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Result 318001-318020 of 319894
The Impact of the Pandemic on the Innovation Performance of European Countries

The Impact of the Pandemic on the Innovation Performance of European Countries

The Impact of the Pandemic on the Innovation Performance of European Countries

Author(s): Julianna Csugany,Tamas Tanczos / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Innovation performance; COVID-19 pandemic; Technological gap; European Innovation Scoreboard

In the last few years, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives and the operation of the whole economy. The technological possibilities in the era of Industry 4.0 were already given, but the spread of digital solutions accelerated due to the pandemic, which was the catalyst of technological progress. The adaptation of new technologies was faster, and the length of the digital transition has been shortened. The impact of the pandemic prevails in both technological leader and follower countries, and because of this, the technological gap between developed and developing countries may decrease. The technological follower countries can converge to leaders mainly in digital infrastructure which is the essential condition of the new technological era but some constraints remain that prevent them from taking advantage of technological progress. This technological revolution requires promoting the use, adoption, and adaptation of new technologies in all countries regardless of the level of technological development. This research aims to analyse the changes in European countries’ innovation performance in the last years when the COVID-19 pandemic prevailed with data from European Innovation Scoreboard. Using simple and multivariate statistical methods, the similarities and differences in technological progress in times of pandemic can be highlighted between the technological leader and follower countries in the European Union.

Business Performance during Crisis: A Case Study of Albania in the Period of COVID-19

Business Performance during Crisis: A Case Study of Albania in the Period of COVID-19

Business Performance during Crisis: A Case Study of Albania in the Period of COVID-19

Author(s): Armela Anamali,Bitila Shosha,Romeo Mano / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Albania; Businesses Performance; COVID-19; Working Capital Management; Digitalization

Albanian businesses, similar to global ones, encountered numerous issues in coping with the various challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic manifested. The uncertainties of the moment, as well as those which many see in the long term, reinforced the role that certain aspects of running a business have in their survival and success. According to the studies conducted over the last three years, there was a boom in the financing and technology embraced by businesses to adapt to the situation. The systematic literature review delineates a synopsis of the empirical analysis that various researchers provided as a contribution to overcoming the socio-economic impasse and the prudent management of uncertain future situations. The authors of this paper, given the importance of the factors considered in the study, looked into the approach applied by the “surviving” businesses in Albania to withstand the crisis. In the unfolded results, the scarcity of embracing technology in doing business is still surprising.

Effects of COVID-19 Stringency Measures on Business Indicators in the European Union

Effects of COVID-19 Stringency Measures on Business Indicators in the European Union

Effects of COVID-19 Stringency Measures on Business Indicators in the European Union

Author(s): Armin Kovači / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Business indicators; Stringency measures; Business policy

The global pandemic had a big effect on business and the economy overall. Affected by the fear of the spreading virus, many countries implemented stringency measures. These measures additionally affected the level of business activities. The main objective of this study was to research and analyze the business effects of COVID-19 measures at the level of the European Union. Business indicators included business investment rate, the gross profit share of non-financial corporations, assets of non-financial corporations as a percentage of GDP, economic sentiment indicator, production in construction, production in industry, and the volume of retail trade (monthly data, percentage change on previous period). The main indicator used to show the level of stringency measures was the COVID-19 Stringency Index. Results showed a high correlation between stringency measures and business investment rate, assets of non-financial corporations, production in industry, production in construction and volume of retail trade. Some of these results could be under the influence of the European Union’s long-term budget, coupled with NextGenerationEU.

Impacts of GDP per Capita According to PPS and Health Care Expenditure on Basic Indicators in C5 Countries

Impacts of GDP per Capita According to PPS and Health Care Expenditure on Basic Indicators in C5 Countries

Impacts of GDP per Capita According to PPS and Health Care Expenditure on Basic Indicators in C5 Countries

Author(s): Jaroslav Škrabal,Jarmila Duhaček Šebestova,Ingrid Majerova / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Eurostat; Economies; Indicators; Healthcare expenditure; Correlation analysis

The paper focuses on GDP per capita in PPS (standard purchasing power) in C5 countries (Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia and Hungary). The basic aggregates in the comparison of the indicator include the density of population, employment per thousand persons, and expenditure on pensions. The period for the given comparison is from 2011 to 2021. Other comparisons of indicators that the authors made in this paper were focused in the context of health care expenditure including years of healthy life, proportion of people 65+, occupational accidents, discharge from hospital, and length of stay. For this comparison, the period of 2014-2020 is taken into account. The data sources for the given paper are data from the Eurostat portal. The paper aims to perform a correlation analysis (Pearson correlation coefficient) of the basic indicators related to GDP per capita according to PPS and healthcare expenditure within the C5 countries.

