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Result 317581-317600 of 319264
Regional Human Rights Report 2007

Regional Human Rights Report 2007

Regional Human Rights Report 2007

Author(s): / Language(s): English

Keywords: human rights; Albania; BiH; Bulgaria; Macedonia, Montenegro; Serbia; 2007; discrimination; law; policy;

This is the third successive year in which the Balkan Human Rights Network (BHRN) prepared and published a unified report on the state of human rights in the region. All texts in this publication were prepared by authors who in each of the respective societies in the region have been consistently and persistently observing and analysing the state of human rights. They are esteemed theoreticians and activists in the field of human rights. It seems that this year the preparation and publishing of the report unfolded more smoothly and more efficiently. Among others, this is no doubt attributable also to the experience gained in previous similar activities. However, whether or not the state of human rights in countries covered by this report has also improved, and did their protection become more efficient, is for the readers to decide. We present you here just a short survey of themes contained in the presented national reports, with no intention to offer "binding instructions". Albania. - The report on the state of human rights in Albania is starting with a common judgment that, generally speaking, the government is respecting the human rights of its citizens. Nevertheless, it is noted that many institutions within the public administration are not sufficiently aware of their obligations regarding respect and protection of human rights. The authors claim that corruption, poverty, non-transparent procedures and an insufficiently developed independence of the judiciary represent major challenges facing the Albanian society. It is stressed that there is still a significant number of complaints regarding the conduct of the police, although there is certain progress in the field of procedural and substantive guaranties for a ban on abuse. Widespread child labour and exploitation of children are yet another problem noted in 2007. There was progress regarding protection of the right to education, but there are still relatively frequent examples in which this right was breached, particularly in cases of discrimination. The authors also conclude that for the time being the ombudsman remains the only institution directly assigned to promote and enhance the state of human rights. Bosnia and Herzegovina. - Authors of the report on the state of human rights in Bosnia-Herzegovina are stressing in this edition, too, the specific features of this state's constitutional arrangements and their influence upon the realization and violation of certain guaranteed rights and freedoms. The report is specifically pointing at the fact that, despite being very frequently an issue in all political and legal discussions in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the realization of the right to education and equal treatment within it has not yet produced adequate legal and substantive results. As regards access to law and justice, the report presents a survey of legal provisions and the real scope of the work of institutions dealing with the protection of human rights: the institution of the ombudsman and constitutional courts. Finally, the report paid special attention to the legal and physical situation of the discriminated and endangered groups, particularly disabled persons. Analyzed are the most important aspects of the situation related to members of this population regarding the realization of the right to work, the right to education, the right to adequate health care, social security and access to objects. Bulgaria. - The Bulgarian report starts from the fact that the year under review is also the first year of this country's full membership in the European Union. Mentioned are the basic challenges, which are important both for satisfying EU's standards and for adequate and efficient guarantees related to the respect of human rights. Among these issues particularly important are those related to suppression of corruption and of organized crime, the independence of the judiciary and the efficiency of state administration. The authors of the report hold the view that certain positive developments were achieved regarding demands for respect of provisions on equal pay for equal work, the realization of the right to go on strike in certain state institutions and sectors, and the increase of civil activism regarding environmental protection - the Ombudsman and the Commission for Protection from Discrimination. Macedonia. - According to the authors of the Macedonian report, the authorities in this state are generally respecting human rights, and the most important problems are the misuse of police competences, widespread corruption, trafficking in human beings and discrimination of ethnic minorities. In the last year Macedonia has made progress in fulfilling (political) the necessary criteria for associating with the European Union, and has entered a period of consolidation of institutions in the transition process. In 2007 there was a negligible decrease in complaints regarding violation of civil and political rights, particularly those allegedly performed by the police. On the other hand, the number of complaints regarding violation of the right to education is somewhat bigger than before, and mainly related to violation of certain rights in higher education. The report gives a detailed survey of the functioning of institutions which protect human rights, and presents the situation regarding the right to work of members of marginalized groups. Montenegro. - For the context in which human rights are implemented in Montenegro of substantial importance is the fact that during 2007 this state acquired full membership in the Council of Europe, and that in the same year the state signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement, and also got a new Constitution which implies full capacity of institutions of an independent state. However, the authors point out that the negative consequences of previous armed conflicts, and of the policies and legal instabilities which for many years were present in Montenegro, can still be felt and were not fully removed. Reminding of conclusions of institutions which follow the reform processes in Montenegro, it is stressed that major concerns are caused by a lack of genuine and efficient reform of the judiciary, by the fact that there are no efficient mechanisms for suppressing discrimination (particularly of Romas and displaced persons) and no punishment of torture, by inadequate protection of the right of access to information of public importance and by failures related to guarantees and the realization of the right of children. Serbia. - The state of human rights in Serbia were strongly influenced and frequently overshadowed by the turbulent political events. The National Assembly was inactive from October 2006 until mid-May 2007 which led to delays in the adoption of laws - the Assembly adopted only 70 or so laws by the end of 2007. Only about 20 of them were totally new and nearly all of them were merely fulfilling the formal obligations laid down in the Constitutional Act on the Implementation of the Constitution. The main problems hindering the effective enjoyment of this right lie in the absence of oversight over the implementation of the Act and in mere misdemeanour penalties for its violation. Tolerance of discrimination in practice is above all reflected in inefficient investigation, prosecution and punishment of its perpatrators and in the lack of systematic and comprehensive legislation.

