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Result 256321-256340 of 317414
Strategy of vocational education adapting to social and economic development

Strategy of vocational education adapting to social and economic development

Strategy of vocational education adapting to social and economic development

Author(s): Hejun Zhao,Natalia Stoyanets,Lijuan Cui,Guohou Li / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: vocational education; sustainable development; reform; strategy; China

Purpose. By studying the relationship between vocational education and social and economic development, this paper further clarifies the internal relationship between them, and then puts forward the strategies for vocational education to adapt to social and economic development.Results. Through the investigation and analysis of the problems between vocational education and socio-economic development, we conclude that the strategies to enhance the ability of vocational education to adapt to socio-economic development are: firstly, we should strengthen the reform of vocational education serving socio-economic development, improve the vocational education and training system, pay attention to the cultivation of students’ key employability, and actively and deeply integrate the development of regional economy. Secondly, we should carefully analyze the uncoordinated and incompatible problems between vocational education and economic development, and solve them as soon as possible. Finally, the government should evaluate the ability of vocational education to promote social and economic development, strengthen the macro control of vocational education, give play to the important role of enterprises in the process of vocational education, introduce big data management, and set a good direction for vocational education, so as to support the sustained and rapid development and progress of the economy.Scientific novelty. This paper carefully analyzes the related problems between vocational education and social and economic development. In view of the combing and analysis of these problems, this paper obtains the relevant strategies to enhance the ability of vocational education to adapt to social and economic development, and points out the direction for the cultivation of technical and skilled talents that that will promote economic development.Practical value. Through the investigation and analysis of the relationship between vocational education and social and economic development, we find that there are some uncoordinated and incompatible problems between the current situation of vocational education and economic growth. By carefully combing and analyzing these problems, we can establish the direction of vocational education reform and development, and combined with the development trend of modern economic system, draw the strategy of how vocational education can adapt to social and economic development.

Competency model for technical education: a methodological review

Competency model for technical education: a methodological review

Competency model for technical education: a methodological review

Author(s): Sunday Rufus Olojuolawe,Kehinde Elizabeth Adelowo / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: technical education; competency; model; methodology; review.

Purpose. The place of research in the educational development of any nation cannot be downplayed. The adoption of a methodological approach is significant in achieving valid results and sustainability. However, there does not appear to be an agreement on the methodological approach to developing a competency model for research in technical and vocational education among researchers. This study was designed to analyze the different methods used by researchers to bring out their strengths towards ensuring the adoption of a uniform methodology.Results. Findings show that there was no consistent and uniform technique for researching competency models in technical education. The outcome of this study has shown that researchers favour the use of qualitative and quantitative methods separately. This may be due to the ease and their convenience usage in terms of energy, time and resources.Scientific novelty. The listing and review of current articles from 2018 to 2021 in the domain of competency in technical education is novel as it shows the strengths and weaknesses in the usage of different methods by researchers. Similarly, the result shows the rate of research outcomes on a regional basis and document types.Practical value. The study is going to change the horizon and focus of researchers toward the adoption of the mixed-method research design in the 21st century because of its immense benefits in generating valid research results. The study was able to reveal that the source of data in mixed-method design is always acceptable to experts and the results of the findings can be generalized.

Cultivation of new professional farmers: an experience introduction to rural human resource management in China

Cultivation of new professional farmers: an experience introduction to rural human resource management in China

Cultivation of new professional farmers: an experience introduction to rural human resource management in China

Author(s): Lijuan Cui,Viktoriia Medvid,Hejun Zhao,Rui Liang,Jialong Shen / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: new professional farmers; human resource; agricultural education; China; experience; training.

Purpose. The purpose of this study is to summarize the experience of China’s rural human resource management through the introduction of the training process of new professional farmers in China, and to provide some experience and reference for developing countries to carry out farmer training and optimize the structure of human resources.Results. The study results show that new professional farmer training is an essential experience in China’s rural human resource management. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the whole process of training new professional farmers. In the process of cultivating new-type professional farmers, China has carried out the cultivation work from four aspects, namely, determining the best cultivation target, selecting the appropriate investment entity, constructing a reasonable cultivation model and formulating preferential support policies. It has achieved remarkable results in improving the quality of rural human resources and optimizing the structure of rural human resources.Scientific novelty. There is a lot of literature describing the experience of human resource management in rural China. Still, few scholars pay attention to the training process and model of new professional farmers, so the innovation of this study is the novelty of the selected topic.Practical value. This research is of great significance for improving the skill level of rural human resources, increasing farmers’ income, consolidating the basic status of agriculture, and promoting rural economic development. In addition, it also has certain literature value for enriching the theory of rural human capital investment.