Comparison of the Evaluation of the European Structural and Investment Funds in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

Comparison of the Evaluation of the European Structural and Investment Funds in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

Comparison of the Evaluation of the European Structural and Investment Funds in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

Author(s): Kristina Janoškova / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Evaluation; European Structural and Investment Funds; Impacts

The programming period 2014-2020 can be distinguished by the increased emphasis of the European Union on the evaluation of the European Structural and Investment Funds. The main goal of the evaluation is to increase the economic, social, and environmental impact on the lives of inhabitants. In the European Union countries, it is made by central coordination organs and managing organs of operational programs and is realized on national and regional levels. The main objective of the paper is to analyze the evaluation of ESIF in Slovakia and the Czech Republic and find its differences. The major methods used in the paper are the analysis and comparison of the evaluation process in both countries. The realization of the evaluation is based on the main evaluation document - Plan of the Evaluation and it is focused on similar areas.

Students Return after COVID-19 Crisis

Students Return after COVID-19 Crisis

Students Return after COVID-19 Crisis

Author(s): Man Carmen Mihaela,Slave Camelia / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Pandemic; Crisis; University; Students

The pandemic caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus led to social distancing measures in this context, universities temporarily closed in Romania and most states of the world. The educational process has moved to the online environment, taking place through online platforms. According to General Comment No. 13 of the Committee for Economic, Social and Civil Rights 140, education is characterized by four elements in an interdependent relationship, namely availability, accessibility, acceptability, and adaptability. Thus, the state must provide institutions and educational programs, which provide libraries and digital facilities, accessible to students. The accessibility of educational institutions refers to three aspects: non-discrimination, accessibility from a geographical point of view, and accessibility from an economic point of view, which implies that education does not involve too high costs. Acceptability concerns aspects related to the form and content of education, from teaching methods to the curriculum, and adaptability represents how the educational process can adapt to the needs of changing societies.

Application of the Internet in Teaching about the Environment

Application of the Internet in Teaching about the Environment

Application of the Internet in Teaching about the Environment

Author(s): Jasmina Kurpejović,Ibro Skenderović,Suada Aljković Kadrić / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Computer; Internet; Children; Environment; Research approach

The usage of the internet is increasing very fast and it is expected that it will continue to grow as it becomes a common means of everyday life. This paper deals with questions such as how much time and for what purposes children use the internet and digital technology, as well as how much it is used for educational purposes. It seems that children spend less and less time outside, in parks and playgrounds. There are pros and cons to everything, so using media and the internet in the right way can make our lives a lot easier as there are many good sides to it. Losing control over the internet and media usage can bring us into the vicious circle of negative circumstances of contemporary technology. This is why it is very important to monitor children’s activity on the internet but at the same time to keep up with contemporary technology development.

People with Schizophrenia Out of Social Isolation: A Didactic Perspective to Increase the New Well-Being

People with Schizophrenia Out of Social Isolation: A Didactic Perspective to Increase the New Well-Being

People with Schizophrenia Out of Social Isolation: A Didactic Perspective to Increase the New Well-Being

Author(s): Barbara Galbusera / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Schizophrenia; Education; COVID-19; Inclusion; Well-being

The outcome of this pedagogical interview conducted in a Day Care Service found that the pandemic from COVID-19 favored in a group of schizophrenia people social isolation, a flattening of interests, and an increase in additional anxiolytic drug therapy. Thanks to an educational activity carried out with a group of patients who showed before the pandemic period a common interest in watching films, an educational path has been structured that, after six months, allowed them to decrease the need for anxiolytic therapy, resume old hobbies, going out of home and rekindle relationships in the context of belonging. The positive results of this experience underline how, in the treatment paths, it is important to encourage educational interventions to allow patients with schizophrenia to improve their self-being in the world (also reducing the need for support from national health service professionals to access the living environment) and to become an active member of the community.

