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Result 256301-256320 of 317410
A Few Words about the Diseases and Treatment of Pigs in Ancient Rome

A Few Words about the Diseases and Treatment of Pigs in Ancient Rome

A Few Words about the Diseases and Treatment of Pigs in Ancient Rome

Author(s): Agnieszka Bartnik / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2020

Keywords: ancient Rome; diseases; pigs; fever; throat swelling; vomiting;

In ancient Rome, pigs were widely bred animals. Breeders also paid attention to health issues because in the case of herd animals such as pigs, each disease posed a risk of large losses. Among the diseases of pigs, ancient authors mentioned fever, throat swelling, vomiting, pneumonia, comalike condition or spleen pain. Some of the symptoms can be associated with currently known diseases. The ancients also tried to cure the observed diseases, but in most cases the treatments they offered had no chance of success. To date, some pig diseases are not treatable. One of the most effective methods of preventing them was to maintain appropriate zoohygienic conditions of which they were aware in ancient Rome. Many contemporary authors drew attention to this issue.

The Activities of the So-Called Patriot Priests and Catholics Collaborating with Communists in the Lublin Voivodeship during the Stalinist Period (1950–1956)

The Activities of the So-Called Patriot Priests and Catholics Collaborating with Communists in the Lublin Voivodeship during the Stalinist Period (1950–1956)

The Activities of the So-Called Patriot Priests and Catholics Collaborating with Communists in the Lublin Voivodeship during the Stalinist Period (1950–1956)

Author(s): Janusz Wrona / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2020

Keywords: Catholic Church; clergy; Lublin Voivodeship; communist party;

After the Second World War, since 1949, the organisations were established in Poland with the aim to gather priests and Catholics and support the communist authorities. Members were recruited by the political police using terror and various discrediting materials. The organisations were created, financed and supervised by the communist party and the political police. Their task was to break up the Church from inside and subordinate it to the totalitarian state. The Catholic Church punished canonically the clergy who acted within the structures of these organisations as they were committing treason. These organisations gathered nearly 10 percent of all Catholic priests in the Lublin voivodeship. They ended their activity when de-Stalinization started in Poland in 1956. The clergy who supported the communist regime in Poland were popularly called patriot priests. It was an ironic term used by Poles. The article shows the organisational structures and analyses the motives and conditions that led the priests to collaborate with the communist authorities.

The Symbolic Tomb of King Władysław III Warneńczyk in the Cracow Cathedral on the Wawel Hill: History of Making the Cenotaph

The Symbolic Tomb of King Władysław III Warneńczyk in the Cracow Cathedral on the Wawel Hill: History of Making the Cenotaph

The Symbolic Tomb of King Władysław III Warneńczyk in the Cracow Cathedral on the Wawel Hill: History of Making the Cenotaph

Author(s): Ewa Srebro / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2020

Keywords: Władysław Warneńczyk; Antoni Madeyski; Cracow Cathedral in Wawel; cenotaph;

This article presents the history of the construction of king Władysław Warneńczyk’s cenotaph in the Cracow Cathedral in Wawel. The reasons for its so late erecting (1906) as well as the choosing sculptor Antoni Madeyski for its maker have been presented. The in-depth analysis of the sepulchral figure of Warneńczyk and the tomb itself is performed in the text. The processing of sculpting work in the sculptor’s studio and installation works in the Cathedral is described. Finally, some reflections of people of that time and their opinions on the tomb are presented.

The Teutonic Order’s Politics toward Polish-Lithuanian Union in 1413 and the Reincorporation’s Formula of the Union of Horodło

The Teutonic Order’s Politics toward Polish-Lithuanian Union in 1413 and the Reincorporation’s Formula of the Union of Horodło

The Teutonic Order’s Politics toward Polish-Lithuanian Union in 1413 and the Reincorporation’s Formula of the Union of Horodło

Author(s): Dariusz Wróbel / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2020

Keywords: Teutonic Order; Union of Horodło; Lithuania; Poland;

The article addresses anew the problem of the Teutonic Order’s significance in the Union of Horodło based on the latest research and presents various crisis aspects of the Teutonic Order and its state in Prussia after 1410, with particular emphasis of the policy of incorporation in 1411–1413. The study justifies the thesis that despite the signatories’ declarations, Poland and Lithuania were not threatened by the Order, but they in fact had aggressive plans against it. Lithuania’s incorporation to Poland made sense in terms of consolidation and its anti-Teutonic stylistics reflected the attitudes expressed at the meeting in Horodło.