Labour as a Right, Duty, Matter of Honour and Repression in State-Socialist Bulgaria
6.00 €

Labour as a Right, Duty, Matter of Honour and Repression in State-Socialist Bulgaria

Labour as a Right, Duty, Matter of Honour and Repression in State-Socialist Bulgaria

Author(s): Ana Luleva / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: labour; coercion; labour camps; vernacular memory

The idea of labour free from exploitation has a fundamental place in communist ideology and was a constant slogan in the public rhetoric of the ‘peoples’ democracies’. This paper aims to examine how labour is defined in the official discourse of state-socialist Bulgaria, how it is associated with the ideas of freedom, coercion, the new communist moral order; and how labour is used as a repressive measure for annihilation the political opponents immediately after the seizure the political power by the Fatherland Front on September 9th ,1944 until the closure of the labour camps in 1962. The juxtaposition of the official state discourse of free labour without exploitation of workers and the people’s accounts reveal whether the ideologemes imposed by the state-party propaganda were accepted and became part of the people's thinking and vernacular memory. My thesis is that the ideologemes of free labour are accepted or at least not problematized in the narratives of the majority of ‘ordinary’ people who lived during the communist regime without being subjected to political repression. The other group, however - the victims of such repression - challenges the regime's propaganda ideologemes of freedom and free labour under socialism, and do so by recounting their own lives and speaking from the undeniable position of witnesses. Thus, in terms of remembering labour, freedom and coercion, the generation born in the 1920s and 1930s is divided into two ‘generational units’ (using Mannheim’s term), that remain on irreconcilable opposing positions.

Miners - a Privileged Category of the Working Class? Valea Jiului (Romania) in Socialism and Post-Socialism
6.50 €

Miners - a Privileged Category of the Working Class? Valea Jiului (Romania) in Socialism and Post-Socialism

Miners - a Privileged Category of the Working Class? Valea Jiului (Romania) in Socialism and Post-Socialism

Author(s): Maria Mateoniu-Micu / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Valea Jiului; miners; preferential status; work cult; propaganda; strike; mineriade.

This article addresses the dynamics of social inequalities in socialist and post-socialist Romania, following the particular situation of Valea Jiului miners (in Romania), from the creating the image of the working-class heroes to the loss of preferential status, together with the post-1989 transition from communism to capitalism and from the planned economy to the market one. Therefore, the article includes the way in which the miners’ class identity was built over time, highlighting rather a preferential status of a psychological nature than a material one, the practices of disciplining their masculinity with the help of state propaganda and how this image of a homogeneous, disciplined and solidary group was diluted after the fall of communism.

Sense of Belonging and Transnational Way of Life Among the Turks of Bulgaria
6.00 €

Sense of Belonging and Transnational Way of Life Among the Turks of Bulgaria

Sense of Belonging and Transnational Way of Life Among the Turks of Bulgaria

Author(s): Özge Kaytan / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: transnationality; transnational migration; Turks of Bulgaria

The recent conceptualizations of citizenship, such as the concepts of post-national and flexible citizenship are closely related to transnationality, as people’s sense of belonging cannot just be restricted to holding a passport of a nation-state or residing inside the borders of it. Nevertheless, multiple belongings that minorities and migrants have also indicate that there is more than one relationship model with different nation-states. In that sense, the case of the Turks of Bulgaria offers a perspective of transnationality, in which multiple attachments and interconnectedness of this specific ethnic group regulate and redefine their identity across borders. To what extent the Turks of Bulgaria has transnational ways of life and which elements of transnationality are embedded of their identity are the main problematic of this paper. Hence, by providing theoretical framework of transnationality and transnational migration, and by providing an analysis of the conducted field research, this paper tries to analyze the ways of having a transnational way of life for the Turks of Bulgaria.

