrix strategies can be considered as mechanisms used by decision makers in order to achieve the success of the application of nanotechnology as a source of economic diversification in Algeria.

Cross-cultural differences in leadership and management of agricultural projects in Africa

Cross-cultural differences in leadership and management of agricultural projects in Africa

Cross-cultural differences in leadership and management of agricultural projects in Africa

Author(s): Jeremiah M. Rogito,Geoffrey Nyamota / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: leadership; management of agricultural projects; cross-cultural differences; Africa

Purpose. The paper explores leadership in the face of cross-cultural differences in the management of agricultural projects in Africa. Cross-cultural differences are a result of the diversity of cultures. The differences are especially in behaviors, attitudes, functioning, and communication in the management of agricultural projects across Africa.Results. Cultural varieties are observed in the leadership of agricultural projects based on the leadership style of the manager or leader. The leadership styles range from servant leadership, and charismatic to transformational leadership, these differences sometimes cause conflicts. The culture of the community or society has an effect on the management of agricultural projects as well. This is witnessed in the case of individualistic versus collectivistic societies; these two cultures bring about cross-cultural leadership differences. Misunderstandings arise due to their different beliefs, backgrounds, or values. To address cross-cultural differences, both the leader and follower must do something, for a greater impact on agricultural projects in Africa.Scientific novelty. The paper highlights that cultural intelligence has a great deal of impact in management of agricultural projects in Africa. However, cross cultural leaders in this space need to demonstrate cultural intelligence beyond linguistic intelligence to have interpersonal, intrapersonal and spatial intelligence to effectively deliver in the cross-cultural agricultural world.Practical value. This paper entails ideas that will help leaders of agricultural projects in Africa overcome cross cultural difference for effective management of the projects. The followers also have a role to play in managing cross cultural difference so to achieve greater impact in agriculture projects in Africa. Flexible leadership and culturally sensitivity while promoting creativity and motivation there will be great achievement to project goals. To achieve great success in a cross-cultural environment, mutual respect, leadership and effective cross-cultural communication is required.

Competency reskilling model for improved performance of TVET and science workshop managers in higher institutions

Competency reskilling model for improved performance of TVET and science workshop managers in higher institutions

Competency reskilling model for improved performance of TVET and science workshop managers in higher institutions

Author(s): Sunday Rufus Olojuolawe,Moradeke Grace Adewumi,Omolara Ibukun Akinwumi,Kolawole Thomas Ajisola / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: competency; reskilling; performance; manager; higher institution

Purpose. The existence of the workshop attendants in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is aimed at complementing the job of the lecturers to ensure that well-grounded and employable graduates are produced. Over the years, the complaints about the poor quality of the output have been shifted to the lecturers teaching methods and techniques, workshops and facilities without recourse to the competencies of the workshop attendants. The focus of this study is to develop a model that will boost the technical proficiency of the personnel that is employed to work in the technical workshops and laboratories.Results. The study succeeded in developing a model suitable for reskilling technical and science workshop managers in higher institutions. The model consists of five major constructs and nine sub-constructs. The major constructs are: innovation, automation, professionalism, management and leadership. These are suitable for meeting the complaints of the workshop managers about neglect and equipping them adequately for the job overall performance of the jobs they were employed to perform.Scientific novelty. The sequential exploratory mixed method used increases the depth of the study and makes generalization possible, unlike using a single research method.Practical value. The study has theoretical and practical implications for the body of knowledge in competency studies. Above all, the model identified will help to shape and fit workshop managers adequately for the job they were employed to perform and prevent human capital losses.

Initiation of the establishment of a technology business incubator at university for agripreneurship (study case at Bengkulu University, Indonesia)

Initiation of the establishment of a technology business incubator at university for agripreneurship (study case at Bengkulu University, Indonesia)

Initiation of the establishment of a technology business incubator at university for agripreneurship (study case at Bengkulu University, Indonesia)

Author(s): Ridha Rizki Novanda / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: university; technology; support; innovations.

