Author(s): Ioan-Gheorghe RotaruSubject(s): Philosophy, Theology and Religion, Philosophy of Religion, Societal Essay, Sociology of Religion, History of Religion
Published by: Editions IARSIC
Keywords: Freedom; God; Religion; Human;
Summary/Abstract: One of the human aspirations that matures with age is freedom. We often hear the phrase: I can’t wait to grow up so I can be free and do what I want. It often seems to us that restrictions are always the opposite of development and free thinking, and we view with circumspection even those in authority in our lives, whether parents, teachers or bosses. We look at them with a certain reluctance with the phrase refusal to be free, to do what we want, in mind. With this in mind, it is natural to ask: Are we really free? And the freedom propagated today is what we live. When you go to church you are met with a set of restrictions and you can ask yourself if religion is free thinking towards God, or is that set of human restrictions pushing you towards another authority?
Journal: Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință
- Issue Year: 11/2023
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 40-43
- Page Count: 4
- Language: English, Romanian