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Result 318541-318560 of 319525
Socio-cultural entrepreneurial attitudes of young people
from rural areas

Socio-cultural entrepreneurial attitudes of young people from rural areas

Uwarunkowania społeczno-kulturowe postaw przedsiębiorczych młodzieży z obszarów wiejskich

Author(s): Ewelina SUDRA / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: entrepreneurship;entrepreneurial traits;determinants of entrepreneurship;youth;rural areas

The purpose of this chapter is, starting with a review of the definition of entrepreneurship, to draw attention to the factors promoting the development of entrepreneurship and show barriers to the development of entrepreneurship of young people in rural areas. Determinants can be divided into three levels of conditions relating to entrepreneurial attitudes, ie. personality traits, which provide a framework of internal conditions. The external environment consists of the macro conditions and local conditions. In this chapter I focus on the presentation of socio-cultural entrepreneurial mindset that fall within the scope of the macro-environment conditions.

Areas of inequality in the field of education and attempts of its correction. The use of European Funds in łódzkie voivodeship

Areas of inequality in the field of education and attempts of its correction. The use of European Funds in łódzkie voivodeship

Obszary nierówności w zakresie edukacji i próby ich niwelowania przy wykorzystaniu funduszy unijnych na przykładzie województwa łódzkiego

Author(s): Ewa Gabryelak / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: inequalities in education;educational opportunities;EU funds;EU funds;rural areas

The chapter presents an analysis of activities carried out using EU funds in the Łódzkie region in the period 2006–2013 with respect to GUS statistics “Education” for the corresponding period and selected areas of inequality in education.

New municipality management concepts as an opportunity for optimal cross-sectoral cooperation

New municipality management concepts as an opportunity for optimal cross-sectoral cooperation

Nowe koncepcje zarządzania gminą szansą na optymalną współpracę międzysektorową

Author(s): Ewelina Gwara / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Local government;NGOs;cooperation;New Public Management;Governance;New Governance

The chapter presents new concepts of management of the municipality known as New Public Management, Governance and Good Governance. One of the manifestations of the implementation of the concept of Governance in local governments is to build positive relationships with NGOs. The basis of these relations is the creation of programs of cooperation with NGOs. The basis of such programs is structured report prepared by the Collegium Civitas is a Model of cooperation of public administration and non-governmental organizations, outlining standards of intersectoral cooperation. An increasing number of municipalities realize the benefits that optimal cross-sector cooperation can bring. The example ranking “Friendly Local Government” and its results shows the effects of test implementation of the concept of Good Governance in local government units. Results Achieved by the selected municipalities Podkarpackie voivodship show that more and more governments transformed from a bureaucratic management style to partnership.

Rural renewal in the municipality of Nowosolna in the łódzkie voivodeship

Rural renewal in the municipality of Nowosolna in the łódzkie voivodeship

Odnowa wsi w gminie Nowosolna w województwie łódzkim

Author(s): Pamela Jeziorska-Biel / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: rural Renewal;rural areas;sustainable rural development;EU funds

The chapter presents the main assumptions of the Rural Renewal programme. It is important for the activation of local communities. The course of implementation of the program, at its beginnings, with the use the EU funds available for this purpose,was portrayed on the example of Nowosolna (łódzkie voivodeship). The chapter depicts function of the projects implemented under the Rural Renewal programme, for the inhabitants of the municipality Nowosolna. It also identifies rural development and the promotion of social inclusion of those living on the described territory.

Determinants of social innovations in rural communities and the methods of their stimulation

Determinants of social innovations in rural communities and the methods of their stimulation

Uwarunkowania innowacji społecznych w społecznościach wiejskich i metody ich stymulowania

Author(s): Katarzyna Zajda / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: social innovation;social mobilization;social capital;the LEADER approach

In the chapter, the problem of the conditions of social innovations (such as human and social capital) was analyzed. On the basis of the literature of the subject (mainly English) the term social innovation was defined and the problem of its social perception was discussed. In the context of the characteristics of rural communities (especially the potential of their social capital) the method of citizens mobilization to participate in the innovation process was described as well as the LEADER approach – a social innovation that can stimulate the other ones.

Social Activity of Young Inhabitants of Rural Areas. (The Case of the LAGs Members)

Social Activity of Young Inhabitants of Rural Areas. (The Case of the LAGs Members)

Aktywność społeczna młodych mieszkańców wsi (na przykładzie członków LGD)

Author(s): Agnieszka Kretek-Kamińska / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: social activity;human capital;social capital;volunteering;young inhabitants of rural areas

This chapter is an attempt to analyze the level and scope of social activity among young inhabitants of rural areas, perceived as the notion of social capital of this category. Its aim is a description of the main areas and character of this activity together with the diagnosis of, at least, some most vital correlates of it.