Purpose. This paper aims to analyze aspects related to the establishment of business incubators at Bengkulu University as well as what factors are most expected by students towards the establishment of technology business incubators at this university.Results. The results of data collection were processed using the partial least square method to analyze aspects related to the establishment of business incubators at Bengkulu University as well as factors are most expected by students towards the formation of technology business incubators at this university. This research show that support variables were found had a significant effect on the initiation of the Technology Business Incubator at Bengkulu University. Support is providing research and business development assistance and access to technology used for students in agripreneurship. Support is the latent variable requested by five manifest variables: (1) access partnership programs from the ministry, (2) professional network access, (3) technology access, (4) access international relations, and (5) job creation.Scientific novelty. Support variables were found had a significant effect on the initiation of the Technology Business Incubator at Bengkulu University. This research explains a lot about the novelty of the type of establishment of pilot incubators in universities in poor areas.Practical value. The results are useful in initiating the creation of a business incubator that meets the requirements. The results of this study can be used as a reference in establishing a business incubator at the university level. It is important to ensure access to funding, to professional services, to technology, to international relations, and an understanding of the importance of creating jobs.

Effect of federal government expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria

Effect of federal government expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria

Effect of federal government expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria

Author(s): Anayo Emmanuel Nwankwo,Clement Ndukaife Ikechukwu Nwakoby,Felicia Akujinma Anyanwu,Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: government expenditure; economic growth; Nigeria.

Purpose. This study presents an evaluation of the effect of federal government expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria during the period 1986–2020. Economic growth in Nigeria over the years (precisely from 1986 when the Structural Adjustment Programme was introduced) is not in tandem with the magnificent rise in total government expenditure covering this period. The citizens have seen leadership in Nigeria as a failed litmus test, some have left the country to seek for “greener pastures” abroad. Specifically, this study examined the effect of recurrent and capital expenditure of the government on real gross domestic product, gross fixed capital formation, savings, and manufacturing capacity utilization.Results. The result of the analysis revealed that government recurrent expenditure has significant effect on real gross domestic product, gross fixed capital formation, and savings. Government recurrent expenditure is negatively related with real gross domestic product, gross fixed capital formation, savings, and manufacturing capacity utilization. Similarly, government capital has positive relationship with gross fixed capital formation and manufacturing capacity utilization, whereas it is negatively related with real gross domestic product and savings.Scientific novelty. The review of previous studies on economic growth is majorly measured using real gross domestic product. However, this study takes a new dimension by introducing three other variables: gross fixed capital formation, savings, and manufacturing capacity utilization which also reflect the level of growth in an economy. In addition, the application of the Auto-Regressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) model which takes into consideration of the different order of integration of time series data as against the Johansen co-integration that characterized previous studies in the Nigeria environment, will robustly help in determining the short run and long run effects of Federal Government expenditure on economic growth fundamentals in Nigeria.Practical value. This study therefore, is re-echoing the need for government to make capital expenditure her priority. By this, the government should allocate at least 50.0 % of her total expenditure on capital projects. The present-day practice of allocating only 16.6 % (based on year 2020 approved budget of the Federal Government) for capital expenditure will not to a great extent accelerate the pace of economic growth and development in Nigeria.

Effect of information and communication technology on the efficiency of deposit money banks in Nigeria

Effect of information and communication technology on the efficiency of deposit money banks in Nigeria

Effect of information and communication technology on the efficiency of deposit money banks in Nigeria

Author(s): Kenneth Nwanne Uzor,Ifeanyi Onyenwe Nwanna,Felix Nwaolisa Echekoba,Amalachukwu Chijindu Ananwude / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: information and communication technology; bank efficiency; banking innovations.

