Valorificarea patrimoniului documentar în colecțiile Institutului de Istorie din Cluj
Valorization of the Documentary Heritage in the Collections of the Institute of History in Cluj
Author(s): Ela CosmaSubject(s): Museology & Heritage Studies, Bibliography, History of ideas, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), Source Material
Published by: Editura Academiei Române
Keywords: Institute of History ”George Barițiu” in Cluj-Napoca; documentary heritage; collections edited and published by the History Institute in Cluj;
Summary/Abstract: Founded 102 years ago, as the first Institute of National History in Romania (1920), over time affiliated to the Cluj University and to the Romanian Academy, the current Institute of History „George Barițiu” in Cluj-Napoca had a major objective, pursued with obstination since its foundation until today, in spite of the political regimes and ideological dictatorships interfering with its century-long existence. Its aim is no other than safeguarding and capitalizing the Romanian, Central and Southeast European documentary heritage. The method chosen in order to achieve this goal is editing documents of medieval, premodern, modern and contemporary history. The exceptional human capital, that the History Institute from Cluj knew how to cultivate from generation to generation, has produced the experts needed, especially, in Latin and Romanian, Hungarian and German palaeographies. The scientific results are reflected in research and publications counting more than 100 critical editions of documents and over 80 monographs and volumes of studies with document annexes, published in not less than 22 collections, as follows: 1. Documente privind Istoria României. C. Transilvania (DIR) (Documents regarding the History of Romania. C. Transylvania), 6 vol., 1951-1955; 2. Documenta Romaniae Historica. Seria C. Transilvania (DRH) (Historical Documents of Romania. Series C. Transylvania), 7 vol., 1977-2014; 3. Documenta Romaniae Historica. Seria D. Relații între Țările Române (Historical Documents of Romania. Series D. Relations between the Romanian Lands), 1 vol., 1977; 4. Glossaries of medieval Latin, 3 vol., 1965-2010; 5. Conscripţia fiscală a Transilvaniei din anul 1750 (The Fiscal Conscription of Transylvania from the Year 1750), 5 vol., 2009-2016; 6. Izvoarele Răscoalei lui Horea, seria A. Diplomataria (The Sources of Horea’s Uprisal, Series A. Acts), 12 vol., 1982- 2012; 7. Izvoarele Răscoalei lui Horea, seria B. Izvoare narative (The Sources of Horea’s Uprisal, Series B. Narrative Sources), 5 vol., 1983-2007; 8. Silviu Dragomir’s collection Studii și documente privitoare la Revoluția românilor din Transilvania în anii 1848-1849 (Studies and Documents regarding the Revolution of the Romanians in Transylvania in the Years 1848-1849), 4 vol., 1944-1946; 9. Documente privind revoluția de la 1848 în Țările Române. C. Transilvania (Documents regarding the Revolution of 1848 in the Romanian Lands. C. Transylvania), 12 vol., 1977-2020; 10. Volumes of post-1848 churchdocuments, 5 vol., 2011-2014; 11. Mișcarea națională a românilor din Transilvania între 1849-1918 (The National Movement of the Romanians from Transylvania between 1849-1918), 8 vol., 1996-2019; 12. Correspondence of George Bariț și contemporanii săi (George Bariț and His Contemporaries), 10 vol., 1973-2003; 13. Correspondence of Vincențiu Babeș, 2 vol., 1976-1983; 14. Correspondence of Valeriu Braniște, 6 vol., 1985-1996; 15. Documenta Masonica [1867-1918], 2 vol., 2011-2013; 16. Bibliografia Istorică a României (Historical Bibliography of Romania), 14 vol., 1970-2010; 17.Volumes including the history of the Institute of History in Cluj and the bibliography of its members’ works, 3 vol., 2008-2011; 18. Dicționarul Membrilor Institutului de Istorie din Cluj (1920-2020) (Dictionary of the Members of the Institute of History in Cluj, 1920-2020), 1 vol., 2020; 19. Biblioteca Institutului de Istorie Națională (Library of the Institute of National History), 22 vol., 1928-1948; 20. Biblioteca Institutului de Istorie Cluj. Serie nouă (Library of the History Institute Cluj. New Series), 10 vol., 1994-2008; 21. Collection of Teze de doctorat (Doctoral Theses), 27 vol., 2010-2020; 22. Collection of Biografii istorice transilvane (BIT, Transylvanian Historical Biographies), 18 vol., 2006-2021.Our study is followed by the exhaustive bibliography of the above mentioned collections edited by the History Institute in Cluj.
Journal: Anuarul Institutului de Istorie »George Bariţiu« - Series HISTORICA - Supliment
- Issue Year: LXI/2022
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 199-235
- Page Count: 37
- Language: Romanian