Intellectual property
protection in startups

Intellectual property protection in startups

Intellectual property protection in startups

Author(s): Edyta Gwarda-Gruszczyńska / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: startups; intellectual property; success factors;

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in startups. This enables the rapid development of technology and technological innovation. Many inventors and innovators create intellectual prop- erty that is not always adequately protected. When observing the life cycles of startups, it can be noticed that large number of these startups become inactive within the first three years of operation. The aim of this article is to answer the questions: what factors influence startup successes and failures? Is the lack of intellectual property protection one of such factors, and if so, how can startups secure their inven- tions or innovations? What strategies can be applied to protect intel- lectual property? What does intellectual property protection look like in Polish startups?Desk research was used as the research method in the article. The lit- erature on the subject was analysed along with the reports and studies of research companies, institutions associating startups and the web- sites of patent attorneys and law firms that help startups in the pro- tection of intellectual property.Research has shown that, in most cases, startups see the need to pro- tect intellectual property, which is of particular importance in high- tech sectors. Many factors can contribute to the failure of a startup at various stages of its development. It is important that the intellectual property is protected at the initial stage of the startup’s development, and that the company has created and applied an appropriate intel- lectual property protection strategy.

The model of tenure choice
in life cycle of Poles

The model of tenure choice in life cycle of Poles

The model of tenure choice in life cycle of Poles

Author(s): Anna Matel,Krzysztof Olszewski / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: tenure choice; living arrangement; marital status; rental market;

Housing tenure decisions depend on individual preferences and the surrounding economic conditions, and change along economic changes and the development of the housing market. Poland is a post- socialist economy that has observed significant improvements in the housing market. The emergence of housing developers that increase the housing stock rather fast, a housing finance system and the still slow emergence of a private rental market allowed many people to make free tenure choices and to become independent. In this part of the paper we present the literature review and the historical background of the housing market in Poland.

Risk measurement
in profitability calculation
of non-financial investment

Risk measurement in profitability calculation of non-financial investment

Risk measurement in profitability calculation of non-financial investment

Author(s): JOANNA SZCZEPAŃSKA / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: NPV; CFaR; NPVaR; ES (NPV); real option;

In the paper a model of non-financial investment profitability calculation is presented. It is based on the concept of quantile risk measures and a real option valuation. Application of Monte Carlo sim- ulation allows to receive probability distribution of Net Present Value (NPV) and implement risk measures like Cash Flow at Risk (CFaR), Net Present Value at Risk (NPVaR) or Expected Shortfall (ES) in re- lation to NPV (ES (NPV)). The main contribution of the article is implementation of ES (NPV) that shows the average of worst losses regarding NPV. ES (NPV) informs the investors what the worst re- sult of the project may be.

Housing prices during the
COVID-19 pandemic:
insights from Sweden

Housing prices during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from Sweden

Housing prices during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from Sweden

Author(s): Christophe André,THOMAS CHALAUX / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: COVID-19; housing preferences; house prices; macro-prudential policy; pandemic; Sweden;

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a major global economic recession, to which policymakers around the world responded with massive fiscal and monetary support. While housing prices generally fall during economic downturns, they have risen during the pandemic in all OECD countries. A number of factors may have contributed, including expansionary monetary policy, the lifting of some macro- prudential constraints and a shift in housing preferences. This paper uses monthly data to examine the behaviour of real house and flat prices during the pandemic in Sweden, at the national level and in the three biggest cities. While a model containing usual determinants of housing prices tracked price developments well before the pandemic, it underestimates house prices and generally overestimates flat prices in the pandemic period. This suggests a preference shift from flats to- wards houses, which is consistent with findings from the recent litera- ture on other countries. The introduction of mortgage amortisation requirements in 2016 and 2018 is estimated to have lowered housing prices. However, their lifting during the pandemic seems to have had a relatively minor effect on housing prices.