Purpose. This study examined the effect of information and communications technology (ICT) on the efficiency of deposit money banks in Nigeria during the period 2006–2020. Specifically, the effect of volume of transaction on automated teller machine, mobile banking, internet banking and point of sale terminals on the efficiency of deposit money banks was evaluated.Results. The result of Granger Causality test revealed that information and communications technology channels of Automated Teller Machine (ATMs), mobile banking, internet banking, and point of sale (POS) terminals have no significant effect on the efficiency of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Volume of transactions on ATMs, mobile banking, and POS terminal have negative insignificant relationship with efficiency of deposit money banks. On the other hand, volume of transactions on internet banking was negatively and non-significantly linked with efficiency of deposit money banks in Nigeria. The non-significant effect of ATMs transactions points to the need for deposit money banks in Nigeria to ensure availability of money in the ATMs machines.Scientific novelty. This study is pursued within the framework of the Technology Acceptance Model. The theory is relevant as it explains user’s acceptance of ICT strategies and usage in an organizational context. This finding will add credence to the Technology Acceptance Model postulation on information and communications technology and efficiency of the banking industry.Practical value. This research will be of tremendous importance to the banks’ staff as well as managers (top management staff) and investor in the banking industry. This is by the way of providing valuable information on the issues and possible factors that can influence deposit money banks efficiency. The knowledge gained from this study will help make efficient use of information and communications technology gadgets. It will aid the efficiency and growth of banks, and possible provide investment in banking assets.

Strategic directions of the economic recovery of post-war Ukraine

Strategic directions of the economic recovery of post-war Ukraine

Strategic directions of the economic recovery of post-war Ukraine

Author(s): Оlena Lemishko,Nadiia Davydenko,Anatoly Shevchenko / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: financing; strategic directions; post-war recovery; international financial institutions; ensuring effective use of potential; economy of Ukraine.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the challenges to the functioning of the economy of Ukraine caused by the military aggression of the Russian Federation, to substantiate the priority measures and strategic directions of the economic recovery of post-war Ukraine.Results. The article analyzes the losses of the economy of Ukraine. It is substantiated that the mobilization of financial resources for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine should take place according to the principles of system, continuity and balance. The main determinants of the medium-term and long-term strategy of rebuilding the Ukrainian economy have been formed. Based on the use of an integrated approach, the priorities and sources of funding for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine were determined. The role of the G7 countries and the EU, the leading international financial institutions, in ensuring the effective use of the potential of the Ukrainian economy for its post-war reconstruction and adaptation to the modern dynamic conditions of the European environment is defined. It was determined that the coordination of the Ukrainian and European development strategies will contribute to the emergence of second-order effects – synergistic effects.Scientific novelty of the obtained results is as follows: it has been proven that in the field of financing the medium-term recovery strategy of Ukraine, it is necessary to rely on the funds of foreign donors in the form of grants, aid from charitable funds, free financing (the primary direction is financing of the innovative agricultural sector); to ensure the modernization of the country, which is subject to the long-term strategy of post-war recovery, the sources of financing are the attraction of foreign capital, direct foreign investments.Practical value. The obtained research results can be used to develop the main directions of the Program for the post-war economic revival of Ukraine, taking into account the identified priorities and sources of funding.

The impact of consumer psychology on university brand choice

The impact of consumer psychology on university brand choice

The impact of consumer psychology on university brand choice

Author(s): Rui Liang / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2022

Keywords: university brand selection; consumer psychology; brand value.

Purpose. The purpose of this study is to how the university brand wins the psychology of college students, and discusses the decision-making behavior of college students’ school choice and university brand based on consumer psychology.Results. According to the results of the analysis, university brand wins the consumer psychology of college students through university brand value. The key factor that university brand affects the consumption psychology of college students is that education is regarded as the primary purpose of the brand. University brand is carried by people, and students and staff are the significant identification of university brand image and the fundamental guarantee of establishing this brand. University brand is a kind of brand that needs late effect evaluation. University brand reflects the educational quality and characteristics of the university, reflects the social reputation of the university, and represents the employment prospects of graduates. The university brand represents competitiveness. College students, as consumers, will consider the influence of college brand on future employment, and their choice of college will also affect its brand. College students’ brand selection can be divided into three time points and four development stages.Scientific novelty. This article combines knowledge related to psychology and management, thus contributing to an interdisciplinary understanding of the university brand; analyzing many products, consumers cannot accept all of them, so the brand plays an important role in the consumer behavior of students.Practical value. This article analyzes how university brand wins the psychology of college students, the key factors for the university brand to win the psychology of college students, and discusses the decision-making behavior of college students’ school choice and university brand based on consumer psychology. The strategy provides a certain theoretical basis.

