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Result 317041-317060 of 317410
Possible consequences for the stability of the Western Balkans from the Ukrainian-Russian

Possible consequences for the stability of the Western Balkans from the Ukrainian-Russian

Възможни последици за стабилността на Западните Балкани от украинско-руския конфликт

Author(s): Yordan Ivanov Bakalov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Balkans; Russia; influence; options

Russia can easily continue to destabilize the region and sabotage the desire of the countries of the region to become members of the European Union, which they have long sought.The Western Balkans could become a source of trouble if Moscow tries to further destabilize the region as a result of the war in Ukraine. Russia considers both Ukraine and the Western Balkans as a buffer zone, where it can maintain spheres of influence and through them undermine the EU.

Social aspects of national policy in ethnic terms (on the example of a survey)

Social aspects of national policy in ethnic terms (on the example of a survey)

Социални аспекти на националната политика в етнически план (на примера на анкетно проучване)

Author(s): Gena Tsvetkova Velkovska / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: constitution; laws; social policy; ethnic groups; Republic of Bulgaria

The state social policy of the Republic of Bulgaria is aimed at satisfying the needs of all ethnic groups, based on the constitutional principle of equality of citizens. This policy is based on a package of legal and by-laws – laws, strategies and others, which are the basis of all plans and specific actions and measures affecting the population of the Republic of Bulgaria, regardless of the ethnic affiliation of every citizen of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The Merger of foreign and military intelligence

The Merger of foreign and military intelligence

Обединяването на външнополитическото и военното разузнаване

Author(s): Vasil Hristov Georgiev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: intelligence; military intelligence

The report analyzes the possible risks and problems that may arise in the creation of integrated military and foreign policy intelligence.

Legislative opportunities for employment of the Roma population in the agribusiness of the Republic of Bulgaria (on the example of a survey)

Legislative opportunities for employment of the Roma population in the agribusiness of the Republic of Bulgaria (on the example of a survey)

Законодателни възможности за заетост на ромското население в агробизнеса на Република България (на примера на анкетно проучване)

Author(s): Valeri Yordanov Velkovski / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: agribusiness; ethnic group; Roma ethnic group; labor market; rural areas; employment; legislative opportunities

In a number of regions of the Republic of Bulgaria, especially in rural areas, agribusiness is the main area of employment for the local population. All ethnic groups, without exception, have free, constitutional access to the labor market in this industry. The qualification of the Roma ethnic group to the vulnerable groups also puts on the agenda the issue of use, application and broad awareness of the legislative opportunities that are provided to all ethnic groups for employment in agribusiness, in various forms, which is also a right of choice. At this stage, the legal toolkit enabling the persons from the Roma ethnic group to participate in active employment in agribusiness, which would also increase their quality of life, has not been sufficiently evaluated.

The escalation of ethno-religious violence in West and Central Africa as a threat to the security of the countries of the European Union

The escalation of ethno-religious violence in West and Central Africa as a threat to the security of the countries of the European Union

Ескалацията на етнорелигиозното насилие в Западна и Централна Африка като заплаха за сигурността на държавите от Европейския съюз

Author(s): Teodor Danailov Dechev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: West Africa; ethno violence; religious violence; Salafist networks; Tuaregs; Fulani; Wagner

