Przeoczony dyskurs, czyli rzecz o konstruktywizmie
i (z)marnowanych szansach oceniania wczesnoszkolnego
Overlooked discourse, that is a piece on constructivism
and the chances of early school assessment (being) wasted
Author(s): Grażyna SzylingSubject(s): Education
Published by: Uniwersytet Gdański
Keywords: constructivism; early education assessment; functions of assessment; descriptive assessment; ongoing assessment; formative assessment
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the paper is to reconstruct the (un)used chances which are generated for early education assessment by the constructive paradigm. In my reflections I take into account two complex and interpermeating perspectives: the premises of education
Journal: Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji
- Issue Year: XVI/2020
- Issue No: 4 (51)
- Page Range: 138-152
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish