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Result 317061-317080 of 317410
Art collection guide - City museum of Zenica
0.00 €

Art collection guide - City museum of Zenica

VODIČ kroz likovnu zbirku - Muzej grada Zenice

Author(s): Lejla Osmanić,Lejla Sarajlić / Language(s): Bosnian,English

Keywords: Zenica; April Salon; Fine Arts;Exhibition;

Visual Arts Association Zenica was founded in 1974 as a Visual Arts Branch Association Zenica. Its members were – Muhamed Bajramovic, Mirko Maric, Tomislav Perazic, Ljubomir Percinlic and Stjepan Totic. Three years later Anto Kajinic and Goran Raner also joined this group and in 1978 Irfan Handukic did the same. In 1984 the Association was also enriched by Jelenko Butina and Miroslav Šetka while Anto Cabraja and Dajana Suk entered the Association in 1988. This Branch Association acted as a self-managing association of the Visual Arts Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Their first exhibition took place in 1974 and it was until 1988 that the Association used to have its own regular exhibitions. At the first joint exhibition in 1975 Tomislav Perazic and Ljubomir Percinlic presented their works. That year and in the year to follow also the following members of this Association presented their works of art: Muhamed Bajramovic, Mirko Maric, Tomislav Perazic, Ljubomir Percinlic and Stjepan Totic. Visual Arts Circle in Zenica, as the critics of former Yugoslavia used to call mostly the academically educated painters, among which the oldest ones were Stjepan Totic and Tomislav Perazic, had performed very intense exhibition activities even before the Visual Arts Branch Association was established and before opening of the Visual Arts Gallery Zenica. The joint exhibitions were called „April Salon“ and before the gallery was opened the permanent place for exhibitions had been the Exhibition Pavilion of the Cultural Centre Zenica. The first „April Salon“ took place in the above mentioned pavilion in 1972 and it lasted from 10th to 25th April. It was organized to celebrate 12th April – the Liberation Day of Zenica. Ever since the joint exhibitions of visual artists from Zenica, and after the recent war, also of the academic artists of Zenica Doboj Canton, have been held and named „April Salon“ on the anniversary of this important date of the City of Zenica. This date is the date of closing the international cultural festival „Zenica Spring“. The exhibition of the „April Salon“ in the above mentioned year was moved to the Exhibition Pavilion of the Cultural Centre in Banja Luka.

Neo-Ottomanism and its implications for ethno-regional relations in Southeast Europe

Neo-Ottomanism and its implications for ethno-regional relations in Southeast Europe

Неоосманизмът и неговите последици за етнорегионалните отношения в Югоизточна Европа

Author(s): Dzhansu Asan Danadzhieva / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Neo-Ottomanism; Turkey; cultural diplomacy; Balkans; Muslim communities; soft power

This paper analyses neo-Ottomanism as an ideological current that aims to revive Turkey's Ottoman heritage, which seeks to combine modern statehood with traditional values and regional influence. Neo-Ottomanism stresses Turkey's importance as a worthy successor to the Ottoman Empire and its role as a bridge between East and West. In order to improve its international standing, Turkey needs to rethink and publicly acknowledge its historical and geographical identity. The approaches presented highlight Turkey's ambitions to rebuild cultural ties and establish new economic and political relations in the region. While neo-Ottomanism can contribute to greater regional cooperation, it also brings challenges related to historical grievances and the need to realign political alliances.

Religious freedom and human rights from the perspective of personal development and education

Religious freedom and human rights from the perspective of personal development and education

Религиозна свобода и права на човека откъм перспективата на личностното развитие и образование

Author(s): Margarita Atanasova Mollova,Petar Georgiev Kostov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: freedom of religion; non-discrimination; freedom of expression; freedom of assembly; intolerance and violence; freedom of conscience; tolerance; equality; respect; individual rights; ethno-religious c

The region of Southeast and Central Europe faces several key risks in the context of ethno-religious peace and security. Ethno-religious conflicts pose a serious threat to the stability and security of the region. The diversity of ethnic and religious groups in the region can lead to tensions and breaches of the peace. Extremist and terrorist groups using religious motives are also a factor of concern. These groups can pose a serious security threat and violate human rights. The protection of religious freedom and human rights is essential. This principle includes the freedom of individuals to express and practice their religion or belief without discrimination. In addition, human rights include the right to express religious beliefs and convictions, as well as freedom of assembly and the right of conscience. These rights are inseparable from the security and stability of the region. They promote tolerance, diversity and respect for the rights and freedoms of every citizen, while guarding against conflicts and tensions related to religion.