Consequences of the Pandemic COVID-19 on Transport and Tourism

Consequences of the Pandemic COVID-19 on Transport and Tourism

Consequences of the Pandemic COVID-19 on Transport and Tourism

Author(s): Marija Lakićević,Danijela Pantović,Milica Žarevac Bošković / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; Transport; Tourism; Economic consequences; New forms of tourism

The global economic crisis was caused by the COVID-19 virus, the beginnings of which date back to December 2019. Is not an ordinary crisis, but belongs to the phenomenon that can only be compared to the crisis of 1929. Transport and tourism are among the economic sectors that were most affected by this crisis due to the quarantine measures that were present in all countries of the world. The complete lockdown caused by the COVID-19 virus prevented the movement of people and goods and thus completely prevented the functioning of traffic and tourism. The impossibility of traffic and tourism around the world contributed to a significant decrease in the income of these economic branches, as well as the gross social product at the national and global levels. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly encouraged the development of new forms of tourism as well as the expansion of rural tourism, eco-tourism, and wellness. The final consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on transport and tourism will only be seen in the coming years.

Support for Tourism Development in the Balkan Region after the Pandemic

Support for Tourism Development in the Balkan Region after the Pandemic

Support for Tourism Development in the Balkan Region after the Pandemic

Author(s): Teodora Rizova / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; Transport; Tourism; Economic consequences; New forms of tourism

The article analyses tourism peculiarities of the Balkan region in Europe and the untapped potential for the development of specialised types and forms of tourism. There are measures suggested to support the tourism sector in the modern post-COVID conditions. The support of the new approaches to the management of tourism activity in the EU has been envisaged for the 2021 – 2027 programming period through the implementation of a total of 11 programmes varying in their orientation, ultimately related to carrying out better and more adequate tourism management. The main strategic directions in supporting the tourism business in the Balkans are outlined.

The Positive Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourism: A Case Study of the Ribnica Destination

The Positive Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourism: A Case Study of the Ribnica Destination

The Positive Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourism: A Case Study of the Ribnica Destination

Author(s): Gašper Krže,Anton Vorina / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: COVID–19 pandemics; Ribnica; Tourism

Our analysis aimed to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry, with a focus on smaller and less well-known destinations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world came to a near standstill, and the tourism industry suffered its most significant decline in history. Despite this, there remained a desire for some forms of tourism, and many well-known tourist destinations had already adapted or integrated new routes for visitors even before the pandemic. However, smaller and less well-known destinations were unable to do so due to a lack of funds. In light of these challenges, Ribnica has taken proactive steps to adapt to the pandemic and implement positive methods to support its tourism industry. During the pandemic, Ribnica developed a new tourism strategy, updated its tourist image, and introduced new products to attract visitors. Additionally, Ribnica has integrated tourism best practices to maintain the safety of visitors and locals during the pandemic. It is worth noting that while Ribnica’s efforts have been successful in attracting visitors during a challenging time for the tourism industry, the pandemic has had an overwhelmingly negative impact on travel destinations worldwide. Thus, it is essential to continue implementing positive strategies and best practices to support the recovery and growth of the tourism industry.

Natural Tourism Resources in Gabrovo District (Bulgaria)

Natural Tourism Resources in Gabrovo District (Bulgaria)

Natural Tourism Resources in Gabrovo District (Bulgaria)

Author(s): Vanya Vasileva,Dora Kabakchieva / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Sustainable development; Protected territories; Valorization

Stara planina tourist area covers the central part of the country, along the mountain with the same name. It includes 32 municipalities from 10 districts. Gabrovo district is the only one that falls entirely within Stara planina tourist region. Stara Planina tourist region is one of the most attractive regions for tourism in Bulgaria and one of the few that have almost yearround tourist activities. The outline of the area includes the mountain of the same name, but also the Pre-Balkan. This fact predetermines the exceptional richness and diversity of natural tourist resources. The region specializes mainly in mountain tourism, including recreation, mountain trekking, rural and ecotourism. There is an urgent need to identify and evaluate the prospects for sustainable development of tourism in the region. The purpose of the present study is to valorize the natural tourist resources of Gabrovo district and to provide guidelines for their sustainable use.