Auditor quality and real earning management of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia

Auditor quality and real earning management of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia

Auditor quality and real earning management of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia

Author(s): Chomsah Novianti Pratiwi,Burhanudin Burhanudin,Efva Octavina Donata Gozali,Ruth Samantha Hamzah / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2022

Keywords: auditor quality; real activity manipulation; abnormal CFO; abnormal DISC; abnormal PROD.

Purpose. The study aims to examine the effect of auditor quality on real activity manipulation.Result. The population is 20 state-owned enterprises (SOEs) listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2018–2020. Using the purposive sampling method, 57 observations for the specified period were obtained. Next, we used a linear regression model as the method. The results showed that auditor quality had no effect on real activity manipulation through abnormal Operating Cash Flow (CFO), abnormal Production Costs (PROD) and abnormal Discretionary Expenses (DISC). Auditor quality has no effect on real activity manipulation through abnormal CFO. This is because the auditor’s independence attitude decreases which causes management to manipulate real activities through abnormal CFO, namely by increasing the company’s sales value. Auditor quality has no effect on real activity manipulation through abnormal PROD. This is because a qualified auditor in the company is only a formality to provide assurance in the eyes of investors that the company is in good condition. So, management will manipulate real activities through abnormal PROD, namely increasing the company’s production. Auditor quality has no effect on real activity manipulation through abnormal DISC. This is because the client’s accounting flexibility from qualified auditors is hampered, where management will change earnings management by using real activity manipulation through abnormal DISC, namely reducing discretionary costs.Scientific novelty. This research is based on the application of the already known methodology and design developed by Sanjaya, the difference is that in this study we used SOEs as the object. Moreover, we employed different period from prior study which are in the year of 2018 to 2020. Also, this study uses agency theory because this is based on information asymmetry between the principal and agent, which overall indicates a certain novelty of our work.Practical value. The results of this study are useful for assessing the quality of auditors in increasing the credibility of financial statements to reduce risks that occur in financial statements such as real earnings management through abnormal CFO, abnormal PROD, and abnormal DISC. Prospects for its development are by expanding and adding objects and years, as well as used variables.

Development of the hospitality industry during the pandemic of COVID-19

Development of the hospitality industry during the pandemic of COVID-19

Development of the hospitality industry during the pandemic of COVID-19

Author(s): Liliya Kondratska / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2022

Keywords: hospitality industry; restaurant business; catering establishments; pandemic; quarantine measures.

Purpose. The article analyzes the practical aspects of the functioning of the restaurant business in the COVID-19 pandemic conditions.Results. Nowadays, Ukraine and the entire world live through a difficult period. It is caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic. The situation with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the life of each person almost completely. The tourism industry suffers a particularly crushing blow. The hotel and restaurant business have been intensively developing lately (2015–2019) in Ukraine, employing about half of the population. The emergency has almost stopped the development of this area and inflicted enormous economic losses for both consumers of tourist services and those employed in the industry. The hotel and restaurant business entities face the problem of creating an efficient mechanism to secure quick reaction to emerging impacts in conditions of the pandemic, introduction of quarantine measures, and adverse external environment. The article is focused on the research of the restaurant business companies’ functioning conditions. It assesses the impact of quarantine measures caused by the pandemic on the companies’ development. The author outlines a range of bottlenecks in the development of restaurant facilities that had emerged before the active phase of COVID-19 started.Scientific novelty. One of the first attempts was made to analyze the best foreign experience of running the hotel-and-restaurant business in the special conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the dynamics of the development of the restaurant business in Ukraine for 2010–2021 were determined. The article was further improved the ways of strengthening the business conditions in the restaurant industry at the moment, when immediate adaptation is identified.Practical value. Based on the assessment of the impact of introduced quarantine measures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of economic entities in the industry, the recommendations over the minimization of their impact through the identification of the main destabilizing factors are offered.