National security and ethno-religious peace – peace, dilemmas and perspectives

National security and ethno-religious peace – peace, dilemmas and perspectives

Националната сигурност и етнорелигиозният мир – мир, дилеми и перспективи

Author(s): Arseni Emilianov Kolarov,Nadezhda Vasileva Dzhankova,Rositsa Petrova Hambarliiska / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: security; peace; solution; integration; terrorism; conflicts; international relations; support; discrimination; growth; development; ethno-religious peace

Ethno-religious peace refers to the ability of different ethnic and religious groups to live together in an environment where there is understanding and mutual respect, and also to the protection of the state and its citizens from internal and external threats. Ethno-religious peace and national security can be interconnected in various aspects. One of these is diplomacy and the peace process: protracted conflicts that take place between ethnic or religious groups may require targeted efforts to promote peace and stability. Peace development and peace processes can support national security.

Entities making decisions related to the security of the Republic of Bulgaria

Entities making decisions related to the security of the Republic of Bulgaria

Субекти, взимащи решения, свързани със сигурността на Република България

Author(s): Stefka Velichkova Bangova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: national security; intelligence; counterintelligence; security; diplomacy; state

The management and functioning of the system for the protection of the national security of the Republic of Bulgaria are responsible for various state bodies and institutions specified in Chapter Two of the Law on the Management and Functioning of the System for the Protection of the National Security, as well as other bodies indirectly charged with functions in the field of security pursuant to other legal acts. Under „subjects of national security“ we can understand the state bodies and structures that carry out diplomatic, defense, intelligence, counter-intelligence, operative-search, law enforcement and security activities. These bodies and structures were created on the basis of specific legal acts, defining their essence, purpose, composition, management, activity and powers. National security decisions can be the result of various types of processes, but ultimately they must be rational in nature. This means that the decision-makers choose the ways and forms of action that are most appropriate in order to achieve national interests and stated goals.

Destruction of information obtained from the application of special intelligence means in the pre-trial phase of criminal proceedings

Destruction of information obtained from the application of special intelligence means in the pre-trial phase of criminal proceedings

Унищожаване на информацията, получена от прилагането на специални разузнавателни средства в досъдебната фаза на наказателното производство

Author(s): Dimitar Rumenov Popov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: investigation; use of special intelligence means; destruction of information obtained through special intelligence means

The article examines the obligations of the authorities requesting, providing and applying special intelligence means (SIR) to destroy the information obtained as a result of the application of SIR, regardless of whether it is explicit or classified information.

Threats to National Security in Cyberspace

Threats to National Security in Cyberspace

Заплахи за националната сигурност в киберпространството

Author(s): Viktoria Spasova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: risk; threats; security; cybersecurity; cyber-attacks; cyberspace

In today`s digital world, threats to national security are growing in cyberspace, the virtual environment where computer systems and networks operate, and data and information are exchanged and stored. These threats are manifested through various cyber-attacks aimed at disrupting the operations of state institutions and security systems, affecting the economic interests of private companies and the normal functioning of civil society. Information security is crucial in today`s digital realm by protecting data, systems, and resources from various threats and risks.

Ethno-religious peace in Southeast Europe – a prerequisite for ensuring energy security and increasing energy connectivity in the region

Ethno-religious peace in Southeast Europe – a prerequisite for ensuring energy security and increasing energy connectivity in the region

Етнорелигиозният мир в Югоизточна Европа – предпоставка за обезпечаване на енергийната сигурност и за повишаване на енергийната свързаност на региона

Author(s): Ivelina Dimitrova Dimitrova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: ethnic stability; religious peace; energy security; energy connectivity; energy integration

The region of South Eastern Europe has long history dating back in the past of numerous armed conflicts provoked by ethnic and religious intolerance. The unstable ethno-religious situation was the legacy left after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire – a long process which started in the 19th century and officially ended in 1922. Another crucial moment that brought much instability to the region and especially to the Western Balkans was the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1992 and the Yugoslav wars that came as an aftermath. Today the region is a more peaceful place due to the fact that all the countries initiated their European integration. Important factors for the stabilization of the situation are also the improvement of the economic stability and the energy integration between the countries from the region. The economic and energy interdependence is the most solid guarantee that the conflicts from the past will not repeat themselves.