Sustainable Tourism Actions from the National to the Local Level

Sustainable Tourism Actions from the National to the Local Level

Sustainable Tourism Actions from the National to the Local Level

Author(s): Eva Erdelyi / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Tourism development policy; Case study; Hungary; Hortobágy

Areas rich in natural resources make up most of their tourism attractiveness for visitors. The environmental aspect of Sustainability is essential when it comes to natural tourism attractions. Sustainability theory is comprised of a very broad framework that includes economic, environmental, and socio-cultural issues. following the “think globally – act locally” strategic argument. Real actions and change begin with each country and each community adapting their practices and setting up appropriate policies to regulate touristic activity. The present study sets out to describe the Tourism Development Policy of Hungary on the national, and local governance level, analyze its sustainability, and apply a case study method of qualitative and interpretative nature. A high impact of the local-level management of tourism attractions is observed in a given example of the World Heritage Site Hortobágy National Park, representing the final sustainability outcomes of the selected area.

Emergence of Wine Destinations and Wine Products: For a Few Wine Experiences More

Emergence of Wine Destinations and Wine Products: For a Few Wine Experiences More

Emergence of Wine Destinations and Wine Products: For a Few Wine Experiences More

Author(s): Patrik Kubát / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Destination attributes; Wine tourism; Development; Winescape

Wine destinations appeared as places where anyone can come to enjoy nature, food, cultural habits, food, and wine, whether they consume it or not. The intersection and combination of two different sectors (viticulture and tourism) became a new type of tourism and a new marketing tool to attract tourists, consumers, and customers to wine destinations as places of new experiences. Similarly, Sergio Leone had no idea of the story of the sequel to his famous Spaghetti Western. Just as wine destinations had no idea of the possible interconnection of different sectors and how this development would evolve. Was that development intended or was it made more spontaneously by actors on the side of supply and participants on the side of demand, or cooperation of both as prosumers? In retrospect, this development can be evaluated as natural, as evidenced by the continued interest in this phenomenon. The article is a kind of contemplation and discusses the emergence and development of wine destinations from a regional, national, and international perspective in the context of wine tourism. The method of synthesis is used to capture the connection of parts to a whole. The whole in this case is a wine destination composed of various attributes (as a destination), activities (as a product and services), people (as a place to work), and values (as a catalyst for emotions and experiences). The so-called research from the table includes both the theoretical controversy and a look at the current wine tourism and wine destinations from a different angle in the field of marketing, management, or sustainability.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Travel

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Travel

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Travel

Author(s): Anton Vorina,Gašper Krže / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Travel; Virtual travel; 3D virtual reality; Tourism; Sustainability

This article explores the concept of virtual tourism and addresses four key questions: What is virtual travel? Can virtual travel replace real travel? What are the benefits of virtual travel? And what is the future of virtual travel? Virtual travel has been around in various forms since the 1850s when pictorial materials such as postcards were used to invite people to a destination. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of virtual reality technologies that attempt to replicate the tourist experience. However, while virtual tourism offers a sustainable alternative to traditional travel, it cannot provide a full sensory experience. Despite predictions that the virtual tourism sector will grow to $19 trillion by 2027, it is unlikely to replace real travel entirely. Nevertheless, virtual tourism has significant potential benefits, including a 94% reduction in carbon footprint, increased advertising opportunities, and improved accessibility for people with mobility impairments.

The Use of GIS Technologies in the Monitoring Grapevine Plantation

The Use of GIS Technologies in the Monitoring Grapevine Plantation

The Use of GIS Technologies in the Monitoring Grapevine Plantation

Author(s): Slave Camelia,Man Carmen Mihaela / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Agriculture; Management; Wine; Plantation; Precision

Precision agriculture represents a management approach for the entire agricultural area of a county, in this case, Ialomita county. Precision agriculture uses geographic information technology, positioning satellite data (GNSS), remote sensing and proximal collection of data. Precision agriculture is an agricultural management concept based on the observation, measurement and control of crops. Another term used to describe precision agriculture is the term crop management. Precision agriculture uses information technology to ensure that the soil and crops receive exactly what they need in the quantities required for health and productivity over time. Also, this ensures profitability, sustainability and protection of the environment, which is why it presents only benefits. In the near future using information technologies will play an increasingly important role in agricultural production and resource management.

