Stadiul procesului de digitizare în bibliotecile din România prin prisma rapoartelor de țară trimise în Europeana
The Stage of the Digitisation Process in the Romanian Libraries in the Light of the Country Reports Sent to Europeana
Author(s): Ana-Maria Roman-NegoiSubject(s): Museology & Heritage Studies, Library and Information Science, Cataloguing, Electronic information storage and retrieval, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Muzeul National al Unirii Alba Iulia
Keywords: Europeana; digitisation; libraries;
Summary/Abstract: Over time, the book has shaped consciousness and mentalities, claiming social, cultural, and national functions. Since the middle of the twentieth century, it has associated a new field, the medical field, the birth of a new word in the dictionary: bibliotherapy and even a direction of research in this regard. Equally, the book has associated an essential economic function, the formulas for editing the book, the costs, the destination, and the priority of the contents being aspects with fast dynamics. The twenty-first century is when the forms of presentation and transmission of knowledge through books have experienced the fastest evolution. Society's progress demanded new formulas and ways of extended access to knowledge, which set in motion an extensive process organised at the level of depository institutions. Furthermore, the book has become the subject of a cultural marketing architecture strategy, aiming to ensure quick access to information. In this sense, the digitisation of cultural and scientific values to preserve and transmit memory and identity, as a support for future research, is just one of the facets of these strategies, which is in full development in Romania. Furthermore, creating and publishing the results has moved in a new direction, publishing from the very beginning exclusively in digital format. This paper aims to present Romania's contributions to the most significant project to digitise collective memory in Europe, Europeana and how this project has influenced and encouraged similar actions in our country, culminating in perhaps the most anticipated launch in the digital environment scheduled for the end of 2021: Digital Library of Romania.
Journal: Apulum
- Issue Year: LIX/2022
- Issue No: 2 Supp.
- Page Range: 161-172
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Romanian
- Content File-PDF