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Result 316461-316480 of 319356
Common Memory Offers a Tool for Strengthening Polish-American Cooperation
0.00 €

Common Memory Offers a Tool for Strengthening Polish-American Cooperation

Common Memory Offers a Tool for Strengthening Polish-American Cooperation

Author(s): Paweł Markiewicz / Language(s): English

Keywords: USA; Poland; common memory; relations; cooperation;

Citing and recalling common history is an important element for strengthening Polish-American political relations. Political memory, especially associated with the personages of Tadeusz Kościuszko and Kazimierz Pułaski, can be a useful instrument for deepening contacts with representatives of state governments and increasing Poland’s influence throughout U.S. decision-making circles. Building sentiment around the idea of a Polish-American community of history and common values is especially important at a time when threats from authoritarian Russia and China are increasing.

Poland-South Korea Strategic Partnership Rises to the Next Level
0.00 €

Poland-South Korea Strategic Partnership Rises to the Next Level

Poland-South Korea Strategic Partnership Rises to the Next Level

Author(s): Oskar Pietrewicz / Language(s): English

Keywords: Poland; South Korea; relations; partnership; foreign policy;

On 12–14 July, President Yoon Suk-yeol officially visited Poland as the first leader of South Korea in 14 years. The visit occurred on the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the strategic partnership between the countries. It was part of an intensification of bilateral relations in which defence issues and cooperation for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine are playing an increasingly important role alongside critical economic ties.

Legal Aspects of the Polish-German Dispute over the Fairway to Świnoujście
0.00 €

Legal Aspects of the Polish-German Dispute over the Fairway to Świnoujście

Legal Aspects of the Polish-German Dispute over the Fairway to Świnoujście

Author(s): Rafał Tarnogórski / Language(s): English

Keywords: Poland; German; Fairway; Świnoujście; legal aspects;

The Polish-German dispute over the ship channel (fairway) to Świnoujście has been ongoing since the 1980s and stems from illegal actions by Germany. Resolving the dispute is growing because of Poland’s new investments in critical infrastructure facilities in Świnoujście - an LNG terminal and the construction of a deep-water container terminal. The impediments to the investments generated by the dispute further strain bilateral relations. It should be in the interest of both parties to settle the matter in accordance with international law.

End of Illusions in Relations between China and Central Europe
0.00 €

End of Illusions in Relations between China and Central Europe

End of Illusions in Relations between China and Central Europe

Author(s): Marcin Przychodniak / Language(s): English

Keywords: Central Europe; China; relations; foreign policy; security; Ukraine; Russia; war;

As a result of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, there is currently no possibility of improving relations between China and most Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. The reasons are China’s strategic partnership with Russia and the undermining by both countries of the key role of the U.S. and NATO for European security. China is trying to limit the potential negative effects for itself of the policies of the CEE countries, which, after turning back the Russians, want to strengthen transatlantic cooperation and tighten the EU approach towards China.

Three Times Lucky? EC Decides on New Rules for EU-U.S. Data Flows
0.00 €

Three Times Lucky? EC Decides on New Rules for EU-U.S. Data Flows

Three Times Lucky? EC Decides on New Rules for EU-U.S. Data Flows

Author(s): Stefania Kolarz / Language(s): English

Keywords: European Commission; EC; USA; Data Flow; Data Protection;

In its Decision of 10 July, the European Commission (EC) confirmed that it considers the newly agreed level of personal-data protection in the U.S. meets EU standards. While this will facilitate cooperation between European and American companies, it may prove to be a short-term solution. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB), activists, and others have already pointed out imperfections in the U.S. data protection system. Potential court complaints based on their arguments may lead to the annulment by the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) of another EC Decision simplifying the transfer of personal data to the U.S., following the strikes to the Safe Harbor and Privacy Shield Decisions.

Dialogue and Derisking: Germany Employs Dual Strategy Towards China
0.00 €

Dialogue and Derisking: Germany Employs Dual Strategy Towards China

Dialogue and Derisking: Germany Employs Dual Strategy Towards China

Author(s): Łukasz Jasiński,Marcin Przychodniak / Language(s): English

Keywords: China; Germany; EU; foreign policy; economic policy;

Germany’s China strategy, published on 13 July, defines relations with the country in line with the EU’s approach, which is based on partnership, competition, and systemic rivalry. In showing a broad catalogue of the threats arising from Chinese policy, Germany’s strategy reflects an increasingly critical attitude of China. Among other things, it points to human rights violations that country and advocates reducing economic dependence on it. These measures, however, are to be accompanied by sustained political dialogue on key global issues.

