The national drama of the ‘90s in the labyrinths of intertextuality Cover Image

Dramaturgia națională din anii ’90 în labirinturile intertextualității
The national drama of the ‘90s in the labyrinths of intertextuality

Author(s): Dorina Khalil-Butucioc
Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts
Published by: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural al Academiei de Științe a Moldovei
Keywords: Belarusian Theater; Belarusian State Theater; Minsk; Evstignei Mirovich; theater discussion; playwright; play; intertext; intertextuality; cultural allusion; loan; imitation; citation; parody; pastich

Summary/Abstract: Intertextual dialogue is the favorite expression of the Bessarabian playwrights of the ’90s, which gives us perspectives with fragments, voices, ideas from other texts and other codes. By joining the experiments of postmodernism, the new playwrights feel the need to organize their text, using different means: editing, flow, textual collage, play with stylistic registers, commentary, storytelling, anti-illusion procedures, meta-theater etc. In their plays, the playwrights Constantin Cheianu, Val Butnaru, Nicolae Negru, Irina Nechit, Angelina Roșca, Dumitru Crudu, Mircea V. Ciobanu, Maria Șleahtițchi and Nicolae Leahu do general (or / and elitist?) culture bravado by ostentatiously displaying a sophisticated apparatus of references and by the direct / indirect, creative / non-creative, ironic / serious appropriation of some fragments of poetry, dramaturgy, criticism, etc. They reveal a refined manipulation of the text in the context of other texts, on the one hand through intertext, on the other as paratext. Postmodern playwrights use all the possibilities of intertextuality: cultural allusion, loans, imitation, citation, parody, pastiche, etc. and therefore they use both intertextuality in a broad, implicit, general, „unconscious” sense, and intertextuality in a narrow, explicit, particular, conscious sense.

  • Issue Year: 29/2020
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 89-95
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Romanian
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