Intraoperative hypotension during general anesthesia after metamizole administration: a case report and literature review

Intraoperative hypotension during general anesthesia after metamizole administration: a case report and literature review

Intraoperative hypotension during general anesthesia after metamizole administration: a case report and literature review

Author(s): Paweł Radkowski,Katarzyna Podhorecka,Bartosz Kędziora / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: blood pressure; ephedrine; isolated hypotension; dipyrone

Background: Multiple factors often cause hypotension in patients undergoing operations. The simultaneous presence of several detrimental factors tends to lower arterial pressure. Aim of the study: To investigate the specificity of intraoperative hypotension during general anesthesia after metamizole administration and describe this phenomenon based on a literature review. Case report: This report describes a patient who experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure after receiving metamizole, an agent commonly used for intraoperative pain management during general anesthesia. However, the drop in blood pressure was not accompanied by other symptoms, indicating that it was unlikely caused by additional factors. The patient was treated with a sympathomimetic agent. Conclusions: Metamizole is a relatively safe drug commonly used for optimal pain control in anesthesia practice. The occurrence of hypotension after its administration is an infrequent phenomenon, but proper monitoring and observation of patients’ vital signs during infusions of this drug are essential.

Falchion – Weapon Which Tells a Story. A Word on the Discussion on the Epitaph of Jan of Jeřeň

Falchion – Weapon Which Tells a Story. A Word on the Discussion on the Epitaph of Jan of Jeřeň

Falchion – Weapon Which Tells a Story. A Word on the Discussion on the Epitaph of Jan of Jeřeň

Author(s): Antonín Kadlec / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2019

Keywords: history; culture; art; Wenceslas IV; falchion; Epitaph of Jan of Jeřeň; St. Paul; Middle Ages;

The article extends a contemporary discussion about the Epitaph of Jan of Jeřeň and argues that these two male saints who are traditionally referred to as Bartholomew and Thomas do not have to be the only interpretation here. Simultaneously, it shows us the basic need to deal with the concrete objects displayed. These can essentially influence the narrative potential of the artwork. This study points out the desirable multidisciplinary approach that is being demonstrated here by an example of a type of an object (falchion) in relation to a medieval art of Central Europe.

The Role of Presidia of National Councils in the Recruitment Process for Higher Education in 1953–1956 on the Example of the Voivodeship of Zielona Góra

The Role of Presidia of National Councils in the Recruitment Process for Higher Education in 1953–1956 on the Example of the Voivodeship of Zielona Góra

The Role of Presidia of National Councils in the Recruitment Process for Higher Education in 1953–1956 on the Example of the Voivodeship of Zielona Góra

Author(s): Bohdan Halczak / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2019

Keywords: Stalinism; recruitment for universities; Zielona Góra Voivodeship;

On 2 March 1953, the Prime Minister established a new procedure of recruiting university entrants. In order for the high school graduates to pursue higher education they had to receive a positive opinion from the administrative authorities in their district. The communist authorities directed to the universities young people who were of a peasant and working class. Young people who were considered to be of “a foreign social class” were prevented from attending university. This procedure was in force until 1956. The article presents the process of the recruitment for the university candidates in 1950–1953 in the realities of the Voivodeship of Zielona Góra.

“Gates” at the Polish-Ruthenian Border in the Context of a Well-Known Polish-Ruthenian Battle of 1266 in an Unknown Place. An Attempt to Locate the Site

“Gates” at the Polish-Ruthenian Border in the Context of a Well-Known Polish-Ruthenian Battle of 1266 in an Unknown Place. An Attempt to Locate the Site

“Gates” at the Polish-Ruthenian Border in the Context of a Well-Known Polish-Ruthenian Battle of 1266 in an Unknown Place. An Attempt to Locate the Site

Author(s): Andrzej ROZWAŁKA / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2019

Keywords: Middle Ages; Polish-Ruthenian border in Roztocze; battle in 1266; the Gates – a passage between Poland and Ruthenia;

Interest in researching the Gates, a passage on the Polish-Ruthenian border in the early medieval period, has its long (since the 19th century) – although not continuous – tradition. It was only the last discovery of a stronghold on Czubata Góra in Kawęczyn, municipality of Szczebrzeszyn, county of Zamość, in the West Roztocze, which once again drew attention to the opportunity to find this passage on the border between Roztocze Szczebrzeszyńskie and Roztocze Gorajskie. The aim of the article was to examine to what extent this thesis is likely. Gathering both Polish and Ruthenian written sources, as well as examining them in the context of the battle between the Ruthenian duke, Shvarn, and Polish Bolesław the Chaste in 1266, but also in relation to the current discovery results, is needed to resume the discussion on such an important topic as the topography of the Polish-Ruthenian border in the 13th century. The outcomes of this discussion can significantly influence the beginning of archaeological research on the space in question.