Aspects of ethnic and religious issues in the context of national and international security

Aspects of ethnic and religious issues in the context of national and international security

Аспекти на етническите и религиозните проблеми в контекста на националната и международната сигурност

Author(s): Ivanka Nenova Nikolova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: security; ethnicity; religions; Europe; EU

In the chosen topic, our attention is directed to outline the existing problem areas and factors affecting the definition of ethnic and religious challenges and the emphasis they place on the security of the countries of Europe. It aims to overcome the existing problems with the ethnic and religious groups found in these countries by introducing and clarifying their particularities.

The Role of Soft Power and Turkish TIKA Restriction in the Development of Muslim Communities in the Balkans in 2019-2021

The Role of Soft Power and Turkish TIKA Restriction in the Development of Muslim Communities in the Balkans in 2019-2021

Ролята на „меката сила“ и турската организация TIKA в развитието на мюсюлманските общности на Балканите през периода 2019 – 2021 г.

Author(s): Dzhansu Asan Danadzhieva,Boyan Stanimirov Vidolov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Turkey; soft power; Balkans; ethno-religious relations; Muslim communities

The report consists of 2 main parts. The first part is about the concept of „Soft Power“. A definition of what it is and what its significance is. It is underestimated by the concept of „Military Power“ because it does not have such quick and direct results. The second hour consists of a presentation of the activities of the TIKA organization in the period 2019-2021. The reports presented on the organization's website discuss how TIKA is supporting Muslim communities in the Balkans.

Ethnic relations and international security in Central Europe

Ethnic relations and international security in Central Europe

Етническите отношения и международната сигурност в Централна Европа

Author(s): Iliyan Iliyanov Iliev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Germany; ethno-religious processes; national security; international security; open source intelligence; OSINT; new generation threat; atheism

The focus of the current paper is the ethno-religious processes in Germany (2000 – until now), in the context of national and international security. To acquire information on the subject, the methods of intelligence from open sources – OSINT (mainly via the Internet) were used. With the availability of so much information, it is important to „sift“ only that which is from official and reliable sources, in order to be able to correctly assess the current situation and create the most accurate possible forecast for the near future. First, the concepts of ethno-religious processes, national and international security are clarified, after which the focus shifts to the state of Germany. Brief information about the country is given there, together with statistical data (as of December 2022), which give us information about the current ethno-religious situation. In the subsequent chapter, a forecast for the coming years is drawn up regarding possible future threats from a „new generation“ to the national security of the country, and also to the international one, together with the consequences if they are not countered in time and preventive measures that should be are observed and implemented.

Exploring the Risks to Ethno-Religious Peace in Southeast and Central Europe: Interplay between State Policy, Ethnic Relations and National and International Security

Exploring the Risks to Ethno-Religious Peace in Southeast and Central Europe: Interplay between State Policy, Ethnic Relations and National and International Security

Изследване на рисковете пред етнорелигиозния мир в Югоизточна и Централна Европа: взаимодействие между държавната политика, етническите отношения и националната и международната сигурност

Author(s): Georgi Minkov Minkov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: ethnic conflicts; religious tensions; historical roots; ethnic minorities; migration and refugees; regional stability; state policy; peacekeeping efforts; conflict prevention tools; security; diplomac

The region of South-Eastern and Central Europe faces a number of certain risks that are closely related to ethnic and religious factors. The historical conflicts that underlie many of these risks include territorial disputes, cultural differences and identity. These conflicts often affect regional stability and security, manifesting in violence, terrorism and human rights violations. The presence of diverse ethnic minorities in the region and intense migration flows present additional security challenges. State policy has a key role in managing these issues, striving for integration and promoting ethnic coexistence. Religious communities in the region can also influence security. Their role in interfaith dialogue and relations with state institutions can help or destabilize stability.

Innovation and entrepreneurship – a factor for corporate stability

Innovation and entrepreneurship – a factor for corporate stability

Иновациите и предприемачеството – фактор за корпоративен стабилитет

Author(s): Ilian Ivanov Yordanov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: innovation; entrepreneurship; national security

The relationship between innovation, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs is absolutely proportional and in direct relation to both corporate and national security, especially with regard to the well-being of the individual and business as the basis of the stability of society in financial, economic, social and psychological aspects, conditioning high level of national security and in particular that of the population.