U.S.-UK Increasingly Exploring Economic Dimension of Their Special Relationship
0.00 €

U.S.-UK Increasingly Exploring Economic Dimension of Their Special Relationship

U.S.-UK Increasingly Exploring Economic Dimension of Their Special Relationship

Author(s): Mateusz Piotrowski / Language(s): English

Keywords: USA; UK; economy; economic policy; relations;

The United States and the United Kingdom are stepping up economic cooperation, aiming to increase turnover and economic dependence and innovation between the two economies, as well as deepen integration. Although U.S.-British free-trade-agreement negotiations initiated after Brexit have been put on hold, progress in other areas could accelerate a return to talks. The convergence of areas of U.S.-UK economic cooperation with the EU-U.S. format could facilitate the European Union’s coordination with both countries on economic issues.

What is the Present and Future of Poland’s Cooperation with Taiwan?
0.00 €

What is the Present and Future of Poland’s Cooperation with Taiwan?

What is the Present and Future of Poland’s Cooperation with Taiwan?

Author(s): Justyna Szczudlik / Language(s): English

Keywords: Poland; Taiwan; relations; economy; security;

In recent years, Poland has been strengthening its relations with Taiwan. These activities are in line with the deepening cooperation between Taiwan and the EU and some of its Member States, mainly from Central Europe. The rationale is the growing international importance of the island, including its role in global supply chains and international security. Although the intensification of bilateral cooperation is conducted cautiously, it may result in increased tensions in Poland-China relations.

Russian Aggression Speeding up Changes in Religious Situation in Ukraine
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Russian Aggression Speeding up Changes in Religious Situation in Ukraine

Russian Aggression Speeding up Changes in Religious Situation in Ukraine

Author(s): Maria Piechowska / Language(s): English

Keywords: Ukraine; Russia; aggression; war; religion;

The Russian invasion of February 2022 resulted in an increase in religiosity in Ukraine. The socio-political position of the currently largest autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) in terms of number of believers has strengthened. It plays a major role in sustaining Ukrainian morale. At the same time, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) is losing importance and its pro-Russian activities are not translating into a lowering of the resilience of Ukrainian society.

EU Still Limited in Cyberdefence Capabilities
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EU Still Limited in Cyberdefence Capabilities

EU Still Limited in Cyberdefence Capabilities

Author(s): Aleksandra KOZIOŁ / Language(s): English

Keywords: EU; cyberdefence; capabilities; Ukraine; Russia; invasion; war;

The EU has developed a new cyberdefence policy after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine increased the level of threats in the digital space. The policy guidelines emphasise defending against cyberattacks, as well asthe development of military capabilities and coordination with the civilian sphere. However, the high fragmentation between actors responsible for cybersecurity at the EU level and lack of incentives for Member States make it difficult to achieve the intended results.

Informal Sector’s Role in North African Economies Tied to Instability
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Informal Sector’s Role in North African Economies Tied to Instability

Informal Sector’s Role in North African Economies Tied to Instability

Author(s): Sara Nowacka / Language(s): English

Keywords: North Africa; economy; instability; EU; Tunisia;

The July agreement between the EU and Tunisia on countering irregular migration indicates that support for North African economies is an increasingly important element of cooperation between the EU and countries in the region. A characteristic feature of these economies is the prevalence of the informal sector, where workers operate in extremely unstable conditions, prompting protests or decisions to migrate. To increase the effectiveness of its actions, the EU should therefore support North African countries in ensuring decent working conditions in this sector.

Belarus Facing Growing Domestic Problems
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Belarus Facing Growing Domestic Problems

Belarus Facing Growing Domestic Problems

Author(s): Anna Maria Dyner / Language(s): English

Keywords: Belarus; elections; rigging; Ukraine; Russia; war; EU; domestic problems;

The Belarusian authorities continue to suffer the consequences of rigging the 2020 presidential elections and their support for Russian aggression against Ukraine, which have resulted in a significant reduction in political and trade contacts with Western countries. To maintain internal stability, the regime is stepping up repression and attempting to militarise society by portraying external threats. Although the risk of regime collapse is not high, the EU should be prepared to increase its support for the democratisation of Belarus.

Turkish Diplomacy Utilises Transactionalism in EU, U.S. Relations
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Turkish Diplomacy Utilises Transactionalism in EU, U.S. Relations

Turkish Diplomacy Utilises Transactionalism in EU, U.S. Relations

Author(s): Aleksandra Maria Spancerska / Language(s): English

Keywords: Turkey; EU; USA; diplomacy; relations; security;

On 10 July, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan agreed to submit a protocol to the Turkish parliament approving Sweden’s membership of NATO and pledged to revive discussions on Türkiye’s accession to the European Union. The return to a pro-Western narrative and attempts at a new opening in relations with the EUand the U.S. are mainly motivated by the economic factor. At the same time, the Turkish authorities continue their transactional approach to foreign policy, which translates into a desire to maintain good relations with Russia.

