Stabilność grupowania powiatów województwa zachodniopomorskiego pod względem sytuacji gospodarczej. Co zmieniła pandemia COVID-19?
Stability of the grouping of powiats in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship in relation to the economic situation. What has the COVID-19 pandemic changed?
Author(s): Barbara Batóg, Katarzyna WawrzyniakSubject(s): Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Główny Urząd Statystyczny
Keywords: grupowanie; badanie stabilności; sytuacja gospodarcza; powiaty; COVID-19
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents the results of a study examining the stability of the grouping of Polish powiats (communes) in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship in relation to the economic situation in the years 2007–2021. The aim of the research was to determine whether the COVID-19 pandemic affected the economic situation of the powiats. The data used for the calculations were provided by the Local Data Bank of Statistics Poland. On the basis of selected variables characterising the situation of enterprises and the labour market, as well as the financial condition of powiats, the values of the synthetic measure were determined for each powiat in the particular years. Subsequently, the powiats were grouped according to the three averages method (separately for each year). Based on selected similarity measures, the stability of the grouping of powiats was assessed year-to-year in the analysed period. The research demonstrated that the grouping was very stable, which means that in general the pandemic did not affect the economic situation of the powiats.
Journal: Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician
- Issue Year: 68/2023
- Issue No: 05
- Page Range: 1-19
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Polish