Interconnecting Moldova's gas market:the Iaşi-Ungheni case
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Interconnecting Moldova's gas market:the Iaşi-Ungheni case

Interconnecting Moldova's gas market:the Iaşi-Ungheni case

Author(s): Ana Otilia Nuțu,Denis Cenușă / Language(s): English

Keywords: Iasi-Ungheni pipeline; energy supply of Moldowa;

The extension of the Iasi-Ungheni pipeline is a major objective for the Moldovan energy sector. Interconnecting Moldova with the gas market in Romania and Europe is the first step to diversify energy sources and routes, which would reduce the monopoly of Moldovagaz and consolidate the country's energy security. Currently, the Iasi-Ungheni interconnector is still much underutilized and can be fully used only by extending the pipeline to Chisinau, where there is the gas demand, and by increasing the transport capacity on the Romanian side.

Republic of Moldova needs substantial financial support to address rising poverty risks. Public appeal to the international community ahead of the donors’ conference in Bucharest
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Republic of Moldova needs substantial financial support to address rising poverty risks. Public appeal to the international community ahead of the donors’ conference in Bucharest

Republic of Moldova needs substantial financial support to address rising poverty risks. Public appeal to the international community ahead of the donors’ conference in Bucharest

Author(s): Adrian Lupuşor / Language(s): English

The Republic of Moldova is facing a perfect storm composed of rising energy and food prices, high inflationary expectations ahead of the winter season when gas prices reach maximum highs, war at the border that skyrocketed logistic costs, disrupted value-chains and induced huge uncertainty among firms, households and the government, along with draught and stagnation or even recession for this year. On the background of this difficult environment, the country received a clear European perspective in the form of EU candidate status as a sign of support and credit of trust from the European Union for a series of important reform commitments of the government that are yet to be delivered in such areas as justice, fight against corruption, public administration, state-owned enterprises, and macro-financial stability.Moldova also received important financial assistance from the IMF, EU, and other development partners and, as a result, the massive deficit of about 1 billion EUR planned for 2022 will be financed exclusively from external financial support.

Using behavioral science to encourage people to take the vaccine against Covid-19
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Using behavioral science to encourage people to take the vaccine against Covid-19

Using behavioral science to encourage people to take the vaccine against Covid-19

Author(s): Rustam Romaniuc / Language(s): English

Keywords: Covid 19; vaccination;

As effective vaccines may soon be approved by the US and European Union’s health authorities, it is important to stress that these can be a powerful weapon against Covid-19 only if people take them. There has always been reluctance around vaccine uptake. However, recent surveys show that the skepticism has been on the rise in the last few months and is sufficiently high to render community immunity a challenging goal. Differences in acceptance rates range from almost 90% (China) to less than 55% (Russia, France). With missing data from Moldova, one can only speculate about the acceptance rates. However, it is reasonable to expect that the acceptance rates would not differ much compared to Russia, which is one of the countries with the most pronounced skepticism toward vaccination.