The report is devoted to the problems of the escalation of ethno-religious violence in West and Central Africa and its relationship with the national security problems of the countries of the European Union, in particular – the countries of the Mediterranean basin and South-Eastern Europe. The problem is rooted in the infiltration and deployment in the West African region of radical Islamic terrorist networks and terrorist DISORGANIZATIONS such as Al Qaeda, the Islamic State of West Africa, the Islamic State of the Greater Sahara, as well as some lesser-known but highly effective Salafist networks. Initially, they took advantage of another rise of the Tuaregs fighting for an independent state in Mali, and between the ethno-centric nationalist Tuareg organizations and the Salafists, emerged particular structures of symbiosis between radical Islamism and nationalism, which the author characterizes as „double bottom organizations“. The defeat of the Gaddafi regime (on whose side many Tuareg militias are fighting) during the „Arab Spring“ also played a favorable role in this development. The Tuareg returned from Libya with a large amount of weapons, which they are using against the government authorities – first of all in Mali. The Tuareg-Salafist uprising that broke out in the northern part of Mali was suppressed by French troops with the mandate of the UN Security Council. The Tuareg concluded a truce with the Malian authorities, but Islamic radicals continued an intense guerrilla war that spread to central Mali and also to a very large extent to Burkina Faso (Upper Volta). The failure of the authorities to combat subversive acts and terror operated by radical Islamists became the occasion (though not the main cause) for a series of coups in Mali and Burkina Faso, which were followed by Niger and Gabon, despite the fact that such guerilla military actions were not taking place particularly in Gabon. A particular risk is the possibility of the Fulani people (also known as Fulah or Fulbe) siding with the radical Islamists. The Fulani are a group of semi-nomadic tribes engaged in migratory animal husbandry that inhabit the entire belt south of the Sahara from the Gulf of Guinea to the Red Sea and number about 37 million people. In principle, the Fulani belong as a confession to the Sufi branch of Islam, known for its tolerance, but on the other hand, they are treated by the state authorities in the countries where they live as „second-class“ people, because the sedentary lifestyle is tolerated in the region. In some countries, there is outright ethnic enmity against the Fulani. This causes a certain tendency of younger Fulani to join the ranks of the radical Islamists and is the basis of the movement of the guerrilla war from the northern part of Mali to its central part. The Fulani have traditional problems with the settled agricultural population, but to this problem are added environmental problems caused by climate changes and the corresponding expansion of the Sahara desert to the south, as well as the emergence of so-called „neo-pastoralism“. Unlike the Fulani and traditional nomadic herders, where the herds are family-owned and the number of head of cattle in them is medium or small, the „new pastoralism“ is a reflection of the attempts of corrupt elites in West African countries, especially Nigeria to hide their financial resources in the possession of livestock. Unlike the Fulani and traditional migratory herders, the „new herdsmen“ are not owners but mercenaries who are well armed with automatic long-barreled weapons. They enter into sharp conflicts with the settled agricultural population. A dangerous synergy arises because the Fulani are Muslims, one of the peoples who brought Islam to West Africa, while the majority of settled farmers are Christians. A separate issue is the existing friction between the individual ethnic groups. When the ecological pressures caused by the expansion of desert lands in southern direction and the phenomenon of „neo-pastoralism“ as a result of the fight against corruption and the hiding of „dirty money“ in livestock ownership are added to this, a dangerous „explosive mixture“ arises that favors the guerilla and terrorist activity of Islamic radicals and appears as a great occasion for the rise of an authoritarian wave of military coups in the region. The fact that along the belt where the Fulani live, the presence of the private military company „Wagner“ is increasingly established. (Its possible restructuring in the near or distant future is of no importance here). Tactically, PMC „Wagner“ is implementing a certain business plan, which includes serving the coup regimes for a fee and the exploitation of certain natural resources in the countries of West and Central Africa. PMC „Wagner“ have already „distinguished themselves“ with several massacres of the Fulani in Mali, and they have a particularly strong presence in the Central African Republic, where it can be said that Russian mercenaries are literally involved in state governance. In fact, with its presence in Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, the Central African Republic, Sudan, and South Sudan, PMC Wagner is establishing a chain of outposts that coincides with the Fulani migratory herding route. In this, according to the author, there is nothing accidental, because in addition to the short-term tactical tasks related to the usual mercenary business, PMC „Wagner“ and other Russian expeditionary colonial forces in West and Central Africa could effectively intervene in the growing guerrilla war in the region and contribute for its sharp escalation. The result of such an escalation would most likely be an unprecedented migration wave, for which the EU countries, in particular the countries of the Mediterranean basin and South-Eastern Europe, are not yet prepared.

Impact of the war in Ukraine on the organization and control of the Russian armed forces

Impact of the war in Ukraine on the organization and control of the Russian armed forces

Влияние на войната в Украйна върху организацията и управлението на руските въоръжени сили

Author(s): Plamen Nikolov Bogdanov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Russian armed forces; organizational structure; control; Ukraine; war; changes

The paper analyzes the organizational structure and command and control system of the Russian armed forces in the 21st century. The organization and chains of command established within the Russian military forces involved in the war in Ukraine, which began in February 2022, are explored and how they change over the course of hostilities. Conclusions are made about the reasons for these changes.

Tolerance in ethno-religious relations – a factor for national security

Tolerance in ethno-religious relations – a factor for national security

Толерантността в етнорелигиозните отношения – фактор за националната сигурност

Author(s): Atanaska Ivanova Tuntova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: ethnicities; religions; security

The majority of countries in the world include several ethnicities. Bulgaria is no exception to this fact. It is a task for each country individually to ensure conditions for life and development that do not cause conflicts between different ethnic groups. Ethnic groups are one of the forms of existence of the human community, which is faced with the manifestations of globalization, and this necessitates taking measures to ensure the security of citizens and the state. Modern legislation, both Bulgarian and international, enshrines the right of every citizen to define himself by nationality and religion, without violating the rights of other citizens and the sovereignty and integrity of the state.