The Rivalry between Italy and Great Britain to Obtain a Monopolistic Concession on the Albanian Oil
6.00 €

The Rivalry between Italy and Great Britain to Obtain a Monopolistic Concession on the Albanian Oil

The Rivalry between Italy and Great Britain to Obtain a Monopolistic Concession on the Albanian Oil

Author(s): Jorina Verli,Bujar DUGOLLI / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

After his return to power in 1924, the problems of the weak Albanian economy made Ahmet Zogu seek quick solutions to stabilize both the state and his regime. Albania started welcoming foreign financial capitals to solve its economic problems, which were also political. Meanwhile, the longtime competitors, Italy and Great Britain, through their powerful companies, tried to invest in strategic sectors of the Albanian economy. In this way, big international companies, such as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, the Standard Oil Company, the powerful Italian company “Ferrovie dello Stato Italiano”, “Le Syndicat Franco-Albanais” representing the French capital etc., emerged in Albania. This created a political scene charged with tensions and ongoing negotiations between all the affected actors, including the Albanian state. In 1925, the aftermath of the international diplomatic efforts put under the spotlight the two main rivals for prevalence in Albania, Italy and Great Britain. While the first was directly and vitally concerned about Albania and the Balkans, the second was merely interested in the stability of the region. Speaking of Albania’s interests, in the achieved agreements with the different foreign companies, there were indeed a series of articles that were disadvantageous for the state and its economy. However, Ahmet Zogu made an utmost effort to play a significant role, above the real possibilities Albania had at that time.

Dry needling according to the Five Regulatory Systems concept performed on the cruciate and pelvic ligaments in lower back pain: a case report

Dry needling according to the Five Regulatory Systems concept performed on the cruciate and pelvic ligaments in lower back pain: a case report

Dry needling according to the Five Regulatory Systems concept performed on the cruciate and pelvic ligaments in lower back pain: a case report

Author(s): Joanna Rajfur,Katarzyna Rajfur,Beata Fras-Łabanc / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: low back pain; dry needling; visual analog scale; Oswestry Disability Index (ODI); Schober test

Background: Lower back pain (LBP) is a social problem that affects people all over the world and negatively impacts the quality of life of patients. Its associated symptoms can be effectively reduced using manual therapy, osteopathy, and physiotherapy, among other modalities. One of the methods of therapy being used more and more often by practitioners is dry needling (DN) according to the Five Regulatory Systems concept (FRSc).Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the dry needling (DN) method according to the FRSc performed on the cruciate and pelvic ligaments in LBP.Case report: A 55-year-old man with LBP was examined. The following tests were performed before and after therapy: the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) was used to assess functional efficiency, the visual analog scale (VAS) was used for subjective pain assessment, and the Schober test was used to measure the range of spinal mobility. During the course of therapy, six DN procedures were performed (twice a week for 3 weeks). The application included the cruciate and pelvic ligaments. After the applied therapy, there was a significant reduction in pain (VAS reduced by 4 points). The patient also experienced an increase in the range of motion of his spine (Schober test increased by 2 cm) and an improvement in the ODI assessment of his degree of disability (by 17 points). Conclusions: The DN method is presented in this work. The FRSc was shown to be effective in the treatment of LBP in the short term. The completed therapy significantly reduced pain, increased the range of motion of the spine, and improved the patient’s functional efficiency.

Fair Trial for Transitional Justice: The Case of Belene Trial
5.50 €

Fair Trial for Transitional Justice: The Case of Belene Trial

Fair Trial for Transitional Justice: The Case of Belene Trial

Author(s): Harun Koçak,Nurcan Özgür Baklacıoğlu / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: transitional justice; crimes against humanity; Belene trial; fair trial

Inspired by the 32-years long Belene trial, the article investigates the impact of deprivation from the right to justice on reaching transitional justice in aftermaths of crimes against humanity. Through bottom-up victims-centered perspective the article digs into the Belene victims’ oral history narratives to find out the impact of this deprivation on the societal contract, victims’ trauma, justice perception of the society and the rule of law. Based on textual analysis of open-ended interviews and narratives of the Belene victims, the article highlights the adverse consequences of neglecting the victims’ right to fair trial and transitional justice and perpetuating impunity, not only impeding justice and healing but perpetuating victimization and corroding societal trust. The sustained denial of victims' rights to a fair trial and access to justice exacerbates historical wounds, erodes the foundations of the justice and collective perception of fairness in the whole society. Beyond legal implications, the deprivation from right to justice affects individuals' psychological and social well-being and overall societal peace. The article emphasizes that transitional justice is a moral imperative, enabling the rebuilding of a peaceful and democratic society on principles of accountability and empathy, especially in the complex and sensitive aftermath of ethnic-based crimes against humanity.

