European initiatives for promotion protection of the rights of the elderly Cover Image

Европейски инициативи за насърчаване защита на правата на възрастните хора
European initiatives for promotion protection of the rights of the elderly

Author(s): Evgeniya Bratoeva
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Civil Society, Sociology, Family and social welfare, Welfare services
Published by: Институт за знание, наука и иновации ЕООД
Keywords: social protection; elderly people

Summary/Abstract: The report focuses on the extremely topical problem for all European countries - the aging of the population with the resulting socio-economic consequences. The data presented by European statistical services show negative trends in all aspects of the quality of life of the elderly European population. The priority areas in which reforms need to be carried out, as well as the specific measures foreseen for them, are reviewed. The conclusions of a study conducted regarding the social protection of the elderly in Bulgaria against the background of the general European situation are presented.

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