The Role of Media and Information Technology in Shaping Ethnic and Religious Perceptions and Conflicts

The Role of Media and Information Technology in Shaping Ethnic and Religious Perceptions and Conflicts

Ролята на медиите и информационните технологии за формирането на етнически и религиозни перцепции и конфликти

Author(s): Margarita Atanasova Mollova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: ethno-religious peace; national security; social sciences; contemporary society; harmony; mutual respect; social stability; conflict prevention; human behavior; causes of conflicts; differences; threa

The Ethnoreligious World, National Security, and the Social Sciences explores the intricate relationship between ethno-religious dynamics, national security concerns, and the field of social sciences in contemporary society. This multifaceted discussion emphasizes the critical importance of maintaining ethno-religious harmony for the sake of social stability and national security. Additionally, it underscores the pivotal role played by social sciences in comprehending the origins of conflicts and their prevention. One specific subtheme, „The Role of Media and Information Technologies in Shaping Ethnic and Religious Perceptions and Conflicts“, delves into the impact of modern media and information technologies on the formation of ethnic and religious perceptions, as well as their potential to fuel or mitigate conflicts. This subtheme underscores the significance of analyzing how media and technology influence the ways in which people perceive and interact with diverse ethnic and religious groups, and how these influences can have profound implications for ethno-religious peace and national security. It also highlights the essential role of social sciences in studying and addressing these complex dynamics.

5.00 €



Author(s): Gordana Ilić-Popov,Dejan Popović / Language(s): English,Serbian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: environmental policy; ecological taxes; European Union; green economy; green taxes;

“Green economy” has become one of the priority issues in policy and public debates in recent years due to global economic crises and growing awareness on humanity’s negative impact on the environment. The economic growth which is based on ever-increasing consumption of finite resources and emission of pollutants cannot be sustained in existing ecosystems. Environmental taxes play an important role in a “green economy”, internalizing the external costs imposed to the third parties due to harmful polluters’ activities. The authors point to four basic groups of the environmental taxes in the European Union (energy taxes, transportation taxes, pollution taxes and taxes on natural resources). Progress in achieving the goals of improving the quality of the environment by using the green taxes can be reported through the share of these taxes in the gross domestic product of the European Union. Authors present two main environmental charges existing in Serbia, which are expected to better accomplish eco goals in the years to come.

5.00 €



Author(s): Ada Guštin Habuš,Dominik Božić,Francesca Zanasi / Language(s): English,Serbian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: digital transformation; small and medium enterprises; business ecosystem; synergy;

Changes in today's business environment as a result of the rapid digital transformation of business processes, complex relationships with customers and suppliers and lower entry barriers to market have shaped the reality in which small and medium enterprises operate. Traditional business models often cannot give rapid answers to these changes, so it is necessary to look for new solutions. One of the alternative models is the concept of business ecosystem (BE), which is defined as an economic community supported by a foundation of interacting organizations and individuals. This community represents a networked and fairly autonomous collaboration of economic entities of different sizes, universities, research centers, public sector organizations and other parties. One or more BE members act as leaders and are responsible for coordination within the system, value creation mechanisms and risk management. The paper describes the most well-known types of BE and their differences, design methods and key challenges in this process. Examples of BE in practice and key factors for their success are also presented. Business ecosystems possess specific synergies that help maximize the profits of all individual entities as system members. These systems have a common key feature, which is the focus on creating a healthy and prosperous community that strives for the progress of all members.

5.00 €



Author(s): Zdravko Todorović,Igor Todorović,Zoran Govedar / Language(s): English,Serbian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Sustainable Forest Development; Forest Development Strategy; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; European Green Deal; Circular Economy;