History in “bibliology”. The role of historical researches in reconstruction of history of libraries and collections of books

History in “bibliology”. The role of historical researches in reconstruction of history of libraries and collections of books

Historia w bibliologii. Rola badań historycznych w odtwarzaniu dziejów bibliotek i księgozbiorów

Author(s): Tomasz Stolarczyk / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: history;bibliology;historical research;history of libraries;book collections

“Bibliology” is a study about book, covering among others also librarianship which has libraries as main subject of research together with their history. To some extent “bibliology”and librarianship caver common area – in other words they are complementary.History equips bibliological research with some tools. I intent to present the most important of them in hereby article, as well as describe their essence, the way of use and importance for the “bibliology”.

Relationship of library and information science with other disciplines on the example of citation analysis for literature from the period 1956-2006

Relationship of library and information science with other disciplines on the example of citation analysis for literature from the period 1956-2006

Powiązania bibliotekoznawstwa i informatologii z innymi dyscyplinami na przykładzie analizy cytowań piśmiennictwa z lat 1956-2006

Author(s): Karina Nabiałczyk / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: relationship of library;information science;citation analysis;literature;1956-2006

The subject of analysis were articles from Polish journals on library and information science, published between 1956 and 2006. The author indicates the main lines of research and demonstrates the impact of foreign literature on the Polish works through the analysis of foreign bibliographic citations. The analysis of the formal and material characteristics of the cited documents allows to show relations between the native and foreign scientific literature, with emphasis on revealing how research topics and academic disciplines are interwoven.

Polish Warehousing Centres for Protected Book Collections between 1947 and 1955

Polish Warehousing Centres for Protected Book Collections between 1947 and 1955

Polskie zbiornice księgozbiorów zabezpieczonych w latach 1947-1955

Author(s): Ryszard Nowicki / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Polish Warehousing Centres;Protected Book Collections;1947-1955

This paper presents the origins, activities and results of the work of seven Polish Warehousing Centres for Protected Book Collections

The activities of the Central Board of Libraries (1951-1957)

The activities of the Central Board of Libraries (1951-1957)

Działalność Centralnego Zarządu Bibliotek (1951-1957)

Author(s): Andrzej Dróżdż / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Central Board of Libraries,1951-1957

The publication covers the following topics: Circumstances of regime change and ideological upheaval in Poland (1945-1951), importance of librarianship in the policy of the communist regime’s propaganda, responsibility of the Central Board Libraries for errors and distortions” in the environment of librarians (1952-1953), social effects of central supervision of the functioning of libraries and stopping of the stalinization in polish libraries (1956).

Book-selling in book studies in Poland since 1989

Book-selling in book studies in Poland since 1989

Księgarstwo w polskich badaniach nad książką do 1989 roku

Author(s): Grzegorz Nieć / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: book-selling;book studies;Poland;since 1989

The theme of book-selling, while present in the oldest texts on a history of books, has been considerably neglected for a long time. One of the main reasons was the nature of the market dealing with the selling of old books: many companies were responsible for two different kinds of services – publishing as well as book-selling. A significant change came in the second half of the nineteenth century

The life of the book in the first half of the twentieth century in light of “Myśl Narodowa” (1921-1939)

The life of the book in the first half of the twentieth century in light of “Myśl Narodowa” (1921-1939)

Życie książki 1. połowy XX wieku w świetle „Myśli Narodowej” (1921-1939)

Author(s): Danuta Wańka / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: life of the book;first half of the twentieth century;“Myśl Narodowa”;1921-1939

The aim of the paper is to show “Myśl Narodowa” (1921-1939) as a source that can be used to research the culture of the book in the first half of the twentieth century

Forms of book promotion in social-cultural catholic periodicals in the first half of 20th century in Poland

Forms of book promotion in social-cultural catholic periodicals in the first half of 20th century in Poland

Formy promocji książki w katolickich czasopismach społeczno-kulturalnych 1. połowy XX wieku w Polsce

Author(s): Evelina Kristanova / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: book promotion;social-cultural catholic periodicals;first half of 20th century in Poland

Book and press relationship is important element of cultural phenomenon. Its particular dynamism appeared in 19th and first half of 20th century. Book was promoted mainly in social-cultural periodicals which existed since thirtieth years of 20th century. The catholic papers between 1918 and 1939, 1945 and 1953 were the another group of them. Author wrote in the article about most popular of them like „Kultura” (1936-1939), „Tęcza”(1927-1939), „Verbum” (1927-1939), „Tygodnik Powszechny” (1945-1953), „Tygodnik Warszawski” (1945-1948), „Głos Katolicki” (1945-1948). Frequently form of encourage mentto read books were advertisements of publishing companies and book stores. After them were books reviews, information of the latest publications, notes of book events, articles about books and reading.

The world of books in the post-war Lodz. The beginning or continuation.