The ethno-religious prejudices of the prisoners

The ethno-religious prejudices of the prisoners

Етнорелигиозните предразсъдъци на лишените от свобода

Author(s): Emil Angelov Madzharov,Yoanna Rosenova Andonova-Tsvetanova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: religious tolerance; ethnic prejudice; religious identity; extraversion; Machiavellianism; narcissism; psychopathy; global self-esteem

The report presents and analyzes the results of the empirical study of religious tolerance, ethnic prejudice and the religious identity of prisoners. Interpreting the relationships of personal ethno-religious characteristics with the personal and socio-demographic profile of convicts serving their sentence. The role of the prison subculture and groups as a mediator in relation to their ethno-religious prejudices and their interaction with the personal-psychological and socio-demographic parameters of the prisoners is specially emphasized.

The American strategy towards the Black Sea region – present and prospects

The American strategy towards the Black Sea region – present and prospects

Американската стратегия спрямо региона на Черноморието – настояще и перспективи

Author(s): Voyn Konstantinov Bozhinov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Biden; Black Sea; Bulgaria; China; Erdogan; Georgia; Romania; Putin; Russia; Turkey; Ukraine; USA

The article is an attempt to analyze the American policy in the Black Sea region in relation to the events in Ukraine that occurred in this country after 2014, and especially after the start of the military conflict in the former Soviet republic, inspired by the intervention of the United States in the internal affairs of official Kyiv. A brief review of the naval potential of the Black Sea states is made to outline the balance of power in the Black Sea. Attention was also paid to the Montreux Convention, as well as to Turkey's intention to build the so-called „Istanbul Canal“. Based on these and other circumstances, an analysis of American policy in the region has been synthesized - the countries that move in parallel with it are listed, the methods of its implementation are indicated, some predictions are made about the result of state dominance in countries such as Bulgaria, Georgia and Romania etc. The measures taken by Russia and Turkey to maintain their influence in the Black Sea are also summarized in a concise but clear form.

Religions, ethnicities and security

Religions, ethnicities and security

Етноси и религии през призмата на сигурността

Author(s): Kostadin Vasilev Yazov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: religion; ethnicity; community; security

All the continents of the Earth, as well as Bulgaria as a separate country, are inhabited by different ethnic communities. Since the existence of human civilization, people belonging to different ethnic communities have faced a serious dilemma, how to live in cohabitation and protect their territories. Very often in history conflicts have arisen due to differences and ethnic attitudes in various communities. If religious differences are added to the ethnic ones, then the interactions between the individual communities become more complicated and sometimes impossible. This, in turn, it rise conflicts, which we also witness in the modern world. The interaction and integration of people from different communities, characterized by distinct characteristics, could be beneficial for the peace and security, both in a separate country and in the whole world. The objective of the report is to examine unifying features of the individual ethnicities through the prism of security.

The policy of state participation in public enterprises

The policy of state participation in public enterprises

Политиката за участие на държавата в публичните предприятия

Author(s): Rositsa Roumenova Rogova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: healthcare; public enterprises; competitions; sole owner of capital and control; security

The article aims to consider the Policy on state participation in public enterprises under the new Public Enterprises Act and the Implementing Regulations of the Public Enterprises Act.

Methods of collecting and examining physical evidence in criminal proceedings

Methods of collecting and examining physical evidence in criminal proceedings

Способи за събиране и изследване на веществени доказателства в наказателното производство

Author(s): Chavdar Petrov Groshev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: methods of proof; pre-trial phase; judicial practice

The article discusses the ways in which it is possible to collect material evidence. Attention was also paid to their research in the pre-trial phase. Case law is also indicated.

International church activity on the problems of terrorism and anti-terrorism

International church activity on the problems of terrorism and anti-terrorism

Международная церковная деятельность по проблемам терроризма и антитерроризма

Author(s): Petar Grigorov Gramatikov / Language(s): English,Russian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: ecumenism; dialogue; terrorism; anti-terrorism; cooperation

Ecumenism aims at the realization of a dialogue between all Christians in the wide and diverse world – to eliminate enmity between Christians of different confessions, to strengthen peace and understanding, to overcome disagreements, to triumph in mutual trust. Strengthening the role of churches in seeking and realizing peace in the world, as violence against unarmed and innocent civilians for political or religious purposes by state or non-state perpetrators cannot be justified in any legal, theological or ethical way.

Education – a factor for overcoming inter-ethnic differences and a guarantee for the sustainable development of national security

Education – a factor for overcoming inter-ethnic differences and a guarantee for the sustainable development of national security

Образованието – фактор за преодоляване на междуетническите различия и гарант за устойчивото развитие на националната сигурност

Author(s): Mihail Ivanov Mihaylov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: education; security; ethnicity; societal security

In the conditions of a networked society, digital economy and the entry of artificial intelligence into all areas of public life, our nation more than ever needs educated, knowledgeable and qualified Bulgarian citizens, who are the main pillar of security and ethnic peace. Education and upbringing form morals, competencies and knowledge about labor and social activities in society, national identity, tolerance, respect, civil culture, awareness of responsibility, which are the foundations of ethnic peace. Security is knowledge and only educated and knowledgeable people can face any kind of challenges and overcome them.