Generosity for the Church or a Passion for Beauty – in the World of Valuable Objects of the Bishop of Włocławek and the Archbishop of Gniezno Jakub of Sienno

Generosity for the Church or a Passion for Beauty – in the World of Valuable Objects of the Bishop of Włocławek and the Archbishop of Gniezno Jakub of Sienno

Generosity for the Church or a Passion for Beauty – in the World of Valuable Objects of the Bishop of Włocławek and the Archbishop of Gniezno Jakub of Sienno

Author(s): Zofia Wilk-Woś / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2019

Keywords: Jakub of Sienno; archbishop of Gniezno; bishop of Włocławek; foundation activity; books; liturgical objects;

Jakub of Sienno was one of the most interesting and significant people of Polish Church in the late Middle Ages. Very well educated, he was considered to be an art lover and bibliophile and like his cousin Zbigniew Oleśnicki, he was involved in several foundations and donations for the Church and Kraków University. The main aim of the paper was to discuss Jakub’s foundation and donation activity and an attempt to give an answer to the question about the reasons why he engaged in such a wide foundation activity. The author focused on those elements that distinguish his attitude to widely understood art from the attitude of other people of his time. Written sources (letters, bills, chapter’s books and biographies) provide numerous information about liturgical vessels, vestments and other precious objects or books that Jakub of Sienno acquired and sometimes brought from his journeys.

Russian Military Presence and Colonisation of Zaporizhian Host (Orel-Samara Region) in the Age of New Sich (1734–1775)

Russian Military Presence and Colonisation of Zaporizhian Host (Orel-Samara Region) in the Age of New Sich (1734–1775)

Russian Military Presence and Colonisation of Zaporizhian Host (Orel-Samara Region) in the Age of New Sich (1734–1775)

Author(s): Oleksandr D. SUKHOMLYN / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2019

Keywords: Zaporizhian Host; Southern Ukraine; sloboda; colonisation; confessional census; Russian strongholds;

This article considers general course of the region’s settlement and the process of creating slobodas in the vicinity of Russian strongholds, and the colonisation efforts (state and private) undertaken by the Russian administration on the basis of micro-historical approach. Analysis of documents on the census proves that it was the Zaporizhian elites, and not the Russian strongholds, that had a fundamental impact on the process of settlement of Zaporizhia in the 1740s and 1760s. Attempts to control the slobodas, situated near the strongholds, by the Russian administration and attempts to extend power to Zaporizhian subjects were not successful.

Evaluation of the state of knowledge of Polish students on the topic of cannabinoids: cross-sectional local study

Evaluation of the state of knowledge of Polish students on the topic of cannabinoids: cross-sectional local study

Evaluation of the state of knowledge of Polish students on the topic of cannabinoids: cross-sectional local study

Author(s): Dorota Trybusińska,Małgorzata Chmielewska,Dagmara Zarębska / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: knowledge; cannabinoids; students; medical faculties

Background: Cannabis is a plant that possesses psychoactive properties and contains approximately 500 active substances, including more than 100 cannabinoids. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (Cannabidiol) are the best known. Cannabinoids are used to treat a number of disorders.Aim of the study: Learn about medical students’ knowledge of medicinal cannabinoids.Material and methods: A total of 240 medical students from the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom were surveyed. In this study, the method of diagnostic interviewing used was auditory interviewing. The author’s questionnaire was used as the research tool. IBM SPSS Statistics package version 26 performed statistical analysis of key descriptive statistics. Student’s t-test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Spearman’s rho test, ANOVA, and post hoc Tukey test were applied.Results: The average level of knowledge about the application of medicinal cannabinoids was 44.24, deviating by +/– 4.40. The students of medical programs have a knowledge significantly larger than physical therapy students, whereas nursing students are not different in this respect from either medicine or physical therapy students.Conclusions: Medical students do not have sufficient knowledge about the application of medicinal cannabinoids. The introduction of this subject matter to undergraduate programs seems reasonable.