Does land title increase agricultural investments and productivity? Evidence from Togo

Does land title increase agricultural investments and productivity? Evidence from Togo

Does land title increase agricultural investments and productivity? Evidence from Togo

Author(s): Koffi Yovo,Lardja Kolani / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2022

Keywords: land title; customary rights; agricultural productivity; instrumental variable regression.

Purpose. This paper assesses the effect of land title on agricultural investment and productivity in Togo. The purpose is to provide empirical evidence on the importance of land titles and so to encourage governments to promote land registration and facilitate small producers’ access to land titles.Results. The results show that land title positively affects investment decision of farmers and recursively the agricultural productivity. The possession of land title and customary rights increases the probability of investment respectively by 13 % and 21 % compared to farmers who do not have any rights on the land they exploit. The investment in turn, determines the level of productivity of the farmers.Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this paper is to show that the possession of the land title does not have a direct effect on productivity. This effect passes through the investment which itself depend on credit. The recursive model estimated by instrumental variable regression approach appeared as an appropriated model to understand the effect of land security on the agricultural productivity.Practical value. Since 2018, Togolese government has adopted a land code recognizing the land title as the main guarantee of land security likely to stimulate more agricultural investment and productivity. The results seem to indicate that legal land institutions do not protect the security of land tenure better than traditional institutions. Households, therefore, still essentially refer to local habits and customs that are accepted by their entire community. Public authorities must therefore recognize that local rights are as efficient as legal rights conferred by land title. However, to stimulate land titles demand, Government must remove constrainsts in land market. Specifically, he must struggle against corruption which plagues the country’s legal land institutions.

Communicative interaction between the public and the government authorities in the conditions of the pandemic: analysis of challenges and opportunities

Communicative interaction between the public and the government authorities in the conditions of the pandemic: analysis of challenges and opportunities

Communicative interaction between the public and the government authorities in the conditions of the pandemic: analysis of challenges and opportunities

Author(s): Olena Sorokivska,Olena Panukhnyk,Yana Fedotova,Nazariy Popadynets / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2022

Keywords: COVID-19; communication; public organizations; digital tools; quarantine restrictions.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to identify the main trends of communication changes at the level of public organizations that have arisen as a result of the pandemic, as well as to identify their impact on democratization in Ukraine.Results. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant changes in communication processes around the world. Quarantine restrictions have acted as additional unfavorable factors, exacerbating the already unstable political dialogue between countries. The pandemic has raised many questions concerning the restriction of citizens’ rights and freedoms due to the quarantine measures. But at the same time, it is the substandard situation, the solution that the world had not found before, that has united the society, focused attention on vulnerable groups of the population, intensified volunteering, cross-sectoral support and interaction, united civil society institutions, and developed distance communication. The article focuses on the study of regional public organizations, namely their experience in communicative interaction in the conditions of the pandemic. This made it possible to define and characterize the main functions of public organizations in the region under modern challenges. The main areas that are subject to changes in the communication processes of public organizations are outlined. The ways to improve cooperation between authorities and public organizations are defined.Scientific novelty. The necessity of using digital tools by members of public organizations in the region to communicate with each other and outside the organization was proved.Practical value. Based on the conducted research, the main advantages and disadvantages of communication between the public and the authorities were established, as well as new opportunities for organizing work during the COVID-19 pandemic were proposed.


Satisfaction’s model and work efficiency for sustainable development in food industry

Satisfaction’s model and work efficiency for sustainable development in food industry

Author(s): Elvie Maria,Wikrama Wardana,- Lenggogeni,- Nuraeni,Peni Cahyati,Rini Astuti / Language(s): English / Issue: 11-12/2022

Keywords: Organizational Learning; Work Motivation; Job Satisfaction; Employee Performance; Sustainable Development;

