Attitudes of students towards remote education - research report Cover Image

Postawy studentów wobec edukacji zdalnej – doniesienie z badań
Attitudes of students towards remote education - research report

Author(s): Agnieszka Franczyk, Anna Rajchel
Subject(s): School education, Health and medicine and law, Distance learning / e-learning
Published by: Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Keywords: higher education; online learning; students; remote education; COVID-19 pandemic;

Summary/Abstract: The main objective of the presented research was to increase knowledge about theattitudes of students towards online education, which became a necessity due to the COVID-19pandemic. A diagnostic survey method was applied. To collect research material, a self-designedonline questionnaire survey was used. The study involved 350 students from three universities inthe city of Opole. Analysis of the respondents’ statements (N = 232) allowed the conclusion thatalmost the same percentage of respondents had a positive attitude towards remote education(37%) as those with a negative attitude (34.1%), regardless of the mode of study (full-timevs. part-time). The remaining participants adopted a moderate attitude (28.9%), recognizingboth its advantages and disadvantages. The surveyed students most frequently mentionedthe following advantages of remote education: time-saving, reduced costs associated withaccommodation and commuting to the university, and greater flexibility in balancing studieswith work. However, nearly half of the 350 students declared that they were more engaged andmotivated to learn during in-person classes than during online sessions. Nevertheless, one-thirdof the respondents did not perceive any differences in this regard, which may indicate theireffective adaptation to the new educational conditions.

  • Issue Year: 124/2024
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 85-99
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Polish
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