Political Freedoms and Human Rights at Risk in Transnistria
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Political Freedoms and Human Rights at Risk in Transnistria

Political Freedoms and Human Rights at Risk in Transnistria

Author(s): Jakub Pieńkowski / Language(s): English

Keywords: Transnistria; human rights; political freedoms; communist party;

In July, Oleg Khorzhan was assassinated. He was a leader of the Transnistrian Communist Party, the only real opposition to the mafia-like structures centred on the Sheriff holding company that has completely captured the rebellious region. To preserve profits in an economy and regime it controls, Sheriff persecutes political opponents and residents who criticise the authoritarian system. Using economic tools, the EU can urge the regime in Tiraspol to respect fundamental freedoms and democratise the region, which would promote stability in this part of Europe.

Taliban Firmly in Control of Afghanistan Two Years After Takeover
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Taliban Firmly in Control of Afghanistan Two Years After Takeover

Taliban Firmly in Control of Afghanistan Two Years After Takeover

Author(s): Patryk Kugiel / Language(s): English

Keywords: Taliban family; Afghanistan; takeover; drugs abuse; human rights; government;

Two years after taking control of Afghanistan, the Taliban have consolidated power and are improving the country’s security and economic situation. These positive changes are taking place at the expense of women’s rights and the activities of international organisations, which are both severely restricted, and the exclusion of ethnic minorities from participation in governing the state. Despite the intransigence of the Taliban, the lack of a political alternative will encourage the West to increase cooperation with the government to pursue common interests, such as the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking, but without formal recognition of the regime.

Türkiye on Sweden’s and Finland’s Membership in NATO
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Türkiye on Sweden’s and Finland’s Membership in NATO

Türkiye on Sweden’s and Finland’s Membership in NATO

Author(s): Aleksandra Maria Spancerska / Language(s): English

Keywords: Turkey; Sweden; Finland; NATO; membership;

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Türkiye is threatening to veto Sweden’s and Finland’s membership application to NATO. He seeks to divert attention from the economic situation in the country and aims to mobilise the conservative-nationalist part of the electorate before the elections in 2023. The arguments of Turkish decision-makers show that the ruling coalition prioritises self-interest over Alliance cohesion even in the face of the Russian threat. The transactional attitude of Turkish decision-makers in the long term will strain Türkiye’s reputation and allied credibility in NATO.

The Impact of Finland’s and Sweden’s Accession to NATO on the Security of the Alliance
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The Impact of Finland’s and Sweden’s Accession to NATO on the Security of the Alliance

The Impact of Finland’s and Sweden’s Accession to NATO on the Security of the Alliance

Author(s): Wojciech Lorenz / Language(s): English

Keywords: Finland; Sweden; NATO; membership; security;

The accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO will increase the Alliance’s ability to conduct collective defence missions in the Baltic Sea region and to deter Russia. Therefore, the gains from the enlargement of the Alliance will far exceed the costs, which may include the need to create a new command responsible for missions on the Northern Flank of NATO. However, Türkiye’s opposition may prolong the accession process and increase the risk associated with the intensification of Russia’s provocative actions against the candidates.

U.S. Increases Military Presence in Europe
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U.S. Increases Military Presence in Europe

U.S. Increases Military Presence in Europe

Author(s): Artur Kacprzyk / Language(s): English

Keywords: USA; Europe; military; presence; security; NATO;

In the face of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. has substantially increased its military presence in Europe, including on NATO’s Eastern Flank, although most of the additional deployments have been so far of a temporary nature. Itis not clear whether the U.S. will opt to significantly strengthen its forces in Europe in the long term over the state in late 2021, given that Russia is being weakened by the war and NATO members announcing increased defence investments. Without substantial U.S. involvement, however, it will not be possible to adequately enhance NATO’s deterrence and defence against Russia, which will be determined to rebuild its armed forces.

On the Brink: A Year of the “Coalition of Change” in Israel
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On the Brink: A Year of the “Coalition of Change” in Israel

On the Brink: A Year of the “Coalition of Change” in Israel

Author(s): Michał Wojnarowicz / Language(s): English

Keywords: Israel; government; elections;

The cabinet of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, established in June 2021, is in crisis after the loss of its parliamentary majority in April. The divergent interests of the coalition members have generated further conflicts over internal and security affairs, thus destabilising the government. While the government remains more effective in foreign policy than domestic matters, it is mainly thanks to regional cooperation. The weakness of the coalition has increased the probability of early parliamentary elections.

The EU’s Proposed Data Act: Unease about the Flow
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The EU’s Proposed Data Act: Unease about the Flow

The EU’s Proposed Data Act: Unease about the Flow

Author(s): Stefania Kolarz,Marta Makowska / Language(s): English

Keywords: EU; Data Act; law;

The Data Act (DA) proposed by the European Commission aims to prevent the growing asymmetry between companies - mostly SMEs - in access to data. The new regulations, apart from targeting device manufacturers, also affects users and other companies that handle data generated when using certain devices, especially those generated by “smart” objects (i.e., connected to a network and communicating with each other, such as cars and household appliances) or stored in the cloud. However, the proposed solutions raise doubts in the context of personal data protection, trade secrets, and competition on the EU market.

Result 316461-316480 of 319356
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