Within the confines of South Jakarta’s food and beverage industry, this research endeavors to examine and comprehend the following topics: 1) organizational learning; 2) job motivation; 3) job satisfaction; 4) employee performance; 5) sustainable development, and 6) the effects of organizational learning and job motivation on job satisfaction, as well as their effects on employee performance for sustainable development. Both descriptive and explanatory surveys were utilized in this inquiry, and its focus is on employees within these organizations, with a sampling of 30 individuals. The investigation has a causal nature, and this study is done within a cross-sectional timeframe. In South Jakarta, food and beverage company employees have demonstrated satisfactory levels of learning and job motivation, as evidenced by research findings. Their work enthusiasm is also generally commendable, and they express contentment with their employers. However, the impact of satisfaction on employee performance cannot be discounted. Overall, it seems that organizational learning and job motivation play key roles in determining job satisfaction and performance in the food and beverage industry of South Jakarta. In South Jakarta’s food and beverage sector, employee satisfaction has a notable impact on their performance. As such, maintaining employee satisfaction is crucial for companies operating in the area. A crucial determinant of job satisfaction is work motivation, which must remain high. Thus, South Jakarta’s food and beverage companies must maintain these factors to ensure that their employees remain satisfied and productive for sustainable development.


The model of influencer and customer reviews impact on customer’s purchase intention in the context of sustainable development

The model of influencer and customer reviews impact on customer’s purchase intention in the context of sustainable development

Author(s): Ivana Puspita,Edi Komara,Aini Kusniawati,- Tabrani,Surachman Surjaatmadja / Language(s): English / Issue: 11-12/2022

Keywords: Influencer Review; Customer Review; Perceived Value; Purchase Intention; Sustainable Development; Word-of-Mouth; eWOM;

In this research, we seeks to replicate and build upon prior study models. Influencer reviews carry more weight than customer reviews when it comes to purchase intention due to trust, statistics, and perceived value, as suggested by a recent study. However, statistics on customer reviews do not appear to make much of an impact. Generally, before making a purchase, prospective buyers shop around and gather information to make informed decisions. eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth) is a go-to source of trustworthy information. Both influencer reviews and customer reviews are categorized as eWOM. Our study is conducted to determine more influential reviews, examining the opinions of 100 respondents. Split into two groups of fifty (50), the participants are either influencer or customer reviewers. All aged between 17-40 and students by occupation. Data analysis has been performed using SEM-SmartPLS 3.0. Sample selection was based on purposive random sampling. In analyzing variables such as eWOM, trust, statistics, perceived value and purchase intentions for sustainable development, this research aimed to identify the more impactful reviews – those from customers or influencers. Ultimately, the data value from influencer reviews proved higher than customer reviews, indicating their dominance in this area.




Author(s): Anton Jamnik / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Reconciliation; forgiveness; dignity of person; freedom; theology; courage;

Reconciliation is a process with philosophical and theological foundations. They complement each other, as it is of crucial importance to trust in the work of the Holy Spirit, along with human endeavours. It is the Holy Spirit who can truly liberate the human heart from all negative thoughts and hatred. Reconciliation does not imply forgetting about past events, it has to do with internal liberation which manifests itself in forgiveness, mutual respect and the sincere wish to create new relations. In the words of St. John Paul II, reconciliation is a sign of internal strength, freedom and courage, but most of all it is the work of God. And so the human perspective of reconciliation, which is of equal importance, complements the theological perspective, which leads to a new level of life quality. Every human being in this world, in all their fragility, is in desperate need of forgiveness. This need presents itself in a person’s humility and in their capacity to accept sincerely the forgiveness of their fellow humans and God. At the same time, every human being is expected to exercise forgiveness, as this is the only way to stop the vicious circle of vengeance and hatred. Reconciliation happens on both the personal and the structural level. If the latter is unfair, it is impossible to achieve a new quality of relations within a society.