Yugoslav Totalitarian Society, Discrimination Against Albanian and Bulgarian Minorities in Macedonia
6.00 €

Yugoslav Totalitarian Society, Discrimination Against Albanian and Bulgarian Minorities in Macedonia

Yugoslav Totalitarian Society, Discrimination Against Albanian and Bulgarian Minorities in Macedonia

Author(s): Arsim Sinani,Veli KRYEZIU / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: Yugoslavia; Macedonia; totalitarianism; Albanians; Bulgarians

The Balkans as a region of Southeast Europe is one of the most sensitive regions of Europe; this is where the sparks of war arose from the time of the Ottoman Empire until 2001 when a political solution was finally given to each problem of nationalities and inequalities in this region. The former Yugoslavia as an artificial creation of a state, lacking nationality, is one of the sources of conflicts which erupted with bloody wars caused by Serbia. The Yugoslav federation which gained political power after World War II consisted of 6 republics and 2 provinces. According to the Federal Constitution of Yugoslavia, all peoples must be integrated into Yugoslavia. Unfortunately within Yugoslavia there were privileged peoples, and others who were treated as secondary-class people. Albanians in Yugoslavia, most of whom belonged to the Autonomous Province of Kosovo, did not experience the status of equal population in Yugoslavia; Bulgarians were treated the same, most of whom lived in the Socialist Republic of Macedonia. The Republican government in Macedonia influenced by the Federal one has directly influenced Macedonia in the manner of discrimination against national minorities such as Albanians, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Roma, Ashkali, Turks, etc., while the: Serbian, Montenegrin, Macedonian people have been the most privileged ones within the Republic, as well as in the Yugoslav Federation.The communist regime in Yugoslavia denied any minority efforts for equality and prosperity. The most vocal in the quest for rights were Albanians and Bulgarians, who faced torture, draconian punishments, internment, and even murder in Yugoslav concentration camps. Yugoslavia, namely the Socialist Republic of Macedonia from 1945 until 2001, was the most dictatorial regime in the history of Southeast Europe for Albanians and Bulgarians; unfortunately the Bulgarian community in Macedonia, even with the new constitution, has not resolved its political, cultural, educational status etc…

A Cross-Linguistic Study of the Language of the Privileged and the Deprived: A Case Study of Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and its Variant in Albanian Language
6.50 €

A Cross-Linguistic Study of the Language of the Privileged and the Deprived: A Case Study of Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and its Variant in Albanian Language

A Cross-Linguistic Study of the Language of the Privileged and the Deprived: A Case Study of Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and its Variant in Albanian Language

Author(s): Eriola Qafzezi / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: privileged; deprived; power; language; translation; cross-linguistic

The paper presents the results of a cross-linguistic study on the language of the privileged and the deprived in Margaret Atwood ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and its Albanian translation. Being fully aware that such a novel lends itself to multiple analyses, within the limitations of the current study, we focused on those cases that illustrate the language used specifically from characters that seem to be on different spectrums of the dimension ‘privileged vs. deprived’ and we observed how language and communication alters as the events unfold. The exploration of language in this novel is also an exploration of power hierarchy and a reflection on how totalitarianism is expressed in linguistic choice to reflect deeper issues of oppression, manipulation and propaganda. The paper is composed of three parts: in the first part we describe main features of dystopian literature and The Handmaid’s Tale. In the second part we describe the reciprocal relationship between language and power and in the third part we bring concrete examples from the novel and its translation into Albanian in order to observe whether such expression of power through language is still preserved in Albanian.

Competition between Feminatives and Masculinisms in Polish and Bulgarian Dictionaries
6.50 €

Competition between Feminatives and Masculinisms in Polish and Bulgarian Dictionaries

Competition between Feminatives and Masculinisms in Polish and Bulgarian Dictionaries

Author(s): Andreana Eftimova / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: feminatives; masculinisms; lexicographical description; comparative analysis

The article presents a study of the ways of presentation of one hundred names for professions, positions, ranks, etc. in the nomenclature list for professions in the Republic of Bulgaria, and then in the Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language (DBL) and The Great Dictionary of the Polish Language (Wielki słownik języka polskiego - WSJP), which strongly influence the editors' preferences and choice of masculinisms or feminisms in traditional and web-based media and encyclopedic products. The comparison between the Polish and Bulgarian dictionaries is carried out according to four criteria in order to establish the degree of asymmetry in the presentation of feminine and masculine forms.