Examination of the scalp and hair and evaluation of home care in cases of trichological problems

Examination of the scalp and hair and evaluation of home care in cases of trichological problems

Examination of the scalp and hair and evaluation of home care in cases of trichological problems

Author(s): Sylwia Huzior,Angelika Wójcik,Natalia Czerniak,Bożena Bogusz,Faustyna Kuros / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: trichology; scalp care; mycology

Background: Diseases of the scalp and hair adversely affect the quality of life of those affected. Proper diagnosis and therapy require a holistic assessment and the cooperation of several specialists.Aim of the study: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of home scalp care treatments to determine the prevalent diseases among subjects, and to find out the opinions of the study participants on the diagnostic methods mentioned.Material and methods: The survey consisted of four stages. In Stage I, a diagnostic survey was conducted, and respondents were asked to complete a proprietary questionnaire. In Stage II, a routine diagnostic exam nation was performed using the Courage+Khazaka MPA® device. Stage III included an examination with a trichologist using a HD Connected ® Micro Camera. Stage IV included a routine mycological examination of the scalp. After 14 weeks of using the recommended care, the examination was performed again using the Courage+Khazaka MPA® camera.Results: Respondents participating in Phase I of this study, for the most part, have never used a trichologist, most often washed their scalp and hair daily or every other day, and mostly did not use scrubs. The problems indicated by respondents were hair loss and greasy hair. Test results using the Courage+Khazaka® device indicated deviations in skin moisture, seborrhea, redness, and pH. Mycological diagnosis of scrapings confirmed the presence of fungal cells in two cases. Among the subjects, one case of telogen effluvium was found.Conclusions: Most of those surveyed have never been to a trichologist and have no knowledge of how to properly care for the scalp or what care to use. Home care has little effect on the condition of the scalp. The micro camera examination and the results of the scrapings indicate the presence of telogen effluvium, fungal scalp inflammation, and scalp seborrhea among the respondents.

Candida parapsilosis peritonitis in a patient  on automated peritoneal dialysis
treatment: a case report

Candida parapsilosis peritonitis in a patient on automated peritoneal dialysis treatment: a case report

Candida parapsilosis peritonitis in a patient on automated peritoneal dialysis treatment: a case report

Author(s): Iwona Handzlik,Nathan Heimann,Martyna Radomska,Rafał Donderski,Agnieszka Mikucka,Małgorzata Prażyńska,Eugenia Gospodarek-Komkowska,Paweł Stróżecki / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: chronic kidney disease; peritoneal dialysis; fungal peritonitis; Candida parapsilosis

Background: Fungal peritonitis is a rare complication of peritoneal dialysis treatment. Risk factors for fungal peritonitis include advanced age, diabetes, immunosuppressive treatment, and long-term antibiotic therapy. The occurrence of this complication requires resolute management, including the following: discontinuation of peritoneal dialysis, removal of the peritoneal catheter, initiation of hemodialysis, and antifungal treatment. Aim of the study: To describe a rare case of Candida parapsilosis peritonitis and to assess the problem of fungal peritonitis in our peritoneal dialysis center. Case report: Candida parapsilosis peritonitis was reported in a 66-year-old male on automated peritoneal dialysis. The diagnostics approach, clinical course, management, and epidemiology of fungal peritonitis in our center are presented.Conclusions: Candida parapsilosis and other non-albicans Candida peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients seem to be an emerging clinical problem.

Assessment of the state of knowledge  about osteoporosis and its nutritional risk factors among adults aged 18–65

Assessment of the state of knowledge about osteoporosis and its nutritional risk factors among adults aged 18–65

Assessment of the state of knowledge about osteoporosis and its nutritional risk factors among adults aged 18–65

Author(s): Ewa Malczyk,Agnieszka Malczyk,Joanna Wyka,Klaudia Ból / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: osteoporosis; nutritional factors; prevention; risk factors