Stereotypes of cultural interpretation. Challenges of cultural differences in modern Bulgarian society

Stereotypes of cultural interpretation. Challenges of cultural differences in modern Bulgarian society

Стереотипи на културната интерпретация. Предизвикателства на културните различия в съвременното българско общество

Author(s): Diana Ivanova Petrova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: globalization; diversity; migration; refugees; cultural trends; community

This article proposes the perception of the „other“ as a response to cultural diversity related to the idea of multiculturalism. In historical perspective and the intensifying globalization processes creating the concept of cultural inequalities are the focus of this article. The geographical location of the Balkans and the instability of the international scene address „collective diversity“ and are a prerequisite for cultural, social and identity continuity. In support of the in-depth analysis on the topic, I conclude with data from a national survey, summarizing the reasons for social distance and discontinuity from of the Bulgarian population compared to the refugees.

Indicators for measuring efficiency in healthcare

Indicators for measuring efficiency in healthcare

Индикатори за измерване на ефективността в здравеопазването

Author(s): Emilia Angelova Kasova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: healthcare efficiency; efficiency analysis; evaluation; decision

In the health system, economic methods are usually applied to analyze and evaluate and measure the role of the influence of health determinants. The application of economic methods using a set of tools in health care is the basis for economic analysis, which serves to evaluate the obtained results and to make management decisions when choosing priorities. This economic analysis supports the formation of health policy and is an indisputable empirical basis that, although insufficient, is necessary.

Roma ghettoized urban structures: spatial construct, places for tolerance or social isolation of Roma from city life

Roma ghettoized urban structures: spatial construct, places for tolerance or social isolation of Roma from city life

Ромските гетоизирани градски структури: пространствен конструкт, места за толерантност или за социална изолация на ромите от живота на града

Author(s): Kamelia Petkova Tsvetkova-Nedyalkova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Roma ghettoized structures; Roma community; opportunities; problems; segregation

In recent years, regardless of the reported negative demographic changes in the structure of the population, there has been an increase in the size of the existing Roma ghettoized urban structures, which change, albeit unconsciously, the appearance of several cities and have a significant impact on their development. In the context of European territorial cohesion policies, the view is taken that European cities become places of tolerance and social progress, working towards social cohesion, balance, and integration. Based on a series of in-depth interviews conducted among representatives of the Roma community, educational mediators, non-governmental organizations, and representatives of local authorities in the cities of Lom, Kyustendil and Dobrich within the framework of a project on the topic: „Spatial models of Roma ghettoized urban structures in Bulgaria“. financed by the Scientific Research Fund at the Ministry of Education and Culture, an attempt will be made to answer the research question.

The regulatory framework of the right to religion in Bulgaria and some aspects of national security

The regulatory framework of the right to religion in Bulgaria and some aspects of national security

Нормативната уредба на правото на религия в България и някои аспекти на националната сигурност

Author(s): Anguel Gueorguiev Anastassov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: religion; national security; legal regulations; European Court of Human Rights

The report analyzes some important provisions of the legal framework of the right to religion in Bulgaria. The question is whether the exercise of the right to religion affects national security or public order and whether such dependence is legally sustainable. It is accepted that the absence of generally accepted definitions of such key terms affects the legality of certain actions of the national administration. It is concluded that the legal incompatibility of administrative and judicial decisions regarding the exercise of the right to religion leads to possible convictions in the European Court of Human Rights.

Police registration in the light of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU, Fifth Chamber, of 26 January 2023 in Case C-205/21

Police registration in the light of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU, Fifth Chamber, of 26 January 2023 in Case C-205/21

Полицейската регистрация в светлината на решение на съда на ЕС, Пети състав, от 26 януари 2023 г. по Дело С-205/21

Author(s): Tsvetana Valentinova Barzinska / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: police registration; European legislation; synchronization with Bulgarian legislation governing police registration

The presentation contains an analysis and conclusions regarding the synchronization of national legislation with that of the European Union (EU) regarding the processing of personal data in connection with police registration. Proposals have also been made to change the legal basis.

The ineffectiveness of French national policy as a security risk

The ineffectiveness of French national policy as a security risk

Неефективността на френската национална политика като риск за сигурността

Author(s): Boris Vladimirov Zarkov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: ethnic peace; ethno-religious; politics; security; national security; religion

Ethno-religious risks pose a serious threat to national security and the stability of societies. They include conflicts and tensions arising from differences in ethnic and religious identities. These types of risks can lead to social strife, terrorism and even war. Understanding and managing these risks requires extensive research that analyses the factors that cause them, as well as developing strategies and policies to promote stability and security. This complex problem requires an integrated approach that brings together aspects of religion, ethnic identity and social factors in order to promote tolerance and peace in societies.

Result 317041-317060 of 317410
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