The world of books in the post-war Lodz. The beginning or continuation.

Świat książki Łodzi powojennej. Początek czy kontynuacja?

Author(s): Jadwiga Konieczna / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: world of books;post-war Lodz

The aim of this article is to present the process of organising the book system in Lodz in 1945-1950. In this period many different kinds of book institutions were created (libraries, publishing houses, printing-houses, professional organisations, didactic, scientific and research institutions connected with books), which was presented in context of,both local and outside, cultural, scientific, educational and social-political conditions. In this study the author also took into consideration the historical aspect of the analysed issue – the relations of the presented system (or their scarceness) to the world of books of the pre-war Lodz.

Sources for the history of publishing in the legacy of Jan Muszkowski in the Library of the Lodz University

Sources for the history of publishing in the legacy of Jan Muszkowski in the Library of the Lodz University

Źródła do dziejów ruchu wydawniczego w spuściźnie Jana Muszkowskiego przechowywanej w Bibliotece Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

Author(s): Magdalena Kwiatkowska / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: history of publishing;Jan Muszkowski;Library of the Lodz University

Within the manuscript resources of the Library of the Lodz University, among the materials remaining after professor Jan Muszkowski, are stored documents referring to “Czytelnik” Publishing Cooperative. The fragmented and uneven collection of preserved materials to some extend reflects the works, which professor was in charge of after 1945. It also indicates the nature of his contacts with the leadership of the institution in Warsaw, as well as its authors, co-workers and petitioners. The article presents notes (both hand-written and typed) made by Jan Muszkowski on editorial meetings, as well as addendums and comments to the lists of manuscripts being considered and sent to print, correspondence relating to the editorial work and organizational matters of the publishing house. The fragments of the archive discussed in the paper date back to the period between the beginning of April 1945 and the end of June 1946

Andrzej Kempa as a researcher of book people biographies

Andrzej Kempa as a researcher of book people biographies

Andrzej Kempa jako badacz biografii ludzi książki

Author(s): Monika Sulejewicz-Nowicka / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Andrzej Kempa;book people biographies

Andrzej Kempa (1936-2009) is the author of many works on the lovers of words. His research was concentrated on the biograms of book people (journalists, writers, bibliophiles, librarians, bibliologists, publishers, book-sellers, printers, illustrators) published in Encyklopedia wiedzy o książce, Polski słownik biograficzny and Słownik pracowników książki polskiej and small articles published in the pages of local and national press. He presented a little-known writers, publishers and booksellers. He discussed their education, career, research and teaching work. Kempa verified their biographical data (date and place of birth). He also discussed the issues of attributions of little-known writers’ works, the history of the publishing and the bookshop market and the history of local press

The famous citizens from Poznań: Edward Kuntze, Aleksander Birkenmajer, Stefan Vrtel-Wierczyński and their reformative politics in librarianship as a source of inspiration for librarians

The famous citizens from Poznań: Edward Kuntze, Aleksander Birkenmajer, Stefan Vrtel-Wierczyński and their reformative politics in librarianship as a source of inspiration for librarians

„Poznańczycy”: Edward Kuntze, Stefan Vrtel-Wierczyński, Aleksander Birkenmajer i ich reformatorska polityka biblioteczna

Author(s): Barbara Góra / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: famous citizens from Poznań;Edward Kuntze;Aleksander Birkenmajer;Stefan Vrtel-Wierczyński;reformative politics in librarianship;inspiration for librarians

The author presents, in five points, the scientific and professional profiles of librarians, directors of Poznań University Library, related not only to Poznań environment: E. Kuntze, A. Birkenmajer, S. Vrtel-Wierczyński. In the article it is shown their role in the creation of modern librarianship in Poland in XX century.

The state of research on the biographies of Polish bookbinders

The state of research on the biographies of Polish bookbinders

Stan badań nad biografistyką introligatorstwa polskiego

Author(s): Elżbieta Pokorzyńska / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: research on the biographies;Polish bookbinders

The author discusses foreign reference books devoted bookbinders. Researches where were published biographical articles devoted to Polish bookbinders, both in bibliological publications and general. Presents own research, which is collected in the form of files. The author reports proposal of publication of the collected material in electronic form.

Anthropological stories of Janusz Dunin’s bibliology

Anthropological stories of Janusz Dunin’s bibliology

Antropologiczne wątki bibliologii Janusza Dunina

Author(s): Jacek Ladorucki / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: anthropological stories;Janusz Dunin’s bibliology

The article refers to the modern theory of books and bibliology relationships with other areas. In a number of his scientific publications we can find the expressions of diversity research. Dunin traces culture books and trying to attempt to find their reflection of human behaviour. The outline of anthropological theory proposed by Dunin’s book is a search for an interesting example of the borders of contemporary book science research and voice in the debate about the identity of the science of book.

Result 318541-318560 of 319525
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