Energy Poverty in Moldova: Social Assistance versus Technical Capacitation
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Energy Poverty in Moldova: Social Assistance versus Technical Capacitation

Energy Poverty in Moldova: Social Assistance versus Technical Capacitation

Author(s): Denis Cenușă / Language(s): English

Keywords: Energy supply of Moldowa;

The starting point in examining the energy poverty represents the incursion into the national legal framework that governs energy sector. Next, a set of indirect statistics features the manifestation of the energy poverty. Subsequently, the particularities of the tariff policy are brought attention. The description of the existing policies targeting socially related deficiencies to cope with energy prices follows. In conclusion, the paper tailors specific policy recommendation to address the issue in a comprehensive, systemic and sustainable manner.

COVID-19 in Moldova: What was the effect of the 2020 lockdown and what effect would a similar lockdown have in 2021?
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COVID-19 in Moldova: What was the effect of the 2020 lockdown and what effect would a similar lockdown have in 2021?

COVID-19 in Moldova: What was the effect of the 2020 lockdown and what effect would a similar lockdown have in 2021?

Author(s): Adrian Lupuşor / Language(s): English

Keywords: Covid 19;

The recent rise in the number of COVID-19 infections, which was most likely caused by new virus strains, stirred heated public debates about the need to enforce tougher restrictions in order to prevent the virus from spreading. In this context, as a result of the recent meeting of the Supreme Security Council, President Sandu suggested to impose a 2-week state of emergency and for the Government to develop the list of restrictions regarding social and economic activities, which would be then submitted to the Parliament for consideration and approval. The idea of establishing these restrictions (or a lockdown) is controversial per se, as its impact will be felt by everyone, implying costs for some and benefits for others. On the one hand it could lead to economic and social costs, with particular damage to small enterprises and employees with lower salaries, especially if we take into account the population’s low income and the economy that is barely recovering from the most severe recession in the last 20 years, while on the other hand a lockdown could relieve some of the pressure on the health system, prevent infection spreading and allow saving people’s lives. Nevertheless, the heated arguments about this issue miss a cold review of the effects caused by the lockdown of 17 March - 16 May 2020, which could be used as a yardstick for understanding the effects of a potential lockdown in 2021. This analysis estimates those effects on the level of infection cases and deaths caused by COVID-19, as well as on the major economic indicators, by means of precise econometrics and statistical techniques.

Pollution Tax Reform – a Necessary Step to Ensure Green Economic Growth
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Pollution Tax Reform – a Necessary Step to Ensure Green Economic Growth

Pollution Tax Reform – a Necessary Step to Ensure Green Economic Growth

Author(s): Alexandru Fală / Language(s): English

Keywords: Covid 19;

Moldova's natural resources are in a precarious state. Water is a scarce resource and the country's afforestation rate is extremely low1. This is compounded by inefficient waste management and increased pollution from car emissions. At the same time, the Republic of Moldova fails to explore the potential of fiscal-budgetary instruments in addressing environmental issues. For many years, budget spending on environmental protection has been extremely low. In addition, a number of shortcomings in the regulation of environmental taxes are eroding their ability to stimulate environmentally friendly behaviour of citizens and businesses. The existing system of pollution taxes in the Republic of Moldova is outdated, does not correspond to other countries' practices and is lagging behind other environmental reforms. In this context, this study assesses the national practice in the field of pollution taxes. The study concludes with a set of proposals for making pollution taxes more effective.

The International Conference "Education in the Perspective of Values" 2023 - BOOK OF ABSTRACTS
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The International Conference "Education in the Perspective of Values" 2023 - BOOK OF ABSTRACTS

The International Conference "Education in the Perspective of Values" 2023 - BOOK OF ABSTRACTS

Author(s): / Language(s): English

Keywords: Conference; education; values; educational sciences; psychology; theology; philology; philosophy; history; sociology; engineering; computer science / arts / music; mathematics;

This volume includes the summaries of the articles presented at Conference Education in the Perspective of Values, 2023. Within the conference, an important space was allocated to the presentation of research that brought new data on topics of general pedagogy, psychology of Education, didactics, including the design and implementation of didactic activities carried out online. The research presented this year represented scientific fields such as: educational sciences, psychology, theology, philology, philosophy, history, sociology, engineering, computer science, arts, music and mathematics, as well as a number of interdisciplinary fields.