On Politically-Driven Language Discrimination in Post-Soviet Space (from the Example of Occupied Abkhazia)
5.50 €

On Politically-Driven Language Discrimination in Post-Soviet Space (from the Example of Occupied Abkhazia)

On Politically-Driven Language Discrimination in Post-Soviet Space (from the Example of Occupied Abkhazia)

Author(s): Zhuzhuna Gumbaridze,Zeinab Gvarishvili / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2023

Keywords: conflict-affected; Abkhazia; higher education; unified exams; university

The aim of this paper is to reflect the policy of the government of Georgia towards creating higher education opportunities for the youth residing in Abkhazia and outline the supporting measures taken by the Georgian side that contribute to Abkhazian youth’s integration into the mainstream of academia locally and worldwide. Accordingly, as the background of the issue, we start with a brief description of the language ideology in the occupied area and then move to a discussion of the factors which demonstrate the opportunities that ensure and simplify access to higher quality education in Georgia as well as abroad for the targeted group. There are two substantive issues: first, Russian language ideology imposition on Abkhaz youth and, second, the benefits of acquiring a degree in Georgia. We argue that the collapse of the Soviet Union and Georgia’s recent pro-Western politics have paved the road to new possibilities for cultivating a linguistically diverse, multiethnic, and tolerant society throughout Georgia. Young people living in both the occupied region and Georgia represent the generation that should cohabitate and find a common path of understanding and peace in order to build a common better future.




Author(s): Vanya Petsanova / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2022

Keywords: The success of the private or public sector is dependent on the ability to manage conflicts. This study aims to define the conflict and the methods of effective conflict management in public sector

The success of the private or public sector is dependent on the ability to manage conflicts. This study aims to define the conflict and the methods of effective conflict management in the public sector. The author describes different types of conflicts and the appropriate methods for solving them. It is proved that the public sector is segmented hierarchically into departments and individuals are characterized by omnipresent conflicts that manifest within this hierarchy. Given that the conflicts could have beneficial consequences, but also disastrous, managers must identify their management arrangements.




Author(s): Nikolay Marin / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: algorithmic state; digitalisations of law and society; personal data; artificial intelligence; new paradigm of law; algorithm; algorithmic modelling; human rights

This chapter is devoted to the status of the Algorithmic State in the context of modern European and Constitutional law. The research provides a potential definition of the algorithmic state and to what extent its scope will be entangled in the framework of the contemporary entity and personality of state. Nowadays, the legal framework of the Algorithmic State is neither regulated as a complete concept in Constitutional nor in European law (TEU and the TFEU). Only certain areas consist algorithmic approach are legally regulated, while others are in the process of their initial regulation. It is in fact a legal phenomenon which presents a necessity of new paradigm concerning legal status of state in digital environment. The Algorithmic State is a complex concept that manifests its primary legal dimensions. Practically, the study gives a reasoned explanation that the Algorithmic State has a new type of functional characteristics that ensure its application. It builds the modern statehood by combining technological and legal components with established traditional political forms. The article also traces the discussions on amendments of the constitutions on national level and the readiness to develop a common legal framework regulating the legal aspects of the Algorithmic State. Legislators will be faced with a fait accompli. The Algorithmic State ideological status quo is facing a challenge. The author expresses a position that the Algorithmic State is in its early stage and shows flexibility and adaptability to be integrated as an element of modern state.




Author(s): Stylianos Kafestidis / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Greece; Turkey; Eastern Mediterranean; Cyprus issue

