Study of Digital Competence of Nurses Cover Image

Проучване на дигиталната компетентност на медицинските сестри
Study of Digital Competence of Nurses

Author(s): Nikola Kirilov, Elena Bischoff
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Communication studies, Theory of Communication, Adult Education, Higher Education
Published by: Институт за знание, наука и иновации ЕООД
Keywords: digital competence; nursing; baseline assessment

Summary/Abstract: Digital competence is defined as skillful and correct use of electronic devices at work, in the free time and for communication. The aim of the present study is to investigate the basic digital skills of nurses in the healthcare system. The study group consisted of 22 nurses. A standardized group survey was used, containing analysis using the DigComp 1.0 Framework to define the basic level of proficiency in the basic direction of digital skills. The results showed an expanded and detailed set of skill levels of digital competencies by the surveyed health professionals. This contributes to the development of training materials, also helping to design tools to assess changes in citizens' digital competence, career guidance and professional growth.

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