Balking the Blunders in the Balkans:  The Western Strategy
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Balking the Blunders in the Balkans: The Western Strategy

Balking the Blunders in the Balkans: The Western Strategy

Author(s): Jan Havránek,Filip Tesař / Language(s): English

Keywords: Balkan region; Western presence in the region; migration; EU; NATO; Security; civil management; strategy;

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the West was obliged to deal with several crises in the Balkans and pledged to a complete reconstruction of the post-war situation in the region. During this demanding process, the Western countries however maximised their traditional stereotyped attitudes towards the Balkan countries. Both the European Union and the United States have typecast the Balkan states according to the extent of the internal problems of these states, and according to their own ability to deal with such issues. Despite the good intentions behind the acting of the West, this process resulted in a mixture of shambolic strategies that have made the Western presence in the region very complicated. The West has been gradually loosing its military and managing respect, given its reluctance to pursue the proclaimed objectives. Such disinclination to act has played into the hands of the local bosses, who very soon found out how the system can be abused in order to satisfy both their electorate and the Western custodians. Nowadays, it is clear that such a hesitant attitude of the West towards the Balkans is no longer sustainable. A significant change in the Western strategy towards the Balkan countries is required, should the integration of the Balkans into the Western structures (i.e. NATO, EU) be successful.

The EU and the Refugees: The Way Forward
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The EU and the Refugees: The Way Forward

The EU and the Refugees: The Way Forward

Author(s): Michal Šimečka,Benjamin Tallis,Vít Beneš,Petr Kratochvíl / Language(s): English

Keywords: EU; Refugees; migration policy; solidarity; securitization; Common European Asylum Service; EU Immigration Code;

The EU has always existed in the dual world of strongly professed universal values and its ability to accommodate the mundane interests of its member states. However, this – at times fruitful – tension has recently come under so much strain that it threatens to bring down not only the EU's always fragile foreign policy consensus, but even the most fundamental freedoms on which the EU has been built, such as the free movement of people, and which it has come to stand for in the eyes of its populations. The first blow came with the Eurozone crisis, and the second with the still growing migration malaise. But while the crumbling solidarity during the economic crisis and the negotiations with Greece could still be explained away as a result of rational economic calculus, the current crisis does not offer any such comforts. The two fundamental tenets of the integration ethos – universal values and particular state interests – seem to be at odds as never before. The ultimate question which is so often posed today is whether the EU should comply with the still powerful state-centric push and simply build up the barriers again or whether the time has come for the EU to fulfil its higher calling and take action based on its broader humanitarian obligations.

The importance of verification and transparency in the nuclear arms-control, nonproliferation and disarmament process
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The importance of verification and transparency in the nuclear arms-control, nonproliferation and disarmament process

The importance of verification and transparency in the nuclear arms-control, nonproliferation and disarmament process

Author(s): Miroslav Tůma / Language(s): English

Keywords: verification and transparency; arms-control; nuclear security; USA-Russia arms-control treaties; The INF Treaty; The START I; SORT Treaties;

Since the Cold War period the importance of the importance of verifying the treaty obligations, which is one of the main parts of the strengthening of the common trust, has been continuing until the present. At the same time, in the areas of arms-control and international security, the role of nuclear transparency, with the verification of provided data and treaty obligations as its integral part, has been increasing. The necessity of maintaining predictability, mainly between both of the nuclear superpowers (the US and the RF), which possess about 90% of all nuclear weapons in the world, is connected with the need to maintain the arms-control process and an effective verification procedure in cases of other negotiated treaty instruments being concluded. Nuclear disarmament verification procedures should above all take into consideration political and technical challenges connected with the current decreasing numbers of nuclear weapons while taking into account the protection of sensitive data as well. At all relevant security forums, especially at the 10th NPT Review Conference in 2020, the Czech Republic should support the EU initiatives and all other initiatives in favour of maintaining the US-Russia arms-control architecture, especially the proposed extension of the New START Treaty’s validity and verification mechanism in 2021. The possible participation of Czech experts in various verification initiatives would be highly welcomed as well.

