Rreth bisedimeve shqiptaro-italiane për zbatimin e Traktatit të Paqes me Italinë – 1947 (Rregullimi i çështjeve me karakter ekonomik dhe financiar që rridhnin nga Traktati i Paqes me Italinë)
The negociations between Albania and Italy for the implementation of the Treaty of Peace with Italy – 1947 (The implementation of the economic and financial matters arising from the Treaty of Peace with Italy)
Author(s): Ksenofon KrisafiSubject(s): National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic history, Political history, Social history, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Fascism, Nazism and WW II, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Shtëpia botuese “UET Press”
Keywords: World War Two; Anti-Fascist Coalition; Peace Treaty; Italy; Albania; Peace Conference; Tirana; Rome; Albanian-Italian negotiations; reparations; UN;
Summary/Abstract: The Peace Treaty with Italy, signed in Paris on February 10th, 1947, ended the state of war between Italy and the other States, former member of Anti-Fascist Coalition during the WWII, among which Albania was included. In the preamble of the Treaty and in a number of his articles has been said and proved the Italy’s responsibility for the war and during the war. The Peace Treaty defined explicitly the status of Albania and its juridical position in relation to Italy and in general with the system created by the Peace Treaty. It was précised that every member of the United Nations, at war with Italy and who has not signed this treaty, as well as Albania, may accede to the Treaty, being considered immediately after accession, as Associate State in the implementation of the Treaty. This article gives Albania the opportunity, even though he had not signed the Treaty, to be a part of its general provisions. Treaty of Peace with Italy provided the final arrangement between the two countries in all matters, of economic and financial natures, arising from the provisions of the Treaty of Peace, and settled that the exact reparations and delivery of goods, items, equipment, etc., will be realized after a special agreement that will signed between concerned countries and Italy. On this basis, the Albanian government started the demarches with the Italian government to precise the next necessary measures needed to perform its implementation. After nearly 10 years of the persistent efforts was achieved in the end of negotiations between two countries and was signed in Rome on June 22, 1957, an Agreement which regulate all the matters arising from the Treaty of Peace signed in Paris on February 10, 1947, between the Allied and Associated Powers and Italy
- Issue Year: 8/2012
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 68-87
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Albanian