O informacji zwrotnej i jej relacjach z uczeniem się. Ku dydaktycznej refleksji nad perspektywą zmiany w kształceniu akademickim w Polsce
On feedback and its relationship to learning. Towards didactic reflection on the perspective of change in academic education in Poland
Author(s): Grażyna SzylingSubject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: feedback; learning; tertiary education; setting learning goals; paradigmatic change in academic didactics
Summary/Abstract: In the considerations undertaken in the text I focus on the popular model of feedback, whichis assigned the power of transforming teaching into effective learning. I assume that feedback– similarly to each didactic activity or means – is a social and cultural construct, and this is whyin the analyses I refer to the multiplicity of theoretical educational concepts and the practicaldimension and social context of tertiary education. This embeds the approach taken in theinterpretative reasoning on didactics and the critical view on the considerations implemented.Results from the analyses problematise many didactic issues related to feedback, particularly thefact that they reflect its complex relationships with the establishment of educational objectivesand limitations in it being associated with the creation of students’ cognitive autonomy. I donot determine the direction of changes that might occur in the Polish tertiary education, yetI draw attention to it being strongly rooted in normative didactics, solidified by adopted systemsolutions.
Journal: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny
- Issue Year: 249/2018
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 122-137
- Page Count: 16
- Language: Polish
- Content File-PDF