A global arms control regime on short and medium-range missiles
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A global arms control regime on short and medium-range missiles

A global arms control regime on short and medium-range missiles

Author(s): Matúš Halás / Language(s): English

Keywords: INF Treaty; TELs; missile defence system; air-launched cruise missiles; Middle East; South Asia; Europe; East Asia;

A global alternative to the former INF Treaty is a feasible solution to the current crisis of the arms control regime that can significantly improve regional stability in Asia. It will not harm vital interests of its signatories provided it will not limit ground-launched delivery vehicles with a range greater than 3,000 km and existing TELs. Given the shifting security environment in Europe, the EU nations should join the German-led development and procurement of an integrated air and missile defence system. The deterrence dynamics also warrant a French-led joint European development and procurement of air-launched cruise missiles with a range greater than 2,000 km.

Kick-Starting Cosmopolitan Governance Through Science: The Case of a Giant Laser System
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Kick-Starting Cosmopolitan Governance Through Science: The Case of a Giant Laser System

Kick-Starting Cosmopolitan Governance Through Science: The Case of a Giant Laser System

Author(s): Ondřej Ditrych,Nikola Schmidt / Language(s): English

Keywords: Large technical systems (LTS); cosmopolitan governance; CERN; Centralized and Decentralized Machines;

The following policy paper proposes a novel perspective on how large technical systems can enable global governance. We base our argument on several current scientific international collaborations (CERN, ITER) and postulate how their success could be extended to dual-use technologies in space, arguing that the normative frame not the technology itself is fundamental to how it is perceived. We propose that large technical systems, or “scientific machines”, have constitutive power to shape the system of global governance which can be turned to humanity’s advantage if normative frameworks are developed for them. The argument is exemplified on the case of Giant Laser Systems (GLS) such as the Breakthrough Initiatives’ Starshot program which not only may change radically the way stars are studied (and thus enable new scientific discoveries), but can also contribute to solving practical problems such as growing orbital debris and empower global actors to conceive security regimes concerning sensitive technologies in space. In conclusion, recommendations are articulated for a state such as the Czech Republic for which a pragmatic normative framework defined herein provides a useful perspective to look at governance of new technologies that ensures normatively desirable outcomes of sweeping technological change, and stimulate international scientific collaboration with positive spill-over effects to other domains of international cooperation.

Time to exist and resist: the European Union and Russian political war
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Time to exist and resist: the European Union and Russian political war

Time to exist and resist: the European Union and Russian political war

Author(s): Mark Galeotti / Language(s): English

Keywords: European Union; Russia; Political war; diplomacy; Kremlin; Geopolitics; political warfare;

Russia is waging a political war campaign of active measures intended to divide, distract, and dismay European states, not as a prelude to any direct military aggression but as a substitute. The institutions of the European Union have made very patchy and often reluctant responses to this campaign, in part as a result of a lack of consensus among member states, in part because the necessary measures – which often focus on cohesion, legitimacy, and more effective counter-intelligence activity – are controversial, complex, long-term and expensive. A primary issue, though, is the dramatically different strategic cultures and operational codes of the EU and Russia. Moscow subscribes to an essentially confrontation, zero-sum perspective that at best interprets the EU’s more inclusive approach as naive, at worse as a pose, concealing malign intent. The EU and member states need to appreciate and understand the nature, scale and objectives of Russia’s political war, and specifically the lack of any set doctrine or “playbook.” This will require deeper investment in expertise within the institutions of the Commission, as well as broadening European understandings of “security.” Addressing issues of corruption, institutional legitimacy, social cohesion and governance is a crucial security concern. Countries at most risk from the ‘legitimacy gap’ are more vulnerable to Russian interference and subversion. The EU must appreciate that as an alliance, weaknesses in the counter-intelligence capacities of one state is a vulnerability for all. There needs to be greater effort on this, and a consensus on the minimum level of acceptable spending on this. The immediate challenge is to act more decisively and collectively to reduce the effectiveness of the instruments used by Moscow in its political war, especially those not simply operating on direct instructions but “adhocrats” seeking to please Moscow. This requires more detailed intelligence gathering, analysis and sharing, which could fall within the remit of INTCEN.

