Agresivitatea – un comportament firesc în mediul școlar
Agressivity – An Usual Behavior in School Environment
Author(s): Iulia Mihaela MihaiSubject(s): Psychology
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: agressivity; School environment
Summary/Abstract: This paper approaches the aggression theme, most, in schools, also in families, the community in which the aggressive behaviors start. In this research will be debated the aggression dimension in terms of inside stimulus and the way to manifest it, but also the familial environment as a favorable factor to aggressive behavioral appearance. The research is based on Aggressivity Questionaire (AQ) developed by Arnold H. Buss and Mark Perri, questioaire which measures four dimensions of aggressivity: Fizical aggressivity, Verbal Aggressivity, Anger and Hostility. The education can establish, without a doubt, a solution on a long term for the problem of one society multicultural. Instead of defensive closing and separation, the school can become a place for opening and communications. From an instrument of assimilation and enhancing nationalist characteristics, the school can become an instrument of teenager’s development, through the respect by the cultural diversity.
Journal: Anuarul Universităţii »Petre Andrei« din Iaşi Fascicula: Asistenţa Socială, Sociologie, Psihologie
- Issue Year: 2012
- Issue No: 09
- Page Range: 285-295
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Romanian