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Result 318581-318600 of 319388
The accuracy of police crime data in England and Wales: Lessons to be learned from detailed checking of statistical recording
4.50 €

The accuracy of police crime data in England and Wales: Lessons to be learned from detailed checking of statistical recording

The accuracy of police crime data in England and Wales: Lessons to be learned from detailed checking of statistical recording

Author(s): Chris Lewis / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Offenses in the light of police and judicial statistics
4.50 €

Offenses in the light of police and judicial statistics

Wykroczenia w świetle statystyki policyjnej i sądowej

Author(s): Marek Marczewski / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Police statistics crime of foreigners. Content and conclusions
4.50 €

Police statistics crime of foreigners. Content and conclusions

Policyjna statystyka przestępczości cudzoziemców. Zawartość i wnioski

Author(s): Justyna Włodarczyk-Madejska,Irena Rzeplińska / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Kills: making the statistics official they tell us about forbidden acts with art. 148 of the Criminal Code?
4.50 €

Kills: making the statistics official they tell us about forbidden acts with art. 148 of the Criminal Code?

Zabójstwa: co statystyki oficjalne mówią nam o czynach zabronionych z art. 148 kodeksu karnego?

Author(s): Ewa Habzda-Siwek / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Risk of errors in criminological research
4.50 €

Risk of errors in criminological research

Ryzyko błędów w badaniach kryminologicznych

Author(s): Paulina Wiktorska / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Bullying and Punishment
4.50 €

Bullying and Punishment

Znęcanie się i kara

Author(s): Emilia Rekosz-Cebula / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

About sexual violence, including sexual violence against women. Comments on the definition of the concept and the scale of the phenomenon
4.50 €

About sexual violence, including sexual violence against women. Comments on the definition of the concept and the scale of the phenomenon

O przemocy seksualnej, w tym przemocy seksualnej wobec kobiet. Uwagi na tle definicji pojęcia oraz skali zjawiska

Author(s): Katarzyna Witkowska-Rozpara / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Violence in women's experiences in a homeless crisis
4.50 €

Violence in women's experiences in a homeless crisis

Przemoc w doświadczeniach kobiet w kryzysie bezdomności

Author(s): Witold Klaus / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Blame the victim - learn about the phenomenon, understand the mechanism
4.50 €

Blame the victim - learn about the phenomenon, understand the mechanism

Obwinianie ofiary – poznać zjawisko, zrozumieć mechanizm

Author(s): Dagmara Woźniakowska-Fajst / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Is prostitution (also) violence against women?
4.50 €

Is prostitution (also) violence against women?

Czy prostytucja to (też) przemoc wobec kobiet?

Author(s): Magdalena Grzyb / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

"Too Many Women" - or feminization profession or institution lowers their prestige social? Some remarks on the theory of devaluation
4.50 €

"Too Many Women" - or feminization profession or institution lowers their prestige social? Some remarks on the theory of devaluation

„Za dużo kobiet” – czy feminizacja zawodu lub instytucji obniża ich prestiż społeczny? Kilka uwag o teorii dewaluacji

Author(s): Barbara Błońska / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Child in cyberspace. Legal and criminological reflections
4.50 €

Child in cyberspace. Legal and criminological reflections

Dziecko w cyberprzestrzeni. Refleksje prawne i kryminologiczne

Author(s): Katarzyna Badźmirowska-Masłowska / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Some issues concerning the fight against corruption in modern Ukraine
4.50 €

Some issues concerning the fight against corruption in modern Ukraine

Some issues concerning the fight against corruption in modern Ukraine

Author(s): Olena Shostko / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Justice reform Ukraine in numbers
4.50 €

Justice reform Ukraine in numbers

Reforma wymiaru sprawiedliwości Ukrainy w liczbach

Author(s): Andriy Kosyło / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Theoretical basis of the system crime prevention (on the example of Russia)
4.50 €

Theoretical basis of the system crime prevention (on the example of Russia)

Teoretyczne podstawy systemu przeciwdziałania przestępczości (na przykładzie Rosji)

Author(s): Katarzyna Laskowska / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Estimating the number of victims of trafficking in human beings in the world
4.50 €

Estimating the number of victims of trafficking in human beings in the world

Szacowanie liczby ofiar handlu ludźmi na świecie

Author(s): Zbigniew Lasocik / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Reflections on evaluating a violence prevention programme in the US: The case of Functional Family Therapy
4.50 €

Reflections on evaluating a violence prevention programme in the US: The case of Functional Family Therapy

Reflections on evaluating a violence prevention programme in the US: The case of Functional Family Therapy

Author(s): Katarzyna Celinska / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Effectiveness of corrective actions against perpetrators of domestic violence
4.50 €

Effectiveness of corrective actions against perpetrators of domestic violence

Efektywność oddziaływań korekcyjnych wobec sprawców przemocy w rodzinie

Author(s): Anna Więcek-Durańska,Dobrochna Wójcik / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

About placing a minor in a shelter for minors - pending changes
4.50 €

About placing a minor in a shelter for minors - pending changes

O umieszczeniu nieletniego w schronisku dla nieletnich – w oczekiwaniu na zmiany

Author(s): Beata Czarnecka-Dzialuk / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

New bill on the liability of collective entities for acts prohibited under penalty of streamlining of proceedings or tightening responsibility of entrepreneurs?
4.50 €

New bill on the liability of collective entities for acts prohibited under penalty of streamlining of proceedings or tightening responsibility of entrepreneurs?

Projekt nowej ustawy o odpowiedzialności podmiotów zbiorowych za czyny zabronione pod groźbą kary – usprawnienie postępowań czy zaostrzenie odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorców?

Author(s): Konrad Buczkowski / Language(s): English,Polish / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: criminology; crime statistics; crime; woman abuse; prison sentence; victim

A study on criminology prepared to celebrate the jubilee of Professor Beata Gruszczyńska. The authors perform a criminological analysis of crime statistics, explore crime against women and cybercrime, describe crime in contemporary Ukraine and Russia and reflect on prison sentences and capital punishment.

Result 318581-318600 of 319388
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