The significant political declaration and the forthcoming 10th NPT review conference
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The significant political declaration and the forthcoming 10th NPT review conference

The significant political declaration and the forthcoming 10th NPT review conference

Author(s): Miroslav Tůma / Language(s): English

Keywords: Review Conference of the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); Political declaration; Nuclear disarmament; TPNW;

The 10th Review Conference of the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) (the jubilee of this conference series) will be held at the UN Headquarters in New York from 27th April until the 22nd May, 2020. The importance of its being held has been underlined by not just the escalation of the security situation due to the continued dismantlement of the US-Russia arms-control system and the growing threat of the nuclear arms-race, but also the 50th anniversary of the entry into force of the important NPT Treaty as well. On this occasion fifteen ministers of foreign affairs of the NPT’s non-nuclear weapon states, united in The Stockholm Initiative on Nuclear Disarmament, have published the Political Declaration with an Annex in February 2020. The annexed document, above all, appeals to all of the NPT’s participating states to negotiate and accept some measures recommended in the Annex to advance the nuclear disarmament process. The Annex’s list of recommended measures, the so-called stepping stones, is not exhaustive one, as stressed by the authors. However, according to the ministers their implementation could contribute to the deflection of the current dangerous development in the security situation and to the step-by-step implementation of the generally approved vision of the creation of a world without nuclear weapons. The Political Declaration’s appeal, in relation to the necessity to implement all past commitments of previous Review Conferences which remain valid, has been directly focused on five so-called declared nuclear-weapon states (France, Great Britain, the PRC, the RF and the US) and their lacks in the area of nuclear disarmament commitments. One of the main reason for the different position of the majority of the NPT’s non-nuclear weapon states to the solving of nuclear disarmament matters has been the continuation of the modernization of nuclear warheads and their means of delivery, which the nuclear-weapon states has been justified by pointing to the necessity of nuclear deterrence.

Japan and the Visegrad 4: the unsensational strategic partners
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Japan and the Visegrad 4: the unsensational strategic partners

Japan and the Visegrad 4: the unsensational strategic partners

Author(s): Rudolf Fürst / Language(s): English

Keywords: Japan; Visegrad 4; Geo-economic challenges; Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA); Asian business partners; EU;

The paper points to the convergence between the Visegrad 4 (V4) and Japan that is driven by economic concerns and shared views on global political challenges. The Japanese pro-active European strategy arises from the high relevance of the EU in Japanese economic global policy, and also as a reaction to the increasing Chinese global influence, and the rising US protectionism. The Japanese European policy also reached Central Europe as Japan established a regional cooperation platform with the V4 states. This paper discusses the potential, as well as the real prospects of Japan’s rising interest in the V4 group. Japan is the leading Asian investor in Czechia and Poland. The V4 states ought to benefit from the multi-level structure of the developing ties with Japan. Promoting cooperation with Japan ought to be a theme for the Czech V4 presidency. The V4+Japan format is asymmetrical and there is no clear vision for its institutionalizing, but individual benefits from it for individual V4 states on the bilateral level are available, and the V4 states should take advantage of them. The EU-Japan level stimulating economic effect of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) is obvious, and Europe could gain more from stronger ties with Japan. Such a rapprochement, however, does not divert Japan and the EU from their understanding of China and the building of their ties with this stronger Asian stakeholder.

Border control and invisible threats. Does the closure of borders in Europe stop COVID-19?
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Border control and invisible threats. Does the closure of borders in Europe stop COVID-19?

Border control and invisible threats. Does the closure of borders in Europe stop COVID-19?

Author(s): Asya Metodieva / Language(s): English

Keywords: Border control; COVID-19; Europe; public health security; international cooperation;

Border control was introduced in Europe as an emergeny response to the pandemic between March and May 2020. Following a process of re-opening, countries apply restrictions depending on national risk analyses, as well as individual political and economic interests. Quarantine and testing rules have been adopted across member states in various combinations. However, the rapidly changing situation and the lack of adequate risk assessments have proven these measures to be irrational in some cases. This policy paper evaluates the implementation of travel restrictions in Europe due to COVID-19 to provide an understanding of the relevance of the new border regimes. The analysis seeks to answer the question of whether border restrictions are an effective measure to tackle the pandemic in case of ongoing and future outbreaks. The recommendations provided in this paper address national government officials and security experts. Among the discussed options, closing borders shall be the option least preferred by policy makers due to its negative consequences for the freedom of movement of individuals, goods and services.

