Perspectiva diversităţii în Viena Luminilor. Popasul vienez al lui Gheorghe Şincai. 1779 - 1780
The Perspective of Diversity in Vienna During the Enlightenment. Gheorghe Şincai’ s Viennese Halt, 1779-1780
Author(s): Ana-Maria Roman-NegoiSubject(s): Education, Cultural history, Social history, 18th Century
Published by: Biblioteca Județeană Mureș
Keywords: Enlightenment; Vienna; diversity; Gheorghe Şincai; Viennese Halt; 18th century;
Summary/Abstract: In 1779, after finishing their studies at „De Propaganda Fide” College, Şincai, Maior and Ioachim Pop return home, but their way back leads them through Vienna, the European capital of political, cultural and ideological changes. Şincai and Maior decided to remain in the imperial capital, but the reason for staying there is still questionable: did the empress Maria Tereza stop them for state interest or it was their personal choice? More than that, it is well-known the fact that their financial resources were limited and the lack of money could be a good reason for their delay. Another reason could be represented by their particular interest in canonical law; and it was a perfect chance for them to study it. We may say that Şincai and Maior seized the opportunity to continue their studies and, of course, their private researches. They were not stipended students at Vienna; thus, it is quite difficult to find them among the other students in „Sf. Ana” College registers. But we know that they were prepared for the new organizational model of imperial schools. It is obvious that Vienna represented a turning point in Şincai’ s career, not just because of his studies, but because of the people he met there, the new ideas he came into contact with, because of the new Viennese tendencies he latter applied in Romanian communities.
Journal: Libraria. Studii și cercetări de bibliologie
- Issue Year: III/2004
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 101-111
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Romanian