Consecintele Lipsei de Comunicare Autodezvaluire – Stiluri Parentale – Integrare Psihosociala
Consequences of Lack of Communication Self Disclosure – Parenting Styles – Psychosocial Integration
Author(s): Iulia Mihaela MihaiSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: communication; parental style; questionnaire; education; self-disclosure
Summary/Abstract: In this study, I wanted to emphasize three consequences of lack of communication, they are: self-disclosure, parental styles and psychosocial integration. I compared the connection between these three consequences and their repercussions on children with parents working abroad with the other children. To investigate the above, I used three questionnaires, Parental Authority Questionnaire, measuring parental styles which guide parents in educating their children, developed by John Buri, Psycho-Social Integration Scale, measuring integration into daily activities, interpersonal skills and hostility and Self-disclosure Questionnaire adjusted by Ph. D. Mariana Caluschi, to highlight the self-disclosure frequency. From the results, we found that there was a statistically significant difference in the level of hostility, as psycho-social dimension of integration, and in the case of the selfdisclosure, in the sense that children with parents working abroad, they unfold less frequently than other children. As for parenting styles, the results was statistically insignificant.
Journal: Anuarul Universităţii »Petre Andrei« din Iaşi Fascicula: Asistenţa Socială, Sociologie, Psihologie
- Issue Year: 2010
- Issue No: 05
- Page Range: 118-132
- Page Count: 15
- Language: Romanian