Jihadi foreign fighters and the threat to Czechia
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Jihadi foreign fighters and the threat to Czechia

Jihadi foreign fighters and the threat to Czechia

Author(s): Asya Metodieva,Emil Aslan / Language(s): English

Keywords: Jihad; Czechia; security threat; security challenges; terrorism; external threat; violence;

The threat of jihadi terrorism in Europe remains a security concern at the end of 2020. Following the 2020 Vienna attack, governments across Central Europe responded with both political statements and security checks. Although Czechia has never been a primary target of a major jihadi attack, there is a need to understand the nature of the threat that is about cross-border radicalization and challenges related to European citizens who returned to the region after joining jihadi groups in Syria and Iraq. This policy paper assesses the external and internal threat of jihadi terrorism to Czechia. The analysis makes two recommendations to policy makers: first, invest in capacity building to track online activities related to preparation of terrorist violence, including propaganda dissemination, recruitment into radical groups, coordinated actions intended to cause casualties; second, enhance intelligence sharing with countries in the region concerning individuals who have returned from Syria and Iraq, were released after terrorism-related offences; were prevented from becoming foreign fighters but belonged to radical networks; have gone through rehabilitation programmes.

Building resilience through participation. Lessons from the civil society in Eastern Europe and the western Balkans
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Building resilience through participation. Lessons from the civil society in Eastern Europe and the western Balkans

Building resilience through participation. Lessons from the civil society in Eastern Europe and the western Balkans

Author(s): Clara BURRY,Ondřej Horký-Hlucháň / Language(s): English

Keywords: Civil society; Eastern Europe; Western Balkans; resilience;

In times of multiple crises that affect the sustainable development agenda, resilience has become a buzzword in the international development community. While civil society has been involved in bottom-up resilience building in the global South for quite some time, it is crucial to define the risks that may compromise the underlying values of civil society organisations (CSOs) such as human rights, inclusion, equality and sustainability. Based on the best practices of CSOs from the Eastern Neighbourhood of the European Union (EU) and the Western Balkans, this policy paper identifies the most efficient ways for the donors to support resilience building. Since resilience building is a long-term process, donors and the European institutions particularly, should commit to long-term resilience-building programmes, mobilise the use of local knowledge and thus contribute to addressing the root causes of poverty, inequality, insecurity and unsustainability.

The future of EU enlargement in a geopolitical perspective
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The future of EU enlargement in a geopolitical perspective

The future of EU enlargement in a geopolitical perspective

Author(s): Martin Laryš,Daniel Šitera,Matúš Halás,Asya Metodieva,Mats Braun / Language(s): English

Keywords: Geopolitics; EU; NATO security; EU Cohesion Policy; Ukraine; democratic values; Western Balkans;

Non-enlargement and delayed enlargement are active choices by the EU with concrete consequences. Maintaining the status quo is not an option. Enlargement processes are triggered by the application of a potential member state, and EU responses in the field encourage or discourage certain developments independently if we speak of the Western Balkans, Moldova, Georgia, or Ukraine. Progress with the enlargement agenda anchors countries into European structures and serves as a confirmation of their European choice. However, as examples from the Western Balkans show, there is a concrete risk that the EU might end up legitimising autocratic regimes in a bid for progress. The enlargement process must therefore not be decoupled from a clear meritocratic scrutiny. EU membership does not take place in a vacuum. As with previous enlargement rounds, the real security provider is NATO. The EU’s mutual defence clause is not a sufficient security guarantee. It is therefore difficult to conceive of a Ukrainian EU accession without NATO membership. After Ukraine’s accession, in particular the Ukraine army could be a substantial contribution to a European defence system. Other external developments might also contribute to the EU’s development of strategic autonomy. The nine accession countries would contribute with access to raw materials, including critical and strategic raw materials. For instance, Ukraine has a shared third in the world processing of the critical resource material scandium and has the second largest deposits of natural gas in Europe after Norway. The growing size of the EU’s market would enhance the so-called Brussels effect and increase the global relevance of the EU. The nine accession countries would increase the EU’s population from 447 to 513 million. The less developed economies of the countries, however, would be a challenge for the EU’s economic, social, and territorial cohesion. The time schedule for enlargement is crucial. Albeit it is never possible to guarantee a deadline year for enlargement, taking into account the conditionality-based process, setting a target year would be recommended to avoid overly optimistic assumptions in some candidate countries (e.g. Ukraine) as well as to clearly illuminate if EU member states are delaying the process.

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