Background: Osteoporosis is a disease of modern civilization. It represents an ever-growing medical problem, with a steadily increasing number of cases and complications. The disease is becoming more common every year as people lead unhealthy lifestyles and, above all, people are getting older. Over the past twenty years, an increase in the incidence of osteoporosis has been observed in European Union countries, including Poland. This phenomenon causes many significant consequences, both from a health and economic perspective. The World Health Organization has classified osteoporosis as a disease of civilization and called it “the epidemic of the 21st century” and “the silent thief of bones.”Aim of the study: This study aimed to assess the knowledge of adults aged 18–65 about osteoporosis and its nutritional risk factors.Material and methods: The study included 150 participants. The study group was characterized by gender, age, education, and declared body weight and height. The survey included questions about one’s knowledge of the disease and about osteoporosis risk factors and those which protect against it.Results: The level of knowledge about osteoporosis among female and male respondents was rated as good. The level of knowledge about nutritional risk factors for the development of osteoporosis among men and women was also classified as good.Conclusions: The deficient areas in terms of osteoporosis knowledge are a lack of knowledge about the effects of mineral deficiencies and the estimated incidence of osteoporosis in Poland. Additionally, a lack of knowledge about the role of calcium and vitamin D in the etiology of the disease was observed.

The use of therapeutic massage in benign prostatic hyperplasia: a case study

The use of therapeutic massage in benign prostatic hyperplasia: a case study

The use of therapeutic massage in benign prostatic hyperplasia: a case study

Author(s): Iwona Wilk,Krzysztof Kassolik,Gabriela Kołodyńska,Barbara Nowak,Paweł Piotrów,Waldemar Andrzejewski / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: benign prostatic hyperplasia; massage, diagnostic; and uroflowmetry

Background: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most common urological diseases affecting men of all ages, and the incidence increases with age. Due to the location of the prostate in the lower urinary tract area, changes within it can impair urinary function. Therefore, early intervention, accurate diagnostics, and appropriate treatment are crucial, especially conservative methods in the first stage. Aim of the study: The study aimed to use and evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic massage in BPH.Case report: A 55-year-old patient diagnosed with BPH received a course of therapeutic massage lasting three weeks, with the procedure performed twice a week. Each massage lasted twenty minutes and involved manipulation of the stomach lining. The patient underwent imaging tests before and after the therapy. On the International Prostate Symptom Score scale, the patient scored three points before the therapy and two points after it, which indicates mild symptoms. Prostate-specific antigen level was 1.421 ng/ml, and the patient had normal uroflowmetry results [Qmax=19 ml/s and Qmedium=12 ml/s] before and after treatment. Urine retention after micturition was 0 ml at both intervals. A transrectal ultrasound examination revealed a reduced prostate volume of around 30% after the therapeutic intervention. Conclusions: In the current case, the positive effect of reduced prostate volume obtained after therapeutic intervention shows that massage can serve as a complementary method to reduce BPH symptoms. In the future, it is advisable to continue testing on more patients.

Cardiovascular disease risk predictor analysis among medical students: a single center observational study

Cardiovascular disease risk predictor analysis among medical students: a single center observational study

Cardiovascular disease risk predictor analysis among medical students: a single center observational study

Author(s): Rena Wójcik,Justyna Natora,Anna Adam,Leszek Markuszewski,Emilia Klimaszewska,Magdalena Wiącek,Ryszard Tomasiuk / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2023

Keywords: cardiovascular disease; risk factors; medical students; health behaviors

Background: Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death. The growing problem of lipid disorders, hypertension, and overweight among young people may lead to dangerous cardiovascular disease-related consequences. Aim of the study: Assess the prevalence of selected cardiovascular disease risk factors among medical students.Material and methods: The study included 201 medical students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University of Technology and Humanities (UTH) in Radom. A diagnostic proprietary survey method collected heart rate, blood pressure, and body composition data using a TANITA device. The results were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Shapiro-Wilk test using R statistical software, while the post hoc analysis employed t-tests with Bonferoni’s correction. Results: Heart rate and blood pressure were within normal limits in most subjects. Low physical activity and increased fat mass were confirmed in the students with a higher metabolic than metric age. Furthermore, nursing students had higher mean fat mass and lower mean basal metabolism values than students of other majors, especially medicine. Conclusions: The health-promoting aspects of behaviors favoring a healthy body weight and sleep hygiene, as well as not smoking and having low alcohol consumption, were observed in the study group. However, some lifestyle elements, including eating habits, must be modified.

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