Food Waste on Restaurant – A Circular Economy Approach

Food Waste on Restaurant – A Circular Economy Approach

Food Waste on Restaurant – A Circular Economy Approach

Author(s): Jelena Jevtić,Mirjana Antonijević Nikolić,Dragana Ilić Udovičić / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Food waste; Management; Restaurant; Circular economy

Food waste is a serious environmental and economic problem. Some studies suggest that about 1/3 of the food produced for human consumption is wasted, amounting to about 1.3 billion tons per year. Considering the economic aspect, food waste means money losses, both for individual units and national economies. The circular economy is a general term that encompasses all activities that reduce, reuse, and recycle materials in the processes of production, distribution, and consumption. Organic components of food waste are of interest for further use because they contain large quantities of highly valuable molecules. This paper aimed to show that food waste from restaurants represents a resource that can be incorporated into other processes, which are the basic principles of the circular economy. Food waste in catering is caused by inadequate procedures, poor organization, or insufficiently trained workers, as well as specific and changing consumer demands. The circular economy model strives to return food as much as possible to the production chain and considers waste as a resource and raw material. Some possibilities are presented in this paper.

“Starry” Gastronomy. Michelin Stars

“Starry” Gastronomy. Michelin Stars

“Starry” Gastronomy. Michelin Stars

Author(s): Man Carmen Mihaela,Slave Camelia / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Classification; Food; Gastronomy; Guide; Restaurants

Just like the Grammy Awards for music, the restaurant industry also has a star of recognition and that is the Michelin star. The dream of any chef is not necessarily to cook the best food but to have it appreciated by as many people as possible. And the appreciation doesn’t come anyway but through a really special distinction: one star, two... or even three. We are, of course, talking about the famous Michelin stars which distinguish the best restaurants in the world. But how many know the story of the Michelin Guide, this Oscar of restaurants, and how it came to be made by a tire manufacturer?

The Success of the Informed Consent in the Context of the Negotiations

The Success of the Informed Consent in the Context of the Negotiations

The Success of the Informed Consent in the Context of the Negotiations

Author(s): Lyubov Ivanova / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Informed consent; Information; Communication; Business negotiation

The purpose of the paper is to highlight the utmost importance of informed consent in the context of business negotiations. Informed consent is a new topic in business, imposed by globalization that began in the 1990s. Informed consent is found in all spheres of economy and public life. Informed consent is important in the field of medicine to obtain the patient's approval for a procedure that affects his life. For the client of the bank, this means getting to know all the conditions for raising a loan or depositing funds before the client signs the contract. Informed consent is giving consent to use the mobile operator's services most conveniently and acceptably for the client. In the field of tourism, this type of consent means the willingness to sign a contract on the consumption of proposed tourist services before their implementation. In all of the above situations, informed consent means that one party enters into a negotiation relationship with another, verbally or in writing, and gives permission to the other to use their data to obtain a certain type of service, in exchange for which the service provider undertakes to comply with certain ethical principles concerning the client or recipient and respect for his identity, without the right to export information. The paper discusses the key components in the negotiation process, on which the effective finalization of the set goal depends, namely discussion, conflict, communication techniques as the main element in negotiations, the influence of the physical space, compliance with ethical principles and respect for multiculturalism.

Climate Change Legal Setup, EU Acquis, Implementation and Interaction with Water, Environment, and Cross-Cutting Sectors in Albania

Climate Change Legal Setup, EU Acquis, Implementation and Interaction with Water, Environment, and Cross-Cutting Sectors in Albania

Climate Change Legal Setup, EU Acquis, Implementation and Interaction with Water, Environment, and Cross-Cutting Sectors in Albania

Author(s): Erjola Keci / Language(s): English / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Climate Change; Implementation of the EU acquis; Paris Agreement; EU Regulations

The paper represents a detailed overview and analysis of the national legal setting and related requirements to fully align national climate change legislation with the respective EU legislation in Albania; the paper is focused mainly on the climate change legal setup and policy and its interaction with water and environment management process, as well as energy, agriculture, urban and economic development in Albania. This assessment aims to identify the findings, gaps, and possible future steps to improve water and environment resources management and their sustainable use in the country. Although Albania’s national climate policy, which establishes a comprehensive legal and inter-institutional framework for climate action at the national level and the endorsement of the National Climate Change Strategy, the country still needs further efforts and concrete actions to transpose, fully align and enforce the EU legislation and regulations related to climate change and contribute to mitigation of its effects in water, environment and other related sectors.

Result 318001-318020 of 319894
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