In geopolitical perspective, the Eastern Mediterranean with its potential gas reserves has turned into a zone of tensions and growing contest between regional as well as external actors. Furthermore, the maritime delimitation disputes have increased the likelihood of confrontation between Turkey and Greece. The aim of this paper is to discuss the major concerns of Greece with regard to power politics in the Eastern Mediterranean. Analyzing political and diplomatic relations and applying instruments of geopolitical analysis, the paper discusses current achievements of the Greek foreign policy, the worrisome relations between Greece and Turkey, the Cyprus issue and the energy projects competition. Greece perceives Turkey under President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as an increasingly authoritarian, unpredictable and revisionist state. Therefore, Greek policies aim to counter Turkey’s expansionism by establishing a network of enhanced bilateral engagement with the US, France and countries from the Eastern Mediterranean. The paper, however, concludes that problems between Greece and Turkey still remain as one of the key challenges for Greece and its strategy in the region. It is particularly difficult for Athens and Ankara to solve their differences due to diverging mindsets and contradictory agendas. Trust can hardly be restored and time is required. There are hopes and expectations that common sense on both sides would prevail and a mode of cooperation with Ankara would be possible, even if the most difficult issues of the power gambit in the Eastern Mediterranean remain unsolved.

The cluster /dr/ in the Balkan languages based on Judeo-Spanish metathesis /rd/>/dr/
6.00 €

The cluster /dr/ in the Balkan languages based on Judeo-Spanish metathesis /rd/>/dr/

The cluster /dr/ in the Balkan languages based on Judeo-Spanish metathesis /rd/>/dr/

Author(s): Iskra Dobreva / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2023

Keywords: Rhotic Metathesis /RD/>/DR/; Language Contact

The present paper approaches the preference of the consonant cluster /dr/ over /rd/ in intervocalic position in Balkan languages, opposing the preference of /rd/ in the majority of European languages, (except Slavic). The preference of intervocalic /dr/ over /rd/ is regarded as Balkan areal feature, based on the specific change of rhotic metathesis in Judeo-Spanish after its separation from the Ibero-Romance continuum. The well-known Judeo-Spanish innovation of rightward metathesis of /r/ in intervocalic cluster /rd/ to /dr/ compared to Spanish, e.g. JS guadrar vs. Sp. guardar ‘to save’, JS akodrarse vs Sp. acordarse ‘to remember’, JS pedronar vs Sp perdonar ‘to forgive’. The frequency of the consonant clusters /dr/ and /rd/ is analysed in texts in Judeo-Spanish, Balkan and few European languages. The obtained results reveal that in Balkan languages /dr/ is more frequent than /rd/, unlike several European languages. Judeo-Spanish resembles the Balkan languages and the intervocalic cluster /dr/ prevails over /rd/ in the analyzed texts. However, in Judeo-Spanish both the innovative and conservative forms co-exist. Language contact is regarded as the main trigger for this long-discussed consonant innovation, distinguishing Judeo-Spanish from Spanish and other Ibero-Romance languages. The same feature also differentiates the Balkan languages from other languages of Europe, yet it is also present in the Slavic languages. Contact with the latter may explain the higher /dr/ frequency in Romanian contrasting with other Romance languages. Further studies are needed to investigate the expansion of the consonant feature in question in Slavic, Balkan and Eastern-Mediterranean languages.

On conceptualization and misconceptualization of compositional aspect in Bulgarian publications
6.00 €

On conceptualization and misconceptualization of compositional aspect in Bulgarian publications

On conceptualization and misconceptualization of compositional aspect in Bulgarian publications

Author(s): Krasimir Kabakchiev / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2023

Keywords: English; perfectivity/imperfectivity; compositional aspect; verbal aspect

Bulgarian publications on English compositional aspect, effectuated at the sentence level, are discussed, providing inadequate descriptions. Slavic aspect is morphologically realized in verbs, English verbs cannot signify aspect, it is explicated as an interplay of sentence components, mainly NPs. Interpretations valid for verbal-aspect languages and inapplicable to compositional aspect are forced onto English, or aspect is “discovered” at the VP-level instead of the sentence level.

B. Hristov. Grammaticalizing the Perfect and Explanations of Language Change: Have- and Be- Perfects in the History and Structure of English and Bulgarian
4.50 €

B. Hristov. Grammaticalizing the Perfect and Explanations of Language Change: Have- and Be- Perfects in the History and Structure of English and Bulgarian

B. Hristov. Grammaticalizing the Perfect and Explanations of Language Change: Have- and Be- Perfects in the History and Structure of English and Bulgarian

Author(s): Yana Chankova / Language(s): English / Issue: 1-2/2023

Book Review: B. Hristov. Grammaticalizing the Perfect and Explanations of Language Change: Have- and Be-Perfects in the History and Structure of English and Bulgarian. Brill’s Studies in Historical Linguistics, vol.10, Leiden, 2020. 368 pp.

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