Author(s): Siniša FranjićSubject(s): Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Studies in violence and power, Family and social welfare, Victimology, Sociology of Law
Published by: Народна библиотека „Радислав Никчевић“ Јагодина
Keywords: Family; Violence; Parents; Siblings; Victims; Children; Safety; Crime
Summary/Abstract: Family violence includes violence that occurs between family members - parents, intimate partners, siblings or family members of multiple generations, and grandparents. Witnessing family violence refers to situations in which a child witnesses frequent and prolonged verbal or physical violence between parents or other family members. Family violence is considered to be all threatening, coercive or controlling actions used by one family member towards another. Family violence may occur between two or several family members, but it inevitably affects all members of that family. Although child abuse and domestic violence are separated as forms of violence, it is important to point out that they are usually not mutually exclusive. Therefore, a child should be considered a victim, even if he is not the primary victim, when he hears or witnesses constant arguments or physical violence between parents or other family members. In these situations, it is considered that the child is experiencing mental or emotional abuse, which is why he has an increased risk of becoming violent himself. In addition, both the child and the adult may hold themselves responsible for the violent behavior, especially if the perpetrator of the violent behavior convinces them of this. Given that they are in a situation that requires the help of other people, and because of their own responsibility that they feel even though it does not exist, health and psychological difficulties or an anxiety disorder may appear that greatly disrupt the daily life of people who experience violence and thus prevent them from working what they would like.
Journal: Српска академска мисао
- Issue Year: 8/2023
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 59-68
- Page Count: 10
- Language: English