The purpose of the research is to analyze the guidelines of the New EU Forest Strategy 2030, which is considered key to achieving the goals of the European Green Deal, which means reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050. The guidelines should be incorporated into the Forest Development Strategy of the Republika Srpska and achieve sustainable forest development. Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of present generations and that does not question the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The basic principles of sustainable forest management are: 1) The principle of continuity that strives for permanent forest benefits, 2) The principle of multifunctionality that seeks to optimize the overall benefits of forests and 3) The principle of economy that strives for greater forest use with minimal investment. Due to the importance of forestry for the development of the economy of Republika Srpska, it is necessary to respect certain restrictions related to: 1) balance between the demand of the wood industry for timber and deforestation within the limits of sustainable forest development, 2) ) preserve the recreational function of forests. Design / methodology / approach – The research design defines sustainable forest development as a dependent variable, ie a research problem, measured by economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable management. The New Forest Development Strategy of Republika Srpska until 2030 is considered an independent variable, with elements: 1) Sustainable forest bioeconomy, 2) Sustainable use of resources for bioeconomy, 3) Non-wood forest products and tourism, 4) Development of human resources in forestry, 5) Protection of old and primary forests, 6) Reforestation in line with climate change, 7) Financial incentives to improve forest quality and quantity, 8) Strategic forest monitoring, reporting and data collection, and 9) Research and innovation plan to improve forest knowledge. The following methods will be used in the research: analysis and synthesis, comparison and SWOT analysis. Practical implications – The Government of Republika Srpska will receive new strategic guidelines for sustainable forest management and governance, which is in line with the goals of the European Green Deal and the guidelines of the New EU Forest Strategy until 2030. The implementation of the strategy will result in healthier, more resilient and biodiversity forests that can fulfill their socio-economic and environmental function. Further development of the wood industry on new principles will be ensured. The survival and employment of the population in rural areas will be ensured. The recreational functions of the forest, which is important for the physical and mental health of citizens and the development of tourism, will be preserved. The public company Forests of the Republic of Srpska and private forest owners will receive specific guidelines for the su stainable development of forestry, with the special task of increasing the quantities and quality of forests. Originality / value – By analyzing the current state of forest in the Republic of Srpska and defined guidelines of the European Green Deal for Forest, we will gain new scientific facts and knowledge about the elements for drafting a New Forest Development Strategy in the Republic of Srpska. The new forestry development strategy should help our economy to become modern, climate neutral, resource efficient and competitive based on the principles of the circular economy.

5.00 €



Author(s): Aleksandar Kešeljevič,Milijana Novović,Ana Lalevic Filipovic,Milan Lakićević / Language(s): English,Serbian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: green taxes; green tax reform; double dividend; green taxes regressivity; decarbonization:

Green taxes are one of the basic mechanisms for creating long-term sustainable development and environmental protection. The introduction of green taxes is the basic mechanism of green tax reform which seeks to achieve environmental and economic goals. The reform arose as a consequence of the knowledge that the current growth, based on a linear model of plunder of natural resources, has to be replaced by switching to a circular model in order not to jeopardize the possibility of human civilization’s survival. The essence of green taxes is reflected in the effort that entity, whose activities lead to the devastation of the environment, pays the taxes that promote environmental activities through various economic incentives. This reduces the need for regulatory activities. At the same time, the introduction of green taxes enables the substitution of the other tax revenues, which does not increase the level of fiscal burden, and budget revenues increase or remain at the same level. This paper analyzes the most important forms of green taxes as well as the experiences of EU countries in implementing green tax reform. The experiences and recommendations of the EU will serve the Western Balkans to create and implement a green strategy. To review the current situation and point out the further action directions, a comparative analysis of activities on the implementation of green tax reform in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia was made.

5.00 €



Author(s): Zoran Malešević / Language(s): English,Serbian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: green transition; environmental protection; procedures; public policy;

Climate change and environmental destruction are an existential threat to the European Union and to the world. That is why the European Union has introduced and adopted the socalled „Green Plan“, which is designed as a response to solving these problems and include a new European growth strategy aimed at changing the European Union into a modern, resource-effective and competitive economy. The goal of the European Green Plan is to make Europe climate neutral by 2050, to encourage the economy to use more technology that does not pollute the environment, to create a sustainable industry and to reduce pollution. Turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities will make this transition fair and inclusive for all. The European Commission is assisting EU Member States in designing and implementing reforms that are the basis for a green transition and contributing to the objectives of the European Green Plan, necessary for the implementation of this green policy. The EU is determined to lead the way, together with its Member States, in implementing this plan. The goal of sustainable development is to improve people‘s lives and protect the planet from destruction in order to meet the needs of present and future generations. Since 2020, the European Commission has intensified the analysis and monitoring of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in this context. Member states integrate sustainable development policies into their policies and develop measures for more sustainable development. The paper will try to point out how EU member states approach the adoption and implementation of the green agenda and how they change their current policies. Public companies are protected and predesigned to follow the directives of the state, while small and medium enterprises have a more difficult task in monitoring these procedures and changing the way of doing business.

Result 317061-317080 of 317410
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