Department of Library and Information Sciences. Publications by Faculty Members (2008–2018). Bibliography Cover Image

Специалност „Библиотечно-информационни науки“. Трудове на преподавателите (2008–2018). Библиографски указател
Department of Library and Information Sciences. Publications by Faculty Members (2008–2018). Bibliography

Author(s): Maria Avramova, Milena Milanova
Subject(s): Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Library and Information Science, Education and training, Other, Scientific Life
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«
Keywords: bibliography; research papers; LIS

Summary/Abstract: The bibliographic index presents the publication activity of the professors in the „Library and Information Sciences“ specialty for a period of ten years. The leading principle to include the authors’ activity is their belonging to the academic staff of the department of „Library Science, Scientific Information and Cultural Policy“, which provides the educational process and leads the main scientific and research activity in the field of book history, library science and bibliography, information science, information, and communication technologies; the social (cultural) context in which memory institutions exist and function – libraries, museums, archives.

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