Organizational happiness character and lecturer performance: the mediating effect of organizational citizenship behavior

Organizational happiness character and lecturer performance: the mediating effect of organizational citizenship behavior

Author(s): Granit Agustina,Eeng Ahman,- Disman,Janah Sojanah,Boyke Setiawan Soeratin / Language(s): English / Issue: 11-12/2022

Keywords: Organizational Character; Organizational Happiness; Organizational Happiness Character; Organizational Citizenship Behavior;

This study aimed to determine the role of organizational happiness character (OHC) towards lecturer performance with organizational citizenship behaviour as a mediation variable. The study was aimed to lecturers at private universities in Greater Bandung, with a total number of 5,435 lecturers out of 21 Private Universities. Data was collected using a questionnaire with a differential semantic scale in 2021 and 2022. It has met the minimum sample requirement needed for SEM-PLS analysis. The study is devoted to analiysis of the lecturer perception of organizational happiness, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and lecturer performance, testing 4 hypotheses. The measurement scale in this study uses differential semantics which is an effective measurement tool for attitudes. The analysis of the research hypothesis shows a relationship between OHC and performance, and OCB variables affect the improvement of lecturer performance. The relationship between OHC and OCB has also been confirmed and shows a positive and significant relationship. Hence, it can be said that the variable OCB is a mediator for the effect of the variable OHC on employee performance. In this study, organizational citizenship has a partial mediating effect in improving lecturer performance.


Family control, leverage, and quality of earnings: a study on manufacturing companies in Indonesia

Family control, leverage, and quality of earnings: a study on manufacturing companies in Indonesia

Author(s): Sri Murni,- Rahmawati,Ari Kuncara Widagdo,Eko Arief Sudaryono / Language(s): English / Issue: 11-12/2022

Keywords: Leverage; Earning; Manufacture Company; Business; Family Control;

Earnings quality can be influenced by family control through entrenchment effect and alignment effect. This study examines family control in improving earnings quality and leverage in moderating family control on earnings quality – the quantitative descriptive research method used as a research method. Manufacturing enterprises registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for 2017 and 2018 make up the research population. The data in this study are unbalanced. Secondary data was gathered from annual reports, prospectus reports, the Indonesian Capital Market Directory, and other sources for this study. The research topic is determined by applying the definition of a family business. The variables in this study include abnormal cash flows, abnormal production costs and, abnormal discretionary costs. They were testing the hypothesis using regression analysis (Ordinary Least Square/OLS). The results showed that family control did not affect real earnings management. This shows that strong family control does not affect earnings quality. The leverage variable only moderates the effect of family control on abnormal cash flow from operations (REMCFO).


The study of pilgrimage in aspects of the economy of tourism organization

The study of pilgrimage in aspects of the economy of tourism organization

Author(s): Olim Astanakulov,Goyipnazarov Sanjar,Kamolakhon Nasurova / Language(s): English / Issue: 11-12/2022

Keywords: Economics; Religion; Pelgrim; Reseach; Analysis; Tourism System; Turkey; Islam;

The relevance of the work. At the beginning of the XXI century, when the service sector becomes a priority, various types of tourism are actively developing. Among them, religious tourism also occupies a worthy place, which, in our opinion, is a promising area of research. All over the world there are a huge number of religious buildings that are distinguished by historical, cultural and sacred and artistic attractiveness. Sacred objects can be visited all year round, regardless of weather conditions, religion, political ambitions and other reasons. Religious tourism as a scientific direction requires a theoretical basis and the development of a methodological base. The purpose of the work is economic analysis of religious tourism as part of tourism system with a special accent on Turkey. One of the most significant findings relates to the efficacy of integrated development plans initiated by the Turkish government for the Antalya region. This rational policy has led to a substantial increase in state revenues from the tourism industry, tallying at USD 33.3 billion in 1987. The study elucidates how the strategic regulation of foreign investment through integrated plans has not only optimized state revenues but also sustainably developed these resort towns into significant tourism hubs. The global pilgrimage tourism economy has been burgeoning as well, with a CAGR of approximately 8% from 2010-2020, reaching a net market valuation of around USD 60 billion. When dissected further, the data reveal that accommodation services constitute about 30% of the total revenue generated, followed by transportation services at 25%, and miscellaneous expenditures covering the remaining 45%. It unambiguously demonstrates that with meticulous planning and strategic investment, pilgrimage tourism has the potential to become a cornerstone in the diversification and enrichment of national and global tourism economies.

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