Ewaluacja szkolnych systemów oceniania uczniów. Poszukiwanie znaczeń
Evaluation of school student assessment system. Searching for meanings
Author(s): Grażyna SzylingSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: school assessment system; evaluation; reduction of meanings, blocking of change
Summary/Abstract: In the text a critical reflection is undertaken on the evaluation of school assessment systems treated as a social category, “pulsating” due to its relation to its changeable context. Analyses have revealed an extensive realm of reduction of meanings and values carried out in the course of assessment systems creation and design, and throughout performance of their evaluation. One of the effects of those actions is dissonance between records in documents and their practical dimension. In turn, the picture of school reality, simplified and subjected to external evaluation procedures, does not so much block a change as does not make it possible to recognise its need should it not fall within the need to meet uniform requirements of the state regarding education. The same logic results in internal evaluation in the school assess-ment system being granted the status of undisputed yardstick for the educational reality, which, should such a need arise, must be changed for them to better match the procedures formulated in the document. The text concludes with a question on the need of assessment and values connected with it, the reading of which in the context of specified horizon of meanings may prevent as-sessment systems from their axiological dimension being reduced, or solidify the current form confined to a set of procedures, whose deeper sense is not reflected on by anyone at school. The latter option does not imply elimination of problems with assessment but those problems remaining unspoken of and their further increase.
Journal: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
- Issue Year: 238/2015
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 68-82
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Polish
- Content File-PDF