Deinstitutionalization of adults disabled and elderly people in Bulgaria Cover Image

Деинституционализация на пълнолетни лица с увреждания и стари хора в България
Deinstitutionalization of adults disabled and elderly people in Bulgaria

Author(s): Evgeniya Bratoeva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology, Family and social welfare, Welfare services
Published by: Институт за знание, наука и иновации ЕООД
Keywords: deinstitutionalization; elderly people; old people; persons with disabilities

Summary/Abstract: The process of deinstitutionalization of adults in the Republic of Bulgaria is laid down in the National Strategy for Long-Term Care and is legally regulated through the Law on Social Services. It is planned to reform the existing homes for adults by the beginning of 2035, and those for old people by January 1, 2025. Our country is in a situation of serious transition from an approach established over the years of providing social services for the elderly and the elderly and persons with disabilities to a new, modern and expectedly effective approach - life in the community. The reasons for carrying out the reform are the provision of better social services, which would increase the quality of life of persons from vulnerable groups.

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